Merged Kavanaugh/Ford OpinionComment threads for Oct 1

  • Perhaps most importantly, she does not remember how she got from the party back to her house.
    • Her inability to remember this detail raises significant questions.
No, it doesn't. I remember big important events but not who drove me to them. I was best man at my best friends wedding and can not remember who drove me there or who drove me home. Somebody did too ensure I did not drive, knowing there would be some drinking.
How is that possible? This is not even coming from me but from a trained prosecutor. How do you not remember who drove you to and from a party at a time with no cell phones? LOL.
As I remember those times way back before cell phones, we teenagers would generally hang out at one of our hangouts and wait for someone with a car to offer us a ride.
yep, and you should know who they were if you use it in an accusation. She should have had this all ready to go.
Says who?
  • Perhaps most importantly, she does not remember how she got from the party back to her house.
    • Her inability to remember this detail raises significant questions.
No, it doesn't. I remember big important events but not who drove me to them. I was best man at my best friends wedding and can not remember who drove me there or who drove me home. Somebody did too ensure I did not drive, knowing there would be some drinking.
How is that possible? This is not even coming from me but from a trained prosecutor. How do you not remember who drove you to and from a party at a time with no cell phones? LOL.
As I remember those times way back before cell phones, we teenagers would generally hang out at one of our hangouts and wait for someone with a car to offer us a ride.
yep, and you should know who they were if you use it in an accusation. She should have had this all ready to go.
Says who?
says me. I am allowed right? my first amendment rights offer me that opportunity right?
The credibility of her allegation against Judge Kavanaugh cannot be accurately assessed without access to her therapy and psychiatric history in general,
Your subjective opinion carries no legal weight and violates a multitude of citizen rights.
What rights does having to prove your mental state violate? What right does having to prove your baseless claims violate?
First, Fourth, and Fifth Amendments.

I agree, she does not need to turn over any documents, however that hurts her credibility as it goes to her mental state and how she arrived at the allegations brought forth against Kavanaugh.

The Republicans need to let go of Kavanaugh and Trump needs to nominate a new Supreme Court Judge. Kavanaugh needs to sue Ford for slander in the state of Maryland where the alleged sexual abuse occurred.

The Senate Judiciary Committee needs to launch a federal investigation into the leaking of the documents that Ford asked to be taken in confidentiality, the Senate then needs to decide what actions to take against those that leaked the information.

Then she can decide whether to release her medical records in her defense.
The credibility of her allegation against Judge Kavanaugh cannot be accurately assessed without access to her therapy and psychiatric history in general,
Your subjective opinion carries no legal weight and violates a multitude of citizen rights.
What rights does having to prove your mental state violate? What right does having to prove your baseless claims violate?
First, Fourth, and Fifth Amendments.

I agree, she does not need to turn over any documents, however that hurts her credibility as it goes to her mental state and how she arrived at the allegations brought forth against Kavanaugh.

The Republicans need to let go of Kavanaugh and Trump needs to nominate a new Supreme Court Judge. Kavanaugh needs to sue Ford for slander in the state of Maryland where the alleged sexual abuse occurred.

The Senate Judiciary Committee needs to launch a federal investigation into the leaking of the documents that Ford asked to be taken in confidentiality, the Senate then needs to decide what actions to take against those that leaked the information.

Then she can decide whether to release her medical records in her defense.
hillary court.jpg
No, it doesn't. I remember big important events but not who drove me to them. I was best man at my best friends wedding and can not remember who drove me there or who drove me home. Somebody did too ensure I did not drive, knowing there would be some drinking.
How is that possible? This is not even coming from me but from a trained prosecutor. How do you not remember who drove you to and from a party at a time with no cell phones? LOL.
As I remember those times way back before cell phones, we teenagers would generally hang out at one of our hangouts and wait for someone with a car to offer us a ride.
yep, and you should know who they were if you use it in an accusation. She should have had this all ready to go.
Says who?
says me. I am allowed right? my first amendment rights offer me that opportunity right?
Absolutely, but no one has to take you seriously.
The credibility of her allegation against Judge Kavanaugh cannot be accurately assessed without access to her therapy and psychiatric history in general,
Your subjective opinion carries no legal weight and violates a multitude of citizen rights.

She's the accuser and comes forward with no facts to the table. SHowing her therapy notes would be a good start. She needs to prove her accusation is credible. The notes will show consistency in her statements so I would say that with an FBI investigation those documents would be a major part of the investigation. There just arnt enpugh other facts to go on.
The credibility of her allegation against Judge Kavanaugh cannot be accurately assessed without access to her therapy and psychiatric history in general,
Your subjective opinion carries no legal weight and violates a multitude of citizen rights.

She's the accuser and comes forward with no facts to the table. SHowing her therapy notes would be a good start. She needs to prove her accusation is credible. The notes will show consistency in her statements so I would say that with an FBI investigation those documents would be a major part of the investigation. There just arnt enpugh other facts to go on.
i'd be fine with only showing the FBI or 100% needed parties ONLY. we don't all need to know about her private life. we're too busy making it up for her anyway.
The credibility of her allegation against Judge Kavanaugh cannot be accurately assessed without access to her therapy and psychiatric history in general,
Your subjective opinion carries no legal weight and violates a multitude of citizen rights.
What rights does having to prove your mental state violate? What right does having to prove your baseless claims violate?
First, Fourth, and Fifth Amendments.

I agree, she does not need to turn over any documents, however that hurts her credibility as it goes to her mental state and how she arrived at the allegations brought forth against Kavanaugh.

The Republicans need to let go of Kavanaugh and Trump needs to nominate a new Supreme Court Judge. Kavanaugh needs to sue Ford for slander in the state of Maryland where the alleged sexual abuse occurred.

The Senate Judiciary Committee needs to launch a federal investigation into the leaking of the documents that Ford asked to be taken in confidentiality, the Senate then needs to decide what actions to take against those that leaked the information.

Then she can decide whether to release her medical records in her defense.
Your comment contains far too much logic and common sense for this discussion.
The credibility of her allegation against Judge Kavanaugh cannot be accurately assessed without access to her therapy and psychiatric history in general,
Your subjective opinion carries no legal weight and violates a multitude of citizen rights.
you mean like the right to face your accuser?
the right to be innocent until proven guilty?

funny...the left only gives a fuck about rights when it suits their purposes.
Kavanaugh has not been charged with a crime, hence, his legal rights are not being jeopardized or challenged. He is, in fact, being given the opportunity to challenge allegations made by his accuser even though there is no real law to protect a person from another citizens allegations of wrongdoing other than civil actions. Kavanaugh is applying for a job. He is not on criminal trial. If he was applying for a job as a landscaper and someone told you to keep your doors locked because he was a thief, you would not have to prove he was a thief. You could decide not to hire him based on the comment and allegation of one person. Your subjective opinion would suffice legally to deny the applicant a job.

So I guess this means Kav should take her to civil court for slander? If there's no crime then why the FBI investigation? Seems if your calling out an FBI investigation it's all fair game
The credibility of her allegation against Judge Kavanaugh cannot be accurately assessed without access to her therapy and psychiatric history in general,
Your subjective opinion carries no legal weight and violates a multitude of citizen rights.
What rights does having to prove your mental state violate? What right does having to prove your baseless claims violate?
First, Fourth, and Fifth Amendments.

I agree, she does not need to turn over any documents, however that hurts her credibility as it goes to her mental state and how she arrived at the allegations brought forth against Kavanaugh.

The Republicans need to let go of Kavanaugh and Trump needs to nominate a new Supreme Court Judge. Kavanaugh needs to sue Ford for slander in the state of Maryland where the alleged sexual abuse occurred.

The Senate Judiciary Committee needs to launch a federal investigation into the leaking of the documents that Ford asked to be taken in confidentiality, the Senate then needs to decide what actions to take against those that leaked the information.

Then she can decide whether to release her medical records in her defense.
Your comment contains far too much logic and common sense for this discussion.

My apologies.
The credibility of her allegation against Judge Kavanaugh cannot be accurately assessed without access to her therapy and psychiatric history in general, and especially much more information about the therapy sessions in which, by her own account, “she came to understand the incident as a trauma with lasting impact on her life.”

If you are in the process of derailing a Supreme Court nominee based on otherwise unsubstantiated allegations of sexual misconduct thirty-six years ago, and in that process giving the nominee a reputation as a rapist, it seems to me you have the moral obligation to either turn over all relevant evidence, or withdraw your allegation. In the absence of that evidence and any corroboration beyond her say-so, if I were a Senator I would ignore the allegations.

Rachel Mitchell Memo Lists Weaknesses in Ford Claim: READ |

Because she is a liar. I don’t get why all this “putting it nice” bull shit. “I find her credible, but she is mistaken” bullshit, the bitch is a liar and the republicans should do like chuck schumer and go to the police.
The credibility of her allegation against Judge Kavanaugh cannot be accurately assessed without access to her therapy and psychiatric history in general, and especially much more information about the therapy sessions in which, by her own account, “she came to understand the incident as a trauma with lasting impact on her life.”

If you are in the process of derailing a Supreme Court nominee based on otherwise unsubstantiated allegations of sexual misconduct thirty-six years ago, and in that process giving the nominee a reputation as a rapist, it seems to me you have the moral obligation to either turn over all relevant evidence, or withdraw your allegation. In the absence of that evidence and any corroboration beyond her say-so, if I were a Senator I would ignore the allegations.

Rachel Mitchell Memo Lists Weaknesses in Ford Claim: READ |

Because they are none of your business?
Ya prolly
For the record, Rachel Mitchell is a GOP political operative - who the hell cares what she believes to be weaknesses?
The credibility of her allegation against Judge Kavanaugh cannot be accurately assessed without access to her therapy and psychiatric history in general, and especially much more information about the therapy sessions in which, by her own account, “she came to understand the incident as a trauma with lasting impact on her life.”

If you are in the process of derailing a Supreme Court nominee based on otherwise unsubstantiated allegations of sexual misconduct thirty-six years ago, and in that process giving the nominee a reputation as a rapist, it seems to me you have the moral obligation to either turn over all relevant evidence, or withdraw your allegation. In the absence of that evidence and any corroboration beyond her say-so, if I were a Senator I would ignore the allegations.

Rachel Mitchell Memo Lists Weaknesses in Ford Claim: READ |

Because they are none of your business?
Ya prolly
For the record, Rachel Mitchell is a GOP political operative - who the hell cares what she believes to be weaknesses?
She has every right to give herself an A+ for her job as Republican Senatorial ass kisser.
During testimony Ford was asked if she turned over the transcripts of her Therapist's notes....she froze like a deer dazed by a car's headlights...she paused...she fumbled with her response....

It wasn't a tough question, then again, neither was 'where were you attacked' and / or 'What YEAR were you attacked', but she could not answer those either.

In the end she stated she had 'paraphrased'.


- Ummm, where is the therapist? Sounds like we need to bring in the therapist to dispute Ford's claim AFTER THE FACT that 'THE THERAPIST GOT IT WRONG'.

It is all part of the BS the Democrats, Liberal media, and snowflakes CHOSE TO IGNORE in order to claim Ford was somehow 'credible'.

Ford was NOT 'CREDIBLE'. Ford was 'EMOTIONAL'. Her story was 'COMPELLING' due to the 'EMOTION'.

Democrats are EMOTIONAL creatures, EASILY MANIPULATED by that emotion...and Democrats KNOW and COUNT on this. That is why they seek LEAK shit and attempt to TRY people in the 'COURT OF PUBLIC OPINION'!

In a REAL court you actually need EVIDENCE, and as the expert Prosecutor the GOP brought in pointed out, FORD PRESENTED NO EVIDENCE AGAINST KAVANAUGH - only EMOTION and 'COMPELLING TESTIMONY' based on her EMOTION and PRESENTATION, NOT at all on any actual EVIDENCE, which she did not have!

So here we are, highly emotional manipulated snowflakes declaring - based on emotion and 'compelling testimony' based on EMOTION, that Kavanaugh is a perv / sexual criminal, that he is a 'gang-rapist', & that he is unworthy of a USSC appointment ...

...and the ONLY black mark against an unbelievable impressive life / career record (even according to Schumer) is an UNSUBSTANTIATED ACCUSATION by a woman who can not remember where, can not remember when, has no witnesses, has 4 witnesses who say it never happened, can not remember taking the polygraph test, and who lied under oath about several things ... to include what her therapist EXACTLY wrote, which she CHOSE not to share but instead added her own contradictory claim while saying 'The Therapist Got It Wrong In Her Notes'....

...because her 'photographic memory' can remember back to THAT enough to know that 'the Therapist Got It Wrong'.

For the record, Rachel Mitchell is a GOP political operative - who the hell cares what she believes to be weaknesses?

For the OFFICIAL Record and the TRUTH, none of which YOU give a damn about by giving this BS claim, Mitchell is an EXPERT Sex Crimes Prosecutor with years of experience who was brought in for her expertise but also to deny partisan Trump/GOP-hating trolls like you the opportunity to claim the GOP was disrespectful / hated women / blah, blah, blah....

She grilled BOTH Ford and Kavanaugh, taking heat at times because she grilled Kavanaugh with questions as if he were on trial for Ford's attack, which in a way he was. She asked tough questions to get ot the truth, and in the end she declared she would not try to take Kavanaugh to court with ZERO EVIDENCE, which is what the Democrats and Ford had to present against Kavanaugh at the hearing.
The credibility of her allegation against Judge Kavanaugh cannot be accurately assessed without access to her therapy and psychiatric history in general, and especially much more information about the therapy sessions in which, by her own account, “she came to understand the incident as a trauma with lasting impact on her life.”

If you are in the process of derailing a Supreme Court nominee based on otherwise unsubstantiated allegations of sexual misconduct thirty-six years ago, and in that process giving the nominee a reputation as a rapist, it seems to me you have the moral obligation to either turn over all relevant evidence, or withdraw your allegation. In the absence of that evidence and any corroboration beyond her say-so, if I were a Senator I would ignore the allegations.

Rachel Mitchell Memo Lists Weaknesses in Ford Claim: READ |

Because they are none of your business?
Ya prolly
For the record, Rachel Mitchell is a GOP political operative - who the hell cares what she believes to be weaknesses?
She has every right to give herself an A+ for her job as Republican Senatorial ass kisser.

Funny - The Boys didn't let her get in a word in edgewise after Little Lindsey's outburst.

She brought up her mental health treatments in her accusations.

Kav has every right to see those details involving her treatments. If she doesn’t want to make them available then she must withdraw her accusations.
For the record, Rachel Mitchell is a GOP political operative - who the hell cares what she believes to be weaknesses?

For the OFFICIAL Record and the TRUTH, none of which YOU give a damn about by giving this BS claim, Mitchell is an EXPERT Sex Crimes Prosecutor with years of experience who was brought in for her expertise but also to deny partisan Trump/GOP-hating trolls like you the opportunity to claim the GOP was disrespectful / hated women / blah, blah, blah....

She grilled BOTH Ford and Kavanaugh, taking heat at times because she grilled Kavanaugh with questions as if he were on trial for Ford's attack, which in a way he was. She asked tough questions to get ot the truth, and in the end she declared she would not try to take Kavanaugh to court with ZERO EVIDENCE, which is what the Democrats and Ford had to present against Kavanaugh at the hearing.

She grilled Kav? BS - She was silenced after Graham's outburst - The BOYS took over!
How is that possible? This is not even coming from me but from a trained prosecutor. How do you not remember who drove you to and from a party at a time with no cell phones? LOL.
As I remember those times way back before cell phones, we teenagers would generally hang out at one of our hangouts and wait for someone with a car to offer us a ride.
yep, and you should know who they were if you use it in an accusation. She should have had this all ready to go.
Says who?
says me. I am allowed right? my first amendment rights offer me that opportunity right?
Absolutely, but no one has to take you seriously.

Are you talking about Ford again?

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