Mentally Deficient Floyd Uncooperative

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Last night on the news they talked about how many times george floyd said "I can't breathe." As far as I'm concerned, the struggling criminal scum couldn't not breathe enough. He may have even been saying it before he was ever put into the cop car.
He certainly was complaining that he could not breathe before he was put into the cop car, because he was in respiratory distress. To a reasonable and rational person, that is a clear indication that you should not further restrict the citizen's breathing.

But of course we know that Chauvin and Floyd knew each other. They were not random strangers. They were on the same security team for several years. The vast majority of homicides between guys who know each other are about either money or a girl. Or both.

I seriously doubt that Chauvin did not know that Floyd was on drugs. Cops are trained to recognize that, and since he knew Floyd personally, he had to know beforehand that Floyd was most likely on drugs.
Do you think that being on drugs, might give you a problem breathing? I really felt bad about George when i first saw the edited video, but after seeing him, resist arrest not once, but twice being put into the squad car, i suddenly stopped feeling so sympathetic because as we all know that if you just go along peacefully then shit like George doesnt happen....
He was high on meth, which raises your heart beat significantly, which sucks up a ton of oxygen.
What the fuck are you talking about?
A professional law enforcement officer used excessive force and knelt on Floyd's neck until he died.
Why does that not bother you?
Why are you rabbiting on about dying for the constitution?
Why does it not bother you that cops can wade into crowds of American citizens exercising their constitutional rights and swinging batons, firing rubber bullets and kicking and beating?
Why does it not bother you that it's OK for a cop to shoot an American 55 times while he's asleep in his car?
Does it bother you that they are prepared to shoot Americans in the back?
What happened to "To Protect And Serve"?
Of course it bothers folks that these incidents happen. However, you are not judge and jury and we are a nation of laws. It's not up to you or anyone else to take over City streets, burn buildings, beat and shoot innocent folks under the guise of peaceful protest. Did you not also see Molotov cocktails being thrown, bricks being thrown by these so called peaceful protestors at law enforcement? You know what really bothers me are liars trying to paint all law enforcement as 'racist' and stirring up hatred in this country. 'Protect and serve' went out the window when the feckless government officials told law enforcement to stand down and STOP protecting.

Neither are you.
Neither is the policeman who killed Floyd.

This isn’t about the people who opted to act illegaly and riot. Their acts are on them. I dont defending riots here. This is about a thread that is justifying Floyd’s killing.
Floyd was a scumbag, a six time convicted felon, and that cop murdered him, period! Now, the two trainee cops are totally innocent of any crimes whatsoever and I hold that totally corrupt Minneapolis city council, and the naked muslim racist attorney general of Minnesota, Keith Ellison, accountable for anything that happens to those two innocent young cops! Those trainees were utterly helpless in effecting the outcome, both had a combined total of 7-days on the job, they were just as helpless as Floyd, and everyone knows that is the truth!

I'm not going to let them off yet but they were trained to never question a superior officer. That must change also.

What was there to question. He was a struggling criminal. What did you expect the cops to do. Give floyd a kiss and tell him a bedtime story? Also, as the video I posted CLEARLY shows, what officer Chaivin was doing with one of his knees on floyd's neck couldn't have possibly, no fuckin way, caused floyd to have difficulty breathing. The only thing "That must change also" is the stupidity or outright lying of people like you.

This has been argued over and over. The officers have lost their jobs and were arrested. It wasn't because they did their job. It really matters none that you are OK with what they did.

Get used to it.
George floyd was a career criminal. But he didn't deserve to die like that.
I hope the cop dies in a cell.
I’ve spoken to friends of mind that are cops and they all believe what was done to Floyd was excessive, police brutality
George floyd was a career criminal. But he didn't deserve to die like that.
I hope the cop dies in a cell.

Whether he deserved it or not is debatable. The fact is no one anointed the cop Judge, jury and executioner
eople that "burn buildings, beat and shoot innocent folks under the guise of peaceful protest" should always be held to account.
Nobody argues against that.
What about people that are peacefully protesting according to their constitutional rights?
Should they be allowed to be beaten by cops?
Law enforcement was not beating peacefully protesting folks. I watched the raw feed videos you see law enforcement standing in a line and protestors standing in a line. Then from BEHIND the protestors the bricks, bottles and rocks were thrown over their heads to Law Enforcement. It's bullshit to say law enforcement was just beating innocent peaceful protestors.
And floyd may have still been infected with coronavirus.
The post-mortem examinations both confirmed that he was infected at the time of his death. That may have contributed to his respiratory distress, or maybe not. :dunno:
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Neither are you.
Neither is the policeman who killed Floyd.

This isn’t about the people who opted to act illegaly and riot. Their acts are on them. I dont defending riots here. This is about a thread that is justifying Floyd’s killing.
And neither are YOU. That is my point. I am willing to let the law find the cop guilty or not guilty. I will accept any verdict. I also will not side with BLM who claim all law enforcement is racist, that's really ignorant.

Ya I know, we had video and suddenly we all became self proclaimed 'experts' including both left and right pundits. The question really is: Did Chauvin purposely choke the life out of Floyd? If he did, was there a motive? Negligence? Racism? The FACT is Floyd is dead and we need to find out how that could be using FACTUAL evidence. Right now all we have is BLM shouting 'racism' like a bunch of ignorant assholes and a partial shaky video with some talking.
Hopefully the cop who murdered him gets life in prison.

Wow. That was fast. Did you see the video? Also, being there when somebody dies isn't murder. Neither is failing to give somebody CPR. And floyd may have still been infected with coronavirus. So doing so would have been a bad idea anyway. Now even if the heroic cop doing his DUTY would have shot floyd, not even that would have been murder. At least not to the level of murder it would have been if officer Chauvin had shot some innocent bystander. Or when the negro Minneapolis cop Mohammed Noor shot across the front of the cop next to him and killed Justine Rusczyk because he claimed that he was startled.

Didn’t bother watching it. I Hope the cop who murdered Mr Floyd gets life in prison

So what you are saying is, "I am ignorant. So I will say ignorant things." How about watching the video before you pass judgment.
I’m sure you are ignorant. Good you admitted it Q
Hopefully the cop who murdered him gets life in prison.
Hopefully, all criminals that commit a second offense that would put them in jail, would be in jail for life. If you can't do a simple thing like "obey the law," you should no longer be out in society, they are a waste of humanity.

But you know what BLM is all about. "Black Lives Matter." But criminal lives DON'T matter. Officer Chauvin should have shot the worthless struggling criminal and have been given a medal. That would have a better effect on society in general than what BLM wants. Which is basically for black criminals to not be bothered by police.
Yeah, let the pigs kill to satiate your bloodlust.
Not a bloodlust. It's a "plain as the nose on your face," observation. STOP COMMITTING CRIMES! If you can't do that, get off the planet.
Floyd was a scumbag, a six time convicted felon, and that cop murdered him, period! Now, the two trainee cops are totally innocent of any crimes whatsoever and I hold that totally corrupt Minneapolis city council, and the naked muslim racist attorney general of Minnesota, Keith Ellison, accountable for anything that happens to those two innocent young cops! Those trainees were utterly helpless in effecting the outcome, both had a combined total of 7-days on the job, they were just as helpless as Floyd, and everyone knows that is the truth!

I'm not going to let them off yet but they were trained to never question a superior officer. That must change also.
What do you mean YOU'RE not gonna let them off? The two trainee cops were utterly defenseless, as much so as the murdered felon! One other thing, nothing needs changing, thats the language of a Marxist/Leninist, all that took place that day was one criminal murdered another criminal, not one reasonable human being has ever come to the defense of the cop who killed him, we already have consequences for criminals, whether they wear a badge or not! The two trainees are completely innocent of any crimes in this matter, that they are charged at all, demonstrates the willful political savagery of the evil man that got himself elected Minnesota's attorney general! That man is a naked racist, and an America hating radical psychopath, looking to kill whitey, as he always has wished to do!
Floyd was a scumbag, a six time convicted felon, and that cop murdered him, period! Now, the two trainee cops are totally innocent of any crimes whatsoever and I hold that totally corrupt Minneapolis city council, and the naked muslim racist attorney general of Minnesota, Keith Ellison, accountable for anything that happens to those two innocent young cops! Those trainees were utterly helpless in effecting the outcome, both had a combined total of 7-days on the job, they were just as helpless as Floyd, and everyone knows that is the truth!

I'm not going to let them off yet but they were trained to never question a superior officer. That must change also.
What do you mean YOU'RE not gonna let them off? The two trainee cops were utterly defenseless, as much so as the murdered felon! One other thing, nothing needs changing, thats the language of a Marxist/Leninist, all that took place that day was one criminal murdered another criminal, not one reasonable human being has ever come to the defense of the cop who killed him, we already have consequences for criminals, whether they wear a badge or not! The two trainees are completely innocent of any crimes in this matter, that they are charged at all, demonstrates the willful political savagery of the evil man that got himself elected Minnesota's attorney general! That man is a naked racist, and an America hating radical psychopath, looking to kill whitey, as he always has wished to do!

If those who murdered Breonna Taylor and Elijah McClain are held accountable then maybe we have seen a change in the system.

They are every bit of a problem than Officer Chauvin was. He still hasn't been found guilty yet either.
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