Merged Kavanaugh/Ford OpinionComment threads for Oct 1

No written article. Videos are easier to post in social media - in other words, a "republican" "expert".:bs1:
well the title of the thread would imply needing videos to see the body language to the observations. don't you think?
No written article. Videos are easier to post in social media - in other words, a "republican" "expert".:bs1:
well the title of the thread would imply needing videos to see the body language to the observations. don't you think?
Nope. We just want to hear the brilliance in theory.
without the picture, it can't be done. sorry bubba.

I know that conceptual content drives you leftists batshit crazy, but we're all use to it here.
I think that Dr. Ford is grossly exaggerating any trauma caused by this incident. Seriously, what Malala Yousafzai has suffered thru makes Dr. Ford's 'trauma' look like a joke. She disgusts me. I really don't know if it happened or not, but even if it did she really disgusts me.

On the otherhand Kavanaugh's reaction has been both incredibly stupid AND probably a blatant lie. Can he be that sure that this incident from 36 years ago, during which he was extremely drunk didn't happen? Just because he doesn't have blackouts does not mean that he remembers everything.

If he was smart he would have said that he did not remember this incident, but that IF it did happen he was sorry and apologized to Dr. Ford. If he did that it could have just been written off as a juvenile incident.

His temper tantrum, his accusations of a broad Democratic conspiracy and his blanket denial that this incident absolutely did not happen show that he is not suitable to be on the Supreme court. It no longer matters if it did or did not happen anymore.

If it's found that Dr. Ford is blatantly lying. I hope she goes to prison. But that does change the fact that Kavanuagh is definitely not suited to be a Supreme court judge, or to be any judge at all.
Everyone knows that Ford is an extraterrestrial lizard wearing a people suit, so this guy's opinion about her body language is as useless as all the modern day psuedoscience rubbish about body language.
I think that Dr. Ford is grossly exaggerating any trauma caused by this incident. Seriously, what Malala Yousafzai has suffered thru makes Dr. Ford's 'trauma' look like a joke. She disgusts me. I really don't know if it happened or not, but even if it did she really disgusts me.

On the otherhand Kavanaugh's reaction has been both incredibly stupid AND probably a blatant lie. Can he be that sure that this incident from 36 years ago, during which he was extremely drunk didn't happen? Just because he doesn't have blackouts does not mean that he remembers everything.

If he was smart he would have said that he did not remember this incident, but that IF it did happen he was sorry and apologized to Dr. Ford. If he did that it could have just been written off as a juvenile incident.

His temper tantrum, his accusations of a broad Democratic conspiracy and his blanket denial that this incident absolutely did not happen show that he is not suitable to be on the Supreme court. It no longer matters if it did or did not happen anymore.

If it's found that Dr. Ford is blatantly lying. I hope she goes to prison. But that does change the fact that Kavanuagh is definitely not suited to be a Supreme court judge, or to be any judge at all.
so you know he was blatantly drunk? how?
Everyone knows that Ford is an extraterrestrial lizard wearing a people suit, so this guy's opinion about her body language is as useless as all the modern day psuedoscience rubbish about body language.
:itsok: sorry you were offended :itsok:
I think that Dr. Ford is grossly exaggerating any trauma caused by this incident. Seriously, what Malala Yousafzai has suffered thru makes Dr. Ford's 'trauma' look like a joke. She disgusts me. I really don't know if it happened or not, but even if it did she really disgusts me.

On the otherhand Kavanaugh's reaction has been both incredibly stupid AND probably a blatant lie. Can he be that sure that this incident from 36 years ago, during which he was extremely drunk didn't happen? Just because he doesn't have blackouts does not mean that he remembers everything.

If he was smart he would have said that he did not remember this incident, but that IF it did happen he was sorry and apologized to Dr. Ford. If he did that it could have just been written off as a juvenile incident.

His temper tantrum, his accusations of a broad Democratic conspiracy and his blanket denial that this incident absolutely did not happen show that he is not suitable to be on the Supreme court. It no longer matters if it did or did not happen anymore.

If it's found that Dr. Ford is blatantly lying. I hope she goes to prison. But that does change the fact that Kavanuagh is definitely not suited to be a Supreme court judge, or to be any judge at all.

Excellent post. His bringing up the Clintons was wildly bizarre. He impeached himself then and there.
Whether it will matter to the GOP in the Senate? I seriously doubt it. The FBI investigation is not needed in the least; the tantrum he threw answered the question about his impartiality; if he ever had any to start with; its out he window.
I think that Dr. Ford is grossly exaggerating any trauma caused by this incident. Seriously, what Malala Yousafzai has suffered thru makes Dr. Ford's 'trauma' look like a joke. She disgusts me. I really don't know if it happened or not, but even if it did she really disgusts me.

On the otherhand Kavanaugh's reaction has been both incredibly stupid AND probably a blatant lie. Can he be that sure that this incident from 36 years ago, during which he was extremely drunk didn't happen? Just because he doesn't have blackouts does not mean that he remembers everything.

If he was smart he would have said that he did not remember this incident, but that IF it did happen he was sorry and apologized to Dr. Ford. If he did that it could have just been written off as a juvenile incident.

His temper tantrum, his accusations of a broad Democratic conspiracy and his blanket denial that this incident absolutely did not happen show that he is not suitable to be on the Supreme court. It no longer matters if it did or did not happen anymore.

If it's found that Dr. Ford is blatantly lying. I hope she goes to prison. But that does change the fact that Kavanuagh is definitely not suited to be a Supreme court judge, or to be any judge at all.

Excellent post. His bringing up the Clintons was wildly bizarre. He impeached himself then and there.
Whether it will matter to the GOP in the Senate? I seriously doubt it. The FBI investigation is not needed in the least; the tantrum he threw answered the question about his impartiality; if he ever had any to start with; its out he window.
I actually loved the Clinton reference and I say fk them just so you're clear my feelings about them. He was outstanding in his speech. Just like Clarence was.

If I were you, I'd be more concerned with Ruth Ginsburg's rant than his. His was personal, something a leftist would never understand.
I think that Dr. Ford is grossly exaggerating any trauma caused by this incident. Seriously, what Malala Yousafzai has suffered thru makes Dr. Ford's 'trauma' look like a joke. She disgusts me. I really don't know if it happened or not, but even if it did she really disgusts me.

On the otherhand Kavanaugh's reaction has been both incredibly stupid AND probably a blatant lie. Can he be that sure that this incident from 36 years ago, during which he was extremely drunk didn't happen? Just because he doesn't have blackouts does not mean that he remembers everything.

If he was smart he would have said that he did not remember this incident, but that IF it did happen he was sorry and apologized to Dr. Ford. If he did that it could have just been written off as a juvenile incident.

His temper tantrum, his accusations of a broad Democratic conspiracy and his blanket denial that this incident absolutely did not happen show that he is not suitable to be on the Supreme court. It no longer matters if it did or did not happen anymore.

If it's found that Dr. Ford is blatantly lying. I hope she goes to prison. But that does change the fact that Kavanuagh is definitely not suited to be a Supreme court judge, or to be any judge at all.

Excellent post. His bringing up the Clintons was wildly bizarre. He impeached himself then and there.
Whether it will matter to the GOP in the Senate? I seriously doubt it. The FBI investigation is not needed in the least; the tantrum he threw answered the question about his impartiality; if he ever had any to start with; its out he window.
He didn’t mention the Clintons in a conspiratorial manner, idiot.

He brought up the 2016 election and his involvement in the Clinton impeachment case as evidence as to why Democrats hate him.
Everyone knows that Ford is an extraterrestrial lizard wearing a people suit, so this guy's opinion about her body language is as useless as all the modern day psuedoscience rubbish about body language.
It's a woman doing the evaluation ya tard.
You obviously watched exactly ZERO SECONDS of the video yet were able to pronounce judgement...

You know what we call people like you right?
I think that Dr. Ford is grossly exaggerating any trauma caused by this incident. Seriously, what Malala Yousafzai has suffered thru makes Dr. Ford's 'trauma' look like a joke. She disgusts me. I really don't know if it happened or not, but even if it did she really disgusts me.

On the otherhand Kavanaugh's reaction has been both incredibly stupid AND probably a blatant lie. Can he be that sure that this incident from 36 years ago, during which he was extremely drunk didn't happen? Just because he doesn't have blackouts does not mean that he remembers everything.

If he was smart he would have said that he did not remember this incident, but that IF it did happen he was sorry and apologized to Dr. Ford. If he did that it could have just been written off as a juvenile incident.

His temper tantrum, his accusations of a broad Democratic conspiracy and his blanket denial that this incident absolutely did not happen show that he is not suitable to be on the Supreme court. It no longer matters if it did or did not happen anymore.

If it's found that Dr. Ford is blatantly lying. I hope she goes to prison. But that does change the fact that Kavanuagh is definitely not suited to be a Supreme court judge, or to be any judge at all.
you leftists are truly talented individuals, you know things the person involved doesn't even know. amazing shit. wow!!!!
once you gave them an inch.

That's why you never give the Dems an inch. Fuck 'em all. The hearings had been set for a date and when Feinstein came up at the last minute with this Ford woman, they should have simply said: HARD CHEESE Diane: You sat on this for months and now have missed the deadline.

The ploy has been OBVIOUS from the start.

AS PREDICTED, any investigation not done with UNLIMITED time, scope, money, and reach will be lambasted by the Left as TAINTED. Because such an investigation, not only totally unneeded and uncalled for, would take FOREVER and undoubtedly turn up NEW people with NEW allegations, then all of THOSE would need investigated with unlimited time, scope, money and reach until ultimately, the goal is reached of finding SOMETHING no matter how removed from Ford and damaging Kavanaugh to the point publicly that the SJC is shamed into rejecting his nomination based solely on PUBLIC APPEARANCE-- -- -- that the democrats manufactured.

The funny thing is that everyone knows this new probe is a waste of time, because the FBI cannot force someone unwilling to talk to talk to them and cannot prove/disprove or vet every story thrown at them about beer, parties and women from 36+ years ago by every Ford supporter or Kav hater they come across!

Since Brett has denied the attacks, all the potential witnesses and leads gone nowhere and Ford shown us absolutely no corroboration of her story whatsoever, this FBI investigation is both pointless, futile, and will lead to ONE BIG ZILCH.

And the SJC will have to eventually get off its big fat ass, tell the democrats to STFU and vote on this guy based on his known qualifications and evidence. And we all know the evidence shows him supremely qualified. So then, all the democrats will vote NO against him anyway.

And now all future SC nominations to be dragged down into the gutter of liberal social media and baseless character assassination along with everything else in this country and the Left can celebrate the SC as being now made totally politicized as well. The best candidates will shrink from such a public assassination which will leave only those with high political motives even willing to go through the nomination process.

EITHER WAY: if having failed to utterly destroy Kavanaugh, stop his confirmation, they will then carry it into the election cycle denouncing the Republican party as woman haters who put politics over people's lives.


So much for that grand ideal of McCain's where it was the job of the PRESIDENT to pick his nominations and the job of the Senate to do what it could to confirm them so that the will of the people be heard that the Left so highly touted at his funeral just a few weeks ago! Hey John! Still glad you invited all those buddy democratic "friends" to your funeral?????

Great post.....WINNING! Nails it on many points.

Kavanaughs biggest fault is he is a white man. Dershowitz even speaks to this. What I find fascinating is the men who have been suckered by the feminists. Fucking ghey......deballed long ago. Sorry you were last picked for the team s0ns.....choosing to be pseudo-male is ghey. We all know a few.....just exude these fem qualities....very confrontational like a woman until the are confronted.:gay::gay:
Everyone knows that Ford is an extraterrestrial lizard wearing a people suit, so this guy's opinion about her body language is as useless as all the modern day psuedoscience rubbish about body language.
It's a woman doing the evaluation ya tard.
You obviously watched exactly ZERO SECONDS of the video yet were able to pronounce judgement...

You know what we call people like you right?

Klingons ?
Who didn't expect this?

They are now demanding changes to the conditions set down and were in agreement to allowing a supplemental investigation in to the unsubstantiated, vague, last minute and IMO totally false allegations.

As if you didn't expect them to pull this stunt once you gave them an inch.




Now they want MORE TIME!

And they DEMAND an ADDITIONAL INVESTIGATION for PERJURY, NOT on Whackadoodle Ford, but on Kavanaugh.

Quit letting The Left hold Democracy Hostage, and quit paying their Ransom!

I mean don't dare Investigate Feinstein, Katz, or Ford to see if ANY....ANY AT ALL of their statements were true of false. NOPE....The DEMS only want to turn over every rock, log and see if Kavanaugh, and Kavanaugh ONLY made any misstatement.

Same playbook with The Mueller Investigation Investigating Russian Collusion but making The Actual Collusion and Money Laundering through COIE Lawfirm through Fusion GPS to Russia for The Fake Dossier used to file False Affidavits to Illegally Spy on a Rival Presidential Campaign and his family and his advisors, IMMUNE from said "so called" Investigation.

And of course, they Declared just like when Trump was elected, to try to IMPEACH Kavanaugh the second he is confirmed.

The DEMONAZI Storm Troopers are on their incessant march to Tyranny, with every inch given, they take a mile.


Dems accused of moving goalposts on Kavanaugh after FBI probe ordered
This is what happens when Republicans elect spineless cowards.

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