Men surrounded for exercising Second Amendment rights.


They were arrested because they were in violation of state firearm laws, having nothing to do with the Second Amendment.

Wrong ...

They were exercising their Second Amendment Right to Bear Arms.
They were also in violation of State Laws that violate those Protected Rights.

Which is specifically why I posted they should have done a better job exercising their Protected Right to Vote prior to the event,
and you omitted that part ... Because you are incorrect.

Educated people know who the moors were and what color they were. I guess they have to spell it out for you people.
somebody has watched hollywood’s Robin Hood too many times...Moors did not refer to race. Moors were from Spain and Portuguese origin
No they didn't.
yes Moors are what Brits called the folks that lived in the Kingdom of Spain and Portugal

The term Moor had to do with their origin not where they lived on the Iberian peninsula.

They should have obviously said "Meh, taxes are the law, we just have to live with them".
This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

Americans have the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances through either the political or judicial process.

No such right was afforded to the colonists.

Very little has been accomplished without violence or the threat of violence.

Blacks would still be riding in the back of the bus if they had simply said "please".
freyasman so you are pro-stupid
..people that have nothing to hide/obey the laws/are NOT stupid would answer the police questions...the cops did not just say ''let's go harass someone -
..that's why Floyd/etc are dead--NOT because of police brutality, but because they are stupid/etc
LE is supposed to be about enforcing the law...... if no laws are being broken, the what are they doing there?
How about..ascertaining that no laws are being the group of armed and uniformed men?
Laws WERE being broken...and they found that out. Good job. I guess if they were on their way to kill some'd be all over the cops for letting them go?
Nope. LE can't detain people and go fishing..... if they don't have any evidence, then they need to just fuck off and go back to work.
Educated people know who the moors were and what color they were. I guess they have to spell it out for you people.
somebody has watched hollywood’s Robin Hood too many times...Moors did not refer to race. Moors were from Spain and Portuguese origin

The Moors were North African Berbers and muslim, that invaded parts of Spain and Portugal. They were called Moors by the people living in the invaded lands.

they were called Moors by the Brits...they created an empire that included parts Europe.

Not a race, like black or white
What does that have to do with their origin, what are most folks who come from Algeria and Morocco?
Arabs.....a lot of Moors settled their after the fall of the Kingdom of Al-Andalus

Berbers are not Arab.

Educated people know who the moors were and what color they were. I guess they have to spell it out for you people.
somebody has watched hollywood’s Robin Hood too many times...Moors did not refer to race. Moors were from Spain and Portuguese origin
No they didn't.
yes Moors are what Brits called the folks that lived in the Kingdom of Spain and Portugal

The term Moor had to do with their origin not where they lived on the Iberian peninsula.

Moor...shortened from Moroccan.
You don't have to provide ID to LE unless there is reasonable suspicion of criminal activity afoot.
Depends on the state you live in.

No it doesn't. There is NO requirement in any state that you even carry any kind of ID on you. don't. However, LEA may detain you and ascertain your identity at need. All they need is probable cause. Not a high bar.

It is unless you want to pay out a settlement.
You don't have to provide ID to LE unless there is reasonable suspicion of criminal activity afoot.
Depends on the state you live in.

No it doesn't. There is NO requirement in any state that you even carry any kind of ID on you.
Tell that to the police next time you get pulled over driving your car without an ID on you.

You can change the subject or address what I said.
Educated people know who the moors were and what color they were. I guess they have to spell it out for you people.
somebody has watched hollywood’s Robin Hood too many times...Moors did not refer to race. Moors were from Spain and Portuguese origin
No they didn't.
yes Moors are what Brits called the folks that lived in the Kingdom of Spain and Portugal
They conquered Southern Europe, they didn't originate from there.
Educated people know who the moors were and what color they were. I guess they have to spell it out for you people.
somebody has watched hollywood’s Robin Hood too many times...Moors did not refer to race. Moors were from Spain and Portuguese origin

The Moors were North African Berbers and muslim, that invaded parts of Spain and Portugal. They were called Moors by the people living in the invaded lands.

they were called Moors by the Brits...they created an empire that included parts Europe.

Not a race, like black or white
What does that have to do with their origin, what are most folks who come from Algeria and Morocco?
Arabs.....a lot of Moors settled their after the fall of the Kingdom of Al-Andalus
LMAO if they settled there it means they came from somewhere else.
Wrong. It grants you no right to do so illegally. Not sure what about this you guys can't get through your heads.

You nit-wits keep cutting out the part I posted right below that.
"They should have done a better job exercising their Right to Vote prior to the event."

There is a reason I put that in there ... What they were carrying and how they carried it, is not a violation of the Law were I live ... :thup:
(I mean if it was a center-fire rifle, loaded, and during deer season ... They might have had some trouble with the Wildlife and Fisheries Department, but not the cops)

Where I live, and vote ... You are not required to have a license to carry a firearm.
You can carry one in your vehicle, fully loaded, one in the pipe, and the safety off, if you so choose.
Might not be the smartest thing to do, but it isn't illegal.

However ... I am not all that concerned about people who feel like pissing away their Second Amendment Rights elsewhere.

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You don't have to provide ID to LE unless there is reasonable suspicion of criminal activity afoot.
Depends on the state you live in.

No it doesn't. There is NO requirement in any state that you even carry any kind of ID on you.
Tell that to the police next time you get pulled over driving your car without an ID on you.

You can change the subject or address what I said.
You can deny it or acknowledge you were wrong.

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