Men-Pretending-To-Be-Women DOJ Lawsuits & School Decrees Just Got Hamstrung: Judge Warns Lynch

Time to get over your fear of others.

It's childish.

People are going to have to level with that boy on the verge of puberty that his extreme thickening eyebrows, squaring jaw, large teeth, large nose, big meaty paws just under that lace and emerging 5 Oclock shadow and crotch bulge that he's not a girl.

And never will be...

If he is butchered or drugged before the age of 18, the parents and MDs belong in prison.
Time to get over your fear of others.

It's childish.

People are going to have to level with that boy on the verge of puberty that his extreme thickening eyebrows, squaring jaw, large teeth, large nose and emerging 5 Oclock shadow and crotch bulge that he's not a girl.

And never will be...
She has it right, a girl brain in a boy body. And that problem will be fixed soon enough.
She has it right, a girl brain in a boy body. And that problem will be fixed soon enough.

For doctor's appointments post-butchery, as a halfling, will he go to an OB/GYN ? How many periods will he have a year? On average? Can he compete against real girls in segregated sporting clubs? What will he use for incontinence when the brutal surgery maims his nerves and delicate anatomy around the urinary tract? Depends or another brand? Will he be able to cope with his sexual numbness too? Does he plan on carrying children? Will he miss having an ovulation cycle?

How will he explain his big meaty hands and emerging brow ridge, high hip bones and square jaw to his .......husband...???? What people are enabling/encouraging in this boy is beyond criminal. It is Machiavellian.
She has it right, a girl brain in a boy body. And that problem will be fixed soon enough.

For doctor's appointments post-butchery, as a halfling, will he go to an OB/GYN ? How many periods will he have a year? On average? Can he compete against real girls in segregated sporting clubs? What will he use for incontinence when the brutal surgery maims his nerves and delicate anatomy around the urinary tract? Depends or another brand? Will he be able to cope with his sexual numbness too?

How will he explain his big meaty hands to his ....wife....husband...????
She will be as much a girl as any XY female. They have the same issues.

No periods which, I've heard of worse things.
We fix the body to fix the mind. It is done every day.
Fixing the body doesn't mean mutilating healthy organs to render them diseased or dysfunctional. See post #23. What your cult is doing to children is egging them on to RUIN their otherwise healthy bodies. And statistics tell us it does NOTHING to change the underlying mental issues; and often makes them worse..

Long-Term Follow-Up of Transsexual Persons Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery: Cohort Study in Sweden

Conclusion: Persons with transsexualism, after sex reassignment, have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behaviour, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population. Our findings suggest that sex reassignment, although alleviating gender dysphoria, may not suffice as treatment for transsexualism, and should inspire improved psychiatric and somatic care Long-Term Follow-Up of Transsexual Persons Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery: Cohort Study in Sweden
Transgender people go both ways. And transgender people already use your bathrooms without it causing issues so, stop panicking.
You don't consider women rape survivor's PTSD an issue then? We'll just tell them they're silly for panicking.
Yes, they are. A transgender male, who wants to be them, is not going to rape them. The dicks they need to worry about are using the urinals in the other bathroom.
I'm a man.

But if I announce that I feel like a woman, or wish I were a woman, now I can go into women's bathrooms with them, any time I like?

And I can take showers with other women in a women's locker room?

If any of those women don't like it, what recourse do they have?

BTW, if I merely want to get into a room with a lot of naked women (whether they like it or not), what's to prevent me from lying as described?

And how could anyone ever prove that I don't really feel like a woman, and don't really want to be a woman? It's my word against theirs, right?

I win. And they lose.

Sound like a plan?
Transgender people go both ways. And transgender people already use your bathrooms without it causing issues so, stop panicking.

I don't care about trannies using the other bathroom. I do care about the government abusing the laws they created to mean something they don't. The courts have been doing this for 100 years.
Updating the law to reflect reality is abuse?

If the law had actually been updated you'd have a point, but since it wasn't, you don't, but I have a feeling you already knew that.
Laws get updated many ways, like when we figured out that banning gay marriage was unconstitutional.

That was handled by the courts. The DOJ is not a legislative or arbitrary body, but you already knew that too.
Transgender people go both ways. And transgender people already use your bathrooms without it causing issues so, stop panicking.

I don't care about trannies using the other bathroom. I do care about the government abusing the laws they created to mean something they don't. The courts have been doing this for 100 years.
Updating the law to reflect reality is abuse?

If the law had actually been updated you'd have a point, but since it wasn't, you don't, but I have a feeling you already knew that.
Laws get updated many ways, like when we figured out that banning gay marriage was unconstitutional.

That was handled by the courts. The DOJ is not a legislative or arbitrary body, but you already knew that too.
Title Nine covers gender. Deal with it.
I don't care about trannies using the other bathroom. I do care about the government abusing the laws they created to mean something they don't. The courts have been doing this for 100 years.
Updating the law to reflect reality is abuse?

If the law had actually been updated you'd have a point, but since it wasn't, you don't, but I have a feeling you already knew that.
Laws get updated many ways, like when we figured out that banning gay marriage was unconstitutional.

That was handled by the courts. The DOJ is not a legislative or arbitrary body, but you already knew that too.
Title Nine covers gender. Deal with it.

Really? Show me where it covers transgender. The federal court disagreed with you. Deal with it.
Sounds to me like we're talking about people that can't find their pecker with both hands, written instructions, and a map..

In other words, a Democrat... Who's own party can't even trust them to pick a candidate!!

Feel the Bern, because the implosion is fun to watch!!!
Title Nine covers gender. Deal with it.

Yes, the female or male gender. It doesn't cover imagining you're not what you are though. Not one word about that in there. Not even an insinuation. So, in this regard Lynch is lying to the courts and she has been warned about that. See the OP.
Gender is no longer just male and female. It never has been, in reality.

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She has it right, a girl brain in a boy body. And that problem will be fixed soon enough.

For doctor's appointments post-butchery, as a halfling, will he go to an OB/GYN ? How many periods will he have a year? On average? Can he compete against real girls in segregated sporting clubs? What will he use for incontinence when the brutal surgery maims his nerves and delicate anatomy around the urinary tract? Depends or another brand? Will he be able to cope with his sexual numbness too?

How will he explain his big meaty hands to his ....wife....husband...????
She will be as much a girl as any XY female. They have the same issues.

No periods which, I've heard of worse things.

You sick degenerate mother fucker

Only in your mind Will that abused child be the same as a girl.

Damn, did Slick Willie write that on his last trip to Lolita Island ( which Hillary undoubtedly paid for out of selling our uranium mines to the Ruskies during her "reset"??

Donald Trump, Courtney Love, former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, and uber-lawyer Alan Dershowitz may have been identified by a butler as potential "material witnesses" to pedophile billionaire Jeffrey Epstein's crimes against young girls, according to a copy of Epstein's little black book obtained by Gawker.
Transgender people go both ways. And transgender people already use your bathrooms without it causing issues so, stop panicking.

I don't care about trannies using the other bathroom. I do care about the government abusing the laws they created to mean something they don't. The courts have been doing this for 100 years.
Updating the law to reflect reality is abuse?
The President nor the Attorney General have the authority power or ability to "change" laws.

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