Mercedes Benz gains level 3 autopilot computer driving in Nevada. A first.

The question was why dont we have a more robust rail system in the US. The reason is people dont want to travel by train.

And people do not want to travel by train because we do not have a more robust rail system in the US.

Which is the chicken and which is the egg?
Yeah we couldnt possibly set up a network to alleviate that problem.... The signal you're car uses could use to communicate would be a much stronger signal as well. You arent going to win this argument as you clearly dont understand the technology well enough.

Um, unlike you, I don't have a need to "win" an argument against an internet twerp like you. Clearly, that's how you set your self worth.

That's sad for you.

You say "Yeah we couldnt possibly set up a network to alleviate that problem", but yet we can't even keep the phones up from coast to coast...
Being able to hop in your own car anytime you want is liberty. A chicken in every pot and a car in every driveway was a goal of ours many years ago that we accomplished. It's cold up north and not many buses running today. Thank goodness I don't have to depend on that to get my shopping done today. I'm going to hit my remote start, when the inside of the car is nice and toasty, I'm going to my beverage store for my beer, cigarettes and lottery ticket. Then I'll go across the street to my drug store to buy some orange juice. Then when I'm ready to leave, hop back in my warm car and drive home.
We`re in no position to abandon our cars today or even this week and I didn`t suggest that we do that. Think Big Ray.
And obviously given the failure of a workable rail system not enough people agree with you.
It`s not workable now but it could be if we had the will. Europeans can travel just about anywhere by rail. Whatever happened to that American, Can Do attitude?
Um, unlike you, I don't have a need to "win" an argument against an internet twerp like you. Clearly, that's how you set your self worth.

That's sad for you.

You say "Yeah we couldnt possibly set up a network to alleviate that problem", but yet we can't even keep the phones up from coast to coast...

Yeah, better to wrap your worth up in what kind of car you drive...
You couldn't even fetch my coffee.

So it wasn't actually a question. I already knew that.

In fact, it was you who brought up rail travel with a statement. There was no question asked regarding it...

I wouldnt fetch you anything. Maybe a swift kick in your old ass, but that's about it.

No I didnt. Read more.
I wouldnt fetch you anything. Maybe a swift kick in your old ass, but that's about it.

No I didnt. Read more.

Bitch, please. The only things keeping you from giving me a "swift kick" is fear and common sense.

And yeah you did...
It`s not workable now but it could be if we had the will. Europeans can travel just about anywhere by rail. Whatever happened to that American, Can Do attitude?

Rail does not give you the flexibility your personal vehicle does. That's why rails and buses have to be subsidized by government; not many people want it.

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