Mental illness on parade aka "Women's March"


No mental illness going on here. Not at all.


^^^^ WTF am I looking at here?! This illustrates the Transgender thing I refer to in my previous comment, facially it looks male, it has no boobies, so it could be a man, there is nothing feminine about it also it needs to clean its teeth they are yellow, another thing about Radical Militant Feminists is they do not give a crap about personal hygiene. To the left of this thing look at that fat ugly bitch with the spectacles and wearing the lime green whatever, again looks like a man, they all look like men.


You've given the FemDems their candidate for 2020—Chaz Bono!
Bullshit. Feminism is the hatred of all things masculine, and the attempt masculate women.

No, on this one thing you are wrong my friend. It is self loathing which caused feminists to
Feminism means the push for equality between men and women. So you don't want to walk side-by-side with your (heterosexual) mate. Got it.
One of the greatest things that I ever saw in the annals of heterosexuality was an Animal Planet show filmed in the American desert by the late Australian naturalist Steve Irwin and his wife, Terry. He reached in between rocks and took out a rattlesnake, and reached back to hand it off to his wife. Of course, she scooped it up. Feminism means legal and social equality and that we folks have each other's backs through thick and thin. No betrayers allowed.

Good God TV has rotted your brain.

"Good God TV has rotted your brain."

Well it's that or it's the Meth and Crack that has rotted her brain.

Never touch the stuff. Reason and logic do not rot your brain. Neither does watching a show about animals that featured a wonderful heterosexual pairing between mutually cooperative, supportive, affectionate, loyal people who demonstrated the best in love and marriage.

steve terri irwin - Google Search:

steve terri irwin - Google Search:

Best mates!

RIP, Steve!

You people are so negative about heterosexuality! Sniping, denigrating, stereotyping, backbiting. Yet you hate LGBTs, too. I'd like to see more positive heterosexuals, not simply (and limply) trying to prove that they are heterosexual by hating LGBTs. This should not define us.

"Reason and logic do not rot your brain."

There is no reason or logic in anything you have commented, it's all a combination of Emotional Mumbo Jumbo mixed with psychobabble.

"I'd like to see more positive heterosexuals, not simply (and limply) trying to prove that they are heterosexual"

I am married to a man, I have given birth to four children, I have nothing to prove therefore, these things illustrate I am Heterosexual.

You have only proven that you can function, biologically, as a heterosexual. I'm talking about the quality of relationships between heterosexuals. Anyone can get married and have kids while the marriage is based on some husband considering himself superior to his "submissive," "inferior" wife. Happens all the time, particularly in the shit cults. This is where heterosexuality descends into the toilet.

If you two can each hold up one end of a python, as an extreme example, you know you've got it going on. When two elderly-appearing folks in sturdy shoes can come by bus here to DC to march against Nixon, each holding up one end of a banner that read "Maine wants no king!," as I saw as a kid, you just knew that they had it going on.
A Bear Having Arms—For Lunch

Another Nature Boy who shared everything with his woman was Timmy Treadwell.
None of my teenagers have *gotten into trouble*. I raised four..and some extras.

And it's none of your business what parents tell their children about sex. It is not your job to *fill in the blanks* as you see it. That's not your job. It's not the job of the schools. It's solely the job of parents, and they have the right to raise their children as they see fit.

The truth of the matter is, the families that have the most outside interference in child rearing are the parents who are raising the kids who get knocked up at 13, who have serial abortions, who are in prison. Leave the kids alone. Leave families alone. The social experiment and this concept of sex education as conceived of and taught by sociopaths and monsters like Kinsey, is an abject and criminal failure.

I feel sorry for your children. All of them, but particularly, the girls. You are a cult follower and probably have kept a cult household. This is evident. I just hope that you have not hurt anyone permanently with your pathetic sickness.

Teaching morals, responsibility and believing this should be left to parents is a cult? LOL no.
She's one of the crazy degenerates who want to take children from Christian families, and turn them over to homosexual fosters to indoctrinate/sell/whatever.

The phony "Christian" cult families are responsible for what they do. And most of the people calling themselves "Christian" today are a mockery of the Christian faith. They are laughable. But in the end, they sacrifice their own children. This is what is so sick. Go ahead. Abuse your children. It is the rest of society that pays in the end.

"Go ahead. Abuse your children."

Stop with mentioning peoples children and parenting ability, you are on a fine line here bringing in someones family, it illustrates you have a lost an argument you never had to begin with, we have certain rules at this forum that the majority of people respect regardless of politics and that is that someones children and family are Off Limits and certainly accusing someone of abusing their children means that you are totally over the line.

What today's phony "Christians" do is abuse their children. They groom their daughters for early sex and deny them education and the ability to design their own futures. What is so disgusting is that people who call themselves "mothers" teach this crap to their children. Anyone who is the mother to a daughter who remains uneducated at her early twenties and has two, three, four kids already, married or not, should hang her head in shame for her failure as a mother.
I feel sorry for your children. All of them, but particularly, the girls. You are a cult follower and probably have kept a cult household. This is evident. I just hope that you have not hurt anyone permanently with your pathetic sickness.

Teaching morals, responsibility and believing this should be left to parents is a cult? LOL no.
She's one of the crazy degenerates who want to take children from Christian families, and turn them over to homosexual fosters to indoctrinate/sell/whatever.

The phony "Christian" cult families are responsible for what they do. And most of the people calling themselves "Christian" today are a mockery of the Christian faith. They are laughable. But in the end, they sacrifice their own children. This is what is so sick. Go ahead. Abuse your children. It is the rest of society that pays in the end.

"Go ahead. Abuse your children."

Stop with mentioning peoples children and parenting ability, you are on a fine line here bringing in someones family, it illustrates you have a lost an argument you never had to begin with, we have certain rules at this forum that the majority of people respect regardless of politics and that is that someones children and family are Off Limits and certainly accusing someone of abusing their children means that you are totally over the line.

What today's phony "Christians" do is abuse their children. They groom their daughters for early sex and deny them education and the ability to design their own futures. What is so disgusting is that people who call themselves "mothers" teach this crap to their children. Anyone who is the mother to a daughter who remains uneducated at her early twenties and has two, three, four kids already, married or not, should hang her head in shame for her failure as a mother.

Whaaa? :lmao:
I feel sorry for your children. All of them, but particularly, the girls. You are a cult follower and probably have kept a cult household. This is evident. I just hope that you have not hurt anyone permanently with your pathetic sickness.

Teaching morals, responsibility and believing this should be left to parents is a cult? LOL no.
She's one of the crazy degenerates who want to take children from Christian families, and turn them over to homosexual fosters to indoctrinate/sell/whatever.

The phony "Christian" cult families are responsible for what they do. And most of the people calling themselves "Christian" today are a mockery of the Christian faith. They are laughable. But in the end, they sacrifice their own children. This is what is so sick. Go ahead. Abuse your children. It is the rest of society that pays in the end.

"Go ahead. Abuse your children."

Stop with mentioning peoples children and parenting ability, you are on a fine line here bringing in someones family, it illustrates you have a lost an argument you never had to begin with, we have certain rules at this forum that the majority of people respect regardless of politics and that is that someones children and family are Off Limits and certainly accusing someone of abusing their children means that you are totally over the line.

What today's phony "Christians" do is abuse their children. They groom their daughters for early sex and deny them education and the ability to design their own futures. What is so disgusting is that people who call themselves "mothers" teach this crap to their children. Anyone who is the mother to a daughter who remains uneducated at her early twenties and has two, three, four kids already, married or not, should hang her head in shame for her failure as a mother.

We teach our children abstinence and responsibility. You have failed

Oh and our three oldest are honor students
Last edited:
Teaching morals, responsibility and believing this should be left to parents is a cult? LOL no.
She's one of the crazy degenerates who want to take children from Christian families, and turn them over to homosexual fosters to indoctrinate/sell/whatever.

The phony "Christian" cult families are responsible for what they do. And most of the people calling themselves "Christian" today are a mockery of the Christian faith. They are laughable. But in the end, they sacrifice their own children. This is what is so sick. Go ahead. Abuse your children. It is the rest of society that pays in the end.

"Go ahead. Abuse your children."

Stop with mentioning peoples children and parenting ability, you are on a fine line here bringing in someones family, it illustrates you have a lost an argument you never had to begin with, we have certain rules at this forum that the majority of people respect regardless of politics and that is that someones children and family are Off Limits and certainly accusing someone of abusing their children means that you are totally over the line.

What today's phony "Christians" do is abuse their children. They groom their daughters for early sex and deny them education and the ability to design their own futures. What is so disgusting is that people who call themselves "mothers" teach this crap to their children. Anyone who is the mother to a daughter who remains uneducated at her early twenties and has two, three, four kids already, married or not, should hang her head in shame for her failure as a mother.

We teach our children abstinence and responsibility. You have failed

Yeah, that's pretty much what I thought when I read her post. Like "Where did that come from?"
liberals are so stupid.

Yep, that's the word for inventing a country based on freedom of thought --- "stupid". Clearly "lock them up" is much "schmarter".


The guilty should be locked up..

And the stupid remain stupid.

“schmarter” You making fun of cry baby,

“got his kicked” chucky schumer?

Nope. I Germanized the word as a hint. Probably one that sails clear over your pointed head.

Yea, dip shit,

that was right up there with String theory.

String theory was what I just posted about the dobro. Glad you dug the music.

I was talking about you saying you Germanized the word as a hint.

Probably one that sails clear over your pointed head.

I do like the dobro though..
Yep, that's the word for inventing a country based on freedom of thought --- "stupid". Clearly "lock them up" is much "schmarter".


The guilty should be locked up..

And the stupid remain stupid.

“schmarter” You making fun of cry baby,

“got his kicked” chucky schumer?

Nope. I Germanized the word as a hint. Probably one that sails clear over your pointed head.

Yea, dip shit,

that was right up there with String theory.

String theory was what I just posted about the dobro. Glad you dug the music.

I was talking about you saying you Germanized the word as a hint.

Probably one that sails clear over your pointed head.

I do like the dobro though..

Well congratulations. Good to know you like some damn thing after all this whining.
The guilty should be locked up..

And the stupid remain stupid.

“schmarter” You making fun of cry baby,

“got his kicked” chucky schumer?

Nope. I Germanized the word as a hint. Probably one that sails clear over your pointed head.

Yea, dip shit,

that was right up there with String theory.

String theory was what I just posted about the dobro. Glad you dug the music.

I was talking about you saying you Germanized the word as a hint.

Probably one that sails clear over your pointed head.

I do like the dobro though..

Well congratulations. Good to know you like some damn thing after all this whining.


You're whining...
late to the Parade...but yes those poor low IQ women.....those losers....those communists scum of women....

they should all be interned.

what pieces of crap they are.
Many are smarter than you and I Skye,So what does that make me!!!!!!!!Crikey you know how to st
Sheesh. What a bunch of weirdos.

Hold up an example of a great, healthy marriage, and get dumped on for it.

Recommend that teenagers be taught how the two versions of the human body work, what measures are available to prevent unwanted pregnancies and the spread of STDs, and get dumped on for it.

Recommend that teenagers be taught the difference between love and lust so they don't get caught up in their hormonal urges, the romantic blather that makes up so much of our fiction, or the half-naked nonsense that permeates our culture, including the T&A gyrating of "cheerleaders," and end up in the back seat of somebody's Chevy, and get dumped on for it.

Recommend that teenagers be taught to understand their urges and surroundings, take control of their own lives and stand independent, and get dumped on for it.

Recommend that girls be taught to avoid being gamed by male supremacists, many of whom are active in the cults, and go for decent guys instead, and get dumped on for it.

If abstinence is your thing, there is nothing stopping you from teaching it. This practice is not antithetical to fully informing one's children about what they will face and the ways to cope with it.

Like I have said, I was so fortunate to have had a third parent, a lieutenant colonel, who stepped in when my flighty mom couldn't handle it (I remember being at the Vatican with her, St. Peter's, and then took her down here to see her beloved pope, who reminded her of her father). My beloved aunt always said that "JC" was always at her shoulder, whether patching up our boys at camps in Vietnam , in the OR, or running USAF emergency rooms stateside. It was the strength that she instilled in me that allowed me, as a 20-something, to kick a guy out the door, who had already had sex with my three compatriots in our "gang of four," when he maneuvered to get me alone as his "perfect fourth."

Please, all of you, teach the children strength, knowledge, wisdom so that they may thrive as strong, independent adults.

BTW: any use of terms like "homo," "faggot," "******" signals that the person using this language is NOT a fan or follower of JC. Likewise, a person who surrenders his or her daughter to the likes of Bill Gothard and his sympathizers, or who believes in the "Danvers statement" is not a JC follower.
Teaching morals, responsibility and believing this should be left to parents is a cult? LOL no.
She's one of the crazy degenerates who want to take children from Christian families, and turn them over to homosexual fosters to indoctrinate/sell/whatever.

The phony "Christian" cult families are responsible for what they do. And most of the people calling themselves "Christian" today are a mockery of the Christian faith. They are laughable. But in the end, they sacrifice their own children. This is what is so sick. Go ahead. Abuse your children. It is the rest of society that pays in the end.

"Go ahead. Abuse your children."

Stop with mentioning peoples children and parenting ability, you are on a fine line here bringing in someones family, it illustrates you have a lost an argument you never had to begin with, we have certain rules at this forum that the majority of people respect regardless of politics and that is that someones children and family are Off Limits and certainly accusing someone of abusing their children means that you are totally over the line.

What today's phony "Christians" do is abuse their children. They groom their daughters for early sex and deny them education and the ability to design their own futures. What is so disgusting is that people who call themselves "mothers" teach this crap to their children. Anyone who is the mother to a daughter who remains uneducated at her early twenties and has two, three, four kids already, married or not, should hang her head in shame for her failure as a mother.

Whaaa? :lmao:

The inevitable is now happening, btw the same inevitable is happening in the majority of Western nations that normal Mainstream peoples are saying STFU and GTFO to the Perverted and Morally Bankrupt LGBTQ Crowd, the below polling for a top LGBTQ Lobby Group the figures are very encouraging and suggest that within another few years 80% of normal mentally and sexually healthy peoples will also be saying STFU and GTFO to the LGBTQ Perverts, there is nothing normal about this twisted and psychologically fucked up lifestyle they CHOOSE to lead and demand that EVERYONE accept as being normal and healthy at no point in Western history has the promotion of a mental illness EVER been accepted by Mainstream society as something that should be ACCEPTED as a lifestyle CHOICE to teach children and teenagers and have pushed into peoples faces. The ONLY Rights that the LGBTQ Crowd should have are the SAME Rights that Western nations give to ALL peoples who are mentally ill and that is to get them off the street and into Psychiatric Institutions to be given the psychological help they need which would include medication and therapy.

Of course we all knew that the pendulum would swing toward our side and it has, in a few years it will be complete and then the LGBTQ Crowd better be careful because payback is going to be a bitch and they must be forced to pay severely for attempting to pervert children and teenagers via Sex Education in schools where children are taught that anal sex is normal and healthy and that a boy can have a vagina and periods and that a girl can have a penis and there is no such thing as Gender and that Gender is a state of mind etc, the LGBTQ Crowds time of ABUSING children and teenagers minds is coming to and end and it WILL come to an end.



Americans are less comfortable with LGBTQ people now than they were
Sheesh. What a bunch of weirdos.

Hold up an example of a great, healthy marriage, and get dumped on for it.

Recommend that teenagers be taught how the two versions of the human body work, what measures are available to prevent unwanted pregnancies and the spread of STDs, and get dumped on for it.

Recommend that teenagers be taught the difference between love and lust so they don't get caught up in their hormonal urges, the romantic blather that makes up so much of our fiction, or the half-naked nonsense that permeates our culture, including the T&A gyrating of "cheerleaders," and end up in the back seat of somebody's Chevy, and get dumped on for it.

Recommend that teenagers be taught to understand their urges and surroundings, take control of their own lives and stand independent, and get dumped on for it.

Recommend that girls be taught to avoid being gamed by male supremacists, many of whom are active in the cults, and go for decent guys instead, and get dumped on for it.

If abstinence is your thing, there is nothing stopping you from teaching it. This practice is not antithetical to fully informing one's children about what they will face and the ways to cope with it.

Like I have said, I was so fortunate to have had a third parent, a lieutenant colonel, who stepped in when my flighty mom couldn't handle it (I remember being at the Vatican with her, St. Peter's, and then took her down here to see her beloved pope, who reminded her of her father). My beloved aunt always said that "JC" was always at her shoulder, whether patching up our boys at camps in Vietnam , in the OR, or running USAF emergency rooms stateside. It was the strength that she instilled in me that allowed me, as a 20-something, to kick a guy out the door, who had already had sex with my three compatriots in our "gang of four," when he maneuvered to get me alone as his "perfect fourth."

Please, all of you, teach the children strength, knowledge, wisdom so that they may thrive as strong, independent adults.

BTW: any use of terms like "homo," "faggot," "******" signals that the person using this language is NOT a fan or follower of JC. Likewise, a person who surrenders his or her daughter to the likes of Bill Gothard and his sympathizers, or who believes in the "Danvers statement" is not a JC follower.

^^^^ Do you have children? Yes or No simple response.
Nope. I Germanized the word as a hint. Probably one that sails clear over your pointed head.

Yea, dip shit,

that was right up there with String theory.

String theory was what I just posted about the dobro. Glad you dug the music.

I was talking about you saying you Germanized the word as a hint.

Probably one that sails clear over your pointed head.

I do like the dobro though..

Well congratulations. Good to know you like some damn thing after all this whining.


You're whining...
Rodhamist Roadkill

Wine is made from grapes, whine is made from sour grapes.
Yea, dip shit,

that was right up there with String theory.

String theory was what I just posted about the dobro. Glad you dug the music.

I was talking about you saying you Germanized the word as a hint.

Probably one that sails clear over your pointed head.

I do like the dobro though..

Well congratulations. Good to know you like some damn thing after all this whining.


You're whining...
Rodhamist Roadkill

Wine is made from grapes, whine is made from sour grapes.

I love wine made of liberal tears.....
Nope. I Germanized the word as a hint. Probably one that sails clear over your pointed head.

Yea, dip shit,

that was right up there with String theory.

String theory was what I just posted about the dobro. Glad you dug the music.

I was talking about you saying you Germanized the word as a hint.

Probably one that sails clear over your pointed head.

I do like the dobro though..

Well congratulations. Good to know you like some damn thing after all this whining.


You're whining...

Take a look at your own avatar, then take a look at mine. Tell me which one's "winning".

Yea, dip shit,

that was right up there with String theory.

String theory was what I just posted about the dobro. Glad you dug the music.

I was talking about you saying you Germanized the word as a hint.

Probably one that sails clear over your pointed head.

I do like the dobro though..

Well congratulations. Good to know you like some damn thing after all this whining.


You're whining...

Take a look at your own avatar, then take a look at mine. Tell me which one's "winning".


Mine Wins by a land slide...

Yours looks like a pile of poop.
String theory was what I just posted about the dobro. Glad you dug the music.

I was talking about you saying you Germanized the word as a hint.

Probably one that sails clear over your pointed head.

I do like the dobro though..

Well congratulations. Good to know you like some damn thing after all this whining.


You're whining...

Take a look at your own avatar, then take a look at mine. Tell me which one's "winning".


Mine Wins by a land slide...

Yours looks like a pile of poop.

That's the President of an entire continent. A bigly one too. Bow before me.

Yours looks more like incontinent. And oh yeah nice hat.
I was talking about you saying you Germanized the word as a hint.

Probably one that sails clear over your pointed head.

I do like the dobro though..

Well congratulations. Good to know you like some damn thing after all this whining.


You're whining...

Take a look at your own avatar, then take a look at mine. Tell me which one's "winning".


Mine Wins by a land slide...

Yours looks like a pile of poop.

That's the President of an entire continent. A bigly one too. Bow before me.

Yours looks more like incontinent. And oh yeah nice hat.

Is any of that supposed to make sense?
Well congratulations. Good to know you like some damn thing after all this whining.


You're whining...

Take a look at your own avatar, then take a look at mine. Tell me which one's "winning".


Mine Wins by a land slide...

Yours looks like a pile of poop.

That's the President of an entire continent. A bigly one too. Bow before me.

Yours looks more like incontinent. And oh yeah nice hat.

Is any of that supposed to make sense?

See what I mean?


Although, to be fair, that is the entire purpose of this thread, innit.

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