Memory/Stimuli: The Modern Dinosaur


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
The human brain stores perceptions as memories when it deems perceptions relevant/symbolic to analogical reasoning and/or adaptive intelligence.

People who suffer from amnesia, Alzheimer's, or other kinds of pathology-related memory loss claim they have difficulties coordinating perceptions with expectations.

Imagine if someone who has a severe sleepwalking problem is accused of murder but claims he/she can not remember if they actually killed someone (perhaps they were in a dream-state while they committed the deed). We would associate this person's state of psychological unrest with some kind of criminal insanity defense for 'unintentional murder' of some kind.

Memory is extremely important to humanity, since it gauges our species' perspective on 'self-directed vitality.'

It is worthwhile to consider therefore if the massive influx of stimuli in the modern age of unfiltered media (e.g., suburban homes wired with 200+ cable TV channels) is affecting our 'grip' on memory organization.

Could the convoluted layering of voluminous media stimuli literally be creating a kind of 'brain freeze'?

Cyber Soldier Porygon


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