Merkel wants CORONA travel ban for citizens


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Masks for ever ( the new normal ) + CORONA traveling ban for citizens.

Once GDR, always GDR!
Once SED youth SED, always SED and block party CDU!
Once a wall murderer, always a wall murderer!
They'll shoot at the borders like in 1949-1989, Merkel's willing henchmen.
They will build walls...
They'll lay deadly mines just like they did before
They will kill with self firing systems like they did with the SM70
Like Mielke, Haldenwang will persecute, interrogate, imprison and murder dissidents, the old and the new Stasi both call themselves "anti-fascist", the name is murderous program!
And the reason why they imprison people is the same as in 1961: The regime has to plunder the German labour force in order to feed the whole party and social parasites, and today it is not only the party parasites from the SED and CDU, from the Greens and FDP, from the SPD and CSU, who are taking an unproductive income from the blood and sweat of the people, but also the maggots of the GEZ, the apparatchiks of the EU repressive apparatus, the state-financed terrorists of the Antifa, the millions of illegals who rape and slaughter and Merkel's' justice' whores lets them all get away with it, Merkel's federal, state and local authorities slap horrendous Corona fines to make themselves and the robber barons of the system even fatter and to increase the "refugee" reserve even more so that the smuggling gangs smuggle in even more murderers, terrorists and rapists.


The sad example of Germany is the best proof any Free People badly needs analogues of the 2nd Amendment in their constitutions.Otherwise Freedom will end in dictatorship.
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