Mental illness on parade aka "Women's March"

So you don't agree that love and lust are two different things and ought not to be confused, though it is easy to do so? You will be happy with the results of all the teenagers running off to bed, or the back seat of a car, convinced that they are in "love," and all the possible results of this? Were you ever actually a teenager, or did you skip that part?

Many parents are not telling their kids enough about sex. My own mother actually began her sex "talk" by mentioning the Virgin Mary. Years later I teased her that she began by referencing the only person in history who got famous by not doing "it." Fortunately, my favorite aunt was a military officer in the medical field. She was the one who realized that my mother, her older sister, was a bit "out there" and who gave me the practical, realistic sex talk, which allowed me to negotiate my teenage/college years successfully. Teenagers are walking hormone factories. They need guidance. Why not explain to them just what they are going through instead of allowing them to walk around confused? Possibly getting pregnant, getting someone else pregnant, getting STDs, or getting into marriages before they have had a chance to sort out their futures? Kids are bombarded both with fairy-tale "romance" and "happily ever after" stories and with sexuality on a daily basis. Why not help them?

I think that you want teenagers to get into trouble. But then again, your other posts, in which you have just consistently denied the conclusions of the American medical establishment and substituted your own conclusions, suggest that you are seriously delusional.

None of my teenagers have *gotten into trouble*. I raised four..and some extras.

And it's none of your business what parents tell their children about sex. It is not your job to *fill in the blanks* as you see it. That's not your job. It's not the job of the schools. It's solely the job of parents, and they have the right to raise their children as they see fit.

The truth of the matter is, the families that have the most outside interference in child rearing are the parents who are raising the kids who get knocked up at 13, who have serial abortions, who are in prison. Leave the kids alone. Leave families alone. The social experiment and this concept of sex education as conceived of and taught by sociopaths and monsters like Kinsey, is an abject and criminal failure.

I feel sorry for your children. All of them, but particularly, the girls. You are a cult follower and probably have kept a cult household. This is evident. I just hope that you have not hurt anyone permanently with your pathetic sickness.

Teaching morals, responsibility and believing this should be left to parents is a cult? LOL no.
She's one of the crazy degenerates who want to take children from Christian families, and turn them over to homosexual fosters to indoctrinate/sell/whatever.

The phony "Christian" cult families are responsible for what they do. And most of the people calling themselves "Christian" today are a mockery of the Christian faith. They are laughable. But in the end, they sacrifice their own children. This is what is so sick. Go ahead. Abuse your children. It is the rest of society that pays in the end.

You're not pro child you're just anti Christian.
Christian families essentially operate from a Jesus was a great man and some bad people killed him so follow his teachings and do unto others....

Nothing scary there for the addled and purposeless Libs
So you don't agree that love and lust are two different things and ought not to be confused, though it is easy to do so? You will be happy with the results of all the teenagers running off to bed, or the back seat of a car, convinced that they are in "love," and all the possible results of this? Were you ever actually a teenager, or did you skip that part?

Many parents are not telling their kids enough about sex. My own mother actually began her sex "talk" by mentioning the Virgin Mary. Years later I teased her that she began by referencing the only person in history who got famous by not doing "it." Fortunately, my favorite aunt was a military officer in the medical field. She was the one who realized that my mother, her older sister, was a bit "out there" and who gave me the practical, realistic sex talk, which allowed me to negotiate my teenage/college years successfully. Teenagers are walking hormone factories. They need guidance. Why not explain to them just what they are going through instead of allowing them to walk around confused? Possibly getting pregnant, getting someone else pregnant, getting STDs, or getting into marriages before they have had a chance to sort out their futures? Kids are bombarded both with fairy-tale "romance" and "happily ever after" stories and with sexuality on a daily basis. Why not help them?

I think that you want teenagers to get into trouble. But then again, your other posts, in which you have just consistently denied the conclusions of the American medical establishment and substituted your own conclusions, suggest that you are seriously delusional.

None of my teenagers have *gotten into trouble*. I raised four..and some extras.

And it's none of your business what parents tell their children about sex. It is not your job to *fill in the blanks* as you see it. That's not your job. It's not the job of the schools. It's solely the job of parents, and they have the right to raise their children as they see fit.

The truth of the matter is, the families that have the most outside interference in child rearing are the parents who are raising the kids who get knocked up at 13, who have serial abortions, who are in prison. Leave the kids alone. Leave families alone. The social experiment and this concept of sex education as conceived of and taught by sociopaths and monsters like Kinsey, is an abject and criminal failure.

I feel sorry for your children. All of them, but particularly, the girls. You are a cult follower and probably have kept a cult household. This is evident. I just hope that you have not hurt anyone permanently with your pathetic sickness.

Teaching morals, responsibility and believing this should be left to parents is a cult? LOL no.
She's one of the crazy degenerates who want to take children from Christian families, and turn them over to homosexual fosters to indoctrinate/sell/whatever.

The phony "Christian" cult families are responsible for what they do. And most of the people calling themselves "Christian" today are a mockery of the Christian faith. They are laughable. But in the end, they sacrifice their own children. This is what is so sick. Go ahead. Abuse your children. It is the rest of society that pays in the end.

It's not abuse to teach them that depraved sex isn't a religion.

It is abuse to groom children, however. You might want to think about that a little bit.
None of my teenagers have *gotten into trouble*. I raised four..and some extras.

And it's none of your business what parents tell their children about sex. It is not your job to *fill in the blanks* as you see it. That's not your job. It's not the job of the schools. It's solely the job of parents, and they have the right to raise their children as they see fit.

The truth of the matter is, the families that have the most outside interference in child rearing are the parents who are raising the kids who get knocked up at 13, who have serial abortions, who are in prison. Leave the kids alone. Leave families alone. The social experiment and this concept of sex education as conceived of and taught by sociopaths and monsters like Kinsey, is an abject and criminal failure.

I feel sorry for your children. All of them, but particularly, the girls. You are a cult follower and probably have kept a cult household. This is evident. I just hope that you have not hurt anyone permanently with your pathetic sickness.

Teaching morals, responsibility and believing this should be left to parents is a cult? LOL no.
She's one of the crazy degenerates who want to take children from Christian families, and turn them over to homosexual fosters to indoctrinate/sell/whatever.

The phony "Christian" cult families are responsible for what they do. And most of the people calling themselves "Christian" today are a mockery of the Christian faith. They are laughable. But in the end, they sacrifice their own children. This is what is so sick. Go ahead. Abuse your children. It is the rest of society that pays in the end.

You're not pro child you're just anti Christian.

She thinks all children should be groomed as homo toys.
None of my teenagers have *gotten into trouble*. I raised four..and some extras.

And it's none of your business what parents tell their children about sex. It is not your job to *fill in the blanks* as you see it. That's not your job. It's not the job of the schools. It's solely the job of parents, and they have the right to raise their children as they see fit.

The truth of the matter is, the families that have the most outside interference in child rearing are the parents who are raising the kids who get knocked up at 13, who have serial abortions, who are in prison. Leave the kids alone. Leave families alone. The social experiment and this concept of sex education as conceived of and taught by sociopaths and monsters like Kinsey, is an abject and criminal failure.

I feel sorry for your children. All of them, but particularly, the girls. You are a cult follower and probably have kept a cult household. This is evident. I just hope that you have not hurt anyone permanently with your pathetic sickness.

Teaching morals, responsibility and believing this should be left to parents is a cult? LOL no.
She's one of the crazy degenerates who want to take children from Christian families, and turn them over to homosexual fosters to indoctrinate/sell/whatever.

The phony "Christian" cult families are responsible for what they do. And most of the people calling themselves "Christian" today are a mockery of the Christian faith. They are laughable. But in the end, they sacrifice their own children. This is what is so sick. Go ahead. Abuse your children. It is the rest of society that pays in the end.

It's not abuse to teach them that depraved sex isn't a religion.

It is abuse to groom children, however. You might want to think about that a little bit.

You can always tell it's an anti religion loon. They continually throw that "phony Christian" out there...while having no clue what a Christian is all about
So you don't agree that love and lust are two different things and ought not to be confused, though it is easy to do so? You will be happy with the results of all the teenagers running off to bed, or the back seat of a car, convinced that they are in "love," and all the possible results of this? Were you ever actually a teenager, or did you skip that part?

Many parents are not telling their kids enough about sex. My own mother actually began her sex "talk" by mentioning the Virgin Mary. Years later I teased her that she began by referencing the only person in history who got famous by not doing "it." Fortunately, my favorite aunt was a military officer in the medical field. She was the one who realized that my mother, her older sister, was a bit "out there" and who gave me the practical, realistic sex talk, which allowed me to negotiate my teenage/college years successfully. Teenagers are walking hormone factories. They need guidance. Why not explain to them just what they are going through instead of allowing them to walk around confused? Possibly getting pregnant, getting someone else pregnant, getting STDs, or getting into marriages before they have had a chance to sort out their futures? Kids are bombarded both with fairy-tale "romance" and "happily ever after" stories and with sexuality on a daily basis. Why not help them?

I think that you want teenagers to get into trouble. But then again, your other posts, in which you have just consistently denied the conclusions of the American medical establishment and substituted your own conclusions, suggest that you are seriously delusional.

None of my teenagers have *gotten into trouble*. I raised four..and some extras.

And it's none of your business what parents tell their children about sex. It is not your job to *fill in the blanks* as you see it. That's not your job. It's not the job of the schools. It's solely the job of parents, and they have the right to raise their children as they see fit.

The truth of the matter is, the families that have the most outside interference in child rearing are the parents who are raising the kids who get knocked up at 13, who have serial abortions, who are in prison. Leave the kids alone. Leave families alone. The social experiment and this concept of sex education as conceived of and taught by sociopaths and monsters like Kinsey, is an abject and criminal failure.

I feel sorry for your children. All of them, but particularly, the girls. You are a cult follower and probably have kept a cult household. This is evident. I just hope that you have not hurt anyone permanently with your pathetic sickness.

Teaching morals, responsibility and believing this should be left to parents is a cult? LOL no.
She's one of the crazy degenerates who want to take children from Christian families, and turn them over to homosexual fosters to indoctrinate/sell/whatever.

The phony "Christian" cult families are responsible for what they do. And most of the people calling themselves "Christian" today are a mockery of the Christian faith. They are laughable. But in the end, they sacrifice their own children. This is what is so sick. Go ahead. Abuse your children. It is the rest of society that pays in the end.

"Go ahead. Abuse your children."

Stop with mentioning peoples children and parenting ability, you are on a fine line here bringing in someones family, it illustrates you have a lost an argument you never had to begin with, we have certain rules at this forum that the majority of people respect regardless of politics and that is that someones children and family are Off Limits and certainly accusing someone of abusing their children means that you are totally over the line.
But I thought that liberals don't believe in biological gender? I thought "gender" to them was something that was "optional", and something you could change from day to day?

So why were they marching for "woman's" rights? Isn't that hypocritical of them?
They are the most disrespectful to women. They think ANYONE can be one with a little surgery and hormones

Feminism is the hatred of all things feminine

Bullshit. Feminism is the hatred of all things masculine, and the attempt masculate women.

"Feminism is the hatred of all things masculine, and the attempt masculate women."

Radical Militant Feminism is the hatred of all things masculine and feminine as being the norm, so they hate men and they hate feminine women and they prefer that men are diminished in society and taking that role in society is the masculine woman. You only have to look at these Radical Militant Feminists there is nothing feminine about them, they all look pretty masculine to the point that some look Transgender.
Sordid Sorority of Putrid Princesses

Follow the money, all of which is dominated by Daddy's Money. Feminist leaders are rich girls who want to inherit without merit the same power and positions that for millennia only their brothers could. This doubles the power of the "heiristocracy," which has no right to exist.

As for emasculation, that too benefits the birth-supremacy ruling class, because girlyman weaklings won't stand up to them and unnaturally masculinized women are harmless disturbed freaks who make a cult of the Fortunate Daughters anyway.
I feel sorry for your children. All of them, but particularly, the girls. You are a cult follower and probably have kept a cult household. This is evident. I just hope that you have not hurt anyone permanently with your pathetic sickness.

Teaching morals, responsibility and believing this should be left to parents is a cult? LOL no.
She's one of the crazy degenerates who want to take children from Christian families, and turn them over to homosexual fosters to indoctrinate/sell/whatever.

The phony "Christian" cult families are responsible for what they do. And most of the people calling themselves "Christian" today are a mockery of the Christian faith. They are laughable. But in the end, they sacrifice their own children. This is what is so sick. Go ahead. Abuse your children. It is the rest of society that pays in the end.

You're not pro child you're just anti Christian.

She thinks all children should be groomed as homo toys.

I haven't read enough of her to know. Probably won't continue to either
I feel sorry for your children. All of them, but particularly, the girls. You are a cult follower and probably have kept a cult household. This is evident. I just hope that you have not hurt anyone permanently with your pathetic sickness.

Teaching morals, responsibility and believing this should be left to parents is a cult? LOL no.
She's one of the crazy degenerates who want to take children from Christian families, and turn them over to homosexual fosters to indoctrinate/sell/whatever.

The phony "Christian" cult families are responsible for what they do. And most of the people calling themselves "Christian" today are a mockery of the Christian faith. They are laughable. But in the end, they sacrifice their own children. This is what is so sick. Go ahead. Abuse your children. It is the rest of society that pays in the end.

You're not pro child you're just anti Christian.

She thinks all children should be groomed as homo toys.

Lysistrata is fucked up in the membrane, she has serious issues also with men in general read the below thread, especially her post # 10 and I responded to that with my post # 12 also the below is Race Relations/Racism which is Zone 2 and not Current Events Zone 3.

Race Card Played at Marxist Lesbian Rally
Teaching morals, responsibility and believing this should be left to parents is a cult? LOL no.
She's one of the crazy degenerates who want to take children from Christian families, and turn them over to homosexual fosters to indoctrinate/sell/whatever.

The phony "Christian" cult families are responsible for what they do. And most of the people calling themselves "Christian" today are a mockery of the Christian faith. They are laughable. But in the end, they sacrifice their own children. This is what is so sick. Go ahead. Abuse your children. It is the rest of society that pays in the end.

You're not pro child you're just anti Christian.

She thinks all children should be groomed as homo toys.

Lysistrata is fucked up in the membrane, she has serious issues also with men in general read the below thread, especially her post # 10 and I responded to that with my post # 12 also the below is Race Relations/Racism which is Zone 2 and not Current Events Zone 3.

Race Card Played at Marxist Lesbian Rally

She's one of the crazy degenerates who want to take children from Christian families, and turn them over to homosexual fosters to indoctrinate/sell/whatever.

The phony "Christian" cult families are responsible for what they do. And most of the people calling themselves "Christian" today are a mockery of the Christian faith. They are laughable. But in the end, they sacrifice their own children. This is what is so sick. Go ahead. Abuse your children. It is the rest of society that pays in the end.

You're not pro child you're just anti Christian.

She thinks all children should be groomed as homo toys.

Lysistrata is fucked up in the membrane, she has serious issues also with men in general read the below thread, especially her post # 10 and I responded to that with my post # 12 also the below is Race Relations/Racism which is Zone 2 and not Current Events Zone 3.

Race Card Played at Marxist Lesbian Rally


The phony "Christian" cult families are responsible for what they do. And most of the people calling themselves "Christian" today are a mockery of the Christian faith. They are laughable. But in the end, they sacrifice their own children. This is what is so sick. Go ahead. Abuse your children. It is the rest of society that pays in the end.

You're not pro child you're just anti Christian.

She thinks all children should be groomed as homo toys.

Lysistrata is fucked up in the membrane, she has serious issues also with men in general read the below thread, especially her post # 10 and I responded to that with my post # 12 also the below is Race Relations/Racism which is Zone 2 and not Current Events Zone 3.

Race Card Played at Marxist Lesbian Rally



She keeps screaming about other's children...I wouldn't let her near ours
You're not pro child you're just anti Christian.

She thinks all children should be groomed as homo toys.

Lysistrata is fucked up in the membrane, she has serious issues also with men in general read the below thread, especially her post # 10 and I responded to that with my post # 12 also the below is Race Relations/Racism which is Zone 2 and not Current Events Zone 3.

Race Card Played at Marxist Lesbian Rally



She keeps screaming about other's children...I wouldn't let her near ours

I cannot remember, does she have her own children has she commented I'm losing track of some things in this thread now it being so long 300 plus posts etc. If no no children of her own then like the other Radical Militant Feminists they should STFU about preaching about things they have no experience in and never will.
She thinks all children should be groomed as homo toys.

Lysistrata is fucked up in the membrane, she has serious issues also with men in general read the below thread, especially her post # 10 and I responded to that with my post # 12 also the below is Race Relations/Racism which is Zone 2 and not Current Events Zone 3.

Race Card Played at Marxist Lesbian Rally



She keeps screaming about other's children...I wouldn't let her near ours

I cannot remember, does she have her own children has she commented I'm losing track of some things in this thread now it being so long 300 plus posts etc. If no no children of her own then like the other Radical Militant Feminists they should STFU about preaching about things they have no experience in and never will.

Even if she does have children, she can raise hers and we'll raise ours. Nobody is going to tell me how to do that
left wingers are total knuttjobs

They're nutjobs for practicing their constitutional rights?
Bury Marbury

A toxic SCROTUS, wallowing in its power over us, turned loose similarly inclined cliques to invade the public space. A demonstration is not speech, it is trespassing. All these freaks should be allowed to do is rent a hall and politely invite the public to attend.

Because there is a nasty male whore in the White House plotting to enforce anti-woman policies against all American women.We need not fight the last war.
Aristophanes's Fat-Fanny Fans

Just because men went on a sex strike against your sisterhood doesn't mean that frantic and unsatisfied cold fish can't fight all the wars they want.
She thinks all children should be groomed as homo toys.

Lysistrata is fucked up in the membrane, she has serious issues also with men in general read the below thread, especially her post # 10 and I responded to that with my post # 12 also the below is Race Relations/Racism which is Zone 2 and not Current Events Zone 3.

Race Card Played at Marxist Lesbian Rally



She keeps screaming about other's children...I wouldn't let her near ours

I cannot remember, does she have her own children has she commented I'm losing track of some things in this thread now it being so long 300 plus posts etc. If no no children of her own then like the other Radical Militant Feminists they should STFU about preaching about things they have no experience in and never will.

she's one of the fanatics who set up bakers and rush around indoctrinating and grooming children, and trying to change the narrative so that sex abuse ISN'T child abuse..but Sunday school is.

One of those. Like Bode or the self immoliator.

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