Men surrounded for exercising Second Amendment rights.

Imagine if these people were White! It would be the top story all weekend, and you know it. But they are Black, so only in the 22nd paragraph of this New York Times article does the word “Black” appear.


First paragraph:

Eleven men were taken into custody on Saturday after a lengthy roadside standoff between police officers in Massachusetts and a group of heavily armed men in tactical gear who claimed to be part of a group called Rise of the Moors.

Twenty-second paragraph:

“We do not intend to be hostile, we do not intend to be aggressive,” he added later. “We are not anti-government, we are not anti-police, we are not sovereign citizens and we are not Black identity extremists.”

The New York Post was less obscurantist, but still shy. It took them ten paragraphs to get to B – L – A – C – K.


They wear flags of another nation? Kill them as an invading force....Easy and effective measure!
If they were white the police wouldn't have even noticed them.
When the time comes the Prog Party will eliminate or corral your own.
pknopp The cops told them to produce their ids and weapons licenses--------they refused and ran into the woods after saying that they didn't recognize US Laws...

The cops did the right thing going after them---should have shot them instead, but arresting will work for a bit.

freyasman so you are pro-stupid
..people that have nothing to hide/obey the laws/are NOT stupid would answer the police questions...the cops did not just say ''let's go harass someone -
..that's why Floyd/etc are dead--NOT because of police brutality, but because they are stupid/etc
Lately the argument is that we really do not have 2nd Amendment rights and I do not see the biggest supporters of the 2nd Amendment doing a darn thing about this.

Massachusetts police responding to group of 'heavily armed men' claiming to 'not recognize our laws'

It appears a group of men ran out of gas and while refueling a police officer stopped. He arrested two of them and the rest fled into the woods. I'm missing an important aspect here. What did they do that was illegal to start with?
Heavily armed people who don't recognize our laws are an enemy force. Probably should have just shot them.
They're all black.
You'll now be walking back your comments.
Nope. Heavily armed men who refuse to acknowledge the laws of our country are the enemy. An obviously hostile force inside our territory.

But let me repeat, these men were ALL black, so as a member of the left you must make the claim that it was racist for these men to be pulled over, and they must be allowed to do as they please.
Come on, you must tow the line. What's wrong with you?!
Nope. Heavily armed men who refuse to acknowledge the laws of our country are the enemy. An obviously hostile force inside our territory.
We can all decide who what the enemy is. Keep feminizing us and see how violence gets worse and worse. The ghettos are machismo expanded while you say the opposite. And the ghettos are growing. The application of our tech advantages are shrinking. Thousands and thousands of gangs will grow and be protectorates of local areas. Government law and police and others will protect all of the Prog women elected to office as the nation declines more and more. There will be local citizens with weapons protecting their areas as you Progs and their women get more and more important jobs. And the stupid male fools protecting them until the males fight each other and end this.
Educated people know who the moors were and what color they were. I guess they have to spell it out for you people.
somebody has watched hollywood’s Robin Hood too many times...Moors did not refer to race. Moors were from Spain and Portuguese origin

The Moors were North African Berbers and muslim, that invaded parts of Spain and Portugal. They were called Moors by the people living in the invaded lands.

Educated people know who the moors were and what color they were. I guess they have to spell it out for you people.
somebody has watched hollywood’s Robin Hood too many times...Moors did not refer to race. Moors were from Spain and Portuguese origin

The Moors were North African Berbers and muslim, that invaded parts of Spain and Portugal. They were called Moors by the people living in the invaded lands.

they were called Moors by the Brits...they created an empire that included parts Europe.

Not a race, like black or white
What is the reason for highlighting these guys' race and presumed religion?. This country seems to be awash with guys in combat gear carrying long guns and wearing or carrying religious symbols. The media outlets did not scream about the race and religion of the whites who invaded the Senate chamber and performed a Christian ritual there.

I am not saying that I like that people are running around in this country in combat gear carrying long guns, because I think that they represent a threat to society no matter who they are.

But what is acceptable for one is acceptable for all. These guys were arrested and charged with whatever crimes they are alleged to have committed. May every one of these groups be treated the same way no matter who they are.
Lately the argument is that we really do not have 2nd Amendment rights and I do not see the biggest supporters of the 2nd Amendment doing a darn thing about this.

Massachusetts police responding to group of 'heavily armed men' claiming to 'not recognize our laws'

It appears a group of men ran out of gas and while refueling a police officer stopped. He arrested two of them and the rest fled into the woods. I'm missing an important aspect here. What did they do that was illegal to start with?
Heavily armed people who don't recognize our laws are an enemy force. Probably should have just shot them.
They're all black.
You'll now be walking back your comments.
Nope. Heavily armed men who refuse to acknowledge the laws of our country are the enemy. An obviously hostile force inside our territory.

But let me repeat, these men were ALL black, so as a member of the left you must make the claim that it was racist for these men to be pulled over, and they must be allowed to do as they please.
Come on, you must tow the line. What's wrong with you?!
Not too bright, are you? one was pulled over..they were stopped on the side of the road...cops were going to render assistance.
Black or white really makes no difference...except to your skewed and inaccurate agenda.
They should have obviously said "Meh, taxes are the law, we just have to live with them".
This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

Americans have the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances through either the political or judicial process.

No such right was afforded to the colonists.

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