Mentally Ill

The liberals only focus on the symptoms, and have pushed this trend
of rejecting anything related to religious, Christian or conservative approaches.

Emily in all that blah blah this is the only sentence worth nothing. I don't know what world you live in. But all doctors do regardless of their politics is treat the symptoms. The whole medical profession is a scam. Outside of emergency medicine which has come a long way doctors are still clueless how the human body works.
I think this is an interesting question: What is the most humane way to deal with mentally ill? Nazi Germany would terminate them as a more humane treatment rather than having them languish in a world where they needed constant attention and could not even care for themselves in the most basic ways. What would you want for a loved one. life long institutionalization, life on the streets, or would you want to have them "put to sleep" to end misery? What would YOU do?

It depends on the mental illness. If you are dealing with an individual that cannot function in society then life long institution. We need to bring back the state hospitals. They do not have to be run as they were before but they do need to be brought back. The private sector is unwilling to take care of business.

The big push has been to keep these people at home, if there is a home in existence, and send someone out to see them a few times a month. Those people get paid but they don't actually take any risk. No liability: even when it is in the best interest for the individual to be in a facility; even when the individual is a danger to him/herself or to others.
I think this is an interesting question: What is the most humane way to deal with mentally ill? Nazi Germany would terminate them as a more humane treatment rather than having them languish in a world where they needed constant attention and could not even care for themselves in the most basic ways. What would you want for a loved one. life long institutionalization, life on the streets, or would you want to have them "put to sleep" to end misery? What would YOU do?

You might be surprised at how many Republican and others come around once they see a truly handicapped person. The general response is, "I just don't like those black people raping the system" But I totally support that person (truly blind, sick, whatever)

Rupert Murdoch has the power to paint everyone taking his riches as "lazy people"

Fox News will never talk about the blind person that taxation helped buy him shelter and food.

There are always people of all nationalities that abuse any system. Some people are just lazy. Painting it as a Left Wing issue is just lack of Political and Historical knowledge...

Or maybe I'm wrong and you can go up to a blind person and teach them about personal responsibility...

It's important for people to separate people raping the system from what the system was made to do.

Example; Generally a parent of the mentally ill takes care of that child. But that means taxation helps that parent stay at home. So are you asking if we should cut taxation to the parent or "other"......You don't seem to be very educated on the topic, but I'm ALL EARS.
This thread is probably getting about the usually amount of attention that mental illness gets in the real world. People would much rather bitch about people guns AFTER some crazy fucker has already done the shooting.

Are you stating that "guns don't kill people, mental illness kills people"? Or where are you going with that statement?

Because I'll state OPENLY that uneducated gun ownership and people who don't know to lock them up are a major part of shootings. I'll even state that people who sell them are a part of the shootings. "I need an AR-15 with a 100 round mag".................COMING RIGHT UP?

You people have some thinking to do......
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