Men now avoid women at work – another sign we're being punished for #MeToo

Going to work and obsessing about some woman is shameful. Something wrong. Shameful mind you.
Men’s number 1 interest is females ... always have been and always will

The. Best success comes from getting a females interest and then making her happy so that she can glow with her feelings ... the guys with the highest logic with some good looks will succeed the best

But BUt But women have been totally brainwashed by the Democrat and deep state crooks .. a married man today lives in hell

So the wise men makes great Players!!!

The massive gender difference in voting will make the men rise up and stop this crooked system that is making America fall

A high logic test coming for voting will stop the unwise from electing crooks and because men have higher logic than women the change in voting will put all the deep state crooks in prison
Not Kavanaugh, I read he has a all female team.

Trump as well as most of the GOP believe Dr. Ford but they insist its mistaken identity. Whatever they want to tell themselves to feel better is sickening.

You have disgraced the SC first by his lying under oath, extreme partisanship, outbursts and pouting, and this is the guy you could find to put on the court. Unreal.

Changed your tune, eh?

Nope, he attempted to rape Ford.

Full disclosure: if I had to work with Penny I would do anything to avoid her, even though we are both women
Can someone please explain to me why so many men these days talk baby talk?

Because it’s highly annoying.

(In my cutest voice and expression) Do we really talk, baby talk? Is that when we talk in a high voice and act cute? And make some funny and cute faces? Hm.. hm.. hm? Ohh... little baby can't explain? The answer is I don't know. It just happens, happens, happens.

Research says that if you have nicknames for each other your marriage has a better chance of survival.

This baby talk is highly annoying and I have no idea on the research on this. I would say "research says" everyone around you is gagging
Men and women are designed for each other

But today’s females have been brainwashed by crooks and the wise men have to become great Players to get their natural balance

But the men have had enough with seeing the nation falling from the brainwashed women electing crooks

The men now will rise and stop the unwise from voting in crooks
Anyone who behaves in a proper, professional manner, does not need to fear anything. Me, Too, has always dealt only with misconduct.

Yeah, they do. I know of one example of a lady that got rejected by her boss and next thing she filed harassment charges against him. She complained to me that he rejected her. I went to HR when the whole damn thing blew up. Tons of company time was lost, lawyers were involved, it went to court, just a mess.
Anyone surprised ?

A new study has found US men appear to be following Mike Pence’s lead. Maybe they’re angry that #MeToo ever happened

It looks like Mike Pence is quite the trendsetter. The US vice-president famously refuses to have dinner alone with any woman who isn’t his wife – and now working men across corporate America appear to be following his lead.

A new study, due to be published in the journal Organizational Dynamics, has found that, following the #MeToo movement, men are significantly more reluctant to interact with their female colleagues. A few highlights from the research include:

• 27% of men avoid one-on-one meetings with female co-workers. Yep, that’s right, almost a third of men are terrified to be alone in a room with a woman.

• 21% of men said they would be reluctant to hire women for a job that would require close interaction (such as business travel).

Men now avoid women at work – another sign we're being punished for #MeToo | Arwa Mahdawi
Treat them with respect and you’ll have no problem.

In fact, treat everyone with respect.

I’m just kidding.

Republicans wouldn’t understand.

You have nothing to worry about, women would touch you with a ten foot pole.
Anyone who behaves in a proper, professional manner, does not need to fear anything. Me, Too, has always dealt only with misconduct.

How naive can you be

Most people know the usual: don't touch someone's breast or crotch area, don't physically restrain anyone, don't try to kiss anyone, refrain from comments of an explicit nature, be polite.

An employer of any size will have a sexual-harassment policy that includes complaint and investigation procedures, post it, and enforce it. Doing so provides a defense to the employer in any sexual-harassment action against it. I was a legal journalist in the field of labor and employment law for 25 years. I have read hundreds of legal opinions.

I kept a sign on my office door handle that read: "Sexual harassment will not be reported. It will, however, be graded."
Anyone who behaves in a proper, professional manner, does not need to fear anything. Me, Too, has always dealt only with misconduct.

Yeah, they do. I know of one example of a lady that got rejected by her boss and next thing she filed harassment charges against him. She complained to me that he rejected her. I went to HR when the whole damn thing blew up. Tons of company time was lost, lawyers were involved, it went to court, just a mess.

Please see my post at #53. I don't think that there are that many instances of people making up charges. I hope that your employer had a good policy in place and conducted a thorough investigation.
Anyone who behaves in a proper, professional manner, does not need to fear anything. Me, Too, has always dealt only with misconduct.
All wrong of course.

#metoo is closely associated with #believeallwomen. Me too deals with accusations many of which are fake or false and makes no distinction.
Not Kavanaugh, I read he has a all female team.

Trump as well as most of the GOP believe Dr. Ford but they insist its mistaken identity. Whatever they want to tell themselves to feel better is sickening.

You have disgraced the SC first by his lying under oath, extreme partisanship, outbursts and pouting, and this is the guy you could find to put on the court. Unreal.

Changed your tune, eh?

Nope, he attempted to rape Ford.
False accusations with no evidence.

Making you a liar
Anyone who behaves in a proper, professional manner, does not need to fear anything. Me, Too, has always dealt only with misconduct.

Yeah, they do. I know of one example of a lady that got rejected by her boss and next thing she filed harassment charges against him. She complained to me that he rejected her. I went to HR when the whole damn thing blew up. Tons of company time was lost, lawyers were involved, it went to court, just a mess.

Please see my post at #53. I don't think that there are that many instances of people making up charges. I hope that your employer had a good policy in place and conducted a thorough investigation.
Of course there are.

Women make up false charges as often or more often then men do bad things
Anyone surprised ?

A new study has found US men appear to be following Mike Pence’s lead. Maybe they’re angry that #MeToo ever happened

It looks like Mike Pence is quite the trendsetter. The US vice-president famously refuses to have dinner alone with any woman who isn’t his wife – and now working men across corporate America appear to be following his lead.

A new study, due to be published in the journal Organizational Dynamics, has found that, following the #MeToo movement, men are significantly more reluctant to interact with their female colleagues. A few highlights from the research include:

• 27% of men avoid one-on-one meetings with female co-workers. Yep, that’s right, almost a third of men are terrified to be alone in a room with a woman.

• 21% of men said they would be reluctant to hire women for a job that would require close interaction (such as business travel).

Men now avoid women at work – another sign we're being punished for #MeToo | Arwa Mahdawi
Treat them with respect and you’ll have no problem.

In fact, treat everyone with respect.

I’m just kidding.

Republicans wouldn’t understand.


#metoo specifically teaches that treating women with respect is still punishable. Respect includes supporting the right of due process and presumption of innocence which disrespectful bastards like YOU ignored during the Kavanaugh confirmation.
What a bunch of sniveling twits......afraid of women.
Lots of men destroyed. If things get bad women will get their azzes handed to them. In the most violent and oppressive ways. Much of the domestic violence today is actually initiated by them. Men still have the western value crap and it is coming home to bite them in the azz. But it is slowly changing. You use women for your agendas. But when you win themall you have to keep it. And that ain't happening. The history of humanity proves it. And we have not evolved in the 21st century like your commie sell outs spout. Men who have been screwed over have not forgotten. Remember that.

There hasn't been "Lots of men destroyed'. Complete hyperbole. Men and women work together by the millions with no problems.
Yes there has been many men destroyed by false accusations

Completely factual

Men and women work together by the millions and have problems more often than not.

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