Mental illness on parade aka "Women's March"

The running away of people like paul ryan has nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with my personal life. Unplanned, unwanted pregnancies are a fact of life for many Americans and much American worry. This is not an "emotional game." Why pretend? Don't you live in the real world? We do not know why right-wing men run away. Is is nature or nurture? Again: round table discussions. Putting one's opinions and facts out in the middle of the table and discussing them coherently and honestly.

Off topic: Should I buy a dobro? I've always wanted one.

You're English is atrocious, JS

Paul Ryan didn't want to talk to the PP fruit loops because frankly they're trying to convince him to pay for murder - there isn't even a damned discussion to be had there if you have the intellectual honesty to think about it.

You want to have an "honest" and "coherent" discussion? Really? How about this one: Paul Ryan and the GOP [in general] aren't even making abortion illegal, they're just saying pay for it yourself. Why are you demanding that /others/ to be financially responsible for your unwanted pregnancy?

Does anybody remember the good old days, when we were teaching our children to take responsibility for their own feelings? When we taught children that nobody else is responsible for how they FEEL? That feelings are subjective, and begin and end with the person feeling them? Apparently all the lunatics today missed that whole lesson.

It does seem like it sometimes. I mean, I don't have "emotions" like most folks with my syn (I "feel" in color) but Father was always hounding about responsibility and "sucking it up."

I have a lot of respect for him now that I'm an adult because I know all of the childhood "trauma" and "drama" between us was for the greater good of teaching me lessons I'd need to be successful in life. I often feel that the left suffers from a severe lack of that kind of historical "perspective" that you get when you actually grow up and become responsible. Today's young adults, hell even middle-aged adults, never seem to grow up and they still think that childish games like twisting words around to mean other things is a meaningful resolution technique, or that screaming at the sky is useful in any way. They seem to think that if they scream loud enough everyone will magically cave to their ridiculous demands (see the Dreamers blocking Disneyland, etc) or change laws of nature simply by yelling about it ~SMH~ They're so broken that I'm not even sure what we can do with them anymore. Half the time I consider them lost causes, the other half I just end up getting called a racist/sexist/etc. It's a no win situation I'm afraid ~sigh~

Oh, we'll win. They'll either figure it out, or they're going to be warehoused.

It's not that simple and you know it. We are going to have to deal with them, they're going to be running our businesses, our schools, our government...

Sure we can try to vote for the Gen Z's, but they're about 10 years out yet. There are a few well based young adults out there for sure, but I'm not so sure we can dodge that many mines. I suspect we're going to have some trouble, I mean we're already seeing it; biased media and businesses, the rise of anarchists and "resistance", etc. It's gonna get worse before it gets better I'm afraid.

I think we're talking about different groups. I'm talking about the mentally ill. And they are running schools and government now..but not for long.
Huh? I don't know what this psycho-babble is all about, and I hope that this was not directed at me. I was opining about men who run away from legitimate discussions of issues that impact women. The same thing happens with racial issues and issues regarding LGBT folks. I'm calling out those guys who run out the back door rather than face their responsibilities. Those who are cowards.

There is no "legitimate discussions" every time it turns into a bunch of women whining about stuff that basically isn't real, but rather imagined in the minds of insecure women - who cannot, for example (see point one of the psychological tips,) come to grips with the reality that their personal decisions (career field choices, having/raising kids, etc) are why there is a disparagement between the pay of men and women - not gender. They refuse to acknowledge that they individually do not have the personality, the skill set, the dedication, the drive to do certain jobs; like management.

These women also refuse to admit things like how they willfully take offence to words, not because the words are "insulting" but simply because its bias confirmation. How many men do you know who are offended if you call them "guy"? Almost none, because men don't play the emotional games that women do, and "these" women [third-wave feminists in particular] are particularly egregious in their intellectual dishonesty, as they pass on their bullshit to emotionally needy folks like you seem to be, and you lap it up because it is human nature to presume that problem isn't with yourself. They do you a major disservice by letting you skate your responsibility for your own life and blame it on "men." Ironic that the cowards are actually folks like you dear.

The running away of people like paul ryan has nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with my personal life. Unplanned, unwanted pregnancies are a fact of life for many Americans and much American worry. This is not an "emotional game." Why pretend? Don't you live in the real world? We do not know why right-wing men run away. Is is nature or nurture? Again: round table discussions. Putting one's opinions and facts out in the middle of the table and discussing them coherently and honestly.

Off topic: Should I buy a dobro? I've always wanted one.

You're English is atrocious, JS

Paul Ryan didn't want to talk to the PP fruit loops because frankly they're trying to convince him to pay for murder - there isn't even a damned discussion to be had there if you have the intellectual honesty to think about it.

You want to have an "honest" and "coherent" discussion? Really? How about this one: Paul Ryan and the GOP [in general] aren't even making abortion illegal, they're just saying pay for it yourself. Why are you demanding that /others/ to be financially responsible for your unwanted pregnancy?

Does anybody remember the good old days, when we were teaching our children to take responsibility for their own feelings? When we taught children that nobody else is responsible for how they FEEL? That feelings are subjective, and begin and end with the person feeling them? Apparently all the lunatics today missed that whole lesson.
In "the good ole days," we did not even teach the children what they feelings actually were. These dumbshits didn't even bother to teach their girls the difference between raging hormones and love. With girls, when I was growing up, the adult morons weren't even bright enough to tell the girls to take a cold shower because their hormones were taking control of the situation. Carefully delineate the difference between natural sexuality of a physical nature and emotional "love" and the commitment that this entails.The vast difference between lust and emotional love must be emphasized, so that kids of both sexes "get it."

Stay away from children.
There is no "legitimate discussions" every time it turns into a bunch of women whining about stuff that basically isn't real, but rather imagined in the minds of insecure women - who cannot, for example (see point one of the psychological tips,) come to grips with the reality that their personal decisions (career field choices, having/raising kids, etc) are why there is a disparagement between the pay of men and women - not gender. They refuse to acknowledge that they individually do not have the personality, the skill set, the dedication, the drive to do certain jobs; like management.

These women also refuse to admit things like how they willfully take offence to words, not because the words are "insulting" but simply because its bias confirmation. How many men do you know who are offended if you call them "guy"? Almost none, because men don't play the emotional games that women do, and "these" women [third-wave feminists in particular] are particularly egregious in their intellectual dishonesty, as they pass on their bullshit to emotionally needy folks like you seem to be, and you lap it up because it is human nature to presume that problem isn't with yourself. They do you a major disservice by letting you skate your responsibility for your own life and blame it on "men." Ironic that the cowards are actually folks like you dear.

The running away of people like paul ryan has nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with my personal life. Unplanned, unwanted pregnancies are a fact of life for many Americans and much American worry. This is not an "emotional game." Why pretend? Don't you live in the real world? We do not know why right-wing men run away. Is is nature or nurture? Again: round table discussions. Putting one's opinions and facts out in the middle of the table and discussing them coherently and honestly.

Off topic: Should I buy a dobro? I've always wanted one.

You're English is atrocious, JS

Paul Ryan didn't want to talk to the PP fruit loops because frankly they're trying to convince him to pay for murder - there isn't even a damned discussion to be had there if you have the intellectual honesty to think about it.

You want to have an "honest" and "coherent" discussion? Really? How about this one: Paul Ryan and the GOP [in general] aren't even making abortion illegal, they're just saying pay for it yourself. Why are you demanding that /others/ to be financially responsible for your unwanted pregnancy?

Does anybody remember the good old days, when we were teaching our children to take responsibility for their own feelings? When we taught children that nobody else is responsible for how they FEEL? That feelings are subjective, and begin and end with the person feeling them? Apparently all the lunatics today missed that whole lesson.
In "the good ole days," we did not even teach the children what they feelings actually were. These dumbshits didn't even bother to teach their girls the difference between raging hormones and love. With girls, when I was growing up, the adult morons weren't even bright enough to tell the girls to take a cold shower because their hormones were taking control of the situation. Carefully delineate the difference between natural sexuality of a physical nature and emotional "love" and the commitment that this entails.The vast difference between lust and emotional love must be emphasized, so that kids of both sexes "get it."

Stay away from children.

Why? We humans are on two tracks. One: the physical attraction between male and female who are in a heterosexual mode, something never explained by science? Track two: the emotional attractions that bind two people together. Hopefully, these two tracks meet at a crossroads, where attraction, humor, emotions prevail. why lie to children?
The running away of people like paul ryan has nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with my personal life. Unplanned, unwanted pregnancies are a fact of life for many Americans and much American worry. This is not an "emotional game." Why pretend? Don't you live in the real world? We do not know why right-wing men run away. Is is nature or nurture? Again: round table discussions. Putting one's opinions and facts out in the middle of the table and discussing them coherently and honestly.

Off topic: Should I buy a dobro? I've always wanted one.

You're English is atrocious, JS

Paul Ryan didn't want to talk to the PP fruit loops because frankly they're trying to convince him to pay for murder - there isn't even a damned discussion to be had there if you have the intellectual honesty to think about it.

You want to have an "honest" and "coherent" discussion? Really? How about this one: Paul Ryan and the GOP [in general] aren't even making abortion illegal, they're just saying pay for it yourself. Why are you demanding that /others/ to be financially responsible for your unwanted pregnancy?

Does anybody remember the good old days, when we were teaching our children to take responsibility for their own feelings? When we taught children that nobody else is responsible for how they FEEL? That feelings are subjective, and begin and end with the person feeling them? Apparently all the lunatics today missed that whole lesson.
In "the good ole days," we did not even teach the children what they feelings actually were. These dumbshits didn't even bother to teach their girls the difference between raging hormones and love. With girls, when I was growing up, the adult morons weren't even bright enough to tell the girls to take a cold shower because their hormones were taking control of the situation. Carefully delineate the difference between natural sexuality of a physical nature and emotional "love" and the commitment that this entails.The vast difference between lust and emotional love must be emphasized, so that kids of both sexes "get it."

Stay away from children.

Why? We humans are on two tracks. One: the physical attraction between male and female who are in a heterosexual mode, something never explained by science? Track two: the emotional attractions that bind two people together. Hopefully, these two tracks meet at a crossroads, where attraction, humor, emotions prevail. why lie to children?

^^^This is why we need mental hospitals.

Please Heavenly Father, don't let this disgusting pile of shit be a teacher.

But I guarantee you she is hovering around someone's kids. Whispering sweet nothings to them about cold showers *explaining* how sexual attraction works cuz she thinks their parents don't tell them enough about sex.
Please lock these people up:

liberals are so stupid.

Yep, that's the word for inventing a country based on freedom of thought --- "stupid". Clearly "lock them up" is much "schmarter".


The guilty should be locked up..

And the stupid remain stupid.

“schmarter” You making fun of cry baby,

“got his kicked” chucky schumer?

Nope. I Germanized the word as a hint. Probably one that sails clear over your pointed head.
Off topic: Should I buy a dobro? I've always wanted one.

Yes. It's illegal to steal them.
Do you already play guitar?
Yes. My 12th birthday present so many years ago, was a Gibson. I was allowed by my parents to choose. I was told by a repairman years ago in in Wheaton, Maryland that he had never seen a guitar like it. It's been many years with my guitars sitting in the closet, but I would so love to play again. And listening to people like Mark Knopfler reminds me of how one of those old music boxes, and when you wind it up, the ballet dancer comes out and twirls. Love that twinkling, delicate sound! Listen to songs likes like Dire Straits' Romeo and Juliet. The dobro to me sounds like a pure, mirrored music box. So delightful and delicate.

Are we talking about the same instrument?

Too tired. Going to sleep.

Brothers In Arms. Dire Straits:

Please lock these people up:

liberals are so stupid.

Yep, that's the word for inventing a country based on freedom of thought --- "stupid". Clearly "lock them up" is much "schmarter".


The guilty should be locked up..

And the stupid remain stupid.

“schmarter” You making fun of cry baby,

“got his kicked” chucky schumer?

Nope. I Germanized the word as a hint. Probably one that sails clear over your pointed head.

Yea, dip shit,

that was right up there with String theory.
You're English is atrocious, JS

Paul Ryan didn't want to talk to the PP fruit loops because frankly they're trying to convince him to pay for murder - there isn't even a damned discussion to be had there if you have the intellectual honesty to think about it.

You want to have an "honest" and "coherent" discussion? Really? How about this one: Paul Ryan and the GOP [in general] aren't even making abortion illegal, they're just saying pay for it yourself. Why are you demanding that /others/ to be financially responsible for your unwanted pregnancy?

Does anybody remember the good old days, when we were teaching our children to take responsibility for their own feelings? When we taught children that nobody else is responsible for how they FEEL? That feelings are subjective, and begin and end with the person feeling them? Apparently all the lunatics today missed that whole lesson.
In "the good ole days," we did not even teach the children what they feelings actually were. These dumbshits didn't even bother to teach their girls the difference between raging hormones and love. With girls, when I was growing up, the adult morons weren't even bright enough to tell the girls to take a cold shower because their hormones were taking control of the situation. Carefully delineate the difference between natural sexuality of a physical nature and emotional "love" and the commitment that this entails.The vast difference between lust and emotional love must be emphasized, so that kids of both sexes "get it."

Stay away from children.

Why? We humans are on two tracks. One: the physical attraction between male and female who are in a heterosexual mode, something never explained by science? Track two: the emotional attractions that bind two people together. Hopefully, these two tracks meet at a crossroads, where attraction, humor, emotions prevail. why lie to children?

^^^This is why we need mental hospitals.

Please Heavenly Father, don't let this disgusting pile of shit be a teacher.

But I guarantee you she is hovering around someone's kids. Whispering sweet nothings to them about cold showers *explaining* how sexual attraction works cuz she thinks their parents don't tell them enough about sex.

So you don't agree that love and lust are two different things and ought not to be confused, though it is easy to do so? You will be happy with the results of all the teenagers running off to bed, or the back seat of a car, convinced that they are in "love," and all the possible results of this? Were you ever actually a teenager, or did you skip that part?

Many parents are not telling their kids enough about sex. My own mother actually began her sex "talk" by mentioning the Virgin Mary. Years later I teased her that she began by referencing the only person in history who got famous by not doing "it." Fortunately, my favorite aunt was a military officer in the medical field. She was the one who realized that my mother, her older sister, was a bit "out there" and who gave me the practical, realistic sex talk, which allowed me to negotiate my teenage/college years successfully. Teenagers are walking hormone factories. They need guidance. Why not explain to them just what they are going through instead of allowing them to walk around confused? Possibly getting pregnant, getting someone else pregnant, getting STDs, or getting into marriages before they have had a chance to sort out their futures? Kids are bombarded both with fairy-tale "romance" and "happily ever after" stories and with sexuality on a daily basis. Why not help them?

I think that you want teenagers to get into trouble. But then again, your other posts, in which you have just consistently denied the conclusions of the American medical establishment and substituted your own conclusions, suggest that you are seriously delusional.
Lysistrata I don't believe "love" (in the way you describe it; like some kind of soul mate bonding or whatever) actually exists. What exists as the "true stage" of marriage, and even parenting, is "commitment" - family duty, family honor, and family responsibility. IMO, the idea of "soul mates" and the like is a major "flaw" in younger people, who will never find true happiness with a "partner" nor do they take proper "responsibility" for their family legacy. Life isn't easy, family isn't easy, but they expect it to be and they are not trained in how to deal with that reality. It's not about 'sex,' which is little more than a chemical release one can just as easily get from wanking off; it's about taking responsibility for yourself, and your family - being ready to take on the hardships and stresses of daily life, partnership, and teaching your kids to do the same.

You're rambling about love and lust in one breath, about not teaching kids about sex in another, and demanding free abortions for "accidental pregnancies" in another. Do you not see the disconnect here? How can you argue for teaching kids about "love" (even as you would describe it) and yet not see that abortion is little more than a shirking of responsibility and a failure to respect "love" at it's base definition? You blame the parent for not teaching them the difference, then allow the child to not learn from their mistakes, while also crying about "woman's rights" as though it actually matters to these people. At some point you have to see that the entire argument being fed to you by pro-abortion activists is basically bullshit with no "principles" behind it; it's merely an extension of the "I want X" regardless off the consequences and if you don't give it to me I'll throw a tantrum. There is little "substance" of any "moral value" to 90% of the arguments made by pro-choice groups; which invariably boils down to "this life means nothing to /me/ so /I/ have the right to murder it" at it's base. IF there were any "moral value" to the argument, then there would be "honest" discussion about the rights of the fathers and other family members involved, but of course, all such "honest" discussions are forfeit to "women's rights" and "her body, her choice" with zero repercussions for "her choices" that caused the unwanted pregnancy in the first place. (Even if we except for rape, illness, etc.) The hard reality, the honest reality, is that many, many people use abortion as a form of birth-control and when you cheapen the worth of babies like that you in-veritably cheapen the meaning of life itself; regardless of ones religious beliefs. When human life becomes "meaningless" society suffers an indescribably deep wound, the individuals suffer as well, but I'll not get too deep into that as I've already probably typed more than this board typically handles.

{Also, for the record, I'm actually pro-choice in that I do not believe life starts until viability. I reference animals who kill their young because they are aware they cannot feed them, and I think it more "humane" to allow abortion than to force unwanted kids upon people who are clearly severely lacking in the responsibility necessary to raise kids properly. However, I also understand many folks' position that life begins at conception and I can respect that belief - and no, these folks are not all religious - that's just a left wing talking point and isn't "honest." There is no true "solution" to the question of abortion and I don't think there ever will be - neither side is right, nor wrong, per-say, there is simply a fundamental disagreement about the nature of human life and reproduction.}
Does anybody remember the good old days, when we were teaching our children to take responsibility for their own feelings? When we taught children that nobody else is responsible for how they FEEL? That feelings are subjective, and begin and end with the person feeling them? Apparently all the lunatics today missed that whole lesson.
In "the good ole days," we did not even teach the children what they feelings actually were. These dumbshits didn't even bother to teach their girls the difference between raging hormones and love. With girls, when I was growing up, the adult morons weren't even bright enough to tell the girls to take a cold shower because their hormones were taking control of the situation. Carefully delineate the difference between natural sexuality of a physical nature and emotional "love" and the commitment that this entails.The vast difference between lust and emotional love must be emphasized, so that kids of both sexes "get it."

Stay away from children.

Why? We humans are on two tracks. One: the physical attraction between male and female who are in a heterosexual mode, something never explained by science? Track two: the emotional attractions that bind two people together. Hopefully, these two tracks meet at a crossroads, where attraction, humor, emotions prevail. why lie to children?

^^^This is why we need mental hospitals.

Please Heavenly Father, don't let this disgusting pile of shit be a teacher.

But I guarantee you she is hovering around someone's kids. Whispering sweet nothings to them about cold showers *explaining* how sexual attraction works cuz she thinks their parents don't tell them enough about sex.

So you don't agree that love and lust are two different things and ought not to be confused, though it is easy to do so? You will be happy with the results of all the teenagers running off to bed, or the back seat of a car, convinced that they are in "love," and all the possible results of this? Were you ever actually a teenager, or did you skip that part?

Many parents are not telling their kids enough about sex. My own mother actually began her sex "talk" by mentioning the Virgin Mary. Years later I teased her that she began by referencing the only person in history who got famous by not doing "it." Fortunately, my favorite aunt was a military officer in the medical field. She was the one who realized that my mother, her older sister, was a bit "out there" and who gave me the practical, realistic sex talk, which allowed me to negotiate my teenage/college years successfully. Teenagers are walking hormone factories. They need guidance. Why not explain to them just what they are going through instead of allowing them to walk around confused? Possibly getting pregnant, getting someone else pregnant, getting STDs, or getting into marriages before they have had a chance to sort out their futures? Kids are bombarded both with fairy-tale "romance" and "happily ever after" stories and with sexuality on a daily basis. Why not help them?

I think that you want teenagers to get into trouble. But then again, your other posts, in which you have just consistently denied the conclusions of the American medical establishment and substituted your own conclusions, suggest that you are seriously delusional.

"Teenagers are walking hormone factories. They need guidance. Why not explain to them just what they are going through instead of allowing them to walk around confused? Possibly getting pregnant, getting someone else pregnant, getting STDs, or getting into marriages before they have had a chance to sort out their futures? Kids are bombarded both with fairy-tale "romance" and "happily ever after" stories and with sexuality on a daily basis. Why not help them?"

^^^^ We agree about this, I also refer to my below post in this thread that I post the other day:


Mental illness on parade aka "Women's March"
Lysistrata I don't believe "love" (in the way you describe it; like some kind of soul mate bonding or whatever) actually exists. What exists as the "true stage" of marriage, and even parenting, is "commitment" - family duty, family honor, and family responsibility. IMO, the idea of "soul mates" and the like is a major "flaw" in younger people, who will never find true happiness with a "partner" nor do they take proper "responsibility" for their family legacy. Life isn't easy, family isn't easy, but they expect it to be and they are not trained in how to deal with that reality. It's not about 'sex,' which is little more than a chemical release one can just as easily get from wanking off; it's about taking responsibility for yourself, and your family - being ready to take on the hardships and stresses of daily life, partnership, and teaching your kids to do the same.

You're rambling about love and lust in one breath, about not teaching kids about sex in another, and demanding free abortions for "accidental pregnancies" in another. Do you not see the disconnect here? How can you argue for teaching kids about "love" (even as you would describe it) and yet not see that abortion is little more than a shirking of responsibility and a failure to respect "love" at it's base definition? You blame the parent for not teaching them the difference, then allow the child to not learn from their mistakes, while also crying about "woman's rights" as though it actually matters to these people. At some point you have to see that the entire argument being fed to you by pro-abortion activists is basically bullshit with no "principles" behind it; it's merely an extension of the "I want X" regardless off the consequences and if you don't give it to me I'll throw a tantrum. There is little "substance" of any "moral value" to 90% of the arguments made by pro-choice groups; which invariably boils down to "this life means nothing to /me/ so /I/ have the right to murder it" at it's base. IF there were any "moral value" to the argument, then there would be "honest" discussion about the rights of the fathers and other family members involved, but of course, all such "honest" discussions are forfeit to "women's rights" and "her body, her choice" with zero repercussions for "her choices" that caused the unwanted pregnancy in the first place. (Even if we except for rape, illness, etc.) The hard reality, the honest reality, is that many, many people use abortion as a form of birth-control and when you cheapen the worth of babies like that you in-veritably cheapen the meaning of life itself; regardless of ones religious beliefs. When human life becomes "meaningless" society suffers an indescribably deep wound, the individuals suffer as well, but I'll not get too deep into that as I've already probably typed more than this board typically handles.

{Also, for the record, I'm actually pro-choice in that I do not believe life starts until viability. I reference animals who kill their young because they are aware they cannot feed them, and I think it more "humane" to allow abortion than to force unwanted kids upon people who are clearly severely lacking in the responsibility necessary to raise kids properly. However, I also understand many folks' position that life begins at conception and I can respect that belief - and no, these folks are not all religious - that's just a left wing talking point and isn't "honest." There is no true "solution" to the question of abortion and I don't think there ever will be - neither side is right, nor wrong, per-say, there is simply a fundamental disagreement about the nature of human life and reproduction.}

"You're rambling about love and lust in one breath, about not teaching kids about sex in another, and demanding free abortions for "accidental pregnancies" in another. Do you not see the disconnect here? How can you argue for teaching kids about "love" (even as you would describe it) and yet not see that abortion is little more than a shirking of responsibility and a failure to respect "love" at it's base definition? You blame the parent for not teaching them the difference, then allow the child to not learn from their mistakes, while also crying about "woman's rights" as though it actually matters to these people. At some point you have to see that the entire argument being fed to you by pro-abortion activists is basically bullshit with no "principles" behind it; it's merely an extension of the "I want X" regardless off the consequences and if you don't give it to me I'll throw a tantrum. There is little "substance" of any "moral value" to 90% of the arguments made by pro-choice groups; which invariably boils down to "this life means nothing to /me/ so /I/ have the right to murder it" at it's base. IF there were any "moral value" to the argument, then there would be "honest" discussion about the rights of the fathers and other family members involved, but of course, all such "honest" discussions are forfeit to "women's rights" and "her body, her choice" with zero repercussions for "her choices" that caused the unwanted pregnancy in the first place. (Even if we except for rape, illness, etc.) The hard reality, the honest reality, is that many, many people use abortion as a form of birth-control and when you cheapen the worth of babies like that you in-veritably cheapen the meaning of life itself; regardless of ones religious beliefs. When human life becomes "meaningless" society suffers an indescribably deep wound, the individuals suffer as well, but I'll not get too deep into that as I've already probably typed more than this board typically handles."

You also are correct about this, she has posted some very confusing comments that contradict each other and it's all a bit mixed up and I have commented many times that many people are using abortion as a means of contraception so I won't begin repeating myself again because my comments about that are in this thread and are in every thread we've had about this issue.
Lysistrata I don't believe "love" (in the way you describe it; like some kind of soul mate bonding or whatever) actually exists. What exists as the "true stage" of marriage, and even parenting, is "commitment" - family duty, family honor, and family responsibility. IMO, the idea of "soul mates" and the like is a major "flaw" in younger people, who will never find true happiness with a "partner" nor do they take proper "responsibility" for their family legacy. Life isn't easy, family isn't easy, but they expect it to be and they are not trained in how to deal with that reality. It's not about 'sex,' which is little more than a chemical release one can just as easily get from wanking off; it's about taking responsibility for yourself, and your family - being ready to take on the hardships and stresses of daily life, partnership, and teaching your kids to do the same.

You're rambling about love and lust in one breath, about not teaching kids about sex in another, and demanding free abortions for "accidental pregnancies" in another. Do you not see the disconnect here? How can you argue for teaching kids about "love" (even as you would describe it) and yet not see that abortion is little more than a shirking of responsibility and a failure to respect "love" at it's base definition? You blame the parent for not teaching them the difference, then allow the child to not learn from their mistakes, while also crying about "woman's rights" as though it actually matters to these people. At some point you have to see that the entire argument being fed to you by pro-abortion activists is basically bullshit with no "principles" behind it; it's merely an extension of the "I want X" regardless off the consequences and if you don't give it to me I'll throw a tantrum. There is little "substance" of any "moral value" to 90% of the arguments made by pro-choice groups; which invariably boils down to "this life means nothing to /me/ so /I/ have the right to murder it" at it's base. IF there were any "moral value" to the argument, then there would be "honest" discussion about the rights of the fathers and other family members involved, but of course, all such "honest" discussions are forfeit to "women's rights" and "her body, her choice" with zero repercussions for "her choices" that caused the unwanted pregnancy in the first place. (Even if we except for rape, illness, etc.) The hard reality, the honest reality, is that many, many people use abortion as a form of birth-control and when you cheapen the worth of babies like that you in-veritably cheapen the meaning of life itself; regardless of ones religious beliefs. When human life becomes "meaningless" society suffers an indescribably deep wound, the individuals suffer as well, but I'll not get too deep into that as I've already probably typed more than this board typically handles.

{Also, for the record, I'm actually pro-choice in that I do not believe life starts until viability. I reference animals who kill their young because they are aware they cannot feed them, and I think it more "humane" to allow abortion than to force unwanted kids upon people who are clearly severely lacking in the responsibility necessary to raise kids properly. However, I also understand many folks' position that life begins at conception and I can respect that belief - and no, these folks are not all religious - that's just a left wing talking point and isn't "honest." There is no true "solution" to the question of abortion and I don't think there ever will be - neither side is right, nor wrong, per-say, there is simply a fundamental disagreement about the nature of human life and reproduction.}

"You're rambling about love and lust in one breath, about not teaching kids about sex in another, and demanding free abortions for "accidental pregnancies" in another. Do you not see the disconnect here? How can you argue for teaching kids about "love" (even as you would describe it) and yet not see that abortion is little more than a shirking of responsibility and a failure to respect "love" at it's base definition? You blame the parent for not teaching them the difference, then allow the child to not learn from their mistakes, while also crying about "woman's rights" as though it actually matters to these people. At some point you have to see that the entire argument being fed to you by pro-abortion activists is basically bullshit with no "principles" behind it; it's merely an extension of the "I want X" regardless off the consequences and if you don't give it to me I'll throw a tantrum. There is little "substance" of any "moral value" to 90% of the arguments made by pro-choice groups; which invariably boils down to "this life means nothing to /me/ so /I/ have the right to murder it" at it's base. IF there were any "moral value" to the argument, then there would be "honest" discussion about the rights of the fathers and other family members involved, but of course, all such "honest" discussions are forfeit to "women's rights" and "her body, her choice" with zero repercussions for "her choices" that caused the unwanted pregnancy in the first place. (Even if we except for rape, illness, etc.) The hard reality, the honest reality, is that many, many people use abortion as a form of birth-control and when you cheapen the worth of babies like that you in-veritably cheapen the meaning of life itself; regardless of ones religious beliefs. When human life becomes "meaningless" society suffers an indescribably deep wound, the individuals suffer as well, but I'll not get too deep into that as I've already probably typed more than this board typically handles."

You also are correct about this, she has posted some very confusing comments that contradict each other and it's all a bit mixed up and I have commented many times that many people are using abortion as a means of contraception so I won't begin repeating myself again because my comments about that are in this thread and are in every thread we've had about this issue.

I'm afraid this is an issue with lefties, and perhaps younger adults who are still naive yet. When you have no true "principles" on which to base your "beliefs" it becomes very easy to argue hypocrisy on any and all issues. The lack of "foundation" makes for a shaky house indeed.
Please lock these people up:

liberals are so stupid.

Yep, that's the word for inventing a country based on freedom of thought --- "stupid". Clearly "lock them up" is much "schmarter".


The guilty should be locked up..

And the stupid remain stupid.

“schmarter” You making fun of cry baby,

“got his kicked” chucky schumer?

Nope. I Germanized the word as a hint. Probably one that sails clear over your pointed head.

Yea, dip shit,

that was right up there with String theory.

String theory was what I just posted about the dobro. Glad you dug the music.
Does anybody remember the good old days, when we were teaching our children to take responsibility for their own feelings? When we taught children that nobody else is responsible for how they FEEL? That feelings are subjective, and begin and end with the person feeling them? Apparently all the lunatics today missed that whole lesson.
In "the good ole days," we did not even teach the children what they feelings actually were. These dumbshits didn't even bother to teach their girls the difference between raging hormones and love. With girls, when I was growing up, the adult morons weren't even bright enough to tell the girls to take a cold shower because their hormones were taking control of the situation. Carefully delineate the difference between natural sexuality of a physical nature and emotional "love" and the commitment that this entails.The vast difference between lust and emotional love must be emphasized, so that kids of both sexes "get it."

Stay away from children.

Why? We humans are on two tracks. One: the physical attraction between male and female who are in a heterosexual mode, something never explained by science? Track two: the emotional attractions that bind two people together. Hopefully, these two tracks meet at a crossroads, where attraction, humor, emotions prevail. why lie to children?

^^^This is why we need mental hospitals.

Please Heavenly Father, don't let this disgusting pile of shit be a teacher.

But I guarantee you she is hovering around someone's kids. Whispering sweet nothings to them about cold showers *explaining* how sexual attraction works cuz she thinks their parents don't tell them enough about sex.

So you don't agree that love and lust are two different things and ought not to be confused, though it is easy to do so? You will be happy with the results of all the teenagers running off to bed, or the back seat of a car, convinced that they are in "love," and all the possible results of this? Were you ever actually a teenager, or did you skip that part?

Many parents are not telling their kids enough about sex. My own mother actually began her sex "talk" by mentioning the Virgin Mary. Years later I teased her that she began by referencing the only person in history who got famous by not doing "it." Fortunately, my favorite aunt was a military officer in the medical field. She was the one who realized that my mother, her older sister, was a bit "out there" and who gave me the practical, realistic sex talk, which allowed me to negotiate my teenage/college years successfully. Teenagers are walking hormone factories. They need guidance. Why not explain to them just what they are going through instead of allowing them to walk around confused? Possibly getting pregnant, getting someone else pregnant, getting STDs, or getting into marriages before they have had a chance to sort out their futures? Kids are bombarded both with fairy-tale "romance" and "happily ever after" stories and with sexuality on a daily basis. Why not help them?

I think that you want teenagers to get into trouble. But then again, your other posts, in which you have just consistently denied the conclusions of the American medical establishment and substituted your own conclusions, suggest that you are seriously delusional.

None of my teenagers have *gotten into trouble*. I raised four..and some extras.

And it's none of your business what parents tell their children about sex. It is not your job to *fill in the blanks* as you see it. That's not your job. It's not the job of the schools. It's solely the job of parents, and they have the right to raise their children as they see fit.

The truth of the matter is, the families that have the most outside interference in child rearing are the parents who are raising the kids who get knocked up at 13, who have serial abortions, who are in prison. Leave the kids alone. Leave families alone. The social experiment and this concept of sex education as conceived of and taught by sociopaths and monsters like Kinsey, is an abject and criminal failure.
In "the good ole days," we did not even teach the children what they feelings actually were. These dumbshits didn't even bother to teach their girls the difference between raging hormones and love. With girls, when I was growing up, the adult morons weren't even bright enough to tell the girls to take a cold shower because their hormones were taking control of the situation. Carefully delineate the difference between natural sexuality of a physical nature and emotional "love" and the commitment that this entails.The vast difference between lust and emotional love must be emphasized, so that kids of both sexes "get it."

Stay away from children.

Why? We humans are on two tracks. One: the physical attraction between male and female who are in a heterosexual mode, something never explained by science? Track two: the emotional attractions that bind two people together. Hopefully, these two tracks meet at a crossroads, where attraction, humor, emotions prevail. why lie to children?

^^^This is why we need mental hospitals.

Please Heavenly Father, don't let this disgusting pile of shit be a teacher.

But I guarantee you she is hovering around someone's kids. Whispering sweet nothings to them about cold showers *explaining* how sexual attraction works cuz she thinks their parents don't tell them enough about sex.

So you don't agree that love and lust are two different things and ought not to be confused, though it is easy to do so? You will be happy with the results of all the teenagers running off to bed, or the back seat of a car, convinced that they are in "love," and all the possible results of this? Were you ever actually a teenager, or did you skip that part?

Many parents are not telling their kids enough about sex. My own mother actually began her sex "talk" by mentioning the Virgin Mary. Years later I teased her that she began by referencing the only person in history who got famous by not doing "it." Fortunately, my favorite aunt was a military officer in the medical field. She was the one who realized that my mother, her older sister, was a bit "out there" and who gave me the practical, realistic sex talk, which allowed me to negotiate my teenage/college years successfully. Teenagers are walking hormone factories. They need guidance. Why not explain to them just what they are going through instead of allowing them to walk around confused? Possibly getting pregnant, getting someone else pregnant, getting STDs, or getting into marriages before they have had a chance to sort out their futures? Kids are bombarded both with fairy-tale "romance" and "happily ever after" stories and with sexuality on a daily basis. Why not help them?

I think that you want teenagers to get into trouble. But then again, your other posts, in which you have just consistently denied the conclusions of the American medical establishment and substituted your own conclusions, suggest that you are seriously delusional.

None of my teenagers have *gotten into trouble*. I raised four..and some extras.

And it's none of your business what parents tell their children about sex. It is not your job to *fill in the blanks* as you see it. That's not your job. It's not the job of the schools. It's solely the job of parents, and they have the right to raise their children as they see fit.

And yet somehow it becomes your business to "lock up" other people expressing their concerns in a march.
Funny how that works.
In "the good ole days," we did not even teach the children what they feelings actually were. These dumbshits didn't even bother to teach their girls the difference between raging hormones and love. With girls, when I was growing up, the adult morons weren't even bright enough to tell the girls to take a cold shower because their hormones were taking control of the situation. Carefully delineate the difference between natural sexuality of a physical nature and emotional "love" and the commitment that this entails.The vast difference between lust and emotional love must be emphasized, so that kids of both sexes "get it."

Stay away from children.

Why? We humans are on two tracks. One: the physical attraction between male and female who are in a heterosexual mode, something never explained by science? Track two: the emotional attractions that bind two people together. Hopefully, these two tracks meet at a crossroads, where attraction, humor, emotions prevail. why lie to children?

^^^This is why we need mental hospitals.

Please Heavenly Father, don't let this disgusting pile of shit be a teacher.

But I guarantee you she is hovering around someone's kids. Whispering sweet nothings to them about cold showers *explaining* how sexual attraction works cuz she thinks their parents don't tell them enough about sex.

So you don't agree that love and lust are two different things and ought not to be confused, though it is easy to do so? You will be happy with the results of all the teenagers running off to bed, or the back seat of a car, convinced that they are in "love," and all the possible results of this? Were you ever actually a teenager, or did you skip that part?

Many parents are not telling their kids enough about sex. My own mother actually began her sex "talk" by mentioning the Virgin Mary. Years later I teased her that she began by referencing the only person in history who got famous by not doing "it." Fortunately, my favorite aunt was a military officer in the medical field. She was the one who realized that my mother, her older sister, was a bit "out there" and who gave me the practical, realistic sex talk, which allowed me to negotiate my teenage/college years successfully. Teenagers are walking hormone factories. They need guidance. Why not explain to them just what they are going through instead of allowing them to walk around confused? Possibly getting pregnant, getting someone else pregnant, getting STDs, or getting into marriages before they have had a chance to sort out their futures? Kids are bombarded both with fairy-tale "romance" and "happily ever after" stories and with sexuality on a daily basis. Why not help them?

I think that you want teenagers to get into trouble. But then again, your other posts, in which you have just consistently denied the conclusions of the American medical establishment and substituted your own conclusions, suggest that you are seriously delusional.

None of my teenagers have *gotten into trouble*. I raised four..and some extras.

And it's none of your business what parents tell their children about sex. It is not your job to *fill in the blanks* as you see it. That's not your job. It's not the job of the schools. It's solely the job of parents, and they have the right to raise their children as they see fit.

The truth of the matter is, the families that have the most outside interference in child rearing are the parents who are raising the kids who get knocked up at 13, who have serial abortions, who are in prison. Leave the kids alone. Leave families alone. The social experiment and this concept of sex education as conceived of and taught by sociopaths and monsters like Kinsey, is an abject and criminal failure.

I feel sorry for your children. All of them, but particularly, the girls. You are a cult follower and probably have kept a cult household. This is evident. I just hope that you have not hurt anyone permanently with your pathetic sickness.
Stay away from children.

Why? We humans are on two tracks. One: the physical attraction between male and female who are in a heterosexual mode, something never explained by science? Track two: the emotional attractions that bind two people together. Hopefully, these two tracks meet at a crossroads, where attraction, humor, emotions prevail. why lie to children?

^^^This is why we need mental hospitals.

Please Heavenly Father, don't let this disgusting pile of shit be a teacher.

But I guarantee you she is hovering around someone's kids. Whispering sweet nothings to them about cold showers *explaining* how sexual attraction works cuz she thinks their parents don't tell them enough about sex.

So you don't agree that love and lust are two different things and ought not to be confused, though it is easy to do so? You will be happy with the results of all the teenagers running off to bed, or the back seat of a car, convinced that they are in "love," and all the possible results of this? Were you ever actually a teenager, or did you skip that part?

Many parents are not telling their kids enough about sex. My own mother actually began her sex "talk" by mentioning the Virgin Mary. Years later I teased her that she began by referencing the only person in history who got famous by not doing "it." Fortunately, my favorite aunt was a military officer in the medical field. She was the one who realized that my mother, her older sister, was a bit "out there" and who gave me the practical, realistic sex talk, which allowed me to negotiate my teenage/college years successfully. Teenagers are walking hormone factories. They need guidance. Why not explain to them just what they are going through instead of allowing them to walk around confused? Possibly getting pregnant, getting someone else pregnant, getting STDs, or getting into marriages before they have had a chance to sort out their futures? Kids are bombarded both with fairy-tale "romance" and "happily ever after" stories and with sexuality on a daily basis. Why not help them?

I think that you want teenagers to get into trouble. But then again, your other posts, in which you have just consistently denied the conclusions of the American medical establishment and substituted your own conclusions, suggest that you are seriously delusional.

None of my teenagers have *gotten into trouble*. I raised four..and some extras.

And it's none of your business what parents tell their children about sex. It is not your job to *fill in the blanks* as you see it. That's not your job. It's not the job of the schools. It's solely the job of parents, and they have the right to raise their children as they see fit.

The truth of the matter is, the families that have the most outside interference in child rearing are the parents who are raising the kids who get knocked up at 13, who have serial abortions, who are in prison. Leave the kids alone. Leave families alone. The social experiment and this concept of sex education as conceived of and taught by sociopaths and monsters like Kinsey, is an abject and criminal failure.

I feel sorry for your children. All of them, but particularly, the girls. You are a cult follower and probably have kept a cult household. This is evident. I just hope that you have not hurt anyone permanently with your pathetic sickness.

Teaching morals, responsibility and believing this should be left to parents is a cult? LOL no.
Why? We humans are on two tracks. One: the physical attraction between male and female who are in a heterosexual mode, something never explained by science? Track two: the emotional attractions that bind two people together. Hopefully, these two tracks meet at a crossroads, where attraction, humor, emotions prevail. why lie to children?

^^^This is why we need mental hospitals.

Please Heavenly Father, don't let this disgusting pile of shit be a teacher.

But I guarantee you she is hovering around someone's kids. Whispering sweet nothings to them about cold showers *explaining* how sexual attraction works cuz she thinks their parents don't tell them enough about sex.

So you don't agree that love and lust are two different things and ought not to be confused, though it is easy to do so? You will be happy with the results of all the teenagers running off to bed, or the back seat of a car, convinced that they are in "love," and all the possible results of this? Were you ever actually a teenager, or did you skip that part?

Many parents are not telling their kids enough about sex. My own mother actually began her sex "talk" by mentioning the Virgin Mary. Years later I teased her that she began by referencing the only person in history who got famous by not doing "it." Fortunately, my favorite aunt was a military officer in the medical field. She was the one who realized that my mother, her older sister, was a bit "out there" and who gave me the practical, realistic sex talk, which allowed me to negotiate my teenage/college years successfully. Teenagers are walking hormone factories. They need guidance. Why not explain to them just what they are going through instead of allowing them to walk around confused? Possibly getting pregnant, getting someone else pregnant, getting STDs, or getting into marriages before they have had a chance to sort out their futures? Kids are bombarded both with fairy-tale "romance" and "happily ever after" stories and with sexuality on a daily basis. Why not help them?

I think that you want teenagers to get into trouble. But then again, your other posts, in which you have just consistently denied the conclusions of the American medical establishment and substituted your own conclusions, suggest that you are seriously delusional.

None of my teenagers have *gotten into trouble*. I raised four..and some extras.

And it's none of your business what parents tell their children about sex. It is not your job to *fill in the blanks* as you see it. That's not your job. It's not the job of the schools. It's solely the job of parents, and they have the right to raise their children as they see fit.

The truth of the matter is, the families that have the most outside interference in child rearing are the parents who are raising the kids who get knocked up at 13, who have serial abortions, who are in prison. Leave the kids alone. Leave families alone. The social experiment and this concept of sex education as conceived of and taught by sociopaths and monsters like Kinsey, is an abject and criminal failure.

I feel sorry for your children. All of them, but particularly, the girls. You are a cult follower and probably have kept a cult household. This is evident. I just hope that you have not hurt anyone permanently with your pathetic sickness.

Teaching morals, responsibility and believing this should be left to parents is a cult? LOL no.
She's one of the crazy degenerates who want to take children from Christian families, and turn them over to homosexual fosters to indoctrinate/sell/whatever.
^^^This is why we need mental hospitals.

Please Heavenly Father, don't let this disgusting pile of shit be a teacher.

But I guarantee you she is hovering around someone's kids. Whispering sweet nothings to them about cold showers *explaining* how sexual attraction works cuz she thinks their parents don't tell them enough about sex.

So you don't agree that love and lust are two different things and ought not to be confused, though it is easy to do so? You will be happy with the results of all the teenagers running off to bed, or the back seat of a car, convinced that they are in "love," and all the possible results of this? Were you ever actually a teenager, or did you skip that part?

Many parents are not telling their kids enough about sex. My own mother actually began her sex "talk" by mentioning the Virgin Mary. Years later I teased her that she began by referencing the only person in history who got famous by not doing "it." Fortunately, my favorite aunt was a military officer in the medical field. She was the one who realized that my mother, her older sister, was a bit "out there" and who gave me the practical, realistic sex talk, which allowed me to negotiate my teenage/college years successfully. Teenagers are walking hormone factories. They need guidance. Why not explain to them just what they are going through instead of allowing them to walk around confused? Possibly getting pregnant, getting someone else pregnant, getting STDs, or getting into marriages before they have had a chance to sort out their futures? Kids are bombarded both with fairy-tale "romance" and "happily ever after" stories and with sexuality on a daily basis. Why not help them?

I think that you want teenagers to get into trouble. But then again, your other posts, in which you have just consistently denied the conclusions of the American medical establishment and substituted your own conclusions, suggest that you are seriously delusional.

None of my teenagers have *gotten into trouble*. I raised four..and some extras.

And it's none of your business what parents tell their children about sex. It is not your job to *fill in the blanks* as you see it. That's not your job. It's not the job of the schools. It's solely the job of parents, and they have the right to raise their children as they see fit.

The truth of the matter is, the families that have the most outside interference in child rearing are the parents who are raising the kids who get knocked up at 13, who have serial abortions, who are in prison. Leave the kids alone. Leave families alone. The social experiment and this concept of sex education as conceived of and taught by sociopaths and monsters like Kinsey, is an abject and criminal failure.

I feel sorry for your children. All of them, but particularly, the girls. You are a cult follower and probably have kept a cult household. This is evident. I just hope that you have not hurt anyone permanently with your pathetic sickness.

Teaching morals, responsibility and believing this should be left to parents is a cult? LOL no.
She's one of the crazy degenerates who want to take children from Christian families, and turn them over to homosexual fosters to indoctrinate/sell/whatever.

Well she can would go badly for her but she can try
^^^This is why we need mental hospitals.

Please Heavenly Father, don't let this disgusting pile of shit be a teacher.

But I guarantee you she is hovering around someone's kids. Whispering sweet nothings to them about cold showers *explaining* how sexual attraction works cuz she thinks their parents don't tell them enough about sex.

So you don't agree that love and lust are two different things and ought not to be confused, though it is easy to do so? You will be happy with the results of all the teenagers running off to bed, or the back seat of a car, convinced that they are in "love," and all the possible results of this? Were you ever actually a teenager, or did you skip that part?

Many parents are not telling their kids enough about sex. My own mother actually began her sex "talk" by mentioning the Virgin Mary. Years later I teased her that she began by referencing the only person in history who got famous by not doing "it." Fortunately, my favorite aunt was a military officer in the medical field. She was the one who realized that my mother, her older sister, was a bit "out there" and who gave me the practical, realistic sex talk, which allowed me to negotiate my teenage/college years successfully. Teenagers are walking hormone factories. They need guidance. Why not explain to them just what they are going through instead of allowing them to walk around confused? Possibly getting pregnant, getting someone else pregnant, getting STDs, or getting into marriages before they have had a chance to sort out their futures? Kids are bombarded both with fairy-tale "romance" and "happily ever after" stories and with sexuality on a daily basis. Why not help them?

I think that you want teenagers to get into trouble. But then again, your other posts, in which you have just consistently denied the conclusions of the American medical establishment and substituted your own conclusions, suggest that you are seriously delusional.

None of my teenagers have *gotten into trouble*. I raised four..and some extras.

And it's none of your business what parents tell their children about sex. It is not your job to *fill in the blanks* as you see it. That's not your job. It's not the job of the schools. It's solely the job of parents, and they have the right to raise their children as they see fit.

The truth of the matter is, the families that have the most outside interference in child rearing are the parents who are raising the kids who get knocked up at 13, who have serial abortions, who are in prison. Leave the kids alone. Leave families alone. The social experiment and this concept of sex education as conceived of and taught by sociopaths and monsters like Kinsey, is an abject and criminal failure.

I feel sorry for your children. All of them, but particularly, the girls. You are a cult follower and probably have kept a cult household. This is evident. I just hope that you have not hurt anyone permanently with your pathetic sickness.

Teaching morals, responsibility and believing this should be left to parents is a cult? LOL no.
She's one of the crazy degenerates who want to take children from Christian families, and turn them over to homosexual fosters to indoctrinate/sell/whatever.

The phony "Christian" cult families are responsible for what they do. And most of the people calling themselves "Christian" today are a mockery of the Christian faith. They are laughable. But in the end, they sacrifice their own children. This is what is so sick. Go ahead. Abuse your children. It is the rest of society that pays in the end.

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