Mental illness on parade aka "Women's March"

You have only proven that you can function, biologically, as a heterosexual. I'm talking about the quality of relationships between heterosexuals. Anyone can get married and have kids while the marriage is based on some husband considering himself superior to his "submissive," "inferior" wife. Happens all the time, particularly in the shit cults. This is where heterosexuality descends into the toilet.

If you two can each hold up one end of a python, as an extreme example, you know you've got it going on. When two elderly-appearing folks in sturdy shoes can come by bus here to DC to march against Nixon, each holding up one end of a banner that read "Maine wants no king!," as I saw as a kid, you just knew that they had it going on.

"If you two can each hold up one end of a python, as an extreme example, you know you've got it going on."

This illustrates Heterosexuality? :omg:

The bond between men and women when they're doing it right; their relationship that is, not just their ability to have physical sex. Anyone can do that. I would bet (I cannot tell you for sure, of course) that Steve was right there in the labor/delivery room holding her hand each time that Terry gave birth to their child. I don't think that he was some boob off on the golf course at the time, being told that he had a son or daughter between holes, or off screwing some other woman, "preaching" some bibble nonsense, or drinking in a bar.

Mr. Lucy has been there for all four kidlets birth, he has also taken at least ten months off his job for each baby, he also does not screw around with other women. Mr. Lucy is a Psychiatrist perhaps I should get him to read some of your comments and tell me what state he thinks someones mental health is in that makes such bizarro and nutty comments that you have posted in this thread about a topic you obviously know NOTHING about.

You are a fucking maniac, your idiotic and barely coherent posts illustrate you know ZERO about Heterosexual relationships or even know anything about women and men, your stupid comments about Heterosexual relationships say that you should just stick to munching on that carpet or whatever and screaming about how Heterosexuals and especially men are keeping Radical Militant Feminists lesbos like you repressed or whatever.

Well, good. You and your mister have a successful, mutually supportive relationship. I am heterosexual who believes in positive relationships. What I am protesting is the amount of negativity in heterosexual relationships. The "preachers" in the shit cults that tell women to "submit" to their husbands, sex on demand, submit to rape, stay home, bring me my supper, don't run for public office, and the rest of this crap that these mentally diseased people are trying to lay on the sexes. Take a look around the comments on USMB that contain denigrating comments about women, particularly those who seek legal and social equality, asserting that women should "know" some sort of "place" in society, and referring to women's genitalia in the rankest and most objectifying of terms. the guys who do this are trying to kill off heterosexuality.

"The "preachers" in the shit cults that tell women to "submit" to their husbands, sex on demand, submit to rape, stay home, bring me my supper, don't run for public office, and the rest of this crap that these mentally diseased people are trying to lay on the sexes."

They are a minority Crazy Fringe who do not represent Mainstream Men, just like the Radical Militant Feminists are a minority Crazy Fringe who do not represent Mainstream Women.

Who are the "mainstream men" and where are they? You might not remember the Paris peace talks and the importance of having a round table for discussion of differences. Congressional leaders need to hold some serious hearings at which female leaders could discuss the concerns of women in a respectful setting, people like Sandra Fluke, and the people who tried to deliver PP petitions to paul ryan, who ran away and called security instead of sitting down with this group's leaders and speaking to them about their concerns. If they can hold "hearings" in which every cult jerk in the land can voice his "opinion," where is the corresponding attention to female Americans? These types of morons just run away, hide, call security, make some moronic comment about "gals," because they refuse to refer to female adults as "women," as they properly should, or otherwise find ways of avoiding female Americans. I'm not too much into street theater, like dressing up as a vagina, but it seems that these male clowns need to get whacked with a 2x4 before they pay attention. They back away from intelligent conversation or open dialogue on issues that affect women. This is ever so childish. I'm looking for adult, serious men to come forward.
"If you two can each hold up one end of a python, as an extreme example, you know you've got it going on."

This illustrates Heterosexuality? :omg:

The bond between men and women when they're doing it right; their relationship that is, not just their ability to have physical sex. Anyone can do that. I would bet (I cannot tell you for sure, of course) that Steve was right there in the labor/delivery room holding her hand each time that Terry gave birth to their child. I don't think that he was some boob off on the golf course at the time, being told that he had a son or daughter between holes, or off screwing some other woman, "preaching" some bibble nonsense, or drinking in a bar.

Mr. Lucy has been there for all four kidlets birth, he has also taken at least ten months off his job for each baby, he also does not screw around with other women. Mr. Lucy is a Psychiatrist perhaps I should get him to read some of your comments and tell me what state he thinks someones mental health is in that makes such bizarro and nutty comments that you have posted in this thread about a topic you obviously know NOTHING about.

You are a fucking maniac, your idiotic and barely coherent posts illustrate you know ZERO about Heterosexual relationships or even know anything about women and men, your stupid comments about Heterosexual relationships say that you should just stick to munching on that carpet or whatever and screaming about how Heterosexuals and especially men are keeping Radical Militant Feminists lesbos like you repressed or whatever.

Well, good. You and your mister have a successful, mutually supportive relationship. I am heterosexual who believes in positive relationships. What I am protesting is the amount of negativity in heterosexual relationships. The "preachers" in the shit cults that tell women to "submit" to their husbands, sex on demand, submit to rape, stay home, bring me my supper, don't run for public office, and the rest of this crap that these mentally diseased people are trying to lay on the sexes. Take a look around the comments on USMB that contain denigrating comments about women, particularly those who seek legal and social equality, asserting that women should "know" some sort of "place" in society, and referring to women's genitalia in the rankest and most objectifying of terms. the guys who do this are trying to kill off heterosexuality.

"The "preachers" in the shit cults that tell women to "submit" to their husbands, sex on demand, submit to rape, stay home, bring me my supper, don't run for public office, and the rest of this crap that these mentally diseased people are trying to lay on the sexes."

They are a minority Crazy Fringe who do not represent Mainstream Men, just like the Radical Militant Feminists are a minority Crazy Fringe who do not represent Mainstream Women.

Who are the "mainstream men" and where are they? You might not remember the Paris peace talks and the importance of having a round table for discussion of differences. Congressional leaders need to hold some serious hearings at which female leaders could discuss the concerns of women in a respectful setting, people like Sandra Fluke, and the people who tried to deliver PP petitions to paul ryan, who ran away and called security instead of sitting down with this group's leaders and speaking to them about their concerns. If they can hold "hearings" in which every cult jerk in the land can voice his "opinion," where is the corresponding attention to female Americans? These types of morons just run away, hide, call security, make some moronic comment about "gals," because they refuse to refer to female adults as "women," as they properly should, or otherwise find ways of avoiding female Americans. I'm not too much into street theater, like dressing up as a vagina, but it seems that these male clowns need to get whacked with a 2x4 before they pay attention. They back away from intelligent conversation or open dialogue on issues that affect women. This is ever so childish. I'm looking for adult, serious men to come forward.

You need to stop /electing/ to be offended by things you appear, from my read, to be taking completely out of context. It's on you, and your self-confidence, to resolve your apparent self-esteem issues, not others around you. Here's some pointers from Psychologists:
  • Take responsibility for yourself. This is the first and most important ingredient in the self-confidence formula. You, and only you, can make new things happen in your life. If you wait for serendipity to provide you with good fortune, or with increased confidence, you’ll be waiting a long time. Realize that the path toward self-confidence is one that you will have to travel — no one else can do it for you.
  • Begin to experiment with life. Try something new. Go out to dinner alone. Take a class in an unfamiliar subject area. Teach yourself how to repair a toaster. Testing your abilities at new endeavors is a wonderful way to learn that you can rely on yourself.
  • Develop an action plan and implement it. Select one area for personal or professional development. Determine the action steps you will take to get there. Put these steps on a timeline. Now implement each step according to plan — no excuses. Every small step you take will be a great boost to your confidence!
  • Stick with it. When you take on a new challenge, stick with it. Self-confidence doesn’t come from each thing you attempt. If it did, one failed effort would bring you back to zero on the confidence scale. True confidence develops from an increasing belief that you can rely on yourself to take action and follow through, no matter what the result.
  • Act “as if.” If you put off taking action until you have confidence, you’ll never do it. In the field of psychology we have come to understand that by changing our behavior, we can change our feelings. So if you take action, and do so with a semblance of outward confidence, the inward, true feeling of confidence, will follow.
  • Find a mentor. Do you know someone who is confident and continues to take one new risk after another? Watch how they do this. Muster up the courage to ask them to meet you for coffee. Find out how they do what they do, and ask them for feedback about your action plan and implementation. Most confident people are happy to help. They remember the courage and effort it’s taken them to get where they are today.
The bond between men and women when they're doing it right; their relationship that is, not just their ability to have physical sex. Anyone can do that. I would bet (I cannot tell you for sure, of course) that Steve was right there in the labor/delivery room holding her hand each time that Terry gave birth to their child. I don't think that he was some boob off on the golf course at the time, being told that he had a son or daughter between holes, or off screwing some other woman, "preaching" some bibble nonsense, or drinking in a bar.

Mr. Lucy has been there for all four kidlets birth, he has also taken at least ten months off his job for each baby, he also does not screw around with other women. Mr. Lucy is a Psychiatrist perhaps I should get him to read some of your comments and tell me what state he thinks someones mental health is in that makes such bizarro and nutty comments that you have posted in this thread about a topic you obviously know NOTHING about.

You are a fucking maniac, your idiotic and barely coherent posts illustrate you know ZERO about Heterosexual relationships or even know anything about women and men, your stupid comments about Heterosexual relationships say that you should just stick to munching on that carpet or whatever and screaming about how Heterosexuals and especially men are keeping Radical Militant Feminists lesbos like you repressed or whatever.

Well, good. You and your mister have a successful, mutually supportive relationship. I am heterosexual who believes in positive relationships. What I am protesting is the amount of negativity in heterosexual relationships. The "preachers" in the shit cults that tell women to "submit" to their husbands, sex on demand, submit to rape, stay home, bring me my supper, don't run for public office, and the rest of this crap that these mentally diseased people are trying to lay on the sexes. Take a look around the comments on USMB that contain denigrating comments about women, particularly those who seek legal and social equality, asserting that women should "know" some sort of "place" in society, and referring to women's genitalia in the rankest and most objectifying of terms. the guys who do this are trying to kill off heterosexuality.

"The "preachers" in the shit cults that tell women to "submit" to their husbands, sex on demand, submit to rape, stay home, bring me my supper, don't run for public office, and the rest of this crap that these mentally diseased people are trying to lay on the sexes."

They are a minority Crazy Fringe who do not represent Mainstream Men, just like the Radical Militant Feminists are a minority Crazy Fringe who do not represent Mainstream Women.

Who are the "mainstream men" and where are they? You might not remember the Paris peace talks and the importance of having a round table for discussion of differences. Congressional leaders need to hold some serious hearings at which female leaders could discuss the concerns of women in a respectful setting, people like Sandra Fluke, and the people who tried to deliver PP petitions to paul ryan, who ran away and called security instead of sitting down with this group's leaders and speaking to them about their concerns. If they can hold "hearings" in which every cult jerk in the land can voice his "opinion," where is the corresponding attention to female Americans? These types of morons just run away, hide, call security, make some moronic comment about "gals," because they refuse to refer to female adults as "women," as they properly should, or otherwise find ways of avoiding female Americans. I'm not too much into street theater, like dressing up as a vagina, but it seems that these male clowns need to get whacked with a 2x4 before they pay attention. They back away from intelligent conversation or open dialogue on issues that affect women. This is ever so childish. I'm looking for adult, serious men to come forward.

You need to stop /electing/ to be offended by things you appear, from my read, to be taking completely out of context. It's on you, and your self-confidence, to resolve your apparent self-esteem issues, not others around you. Here's some pointers from Psychologists:
  • Take responsibility for yourself. This is the first and most important ingredient in the self-confidence formula. You, and only you, can make new things happen in your life. If you wait for serendipity to provide you with good fortune, or with increased confidence, you’ll be waiting a long time. Realize that the path toward self-confidence is one that you will have to travel — no one else can do it for you.
  • Begin to experiment with life. Try something new. Go out to dinner alone. Take a class in an unfamiliar subject area. Teach yourself how to repair a toaster. Testing your abilities at new endeavors is a wonderful way to learn that you can rely on yourself.
  • Develop an action plan and implement it. Select one area for personal or professional development. Determine the action steps you will take to get there. Put these steps on a timeline. Now implement each step according to plan — no excuses. Every small step you take will be a great boost to your confidence!
  • Stick with it. When you take on a new challenge, stick with it. Self-confidence doesn’t come from each thing you attempt. If it did, one failed effort would bring you back to zero on the confidence scale. True confidence develops from an increasing belief that you can rely on yourself to take action and follow through, no matter what the result.
  • Act “as if.” If you put off taking action until you have confidence, you’ll never do it. In the field of psychology we have come to understand that by changing our behavior, we can change our feelings. So if you take action, and do so with a semblance of outward confidence, the inward, true feeling of confidence, will follow.
  • Find a mentor. Do you know someone who is confident and continues to take one new risk after another? Watch how they do this. Muster up the courage to ask them to meet you for coffee. Find out how they do what they do, and ask them for feedback about your action plan and implementation. Most confident people are happy to help. They remember the courage and effort it’s taken them to get where they are today.

Huh? I don't know what this psycho-babble is all about, and I hope that this was not directed at me. I was opining about men who run away from legitimate discussions of issues that impact women. The same thing happens with racial issues and issues regarding LGBT folks. I'm calling out those guys who run out the back door rather than face their responsibilities. Those who are cowards.
Mr. Lucy has been there for all four kidlets birth, he has also taken at least ten months off his job for each baby, he also does not screw around with other women. Mr. Lucy is a Psychiatrist perhaps I should get him to read some of your comments and tell me what state he thinks someones mental health is in that makes such bizarro and nutty comments that you have posted in this thread about a topic you obviously know NOTHING about.

You are a fucking maniac, your idiotic and barely coherent posts illustrate you know ZERO about Heterosexual relationships or even know anything about women and men, your stupid comments about Heterosexual relationships say that you should just stick to munching on that carpet or whatever and screaming about how Heterosexuals and especially men are keeping Radical Militant Feminists lesbos like you repressed or whatever.

Well, good. You and your mister have a successful, mutually supportive relationship. I am heterosexual who believes in positive relationships. What I am protesting is the amount of negativity in heterosexual relationships. The "preachers" in the shit cults that tell women to "submit" to their husbands, sex on demand, submit to rape, stay home, bring me my supper, don't run for public office, and the rest of this crap that these mentally diseased people are trying to lay on the sexes. Take a look around the comments on USMB that contain denigrating comments about women, particularly those who seek legal and social equality, asserting that women should "know" some sort of "place" in society, and referring to women's genitalia in the rankest and most objectifying of terms. the guys who do this are trying to kill off heterosexuality.

"The "preachers" in the shit cults that tell women to "submit" to their husbands, sex on demand, submit to rape, stay home, bring me my supper, don't run for public office, and the rest of this crap that these mentally diseased people are trying to lay on the sexes."

They are a minority Crazy Fringe who do not represent Mainstream Men, just like the Radical Militant Feminists are a minority Crazy Fringe who do not represent Mainstream Women.

Who are the "mainstream men" and where are they? You might not remember the Paris peace talks and the importance of having a round table for discussion of differences. Congressional leaders need to hold some serious hearings at which female leaders could discuss the concerns of women in a respectful setting, people like Sandra Fluke, and the people who tried to deliver PP petitions to paul ryan, who ran away and called security instead of sitting down with this group's leaders and speaking to them about their concerns. If they can hold "hearings" in which every cult jerk in the land can voice his "opinion," where is the corresponding attention to female Americans? These types of morons just run away, hide, call security, make some moronic comment about "gals," because they refuse to refer to female adults as "women," as they properly should, or otherwise find ways of avoiding female Americans. I'm not too much into street theater, like dressing up as a vagina, but it seems that these male clowns need to get whacked with a 2x4 before they pay attention. They back away from intelligent conversation or open dialogue on issues that affect women. This is ever so childish. I'm looking for adult, serious men to come forward.

You need to stop /electing/ to be offended by things you appear, from my read, to be taking completely out of context. It's on you, and your self-confidence, to resolve your apparent self-esteem issues, not others around you. Here's some pointers from Psychologists:
  • Take responsibility for yourself. This is the first and most important ingredient in the self-confidence formula. You, and only you, can make new things happen in your life. If you wait for serendipity to provide you with good fortune, or with increased confidence, you’ll be waiting a long time. Realize that the path toward self-confidence is one that you will have to travel — no one else can do it for you.
  • Begin to experiment with life. Try something new. Go out to dinner alone. Take a class in an unfamiliar subject area. Teach yourself how to repair a toaster. Testing your abilities at new endeavors is a wonderful way to learn that you can rely on yourself.
  • Develop an action plan and implement it. Select one area for personal or professional development. Determine the action steps you will take to get there. Put these steps on a timeline. Now implement each step according to plan — no excuses. Every small step you take will be a great boost to your confidence!
  • Stick with it. When you take on a new challenge, stick with it. Self-confidence doesn’t come from each thing you attempt. If it did, one failed effort would bring you back to zero on the confidence scale. True confidence develops from an increasing belief that you can rely on yourself to take action and follow through, no matter what the result.
  • Act “as if.” If you put off taking action until you have confidence, you’ll never do it. In the field of psychology we have come to understand that by changing our behavior, we can change our feelings. So if you take action, and do so with a semblance of outward confidence, the inward, true feeling of confidence, will follow.
  • Find a mentor. Do you know someone who is confident and continues to take one new risk after another? Watch how they do this. Muster up the courage to ask them to meet you for coffee. Find out how they do what they do, and ask them for feedback about your action plan and implementation. Most confident people are happy to help. They remember the courage and effort it’s taken them to get where they are today.

Huh? I don't know what this psycho-babble is all about, and I hope that this was not directed at me. I was opining about men who run away from legitimate discussions of issues that impact women. The same thing happens with racial issues and issues regarding LGBT folks. I'm calling out those guys who run out the back door rather than face their responsibilities. Those who are cowards.

There is no "legitimate discussions" every time it turns into a bunch of women whining about stuff that basically isn't real, but rather imagined in the minds of insecure women - who cannot, for example (see point one of the psychological tips,) come to grips with the reality that their personal decisions (career field choices, having/raising kids, etc) are why there is a disparagement between the pay of men and women - not gender. They refuse to acknowledge that they individually do not have the personality, the skill set, the dedication, the drive to do certain jobs; like management.

These women also refuse to admit things like how they willfully take offence to words, not because the words are "insulting" but simply because its bias confirmation. How many men do you know who are offended if you call them "guy"? Almost none, because men don't play the emotional games that women do, and "these" women [third-wave feminists in particular] are particularly egregious in their intellectual dishonesty, as they pass on their bullshit to emotionally needy folks like you seem to be, and you lap it up because it is human nature to presume that problem isn't with yourself. They do you a major disservice by letting you skate your responsibility for your own life and blame it on "men." Ironic that the cowards are actually folks like you dear.
You need to stop /electing/ to be offended by things you appear, from my read, to be taking completely out of context.

Yanno, coincidentally that's exactly what I told the OP of this thread, in entirely different words.

Meanwhile --- more signage:

I looooves this one:


(but he never surfs porn that is not his wife...)



Here's a twofer:

Well, good. You and your mister have a successful, mutually supportive relationship. I am heterosexual who believes in positive relationships. What I am protesting is the amount of negativity in heterosexual relationships. The "preachers" in the shit cults that tell women to "submit" to their husbands, sex on demand, submit to rape, stay home, bring me my supper, don't run for public office, and the rest of this crap that these mentally diseased people are trying to lay on the sexes. Take a look around the comments on USMB that contain denigrating comments about women, particularly those who seek legal and social equality, asserting that women should "know" some sort of "place" in society, and referring to women's genitalia in the rankest and most objectifying of terms. the guys who do this are trying to kill off heterosexuality.

"The "preachers" in the shit cults that tell women to "submit" to their husbands, sex on demand, submit to rape, stay home, bring me my supper, don't run for public office, and the rest of this crap that these mentally diseased people are trying to lay on the sexes."

They are a minority Crazy Fringe who do not represent Mainstream Men, just like the Radical Militant Feminists are a minority Crazy Fringe who do not represent Mainstream Women.

Who are the "mainstream men" and where are they? You might not remember the Paris peace talks and the importance of having a round table for discussion of differences. Congressional leaders need to hold some serious hearings at which female leaders could discuss the concerns of women in a respectful setting, people like Sandra Fluke, and the people who tried to deliver PP petitions to paul ryan, who ran away and called security instead of sitting down with this group's leaders and speaking to them about their concerns. If they can hold "hearings" in which every cult jerk in the land can voice his "opinion," where is the corresponding attention to female Americans? These types of morons just run away, hide, call security, make some moronic comment about "gals," because they refuse to refer to female adults as "women," as they properly should, or otherwise find ways of avoiding female Americans. I'm not too much into street theater, like dressing up as a vagina, but it seems that these male clowns need to get whacked with a 2x4 before they pay attention. They back away from intelligent conversation or open dialogue on issues that affect women. This is ever so childish. I'm looking for adult, serious men to come forward.

You need to stop /electing/ to be offended by things you appear, from my read, to be taking completely out of context. It's on you, and your self-confidence, to resolve your apparent self-esteem issues, not others around you. Here's some pointers from Psychologists:
  • Take responsibility for yourself. This is the first and most important ingredient in the self-confidence formula. You, and only you, can make new things happen in your life. If you wait for serendipity to provide you with good fortune, or with increased confidence, you’ll be waiting a long time. Realize that the path toward self-confidence is one that you will have to travel — no one else can do it for you.
  • Begin to experiment with life. Try something new. Go out to dinner alone. Take a class in an unfamiliar subject area. Teach yourself how to repair a toaster. Testing your abilities at new endeavors is a wonderful way to learn that you can rely on yourself.
  • Develop an action plan and implement it. Select one area for personal or professional development. Determine the action steps you will take to get there. Put these steps on a timeline. Now implement each step according to plan — no excuses. Every small step you take will be a great boost to your confidence!
  • Stick with it. When you take on a new challenge, stick with it. Self-confidence doesn’t come from each thing you attempt. If it did, one failed effort would bring you back to zero on the confidence scale. True confidence develops from an increasing belief that you can rely on yourself to take action and follow through, no matter what the result.
  • Act “as if.” If you put off taking action until you have confidence, you’ll never do it. In the field of psychology we have come to understand that by changing our behavior, we can change our feelings. So if you take action, and do so with a semblance of outward confidence, the inward, true feeling of confidence, will follow.
  • Find a mentor. Do you know someone who is confident and continues to take one new risk after another? Watch how they do this. Muster up the courage to ask them to meet you for coffee. Find out how they do what they do, and ask them for feedback about your action plan and implementation. Most confident people are happy to help. They remember the courage and effort it’s taken them to get where they are today.

Huh? I don't know what this psycho-babble is all about, and I hope that this was not directed at me. I was opining about men who run away from legitimate discussions of issues that impact women. The same thing happens with racial issues and issues regarding LGBT folks. I'm calling out those guys who run out the back door rather than face their responsibilities. Those who are cowards.

There is no "legitimate discussions" every time it turns into a bunch of women whining about stuff that basically isn't real, but rather imagined in the minds of insecure women - who cannot, for example (see point one of the psychological tips,) come to grips with the reality that their personal decisions (career field choices, having/raising kids, etc) are why there is a disparagement between the pay of men and women - not gender. They refuse to acknowledge that they individually do not have the personality, the skill set, the dedication, the drive to do certain jobs; like management.

These women also refuse to admit things like how they willfully take offence to words, not because the words are "insulting" but simply because its bias confirmation. How many men do you know who are offended if you call them "guy"? Almost none, because men don't play the emotional games that women do, and "these" women [third-wave feminists in particular] are particularly egregious in their intellectual dishonesty, as they pass on their bullshit to emotionally needy folks like you seem to be, and you lap it up because it is human nature to presume that problem isn't with yourself. They do you a major disservice by letting you skate your responsibility for your own life and blame it on "men." Ironic that the cowards are actually folks like you dear.

The running away of people like paul ryan has nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with my personal life. Unplanned, unwanted pregnancies are a fact of life for many Americans and much American worry. This is not an "emotional game." Why pretend? Don't you live in the real world? We do not know why right-wing men run away. Is is nature or nurture? Again: round table discussions. Putting one's opinions and facts out in the middle of the table and discussing them coherently and honestly.

Off topic: Should I buy a dobro? I've always wanted one.
"The "preachers" in the shit cults that tell women to "submit" to their husbands, sex on demand, submit to rape, stay home, bring me my supper, don't run for public office, and the rest of this crap that these mentally diseased people are trying to lay on the sexes."

They are a minority Crazy Fringe who do not represent Mainstream Men, just like the Radical Militant Feminists are a minority Crazy Fringe who do not represent Mainstream Women.

Who are the "mainstream men" and where are they? You might not remember the Paris peace talks and the importance of having a round table for discussion of differences. Congressional leaders need to hold some serious hearings at which female leaders could discuss the concerns of women in a respectful setting, people like Sandra Fluke, and the people who tried to deliver PP petitions to paul ryan, who ran away and called security instead of sitting down with this group's leaders and speaking to them about their concerns. If they can hold "hearings" in which every cult jerk in the land can voice his "opinion," where is the corresponding attention to female Americans? These types of morons just run away, hide, call security, make some moronic comment about "gals," because they refuse to refer to female adults as "women," as they properly should, or otherwise find ways of avoiding female Americans. I'm not too much into street theater, like dressing up as a vagina, but it seems that these male clowns need to get whacked with a 2x4 before they pay attention. They back away from intelligent conversation or open dialogue on issues that affect women. This is ever so childish. I'm looking for adult, serious men to come forward.

You need to stop /electing/ to be offended by things you appear, from my read, to be taking completely out of context. It's on you, and your self-confidence, to resolve your apparent self-esteem issues, not others around you. Here's some pointers from Psychologists:
  • Take responsibility for yourself. This is the first and most important ingredient in the self-confidence formula. You, and only you, can make new things happen in your life. If you wait for serendipity to provide you with good fortune, or with increased confidence, you’ll be waiting a long time. Realize that the path toward self-confidence is one that you will have to travel — no one else can do it for you.
  • Begin to experiment with life. Try something new. Go out to dinner alone. Take a class in an unfamiliar subject area. Teach yourself how to repair a toaster. Testing your abilities at new endeavors is a wonderful way to learn that you can rely on yourself.
  • Develop an action plan and implement it. Select one area for personal or professional development. Determine the action steps you will take to get there. Put these steps on a timeline. Now implement each step according to plan — no excuses. Every small step you take will be a great boost to your confidence!
  • Stick with it. When you take on a new challenge, stick with it. Self-confidence doesn’t come from each thing you attempt. If it did, one failed effort would bring you back to zero on the confidence scale. True confidence develops from an increasing belief that you can rely on yourself to take action and follow through, no matter what the result.
  • Act “as if.” If you put off taking action until you have confidence, you’ll never do it. In the field of psychology we have come to understand that by changing our behavior, we can change our feelings. So if you take action, and do so with a semblance of outward confidence, the inward, true feeling of confidence, will follow.
  • Find a mentor. Do you know someone who is confident and continues to take one new risk after another? Watch how they do this. Muster up the courage to ask them to meet you for coffee. Find out how they do what they do, and ask them for feedback about your action plan and implementation. Most confident people are happy to help. They remember the courage and effort it’s taken them to get where they are today.

Huh? I don't know what this psycho-babble is all about, and I hope that this was not directed at me. I was opining about men who run away from legitimate discussions of issues that impact women. The same thing happens with racial issues and issues regarding LGBT folks. I'm calling out those guys who run out the back door rather than face their responsibilities. Those who are cowards.

There is no "legitimate discussions" every time it turns into a bunch of women whining about stuff that basically isn't real, but rather imagined in the minds of insecure women - who cannot, for example (see point one of the psychological tips,) come to grips with the reality that their personal decisions (career field choices, having/raising kids, etc) are why there is a disparagement between the pay of men and women - not gender. They refuse to acknowledge that they individually do not have the personality, the skill set, the dedication, the drive to do certain jobs; like management.

These women also refuse to admit things like how they willfully take offence to words, not because the words are "insulting" but simply because its bias confirmation. How many men do you know who are offended if you call them "guy"? Almost none, because men don't play the emotional games that women do, and "these" women [third-wave feminists in particular] are particularly egregious in their intellectual dishonesty, as they pass on their bullshit to emotionally needy folks like you seem to be, and you lap it up because it is human nature to presume that problem isn't with yourself. They do you a major disservice by letting you skate your responsibility for your own life and blame it on "men." Ironic that the cowards are actually folks like you dear.

The running away of people like paul ryan has nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with my personal life. Unplanned, unwanted pregnancies are a fact of life for many Americans and much American worry. This is not an "emotional game." Why pretend? Don't you live in the real world? We do not know why right-wing men run away. Is is nature or nurture? Again: round table discussions. Putting one's opinions and facts out in the middle of the table and discussing them coherently and honestly.

Off topic: Should I buy a dobro? I've always wanted one.

You're English is atrocious, JS

Paul Ryan didn't want to talk to the PP fruit loops because frankly they're trying to convince him to pay for murder - there isn't even a damned discussion to be had there if you have the intellectual honesty to think about it.

You want to have an "honest" and "coherent" discussion? Really? How about this one: Paul Ryan and the GOP [in general] aren't even making abortion illegal, they're just saying pay for it yourself. Why are you demanding that /others/ be financially responsible for your unwanted pregnancy?
Last edited:
Who are the "mainstream men" and where are they? You might not remember the Paris peace talks and the importance of having a round table for discussion of differences. Congressional leaders need to hold some serious hearings at which female leaders could discuss the concerns of women in a respectful setting, people like Sandra Fluke, and the people who tried to deliver PP petitions to paul ryan, who ran away and called security instead of sitting down with this group's leaders and speaking to them about their concerns. If they can hold "hearings" in which every cult jerk in the land can voice his "opinion," where is the corresponding attention to female Americans? These types of morons just run away, hide, call security, make some moronic comment about "gals," because they refuse to refer to female adults as "women," as they properly should, or otherwise find ways of avoiding female Americans. I'm not too much into street theater, like dressing up as a vagina, but it seems that these male clowns need to get whacked with a 2x4 before they pay attention. They back away from intelligent conversation or open dialogue on issues that affect women. This is ever so childish. I'm looking for adult, serious men to come forward.

You need to stop /electing/ to be offended by things you appear, from my read, to be taking completely out of context. It's on you, and your self-confidence, to resolve your apparent self-esteem issues, not others around you. Here's some pointers from Psychologists:
  • Take responsibility for yourself. This is the first and most important ingredient in the self-confidence formula. You, and only you, can make new things happen in your life. If you wait for serendipity to provide you with good fortune, or with increased confidence, you’ll be waiting a long time. Realize that the path toward self-confidence is one that you will have to travel — no one else can do it for you.
  • Begin to experiment with life. Try something new. Go out to dinner alone. Take a class in an unfamiliar subject area. Teach yourself how to repair a toaster. Testing your abilities at new endeavors is a wonderful way to learn that you can rely on yourself.
  • Develop an action plan and implement it. Select one area for personal or professional development. Determine the action steps you will take to get there. Put these steps on a timeline. Now implement each step according to plan — no excuses. Every small step you take will be a great boost to your confidence!
  • Stick with it. When you take on a new challenge, stick with it. Self-confidence doesn’t come from each thing you attempt. If it did, one failed effort would bring you back to zero on the confidence scale. True confidence develops from an increasing belief that you can rely on yourself to take action and follow through, no matter what the result.
  • Act “as if.” If you put off taking action until you have confidence, you’ll never do it. In the field of psychology we have come to understand that by changing our behavior, we can change our feelings. So if you take action, and do so with a semblance of outward confidence, the inward, true feeling of confidence, will follow.
  • Find a mentor. Do you know someone who is confident and continues to take one new risk after another? Watch how they do this. Muster up the courage to ask them to meet you for coffee. Find out how they do what they do, and ask them for feedback about your action plan and implementation. Most confident people are happy to help. They remember the courage and effort it’s taken them to get where they are today.

Huh? I don't know what this psycho-babble is all about, and I hope that this was not directed at me. I was opining about men who run away from legitimate discussions of issues that impact women. The same thing happens with racial issues and issues regarding LGBT folks. I'm calling out those guys who run out the back door rather than face their responsibilities. Those who are cowards.

There is no "legitimate discussions" every time it turns into a bunch of women whining about stuff that basically isn't real, but rather imagined in the minds of insecure women - who cannot, for example (see point one of the psychological tips,) come to grips with the reality that their personal decisions (career field choices, having/raising kids, etc) are why there is a disparagement between the pay of men and women - not gender. They refuse to acknowledge that they individually do not have the personality, the skill set, the dedication, the drive to do certain jobs; like management.

These women also refuse to admit things like how they willfully take offence to words, not because the words are "insulting" but simply because its bias confirmation. How many men do you know who are offended if you call them "guy"? Almost none, because men don't play the emotional games that women do, and "these" women [third-wave feminists in particular] are particularly egregious in their intellectual dishonesty, as they pass on their bullshit to emotionally needy folks like you seem to be, and you lap it up because it is human nature to presume that problem isn't with yourself. They do you a major disservice by letting you skate your responsibility for your own life and blame it on "men." Ironic that the cowards are actually folks like you dear.

The running away of people like paul ryan has nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with my personal life. Unplanned, unwanted pregnancies are a fact of life for many Americans and much American worry. This is not an "emotional game." Why pretend? Don't you live in the real world? We do not know why right-wing men run away. Is is nature or nurture? Again: round table discussions. Putting one's opinions and facts out in the middle of the table and discussing them coherently and honestly.

Off topic: Should I buy a dobro? I've always wanted one.

You're English is atrocious, JS

Paul Ryan didn't want to talk to the PP fruit loops because frankly they're trying to convince him to pay for murder - there isn't even a damned discussion to be had there if you have the intellectual honesty to think about it.

You want to have an "honest" and "coherent" discussion? Really? How about this one: Paul Ryan and the GOP [in general] aren't even making abortion illegal, they're just saying pay for it yourself. Why are you demanding that /others/ to be financially responsible for your unwanted pregnancy?

Does anybody remember the good old days, when we were teaching our children to take responsibility for their own feelings? When we taught children that nobody else is responsible for how they FEEL? That feelings are subjective, and begin and end with the person feeling them? Apparently all the lunatics today missed that whole lesson.
Off topic: Should I buy a dobro? I've always wanted one.

Yes. It's illegal to steal them.
Do you already play guitar?
Yes. My 12th birthday present so many years ago, was a Gibson. I was allowed by my parents to choose. I was told by a repairman years ago in in Wheaton, Maryland that he had never seen a guitar like it. It's been many years with my guitars sitting in the closet, but I would so love to play again. And listening to people like Mark Knopfler reminds me of how one of those old music boxes, and when you wind it up, the ballet dancer comes out and twirls. Love that twinkling, delicate sound! Listen to songs likes like Dire Straits' Romeo and Juliet. The dobro to me sounds like a pure, mirrored music box. So delightful and delicate.
You need to stop /electing/ to be offended by things you appear, from my read, to be taking completely out of context. It's on you, and your self-confidence, to resolve your apparent self-esteem issues, not others around you. Here's some pointers from Psychologists:
  • Take responsibility for yourself. This is the first and most important ingredient in the self-confidence formula. You, and only you, can make new things happen in your life. If you wait for serendipity to provide you with good fortune, or with increased confidence, you’ll be waiting a long time. Realize that the path toward self-confidence is one that you will have to travel — no one else can do it for you.
  • Begin to experiment with life. Try something new. Go out to dinner alone. Take a class in an unfamiliar subject area. Teach yourself how to repair a toaster. Testing your abilities at new endeavors is a wonderful way to learn that you can rely on yourself.
  • Develop an action plan and implement it. Select one area for personal or professional development. Determine the action steps you will take to get there. Put these steps on a timeline. Now implement each step according to plan — no excuses. Every small step you take will be a great boost to your confidence!
  • Stick with it. When you take on a new challenge, stick with it. Self-confidence doesn’t come from each thing you attempt. If it did, one failed effort would bring you back to zero on the confidence scale. True confidence develops from an increasing belief that you can rely on yourself to take action and follow through, no matter what the result.
  • Act “as if.” If you put off taking action until you have confidence, you’ll never do it. In the field of psychology we have come to understand that by changing our behavior, we can change our feelings. So if you take action, and do so with a semblance of outward confidence, the inward, true feeling of confidence, will follow.
  • Find a mentor. Do you know someone who is confident and continues to take one new risk after another? Watch how they do this. Muster up the courage to ask them to meet you for coffee. Find out how they do what they do, and ask them for feedback about your action plan and implementation. Most confident people are happy to help. They remember the courage and effort it’s taken them to get where they are today.

Huh? I don't know what this psycho-babble is all about, and I hope that this was not directed at me. I was opining about men who run away from legitimate discussions of issues that impact women. The same thing happens with racial issues and issues regarding LGBT folks. I'm calling out those guys who run out the back door rather than face their responsibilities. Those who are cowards.

There is no "legitimate discussions" every time it turns into a bunch of women whining about stuff that basically isn't real, but rather imagined in the minds of insecure women - who cannot, for example (see point one of the psychological tips,) come to grips with the reality that their personal decisions (career field choices, having/raising kids, etc) are why there is a disparagement between the pay of men and women - not gender. They refuse to acknowledge that they individually do not have the personality, the skill set, the dedication, the drive to do certain jobs; like management.

These women also refuse to admit things like how they willfully take offence to words, not because the words are "insulting" but simply because its bias confirmation. How many men do you know who are offended if you call them "guy"? Almost none, because men don't play the emotional games that women do, and "these" women [third-wave feminists in particular] are particularly egregious in their intellectual dishonesty, as they pass on their bullshit to emotionally needy folks like you seem to be, and you lap it up because it is human nature to presume that problem isn't with yourself. They do you a major disservice by letting you skate your responsibility for your own life and blame it on "men." Ironic that the cowards are actually folks like you dear.

The running away of people like paul ryan has nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with my personal life. Unplanned, unwanted pregnancies are a fact of life for many Americans and much American worry. This is not an "emotional game." Why pretend? Don't you live in the real world? We do not know why right-wing men run away. Is is nature or nurture? Again: round table discussions. Putting one's opinions and facts out in the middle of the table and discussing them coherently and honestly.

Off topic: Should I buy a dobro? I've always wanted one.

You're English is atrocious, JS

Paul Ryan didn't want to talk to the PP fruit loops because frankly they're trying to convince him to pay for murder - there isn't even a damned discussion to be had there if you have the intellectual honesty to think about it.

You want to have an "honest" and "coherent" discussion? Really? How about this one: Paul Ryan and the GOP [in general] aren't even making abortion illegal, they're just saying pay for it yourself. Why are you demanding that /others/ to be financially responsible for your unwanted pregnancy?

Does anybody remember the good old days, when we were teaching our children to take responsibility for their own feelings? When we taught children that nobody else is responsible for how they FEEL? That feelings are subjective, and begin and end with the person feeling them? Apparently all the lunatics today missed that whole lesson.

It does seem like it sometimes. I mean, I don't have "emotions" like most folks with my syn (I "feel" in color) but Father was always hounding about responsibility and "sucking it up."

I have a lot of respect for him now that I'm an adult because I know all of the childhood "trauma" and "drama" between us was for the greater good of teaching me lessons I'd need to be successful in life. I often feel that the left suffers from a severe lack of that kind of historical "perspective" that you get when you actually grow up and become responsible. Today's young adults, hell even middle-aged adults, never seem to grow up and they still think that childish games like twisting words around to mean other things is a meaningful resolution technique, or that screaming at the sky is useful in any way. They seem to think that if they scream loud enough everyone will magically cave to their ridiculous demands (see the Dreamers blocking Disneyland, etc) or change laws of nature simply by yelling about it ~SMH~ They're so broken that I'm not even sure what we can do with them anymore. Half the time I consider them lost causes, the other half I just end up getting called a racist/sexist/etc. It's a no win situation I'm afraid ~sigh~
Huh? I don't know what this psycho-babble is all about, and I hope that this was not directed at me. I was opining about men who run away from legitimate discussions of issues that impact women. The same thing happens with racial issues and issues regarding LGBT folks. I'm calling out those guys who run out the back door rather than face their responsibilities. Those who are cowards.

There is no "legitimate discussions" every time it turns into a bunch of women whining about stuff that basically isn't real, but rather imagined in the minds of insecure women - who cannot, for example (see point one of the psychological tips,) come to grips with the reality that their personal decisions (career field choices, having/raising kids, etc) are why there is a disparagement between the pay of men and women - not gender. They refuse to acknowledge that they individually do not have the personality, the skill set, the dedication, the drive to do certain jobs; like management.

These women also refuse to admit things like how they willfully take offence to words, not because the words are "insulting" but simply because its bias confirmation. How many men do you know who are offended if you call them "guy"? Almost none, because men don't play the emotional games that women do, and "these" women [third-wave feminists in particular] are particularly egregious in their intellectual dishonesty, as they pass on their bullshit to emotionally needy folks like you seem to be, and you lap it up because it is human nature to presume that problem isn't with yourself. They do you a major disservice by letting you skate your responsibility for your own life and blame it on "men." Ironic that the cowards are actually folks like you dear.

The running away of people like paul ryan has nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with my personal life. Unplanned, unwanted pregnancies are a fact of life for many Americans and much American worry. This is not an "emotional game." Why pretend? Don't you live in the real world? We do not know why right-wing men run away. Is is nature or nurture? Again: round table discussions. Putting one's opinions and facts out in the middle of the table and discussing them coherently and honestly.

Off topic: Should I buy a dobro? I've always wanted one.

You're English is atrocious, JS

Paul Ryan didn't want to talk to the PP fruit loops because frankly they're trying to convince him to pay for murder - there isn't even a damned discussion to be had there if you have the intellectual honesty to think about it.

You want to have an "honest" and "coherent" discussion? Really? How about this one: Paul Ryan and the GOP [in general] aren't even making abortion illegal, they're just saying pay for it yourself. Why are you demanding that /others/ to be financially responsible for your unwanted pregnancy?

Does anybody remember the good old days, when we were teaching our children to take responsibility for their own feelings? When we taught children that nobody else is responsible for how they FEEL? That feelings are subjective, and begin and end with the person feeling them? Apparently all the lunatics today missed that whole lesson.

It does seem like it sometimes. I mean, I don't have "emotions" like most folks with my syn (I "feel" in color) but Father was always hounding about responsibility and "sucking it up."

I have a lot of respect for him now that I'm an adult because I know all of the childhood "trauma" and "drama" between us was for the greater good of teaching me lessons I'd need to be successful in life. I often feel that the left suffers from a severe lack of that kind of historical "perspective" that you get when you actually grow up and become responsible. Today's young adults, hell even middle-aged adults, never seem to grow up and they still think that childish games like twisting words around to mean other things is a meaningful resolution technique, or that screaming at the sky is useful in any way. They seem to think that if they scream loud enough everyone will magically cave to their ridiculous demands (see the Dreamers blocking Disneyland, etc) or change laws of nature simply by yelling about it ~SMH~ They're so broken that I'm not even sure what we can do with them anymore. Half the time I consider them lost causes, the other half I just end up getting called a racist/sexist/etc. It's a no win situation I'm afraid ~sigh~

Oh, we'll win. They'll either figure it out, or they're going to be warehoused.
Off topic: Should I buy a dobro? I've always wanted one.

Yes. It's illegal to steal them.
Do you already play guitar?
Yes. My 12th birthday present so many years ago, was a Gibson. I was allowed by my parents to choose. I was told by a repairman years ago in in Wheaton, Maryland that he had never seen a guitar like it. It's been many years with my guitars sitting in the closet, but I would so love to play again. And listening to people like Mark Knopfler reminds me of how one of those old music boxes, and when you wind it up, the ballet dancer comes out and twirls. Love that twinkling, delicate sound! Listen to songs likes like Dire Straits' Romeo and Juliet. The dobro to me sounds like a pure, mirrored music box. So delightful and delicate.

Are we talking about the same instrument?

There is no "legitimate discussions" every time it turns into a bunch of women whining about stuff that basically isn't real, but rather imagined in the minds of insecure women - who cannot, for example (see point one of the psychological tips,) come to grips with the reality that their personal decisions (career field choices, having/raising kids, etc) are why there is a disparagement between the pay of men and women - not gender. They refuse to acknowledge that they individually do not have the personality, the skill set, the dedication, the drive to do certain jobs; like management.

These women also refuse to admit things like how they willfully take offence to words, not because the words are "insulting" but simply because its bias confirmation. How many men do you know who are offended if you call them "guy"? Almost none, because men don't play the emotional games that women do, and "these" women [third-wave feminists in particular] are particularly egregious in their intellectual dishonesty, as they pass on their bullshit to emotionally needy folks like you seem to be, and you lap it up because it is human nature to presume that problem isn't with yourself. They do you a major disservice by letting you skate your responsibility for your own life and blame it on "men." Ironic that the cowards are actually folks like you dear.

The running away of people like paul ryan has nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with my personal life. Unplanned, unwanted pregnancies are a fact of life for many Americans and much American worry. This is not an "emotional game." Why pretend? Don't you live in the real world? We do not know why right-wing men run away. Is is nature or nurture? Again: round table discussions. Putting one's opinions and facts out in the middle of the table and discussing them coherently and honestly.

Off topic: Should I buy a dobro? I've always wanted one.

You're English is atrocious, JS

Paul Ryan didn't want to talk to the PP fruit loops because frankly they're trying to convince him to pay for murder - there isn't even a damned discussion to be had there if you have the intellectual honesty to think about it.

You want to have an "honest" and "coherent" discussion? Really? How about this one: Paul Ryan and the GOP [in general] aren't even making abortion illegal, they're just saying pay for it yourself. Why are you demanding that /others/ to be financially responsible for your unwanted pregnancy?

Does anybody remember the good old days, when we were teaching our children to take responsibility for their own feelings? When we taught children that nobody else is responsible for how they FEEL? That feelings are subjective, and begin and end with the person feeling them? Apparently all the lunatics today missed that whole lesson.

It does seem like it sometimes. I mean, I don't have "emotions" like most folks with my syn (I "feel" in color) but Father was always hounding about responsibility and "sucking it up."

I have a lot of respect for him now that I'm an adult because I know all of the childhood "trauma" and "drama" between us was for the greater good of teaching me lessons I'd need to be successful in life. I often feel that the left suffers from a severe lack of that kind of historical "perspective" that you get when you actually grow up and become responsible. Today's young adults, hell even middle-aged adults, never seem to grow up and they still think that childish games like twisting words around to mean other things is a meaningful resolution technique, or that screaming at the sky is useful in any way. They seem to think that if they scream loud enough everyone will magically cave to their ridiculous demands (see the Dreamers blocking Disneyland, etc) or change laws of nature simply by yelling about it ~SMH~ They're so broken that I'm not even sure what we can do with them anymore. Half the time I consider them lost causes, the other half I just end up getting called a racist/sexist/etc. It's a no win situation I'm afraid ~sigh~

Oh, we'll win. They'll either figure it out, or they're going to be warehoused.

It's not that simple and you know it. We are going to have to deal with them, they're going to be running our businesses, our schools, our government...

Sure we can try to vote for the Gen Z's, but they're about 10 years out yet. There are a few well based young adults out there for sure, but I'm not so sure we can dodge that many mines. I suspect we're going to have some trouble, I mean we're already seeing it; biased media and businesses, the rise of anarchists and "resistance", etc. It's gonna get worse before it gets better I'm afraid.
You need to stop /electing/ to be offended by things you appear, from my read, to be taking completely out of context. It's on you, and your self-confidence, to resolve your apparent self-esteem issues, not others around you. Here's some pointers from Psychologists:
  • Take responsibility for yourself. This is the first and most important ingredient in the self-confidence formula. You, and only you, can make new things happen in your life. If you wait for serendipity to provide you with good fortune, or with increased confidence, you’ll be waiting a long time. Realize that the path toward self-confidence is one that you will have to travel — no one else can do it for you.
  • Begin to experiment with life. Try something new. Go out to dinner alone. Take a class in an unfamiliar subject area. Teach yourself how to repair a toaster. Testing your abilities at new endeavors is a wonderful way to learn that you can rely on yourself.
  • Develop an action plan and implement it. Select one area for personal or professional development. Determine the action steps you will take to get there. Put these steps on a timeline. Now implement each step according to plan — no excuses. Every small step you take will be a great boost to your confidence!
  • Stick with it. When you take on a new challenge, stick with it. Self-confidence doesn’t come from each thing you attempt. If it did, one failed effort would bring you back to zero on the confidence scale. True confidence develops from an increasing belief that you can rely on yourself to take action and follow through, no matter what the result.
  • Act “as if.” If you put off taking action until you have confidence, you’ll never do it. In the field of psychology we have come to understand that by changing our behavior, we can change our feelings. So if you take action, and do so with a semblance of outward confidence, the inward, true feeling of confidence, will follow.
  • Find a mentor. Do you know someone who is confident and continues to take one new risk after another? Watch how they do this. Muster up the courage to ask them to meet you for coffee. Find out how they do what they do, and ask them for feedback about your action plan and implementation. Most confident people are happy to help. They remember the courage and effort it’s taken them to get where they are today.

Huh? I don't know what this psycho-babble is all about, and I hope that this was not directed at me. I was opining about men who run away from legitimate discussions of issues that impact women. The same thing happens with racial issues and issues regarding LGBT folks. I'm calling out those guys who run out the back door rather than face their responsibilities. Those who are cowards.

There is no "legitimate discussions" every time it turns into a bunch of women whining about stuff that basically isn't real, but rather imagined in the minds of insecure women - who cannot, for example (see point one of the psychological tips,) come to grips with the reality that their personal decisions (career field choices, having/raising kids, etc) are why there is a disparagement between the pay of men and women - not gender. They refuse to acknowledge that they individually do not have the personality, the skill set, the dedication, the drive to do certain jobs; like management.

These women also refuse to admit things like how they willfully take offence to words, not because the words are "insulting" but simply because its bias confirmation. How many men do you know who are offended if you call them "guy"? Almost none, because men don't play the emotional games that women do, and "these" women [third-wave feminists in particular] are particularly egregious in their intellectual dishonesty, as they pass on their bullshit to emotionally needy folks like you seem to be, and you lap it up because it is human nature to presume that problem isn't with yourself. They do you a major disservice by letting you skate your responsibility for your own life and blame it on "men." Ironic that the cowards are actually folks like you dear.

The running away of people like paul ryan has nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with my personal life. Unplanned, unwanted pregnancies are a fact of life for many Americans and much American worry. This is not an "emotional game." Why pretend? Don't you live in the real world? We do not know why right-wing men run away. Is is nature or nurture? Again: round table discussions. Putting one's opinions and facts out in the middle of the table and discussing them coherently and honestly.

Off topic: Should I buy a dobro? I've always wanted one.

You're English is atrocious, JS

Paul Ryan didn't want to talk to the PP fruit loops because frankly they're trying to convince him to pay for murder - there isn't even a damned discussion to be had there if you have the intellectual honesty to think about it.

You want to have an "honest" and "coherent" discussion? Really? How about this one: Paul Ryan and the GOP [in general] aren't even making abortion illegal, they're just saying pay for it yourself. Why are you demanding that /others/ to be financially responsible for your unwanted pregnancy?

Does anybody remember the good old days, when we were teaching our children to take responsibility for their own feelings? When we taught children that nobody else is responsible for how they FEEL? That feelings are subjective, and begin and end with the person feeling them? Apparently all the lunatics today missed that whole lesson.
In "the good ole days," we did not even teach the children what they feelings actually were. These dumbshits didn't even bother to teach their girls the difference between raging hormones and love. With girls, when I was growing up, the adult morons weren't even bright enough to tell the girls to take a cold shower because their hormones were taking control of the situation. Carefully delineate the difference between natural sexuality of a physical nature and emotional "love" and the commitment that this entails.The vast difference between lust and emotional love must be emphasized, so that kids of both sexes "get it."

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