Memorial Day

Memorial Day is meant to honor and remember the men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice and died fighting for our freedom.

Memorial Day honors those who have died in military service, while Veterans Day in November honors all veterans living and dead.

Let's honor them!
And let's not forget that the government wasted tens of thousands of soldiers lives in undeclare wars over things that did not threaten the US or its people's freedoms at all

I am willing to honor those who died THINKING they were doing the right thing.
But you are all wrong with this post.
First of all, it is totally a political hit pieces, so does not belong.
Second is that every single war since 1812 has been totally evil and wrong.
Those who fell for them were fooled by evil politicians.
None of these wars needed to or should have been fought.

It’s time to acknowledge the Black roots of Memorial Day

One could consider May 1st, 1865, as the first Memorial Day.

On that day, newly freed slaves in Charleston, South Carolina, visited the graves of fallen Union soldiers and adorned the graves with flowers.

Indeed, many of the newly freed black men dug up mass graves of fallen Union soldiers and placed the bodies in coffins with a proper grave befitting their service.

Though many Black Americans fought and died for their freedom in the Civil War, it’s a historical fact that the vast majority of Union dead were white.

Black Americans in Charleston would not let the soldiers’ sacrifice go without solemn appreciation.

Be thankful that men and women were, and still are, willing to make the ultimate sacrifice so you have the freedom to dismantle what they fought and sacrificed so much to preserve.

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