Mermaids? compelling evidence


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
I was skeptical at first but I watched it on I think Nat-Geo. A couple of oil exploration scientists were in a deep submersible and heard weird underwater chatter something like a whale but more shrill. On another dive they played the recorded chatter back out hoping to catch a glimpse of whatever was causing it with cameras and lights attached to the submersible. What they got was shocking to say the least. One camera caught a webbed hand similar to human and the other camera caught a glimpse of a humanoid face and upper torso.
Ahem. USMB has had plenty of evidence supporting the existence of at least one mermaid since February 2007.

I was skeptical at first but I watched it on I think Nat-Geo. A couple of oil exploration scientists were in a deep submersible and heard weird underwater chatter something like a whale but more shrill. On another dive they played the recorded chatter back out hoping to catch a glimpse of whatever was causing it with cameras and lights attached to the submersible. What they got was shocking to say the least. One camera caught a webbed hand similar to human and the other camera caught a glimpse of a humanoid face and upper torso.

Link?? Pics? Something?
I was skeptical at first but I watched it on I think Nat-Geo. A couple of oil exploration scientists were in a deep submersible and heard weird underwater chatter something like a whale but more shrill. On another dive they played the recorded chatter back out hoping to catch a glimpse of whatever was causing it with cameras and lights attached to the submersible. What they got was shocking to say the least. One camera caught a webbed hand similar to human and the other camera caught a glimpse of a humanoid face and upper torso.

Link?? Pics? Something?

Discovery Channel, 8pm tonight

Watched it last night, but missed the part WH talks about.

Really compelling show
I was skeptical at first but I watched it on I think Nat-Geo. A couple of oil exploration scientists were in a deep submersible and heard weird underwater chatter something like a whale but more shrill. On another dive they played the recorded chatter back out hoping to catch a glimpse of whatever was causing it with cameras and lights attached to the submersible. What they got was shocking to say the least. One camera caught a webbed hand similar to human and the other camera caught a glimpse of a humanoid face and upper torso.

Link?? Pics? Something?

Discovery Channel, 8pm tonight

Watched it last night, but missed the part WH talks about.

Really compelling show

I guess it was Discovery. This is heavy duty evidence. The area was off Greenland. I don't know how to link discovery channel but check it out. The incident happened in March 2013 and I gotta tell you when that webbed humanoid hand hit the outside of the submersible it sent chills up my spine and you could see the two guys in the sub were shocked. The 2nd camera showed for a brief instant a humanoid face and upper torso. Included in the hour long documentary was an amateur camera shot of something on a rock outcropping from a distance and a you-tube video of a kid poking a humanoid thing washed up on a beach and the thing raised it's head. You can probably find it on you tube.
Mermaids, ghosts, cold fusion, ESP, visitors from outer space (current and ancient Egypt), Big Foot... and on goes the list of science fiction and fantacy mascarading as science. There was a time when "news" and "science" was attached to a certain level of professional standards.

Yeah, there is still much undiscovered in the deep ocean... like new species of tube worms and jelly fish... not intelligent creatures with vast underwater cities, hidden deep in the abyss, housing intelligent jellyfish that have harnessed water technology to create water tenticles that take on the features of Mary Mastrentonio. *Not even half man-half beast creatures, whether fish, horse, or goat.

I seldom watch National Geographic or Discovery for the very reason that they present fantacies as credible science because that is what gets ratings for them.
It's coming on in 2 minutes, so if I am MIA, it's cuz my face is glued to the tv.
Seemed a bit hokey until I saw the last film shots. Fascinating.
I was skeptical at first but I watched it on I think Nat-Geo. A couple of oil exploration scientists were in a deep submersible and heard weird underwater chatter something like a whale but more shrill. On another dive they played the recorded chatter back out hoping to catch a glimpse of whatever was causing it with cameras and lights attached to the submersible. What they got was shocking to say the least. One camera caught a webbed hand similar to human and the other camera caught a glimpse of a humanoid face and upper torso.

it is a fake documentary
Last weekend the cable network stepped out of the box -- and into a little controversy -- when it aired the fake documentary Mermaids: The Body Found.

Mermaids' premiere was seen by nearly 2 million viewers, making it the channel's most-watched telecast since 2006's Steve Irwin memorial special.

Some likened the mock doc to The Blair Witch Project or War of the Worlds; it uses everything from fake "found" footage to fake news broadcasts to fake expert interviews to try to convince viewers of the creatures' existence. Thanks to the magic of CGI, mermaids appear to be swimming in the ocean. There's even a scene where a mermaid gives birth.

Even though Animal Planet aired a disclaimer saying the special was a work of science fiction (and this should be pretty obvious anyway), some viewers took it a little too seriously. Glance at Animal Planet's message boards, and you may be disturbed to see just how many folks believed what they saw.

If you'd like to see what all the fuss is about, head to Animal Planet's site to watch a trailer and clips:

'Mermaids: The Body Found' fake documentary confuses viewers |
Hokey and suspicious...starts at the 2:22 mark

But the new one done by the oil rig guys...the hand on the window...not so hokey. And no youtube of it yet either because it was too new.
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CGI is used to show how dinosaurs roamed too. It tells the story. Same with this one. However, the people interviewed seemed...staged. I also believe there is much coverups going on by the government, so I will keep an open mind. Do I believe what this documentary showed? Not really. But I am still wondering what is out there we have not discovered yet...or the government HAS and has not told us about. Especially the navy doing their experiments and killing animals with their frigging tests.
CGI is used to show how dinosaurs roamed too. It tells the story. Same with this one. However, the people interviewed seemed...staged. I also believe there is much coverups going on by the government, so I will keep an open mind. Do I believe what this documentary showed? Not really. But I am still wondering what is out there we have not discovered yet...or the government HAS and has not told us about. Especially the navy doing their experiments and killing animals with their frigging tests.

good evening Gracie

it was another phony documentary

a spin off from last years phony documentary

fun though

'Mermaids: The New Evidence': Never-Before-Seen Footage Of Mermaids Allegedly (VIDEO)

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