Men surrounded for exercising Second Amendment rights.

Interesting. I would bet my police record is far better than yours…
That's one effect of laws. They deter sociopaths and Psychopaths like you, who AR concerned only with their own well-being. Freaks like you would sooner harm 100 people then sit your powdered little ass in jail for a day. So we count on this deterrent to keep Freaks Like You In A Box.
That's one effect of laws. They deter sociopaths and Psychopaths like you, who AR concerned only with their own well-being. Freaks like you would sooner harm 100 people then sit your powdered little ass in jail for a day. So we count on this deterrent to keep Freaks Like You In A Box
It’s not the Laws but the punishment that makes any difference with people like me. As we’re starting to see in Society, the weaker the consequences get, the less of a deterrent the Laws are. Unless you folks put some teeth back into the Laws, things might change very soon.

Or even at 16? LOL!

But seriously..perhaps you're just good at playing the percentages--and avoid getting caught~
Yes, we know. Luckily, for many unstable, self absorbed psycopaths like you, an hour in jail is as scary to you as a year
WHEN the time comes, I have no intent of being taken alive. If I were, prison holds little concern for me. If necessary, Death can be found in many places, quite easily.
The 2nd says nothing about permits.
…which is why the licensing requirements are perfectly Constitutional.
those licensing requirements are Jim Crow and Jim Crow laws have been struck down.
Unequal protection of at-will employment laws is more, Jim Crow, yet right-wingers only care about loving their guns not equal protection of the laws.
you're comparing apples to oranges a privilege to work is not a constitutionally protected right
However, the right to firearm ownership is a Constitutionally protected right. covered and protected by the U.S Constitution.
Not in this case. It is about equal protection of the laws, nothing else.
Or even at 16? LOL!

But seriously..perhaps you're just good at playing the percentages--and avoid getting caught~
Nobody gets that lucky for 47 years. Hell, my only at-fault car accident was 27 years ago. The insurer didn’t even want to hear about it when I changed companies last year.
Now, I'm not your life coach or anything, but you might want to do a little introspection and think about what it says about you that you place a higher value on "order" in a society, than you do on freedom and life.
You a professional prison administrator or something? "Stay inside the lines and away from the fence or the guard on the wall will shoot you."

He is sort of a mix of a wanna-be Stalin and Pee-Wee Herman.
The 2nd says nothing about permits.
…which is why the licensing requirements are perfectly Constitutional.
those licensing requirements are Jim Crow and Jim Crow laws have been struck down.
Unequal protection of at-will employment laws is more, Jim Crow, yet right-wingers only care about loving their guns not equal protection of the laws.
you're comparing apples to oranges a privilege to work is not a constitutionally protected right
However, the right to firearm ownership is a Constitutionally protected right. covered and protected by the U.S Constitution.
Not in this case. It is about equal protection of the laws, nothing else.
equal protection of the supreme law of the land the second amendment is part of the supreme law of the land. Why do you suppose the 14th amendment was created?
Oh yeah, those rights you imagined that don't exist anywhere, but should, if a bunch of crazy freaks who don't recognize the government would just vote. You make a lot of sense, after a lobotomy and a hit of acid.

Seriously shit for brains, I don't need to take a hit of acid to know what I have in the gun cabinet ...
We don't need to argue about my right to own/possess what I actually do own/possess.

My only comment was that they didn't exercise their right to vote in time to keep stupid fuckers like you from infringing on their rights.
I make more sense than you do, and I understand why they don't respect or recognize assholes like you, and the people you vote for.

You fucking suck ... The whole damn bunch of you ... :thup:

Lately the argument is that we really do not have 2nd Amendment rights and I do not see the biggest supporters of the 2nd Amendment doing a darn thing about this.

Massachusetts police responding to group of 'heavily armed men' claiming to 'not recognize our laws'

It appears a group of men ran out of gas and while refueling a police officer stopped. He arrested two of them and the rest fled into the woods. I'm missing an important aspect here. What did they do that was illegal to start with?
So a bunch of loser cops let some muslim terrorist escape with guns into the woods. Calls for a napalm strike
equal protection of the supreme law of the land the second amendment is part of the supreme law of the land. Why do you suppose the 14th amendment was created?
Right wingers were too dumb to understand our original Constitution and supreme law of the land? Our federal Constitution was intelligently designed to be both gender and race neutral from Inception.
Right wingers were too dumb to understand our original Constitution and supreme law of the land? Our federal Constitution was intelligently designed to be both gender and race neutral from Inception.
Oh too funny! This has got to be satire.

"All MEN are created equal'

The Three-Fifths Compromise is found in Article 1, Section 2, Clause 3 of the United States Constitution, which reads: In the Constitutional Convention, the more important issue
Similarly one may ask, should slaves be counted for representation?
Southern delegates argued that their slaves counted in the population, yielding them more Representatives. Northern delegates countered that slaves were property and should not be counted at all. The result was the notorious “Three-Fifths Compromise,” where slaves were counted as three-fifths of a free person.
Furthermore, how were slaves counted toward representation and taxation purposes? proposal at Constitutional Convention …to a compromise by which three-fifths of the slaves would be counted as population for purposes of representation (and direct taxation).
Similarly one may ask, how were slaves counted when determined?
Slaves were to be counted as less than whites for representation, which was not in the interests of the South. Slaves were, however, also to be counted as less than whites for measuring a state's apportioned direct-tax liability, and that was a benefit to the South.
What was the compromise of the 3/5 compromise?
Of all the compromises on which the Constitution rested, perhaps the most controversial was the Three-Fifths Compromise, an agreement to count three-fifths of a state's slaves in apportioning Representatives, Presidential electors, and direct taxes.
Our original Constitution and Bill of Rights are both gender and race neutral. It is not satire but proof of the lack of morals required.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
Right wingers were too dumb to understand our original Constitution and supreme law of the land?
dannyBOY why do you leftists proclaim to know the Constitution but show that you know very little about it? do you know why the 14th amendment was created?
It was to ensure Black Americans rights were protected by equal laws
And dumbass the Constitution is not separate from the supreme law of the land, it is the supreme law of the land that protects all U.S. citizens and their right to keep and bear arms as dictated by the second amendment written in the U.S. Constitution
dannyBOY why do you leftists proclaim to know the Constitution but show that you know very little about it? do you know why the 14th amendment was created?
It was to ensure Black Americans rights were protected by equal laws
And dumbass the Constitution is not separate from the supreme law of the land, it is the supreme law of the land that protects all U.S. citizens and their right to keep and bear arms as dictated by the second amendment written in the U.S. Constitution
You confuse the left with the right. Our Fourteenth Amendment is proof. Right-wingers could not understand our original Constitution to begin with and did not have and do not have the morals to bear true witness to it.
You confuse the left with the right. Our Fourteenth Amendment is proof. Right-wingers could not understand our original Constitution to begin with and did not have and do not have the morals to bear true witness to it.
ok tell the class what you think the 14th amendment was created for.

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