Merged Kavanaugh/Ford OpinionComment threads for Oct 1

Just hope the Dems are prepared for what they have released the next time they try to get a nominee on the SC. Turning the SC into a political body is counter-Constitutional and will have long term consequences to our nation. Just look at all of the anger being thrown back and forth here over a choice, that in the best of times, should be uneventful and fairly boring.
Also hope, that Republicans give future nominees as much leeway and fairness as they are asking for in assessing Judge Kavanaugh and his suitability to be on the SC. Don’t think that will happen and we descend even further.
I could be wrong, but had he bit his tongue and remained fairly calm during the last hearing, I believe he’d already have been confirmed. No matter how good it feels to unleash emotions, I would hope he could have had a little bit of self-control. Another statement as to how far we’ve gone done this road of uncompromising vitriol; a nominee to the SC needs to consider political fall-out in order to be considered.
Maybe a third party called the Adults Part?
it doesn't work that way always. see every dem is connected at their private parts. everytime someone says something they all bark like the fking dogs they are. There is no flake, or mccain in the dem party. it is what is different. stay connected to privates. someone might squeeze some day. ouch!!!;)
Fair point, as to Dems pushing leftward, but in all fairness this modern manifestation of radicalization began with the Gingrich Revolution and has steadily spiraled downward toward the abyss ever since. Do you remember how Reagan led? He never threatened or bullied or told anyone they were stupid. He said he “disagreed”. He didn’t even question the motivations of the Soviet Union, instead he said if you believe what you claim to believe “Tear down this wall”. I believe we can have deep disagreements and still work together toward a common future. Socialism is impractical and white nationalism is anti-democratic, yet both should be able to express their views without being threatened, insulted or attacked. The point here I think we as a nation are missing, is that our political process is devolving and there is plenty of blame for all of us.
not with this demoloser group of fks. no fking way. I'd spit in their fking faces, I'd urinate at them. and I'd throw dog poop at them to keep that evil away from me. they are the walking and talking devil himself. wheww sorry, had to get that off my chest.
No. First of all the fact that when Kavanaugh drinks he turns into a pathetic and belligerent drunk is not in itself disqualifying for the Supreme Court. If he lied at the hearing it would be.

My point about Kavanaugh's comportment has to do with him being a federal judge. He should know how to conduct himself. He acted less like a federal judge and more like a spoiled rotten rich kid.

Well he's acted like a federal judge for many years. Where is it written how a federal judge should act?

Ginsburg was heavily critical of Trump becoming President. Is that how a federal judge should act? Or is it more like this.

View attachment 219757

I understand that Kavanaugh was angry, but a judge should be even tempered. There is nothing worse than a temperamental judge, believe me. I would find Kavanaugh's attitude at the hearing more disqualifying than finding out he passed out from drinking once a week while at Yale.

What makes a good SC judge is education, experience, and record. Kavanaugh has all three.

If I were ever charged with assault and battery, I'm not worried if the judge is even tempered. I'd be more concerned of his knowledge of the law, experience in cases like mine, constitutional rights, and non-partisan judgement.
I agree with you that a good judge should have knowledge of the law and experience.

You mention non-partisan judgement and you are 1000 percent. But that judgment goes hand in hand with the judge's temperament. If the judge is thin skinned, arrogant, close minded, vindictive and you are not in his good graces, you will find justice hard to come by. You could be the smartest judge but if you don't have the temperament and quickly fly off the handle you have no business being a judge.

Of course what I am saying applies more to trial judges than appellate court judges, but I think temperament is still important if for other reason but to put on the veneer of impartiality.

Appellate judges are appointed because of their judicial philosophies or political affiliation. Who is kidding who. It should be knowledge of the law, but often times it is not.

So are you saying you believe our SC justices are all impartial?

Judges don't rule on cases at the spur of the moment. They listen to the case, ask questions, go to the bar for a couple of hours and write down their thoughts, then present their judgements.

Thick skin is only needed if a person gets insulting with one of the justices which I've never seen before. Kavanaugh was not ruling on Ford in the hearing, he was the accused. If judges are not to be emotional in their personal life, then maybe we should have personality tests before anybody can be a judge????

And, its not every day that we see a Judge openly accused in front of the country and his family as being a RAPIST. It's not really the norm in which we have a lot to judge by
Just hope the Dems are prepared for what they have released the next time they try to get a nominee on the SC. Turning the SC into a political body is counter-Constitutional and will have long term consequences to our nation. Just look at all of the anger being thrown back and forth here over a choice, that in the best of times, should be uneventful and fairly boring.
Also hope, that Republicans give future nominees as much leeway and fairness as they are asking for in assessing Judge Kavanaugh and his suitability to be on the SC. Don’t think that will happen and we descend even further.
I could be wrong, but had he bit his tongue and remained fairly calm during the last hearing, I believe he’d already have been confirmed. No matter how good it feels to unleash emotions, I would hope he could have had a little bit of self-control. Another statement as to how far we’ve gone done this road of uncompromising vitriol; a nominee to the SC needs to consider political fall-out in order to be considered.
Maybe a third party called the Adults Part?

Welcome to USMB Rich.

I had to chime in to correct you on saying that if Kavanaugh gave a better performance, they would have confirmed him by now.

There is no truth to that. The Democrats are trying to stall this nomination until past midterms be it Kavanaugh or have him replaced with somebody else. They don't care about anything but power; they never have.

Our RINO's are pretty much the same way. They are looking for any excuse to deny Kavanaugh this seat on the SC and still maintain favorability with their constituents or party.

It has nothing to do with what he said in closing arguments, nothing to do with rape, nothing to do with drinking or throwing ice cubes at somebody in a bar. It's all about stalling this past midterms.
Just hope the Dems are prepared for what they have released the next time they try to get a nominee on the SC. Turning the SC into a political body is counter-Constitutional and will have long term consequences to our nation. Just look at all of the anger being thrown back and forth here over a choice, that in the best of times, should be uneventful and fairly boring.
Also hope, that Republicans give future nominees as much leeway and fairness as they are asking for in assessing Judge Kavanaugh and his suitability to be on the SC. Don’t think that will happen and we descend even further.
I could be wrong, but had he bit his tongue and remained fairly calm during the last hearing, I believe he’d already have been confirmed. No matter how good it feels to unleash emotions, I would hope he could have had a little bit of self-control. Another statement as to how far we’ve gone done this road of uncompromising vitriol; a nominee to the SC needs to consider political fall-out in order to be considered.
Maybe a third party called the Adults Part?

Welcome to USMB Rich.

I had to chime in to correct you on saying that if Kavanaugh gave a better performance, they would have confirmed him by now.

There is no truth to that. The Democrats are trying to stall this nomination until past midterms be it Kavanaugh or have him replaced with somebody else. They don't care about anything but power; they never have.

Our RINO's are pretty much the same way. They are looking for any excuse to deny Kavanaugh this seat on the SC and still maintain favorability with their constituents or party.

It has nothing to do with what he said in closing arguments, nothing to do with rape, nothing to do with drinking or throwing ice cubes at somebody in a bar. It's all about stalling this past midterms.

Thanks for the welcome. I agree with most of what you say about the Democrats, using this as an opportunity to gain a political advantage at the cost of the sanctity of their duties and responsibilities etc.. I don’t agree with with your assessment that all they have ever cared about is power, any more than I believe that the Republicans blocking Garland from even having a hearing a full year before the election indicates that the Republicans have always cared for power and nothing else. I think there is plenty of blame to be shared for mood in the nation right now.
As far as Judge Kavanaugh’s testimony, all I was trying to suggest is, had he taken the higher ground and not lowered himself to the current political climate, he would have been able to secure the support of enough of the moderate Republicans to secure the Senate’s confirmation. I do not begrudge him his ability to fight back against an unfair process, but I do think the optics would have been better. Since this process has become political, as sad as it is, I would have liked to see him recognize that. Unfortunately, he only added to the current climate where actual ideas do not matter and honest disagreements devolve into shouting matches. Again, I understand his frustrations and acknowledge his justified fury. (I say this as I’m listening to my wife and my teenage daughter argue about towels left on the bathroom floor).
So to sum up, yes this process should worry and even anger anyone who is paying attention, no I don’t see this as a red/blue thing—instead I think it is indicative of how we all speak to each other currently, no I do not think Judge Kavanaugh did anything “wrong” during his testimony (knowing as few facts as any of us will ever know) but I do think he had an opportunity to uplift and inspire and instead rolled up his pant legs and leaped right into to the slop.
Simply put, I would like to expect more from our leaders, be they Republican or Democrat or Libertarian or Communist or Fascist.
Above all I care about liberties that seem to be preserved most effectively from a true democratic process. When I see that democracy lowered into pure partisanship it worries me. There is a tribe in this country, one tribe and we are all members.
Just hope the Dems are prepared for what they have released the next time they try to get a nominee on the SC. Turning the SC into a political body is counter-Constitutional and will have long term consequences to our nation. Just look at all of the anger being thrown back and forth here over a choice, that in the best of times, should be uneventful and fairly boring.
Also hope, that Republicans give future nominees as much leeway and fairness as they are asking for in assessing Judge Kavanaugh and his suitability to be on the SC. Don’t think that will happen and we descend even further.
I could be wrong, but had he bit his tongue and remained fairly calm during the last hearing, I believe he’d already have been confirmed. No matter how good it feels to unleash emotions, I would hope he could have had a little bit of self-control. Another statement as to how far we’ve gone done this road of uncompromising vitriol; a nominee to the SC needs to consider political fall-out in order to be considered.
Maybe a third party called the Adults Part?

Welcome to USMB Rich.

I had to chime in to correct you on saying that if Kavanaugh gave a better performance, they would have confirmed him by now.

There is no truth to that. The Democrats are trying to stall this nomination until past midterms be it Kavanaugh or have him replaced with somebody else. They don't care about anything but power; they never have.

Our RINO's are pretty much the same way. They are looking for any excuse to deny Kavanaugh this seat on the SC and still maintain favorability with their constituents or party.

It has nothing to do with what he said in closing arguments, nothing to do with rape, nothing to do with drinking or throwing ice cubes at somebody in a bar. It's all about stalling this past midterms.

Thanks for the welcome. I agree with most of what you say about the Democrats, using this as an opportunity to gain a political advantage at the cost of the sanctity of their duties and responsibilities etc.. I don’t agree with with your assessment that all they have ever cared about is power, any more than I believe that the Republicans blocking Garland from even having a hearing a full year before the election indicates that the Republicans have always cared for power and nothing else. I think there is plenty of blame to be shared for mood in the nation right now.
As far as Judge Kavanaugh’s testimony, all I was trying to suggest is, had he taken the higher ground and not lowered himself to the current political climate, he would have been able to secure the support of enough of the moderate Republicans to secure the Senate’s confirmation. I do not begrudge him his ability to fight back against an unfair process, but I do think the optics would have been better. Since this process has become political, as sad as it is, I would have liked to see him recognize that. Unfortunately, he only added to the current climate where actual ideas do not matter and honest disagreements devolve into shouting matches. Again, I understand his frustrations and acknowledge his justified fury. (I say this as I’m listening to my wife and my teenage daughter argue about towels left on the bathroom floor).
So to sum up, yes this process should worry and even anger anyone who is paying attention, no I don’t see this as a red/blue thing—instead I think it is indicative of how we all speak to each other currently, no I do not think Judge Kavanaugh did anything “wrong” during his testimony (knowing as few facts as any of us will ever know) but I do think he had an opportunity to uplift and inspire and instead rolled up his pant legs and leaped right into to the slop.
Simply put, I would like to expect more from our leaders, be they Republican or Democrat or Libertarian or Communist or Fascist.
Above all I care about liberties that seem to be preserved most effectively from a true democratic process. When I see that democracy lowered into pure partisanship it worries me. There is a tribe in this country, one tribe and we are all members.

My point is that how Kavanaugh conducted himself was nothing more than a cheap excuse. The same with his drinking, the same with him throwing an ice cube at somebody. They are looking for anything to stop this confirmation.

The first time I heard his voice I realized Kavanaugh was simply not a good speaker; this was before his closing arguments. Some people have it and some people don't. But the job in question has little to do with speaking ability or presentation. After all, Kavanaugh was not a judge when he spoke, he was the accused.

I have no idea what's in this for Senator SnowFlake. It could be he was promised a nice six figure job once his term was up. The Democrats could have some damning evidence against him, who knows? But for whatever reason, he once again stabbed his party in the back.

Now it's being reported that the investigation could be wrapped up as early as tonight, and the results delivered to the committee tomorrow AM. Mark my words, if there is nothing in there (and I'm sure there isn't) then the Democrats will advance to their next stall tactic.
Just hope the Dems are prepared for what they have released the next time they try to get a nominee on the SC. Turning the SC into a political body is counter-Constitutional and will have long term consequences to our nation. Just look at all of the anger being thrown back and forth here over a choice, that in the best of times, should be uneventful and fairly boring.
Also hope, that Republicans give future nominees as much leeway and fairness as they are asking for in assessing Judge Kavanaugh and his suitability to be on the SC. Don’t think that will happen and we descend even further.
I could be wrong, but had he bit his tongue and remained fairly calm during the last hearing, I believe he’d already have been confirmed. No matter how good it feels to unleash emotions, I would hope he could have had a little bit of self-control. Another statement as to how far we’ve gone done this road of uncompromising vitriol; a nominee to the SC needs to consider political fall-out in order to be considered.
Maybe a third party called the Adults Part?

Welcome to USMB Rich.

I had to chime in to correct you on saying that if Kavanaugh gave a better performance, they would have confirmed him by now.

There is no truth to that. The Democrats are trying to stall this nomination until past midterms be it Kavanaugh or have him replaced with somebody else. They don't care about anything but power; they never have.

Our RINO's are pretty much the same way. They are looking for any excuse to deny Kavanaugh this seat on the SC and still maintain favorability with their constituents or party.

It has nothing to do with what he said in closing arguments, nothing to do with rape, nothing to do with drinking or throwing ice cubes at somebody in a bar. It's all about stalling this past midterms.

Thanks for the welcome. I agree with most of what you say about the Democrats, using this as an opportunity to gain a political advantage at the cost of the sanctity of their duties and responsibilities etc.. I don’t agree with with your assessment that all they have ever cared about is power, any more than I believe that the Republicans blocking Garland from even having a hearing a full year before the election indicates that the Republicans have always cared for power and nothing else. I think there is plenty of blame to be shared for mood in the nation right now.
As far as Judge Kavanaugh’s testimony, all I was trying to suggest is, had he taken the higher ground and not lowered himself to the current political climate, he would have been able to secure the support of enough of the moderate Republicans to secure the Senate’s confirmation. I do not begrudge him his ability to fight back against an unfair process, but I do think the optics would have been better. Since this process has become political, as sad as it is, I would have liked to see him recognize that. Unfortunately, he only added to the current climate where actual ideas do not matter and honest disagreements devolve into shouting matches. Again, I understand his frustrations and acknowledge his justified fury. (I say this as I’m listening to my wife and my teenage daughter argue about towels left on the bathroom floor).
So to sum up, yes this process should worry and even anger anyone who is paying attention, no I don’t see this as a red/blue thing—instead I think it is indicative of how we all speak to each other currently, no I do not think Judge Kavanaugh did anything “wrong” during his testimony (knowing as few facts as any of us will ever know) but I do think he had an opportunity to uplift and inspire and instead rolled up his pant legs and leaped right into to the slop.
Simply put, I would like to expect more from our leaders, be they Republican or Democrat or Libertarian or Communist or Fascist.
Above all I care about liberties that seem to be preserved most effectively from a true democratic process. When I see that democracy lowered into pure partisanship it worries me. There is a tribe in this country, one tribe and we are all members.

My point is that how Kavanaugh conducted himself was nothing more than a cheap excuse. The same with his drinking, the same with him throwing an ice cube at somebody. They are looking for anything to stop this confirmation.

The first time I heard his voice I realized Kavanaugh was simply not a good speaker; this was before his closing arguments. Some people have it and some people don't. But the job in question has little to do with speaking ability or presentation. After all, Kavanaugh was not a judge when he spoke, he was the accused.

I have no idea what's in this for Senator SnowFlake. It could be he was promised a nice six figure job once his term was up. The Democrats could have some damning evidence against him, who knows? But for whatever reason, he once again stabbed his party in the back.

Now it's being reported that the investigation could be wrapped up as early as tonight, and the results delivered to the committee tomorrow AM. Mark my words, if there is nothing in there (and I'm sure there isn't) then the Democrats will advance to their next stall tactic.

I wish I could share your certainty. I hope that you are correct, because you are right, almost nothing that has been brought up is relevant to Judge K’s ability to serve on the SC. And let us be honest, nothing that he has been accused of can be proven and it certainly can’t be disproven. So we are in the limbo of truth. What I find most disturbing is the idea that; who in the right mind would ever want to consider this job knowing what they are sure to face during confirmation now. We have already chased most of the truly gifted leaders to leave or never enter public service..who wants the trouble? So both Reps and Dems are left with half-wits or megalomaniacs. Not a good starting place for thoughtful discourse.
Just hope the Dems are prepared for what they have released the next time they try to get a nominee on the SC. Turning the SC into a political body is counter-Constitutional and will have long term consequences to our nation. Just look at all of the anger being thrown back and forth here over a choice, that in the best of times, should be uneventful and fairly boring.
Also hope, that Republicans give future nominees as much leeway and fairness as they are asking for in assessing Judge Kavanaugh and his suitability to be on the SC. Don’t think that will happen and we descend even further.
I could be wrong, but had he bit his tongue and remained fairly calm during the last hearing, I believe he’d already have been confirmed. No matter how good it feels to unleash emotions, I would hope he could have had a little bit of self-control. Another statement as to how far we’ve gone done this road of uncompromising vitriol; a nominee to the SC needs to consider political fall-out in order to be considered.
Maybe a third party called the Adults Part?

Welcome to USMB Rich.

I had to chime in to correct you on saying that if Kavanaugh gave a better performance, they would have confirmed him by now.

There is no truth to that. The Democrats are trying to stall this nomination until past midterms be it Kavanaugh or have him replaced with somebody else. They don't care about anything but power; they never have.

Our RINO's are pretty much the same way. They are looking for any excuse to deny Kavanaugh this seat on the SC and still maintain favorability with their constituents or party.

It has nothing to do with what he said in closing arguments, nothing to do with rape, nothing to do with drinking or throwing ice cubes at somebody in a bar. It's all about stalling this past midterms.

Thanks for the welcome. I agree with most of what you say about the Democrats, using this as an opportunity to gain a political advantage at the cost of the sanctity of their duties and responsibilities etc.. I don’t agree with with your assessment that all they have ever cared about is power, any more than I believe that the Republicans blocking Garland from even having a hearing a full year before the election indicates that the Republicans have always cared for power and nothing else. I think there is plenty of blame to be shared for mood in the nation right now.
As far as Judge Kavanaugh’s testimony, all I was trying to suggest is, had he taken the higher ground and not lowered himself to the current political climate, he would have been able to secure the support of enough of the moderate Republicans to secure the Senate’s confirmation. I do not begrudge him his ability to fight back against an unfair process, but I do think the optics would have been better. Since this process has become political, as sad as it is, I would have liked to see him recognize that. Unfortunately, he only added to the current climate where actual ideas do not matter and honest disagreements devolve into shouting matches. Again, I understand his frustrations and acknowledge his justified fury. (I say this as I’m listening to my wife and my teenage daughter argue about towels left on the bathroom floor).
So to sum up, yes this process should worry and even anger anyone who is paying attention, no I don’t see this as a red/blue thing—instead I think it is indicative of how we all speak to each other currently, no I do not think Judge Kavanaugh did anything “wrong” during his testimony (knowing as few facts as any of us will ever know) but I do think he had an opportunity to uplift and inspire and instead rolled up his pant legs and leaped right into to the slop.
Simply put, I would like to expect more from our leaders, be they Republican or Democrat or Libertarian or Communist or Fascist.
Above all I care about liberties that seem to be preserved most effectively from a true democratic process. When I see that democracy lowered into pure partisanship it worries me. There is a tribe in this country, one tribe and we are all members.

My point is that how Kavanaugh conducted himself was nothing more than a cheap excuse. The same with his drinking, the same with him throwing an ice cube at somebody. They are looking for anything to stop this confirmation.

The first time I heard his voice I realized Kavanaugh was simply not a good speaker; this was before his closing arguments. Some people have it and some people don't. But the job in question has little to do with speaking ability or presentation. After all, Kavanaugh was not a judge when he spoke, he was the accused.

I have no idea what's in this for Senator SnowFlake. It could be he was promised a nice six figure job once his term was up. The Democrats could have some damning evidence against him, who knows? But for whatever reason, he once again stabbed his party in the back.

Now it's being reported that the investigation could be wrapped up as early as tonight, and the results delivered to the committee tomorrow AM. Mark my words, if there is nothing in there (and I'm sure there isn't) then the Democrats will advance to their next stall tactic.

I wish I could share your certainty. I hope that you are correct, because you are right, almost nothing that has been brought up is relevant to Judge K’s ability to serve on the SC. And let us be honest, nothing that he has been accused of can be proven and it certainly can’t be disproven. So we are in the limbo of truth. What I find most disturbing is the idea that; who in the right mind would ever want to consider this job knowing what they are sure to face during confirmation now. We have already chased most of the truly gifted leaders to leave or never enter public service..who wants the trouble? So both Reps and Dems are left with half-wits or megalomaniacs. Not a good starting place for thoughtful discourse.

It's all a cabal really. Even the MSM is involved.

Broadcasters grant only 4% of Brett Kavanaugh news coverage to judge’s side of story: Study
Just hope the Dems are prepared for what they have released the next time they try to get a nominee on the SC. Turning the SC into a political body is counter-Constitutional and will have long term consequences to our nation. Just look at all of the anger being thrown back and forth here over a choice, that in the best of times, should be uneventful and fairly boring.
Also hope, that Republicans give future nominees as much leeway and fairness as they are asking for in assessing Judge Kavanaugh and his suitability to be on the SC. Don’t think that will happen and we descend even further.
I could be wrong, but had he bit his tongue and remained fairly calm during the last hearing, I believe he’d already have been confirmed. No matter how good it feels to unleash emotions, I would hope he could have had a little bit of self-control. Another statement as to how far we’ve gone done this road of uncompromising vitriol; a nominee to the SC needs to consider political fall-out in order to be considered.
Maybe a third party called the Adults Part?

Welcome to USMB Rich.

I had to chime in to correct you on saying that if Kavanaugh gave a better performance, they would have confirmed him by now.

There is no truth to that. The Democrats are trying to stall this nomination until past midterms be it Kavanaugh or have him replaced with somebody else. They don't care about anything but power; they never have.

Our RINO's are pretty much the same way. They are looking for any excuse to deny Kavanaugh this seat on the SC and still maintain favorability with their constituents or party.

It has nothing to do with what he said in closing arguments, nothing to do with rape, nothing to do with drinking or throwing ice cubes at somebody in a bar. It's all about stalling this past midterms.

Thanks for the welcome. I agree with most of what you say about the Democrats, using this as an opportunity to gain a political advantage at the cost of the sanctity of their duties and responsibilities etc.. I don’t agree with with your assessment that all they have ever cared about is power, any more than I believe that the Republicans blocking Garland from even having a hearing a full year before the election indicates that the Republicans have always cared for power and nothing else. I think there is plenty of blame to be shared for mood in the nation right now.
As far as Judge Kavanaugh’s testimony, all I was trying to suggest is, had he taken the higher ground and not lowered himself to the current political climate, he would have been able to secure the support of enough of the moderate Republicans to secure the Senate’s confirmation. I do not begrudge him his ability to fight back against an unfair process, but I do think the optics would have been better. Since this process has become political, as sad as it is, I would have liked to see him recognize that. Unfortunately, he only added to the current climate where actual ideas do not matter and honest disagreements devolve into shouting matches. Again, I understand his frustrations and acknowledge his justified fury. (I say this as I’m listening to my wife and my teenage daughter argue about towels left on the bathroom floor).
So to sum up, yes this process should worry and even anger anyone who is paying attention, no I don’t see this as a red/blue thing—instead I think it is indicative of how we all speak to each other currently, no I do not think Judge Kavanaugh did anything “wrong” during his testimony (knowing as few facts as any of us will ever know) but I do think he had an opportunity to uplift and inspire and instead rolled up his pant legs and leaped right into to the slop.
Simply put, I would like to expect more from our leaders, be they Republican or Democrat or Libertarian or Communist or Fascist.
Above all I care about liberties that seem to be preserved most effectively from a true democratic process. When I see that democracy lowered into pure partisanship it worries me. There is a tribe in this country, one tribe and we are all members.

My point is that how Kavanaugh conducted himself was nothing more than a cheap excuse. The same with his drinking, the same with him throwing an ice cube at somebody. They are looking for anything to stop this confirmation.

The first time I heard his voice I realized Kavanaugh was simply not a good speaker; this was before his closing arguments. Some people have it and some people don't. But the job in question has little to do with speaking ability or presentation. After all, Kavanaugh was not a judge when he spoke, he was the accused.

I have no idea what's in this for Senator SnowFlake. It could be he was promised a nice six figure job once his term was up. The Democrats could have some damning evidence against him, who knows? But for whatever reason, he once again stabbed his party in the back.

Now it's being reported that the investigation could be wrapped up as early as tonight, and the results delivered to the committee tomorrow AM. Mark my words, if there is nothing in there (and I'm sure there isn't) then the Democrats will advance to their next stall tactic.

I wish I could share your certainty. I hope that you are correct, because you are right, almost nothing that has been brought up is relevant to Judge K’s ability to serve on the SC. And let us be honest, nothing that he has been accused of can be proven and it certainly can’t be disproven. So we are in the limbo of truth. What I find most disturbing is the idea that; who in the right mind would ever want to consider this job knowing what they are sure to face during confirmation now. We have already chased most of the truly gifted leaders to leave or never enter public service..who wants the trouble? So both Reps and Dems are left with half-wits or megalomaniacs. Not a good starting place for thoughtful discourse.

It's all a cabal really. Even the MSM is involved.

Broadcasters grant only 4% of Brett Kavanaugh news coverage to judge’s side of story: Study

I agree with your evidence but your final conclusion here is a bit further than I’m willing to concede. While I find conspiracies compelling, most if not all, boil down to just greed.
Thanks for the conversation, despite our final disagreement on this.

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