Merkel Warns US, Britain No Longer Reliable Partners

Merkel Warns US, Britain No Longer Reliable Partners

So is Germany going to throw our troops out and defend their own country? :cool-45:
‘Frankfurt am Main (AFP) - Europe "must take its fate into its own hands" faced with a western alliance divided by Brexit and Donald Trump's presidency, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Sunday.’

Merkel warns US, Britain no longer reliable partners

Actually, it’s Trump who is unreliable – as well as reckless and irresponsible.
Would a federal UN be more practicable now that we have Google Translate; and Towers of Babel are no longer any form of obstacle.
The European Union (EU) is developing a closer political union. English has been the working language throughout the EU with simultaneous translations where necessary. With Brexit, English is bound to lose its position and will likely be replaced by French because it is a Romance language, sharing many elements with Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese.
Macron is so far doing a great job: the opposite of our new prez.
Why what has he done? LOL

Macron has threatened sanctions on Poland for not taking in Islamic refugees.

I guess that's what the French people wanted, right?
French are on the path of self destruction and they want to take the rest of Europe down with them. They have a history of capitulating and national suicide.

The Germans on the other hand are in the process of trying to conquer Europe once again, this time economically. As the European Union collapses and countries go down one after another, Germany steps in to bail them out through "austerity" plans, while dictating conditions that are extremely favorable to Germany and unfavorable to the countries, and in essence makes them totally subservient to the Germans. And the British saw it coming from the very beginning, refusing to change their currency, and of course the BREXIT vote recently. History is once again repeating itself.
Merkel Warns US, Britain No Longer Reliable Partners

So is Germany going to throw our troops out and defend their own country? :cool-45:
We should be cautious not to let the Germans form an offensive army.
Hillary was almost 3 million more votes popular than the fat senile old orange clown.

It's amazing how hard it is for you to understand we elect the POTUS via The Electoral Collage, if it was won by Popular Votes he would have campaigned in the Left Coast States...
He didn't have a chance on the west coast.

That goes in line with "He didn't have a chance to win", how are you doing with that? Oh shit, HE WON!!!

Would a federal UN be more practicable now that we have Google Translate; and Towers of Babel are no longer any form of obstacle.
The European Union (EU) is developing a closer political union. English has been the working language throughout the EU with simultaneous translations where necessary. With Brexit, English is bound to lose its position and will likely be replaced by French because it is a Romance language, sharing many elements with Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese.
Macron is so far doing a great job: the opposite of our new prez.
Why what has he done? LOL

Macron has threatened sanctions on Poland for not taking in Islamic refugees.

I guess that's what the French people wanted, right?
And the British saw it coming from the very beginning, refusing to change their currency, and of course the BREXIT vote recently. History is once again repeating itself.

The Brits seem to be even more Liberal than Germans, and French.

That's obviously only in Western Europe.

Western Europeans are bizarre, they went from huge Colonists who supported destroying the heritage of others, to now supporting others to Colonize themselves, and destroy their own heritage.

Western Europeans are dumb brutes.
Merkle is actually originally from Eastern Germany. She understands the situation of Eastern Europeans. Far better than you do, obviously.

Born Angela Dorothea Kasner
17 July 1954 (age 62)
Hamburg, West Germany

Check your facts please. You're embarrassing yourself.

she lived only a few weeks in hamburg, as the family then went to the gdr. check your facts, indeed.

Her parents were western, in their values and mentality.
link, lol!

father born in berlin, mother born in danzig, grandfather born in poznan, named kazmierczak.

but this is not relevant, as this is about angela merkel, and not about her parents. and angela merkel was fully socialized and integrated in the GDR.
Merkel grew up in East Germany, went to school there, got her degrees there, etc. She was an East German until the wall came down and East and West Germany became one country.
‘Frankfurt am Main (AFP) - Europe "must take its fate into its own hands" faced with a western alliance divided by Brexit and Donald Trump's presidency, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Sunday.’

Merkel warns US, Britain no longer reliable partners

Actually, it’s Trump who is unreliable – as well as reckless and irresponsible.
Would a federal UN be more practicable now that we have Google Translate; and Towers of Babel are no longer any form of obstacle.
The European Union (EU) is developing a closer political union. English has been the working language throughout the EU with simultaneous translations where necessary. With Brexit, English is bound to lose its position and will likely be replaced by French because it is a Romance language, sharing many elements with Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese.
Macron is so far doing a great job: the opposite of our new prez.
Why what has he done? LOL

Macron has threatened sanctions on Poland for not taking in Islamic refugees.

I guess that's what the French people wanted, right?
The French people who voted for him, yes, which was a big majority.
Would a federal UN be more practicable now that we have Google Translate; and Towers of Babel are no longer any form of obstacle.
The European Union (EU) is developing a closer political union. English has been the working language throughout the EU with simultaneous translations where necessary. With Brexit, English is bound to lose its position and will likely be replaced by French because it is a Romance language, sharing many elements with Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese.
Macron is so far doing a great job: the opposite of our new prez.
Why what has he done? LOL

Macron has threatened sanctions on Poland for not taking in Islamic refugees.

I guess that's what the French people wanted, right?
The French people who voted for him, yes, which was a big majority.
In other words, France wants the Poland to also commit national suicide such that like the French, they too will have to live in a constant state of martial law and high terrorist threat. :cuckoo:
The European Union (EU) is developing a closer political union. English has been the working language throughout the EU with simultaneous translations where necessary. With Brexit, English is bound to lose its position and will likely be replaced by French because it is a Romance language, sharing many elements with Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese.
Macron is so far doing a great job: the opposite of our new prez.
Why what has he done? LOL

Macron has threatened sanctions on Poland for not taking in Islamic refugees.

I guess that's what the French people wanted, right?
The French people who voted for him, yes, which was a big majority.
In other words, France wants the Poland to also commit national suicide such that like the French, they too will have to live in a constant state of martial law and high terrorist threat. :cuckoo:

Poland, getting the thin edge of the wedge. Again.
Merkle is actually originally from Eastern Germany. She understands the situation of Eastern Europeans. Far better than you do, obviously.

Born Angela Dorothea Kasner
17 July 1954 (age 62)
Hamburg, West Germany

Check your facts please. You're embarrassing yourself.

she lived only a few weeks in hamburg, as the family then went to the gdr. check your facts, indeed.

Her parents were western, in their values and mentality.
link, lol!

father born in berlin, mother born in danzig, grandfather born in poznan, named kazmierczak.

but this is not relevant, as this is about angela merkel, and not about her parents. and angela merkel was fully socialized and integrated in the GDR.
Merkel grew up in East Germany, went to school there, got her degrees there, etc. She was an East German until the wall came down and East and West Germany became one country.

She was born in West Germany you idiot!!

Would a federal UN be more practicable now that we have Google Translate; and Towers of Babel are no longer any form of obstacle.
The European Union (EU) is developing a closer political union. English has been the working language throughout the EU with simultaneous translations where necessary. With Brexit, English is bound to lose its position and will likely be replaced by French because it is a Romance language, sharing many elements with Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese.
Macron is so far doing a great job: the opposite of our new prez.
Why what has he done? LOL

Macron has threatened sanctions on Poland for not taking in Islamic refugees.

I guess that's what the French people wanted, right?
The French people who voted for him, yes, which was a big majority.

Very arrogant of the Macron. he doesn't even control his own Parliament.

Maybe Frau Merkel will start spending a whole 2% of GDP on their own defense instead of 1.2.

Who would want to attack Germany?

Germans are trouble makers they were under Hitler, and still are under Merkel.

In what way?

Germans bullied nations in Eastern Europe under Hitler, and Germans are still bullying nations in Eastern Europe under Merkel.

I am reading up about that.
Interested in fiction, then?
Since you Liberals love your polls, get a load of this one. 81% of Germans say she screwed the pooch on the migrant crisis.
Angela Merkel has made a mess of the refugee situation say 81% on Germans | Daily Mail Online
Angela Merkel is very popular in Germany and in Europe. She is considered the Leader of the Free World since the inauguration of Donald Trump.

That's obviously only in Western Europe.

Western Europeans are bizarre, they went from huge Colonists who supported destroying the heritage of others, to now supporting others to Colonize themselves, and destroy their own heritage.

Western Europeans are dumb brutes.
Merkle is actually originally from Eastern Germany. She understands the situation of Eastern Europeans. Far better than you do, obviously.

The biggest opposition to Merkel in Germany has come from East German cities like Bautzen, or Dresden.
yeah, in the neonazi strongholds.
There is a sentiment among some working class in Saxony that being economically and socially oppressed for decades under the DDR regime, they should be sharing in the prosperity of the former West Germany before aid is offered to asylum seekers. In this they are mistaken and are failing to appreciate that they themselves were like refugees from communism when the Bundesrepublik accepted the en masse at great expense to West Germans at the time of unification.
The European Union (EU) is developing a closer political union. English has been the working language throughout the EU with simultaneous translations where necessary. With Brexit, English is bound to lose its position and will likely be replaced by French because it is a Romance language, sharing many elements with Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese.
Macron is so far doing a great job: the opposite of our new prez.
Why what has he done? LOL

Macron has threatened sanctions on Poland for not taking in Islamic refugees.

I guess that's what the French people wanted, right?
And the British saw it coming from the very beginning, refusing to change their currency, and of course the BREXIT vote recently. History is once again repeating itself.

The Brits seem to be even more Liberal than Germans, and French.

Let us put it this way; Everyone in western democracies is more liberal than the Americans.
Macron is so far doing a great job: the opposite of our new prez.
Why what has he done? LOL

Macron has threatened sanctions on Poland for not taking in Islamic refugees.

I guess that's what the French people wanted, right?
And the British saw it coming from the very beginning, refusing to change their currency, and of course the BREXIT vote recently. History is once again repeating itself.

The Brits seem to be even more Liberal than Germans, and French.

Let us put it this way; Everyone in western democracies is more liberal than the Americans.

Do you consider Poland, and Hungary to be "Western Democracies"?

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