Merrick Garland says he's "still available" ...


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
And "clean as a whistle" :eusa_dance:

BETHESDA, MARYLAND (The Borowitz Report)—Saying that he would like to help the Senate Judiciary Committee “in any way I can,” Judge Merrick Garland announced on Monday that he is “still available” to be confirmed as a United States Supreme Court Justice.

“I haven’t heard from anyone on the Judiciary Committee,” Garland said. “But I just want to let them know that I’ve let bygones be bygones if they’d like to confirm me now.”

The judge said that he was “not surprised” that no one from the White House has called about his availability for the Supreme Court job. “I’ve been reading that Woodward book,” he said. “It sounds like things can get pretty hectic over there.”

Garland noted that, when he was first nominated to the Supreme Court, no Republican senator agreed to meet with him, but added, “Maybe they can find some time in their schedules now.”

“After what they’ve been going through for the past couple of days, the Republicans might want to give old Merrick another look,” he said. “I’m clean as a whistle.”​

Merrick Garland Says He’s Still Available
And "clean as a whistle" :eusa_dance:

BETHESDA, MARYLAND (The Borowitz Report)—Saying that he would like to help the Senate Judiciary Committee “in any way I can,” Judge Merrick Garland announced on Monday that he is “still available” to be confirmed as a United States Supreme Court Justice.

“I haven’t heard from anyone on the Judiciary Committee,” Garland said. “But I just want to let them know that I’ve let bygones be bygones if they’d like to confirm me now.”

The judge said that he was “not surprised” that no one from the White House has called about his availability for the Supreme Court job. “I’ve been reading that Woodward book,” he said. “It sounds like things can get pretty hectic over there.”

Garland noted that, when he was first nominated to the Supreme Court, no Republican senator agreed to meet with him, but added, “Maybe they can find some time in their schedules now.”

“After what they’ve been going through for the past couple of days, the Republicans might want to give old Merrick another look,” he said. “I’m clean as a whistle.”​

Merrick Garland Says He’s Still Available
Too bad it's not true.
He deserved a hearing and an up or down vote
Why?.....the GOP was in the majority....elections have consequences...even Obama said so many times over his 8 years....if you want to call the shots you must win elections which means you must be elected by the people....
He deserved a hearing and an up or down vote
Why?.....the GOP was in the majority....elections have consequences...even Obama said so many times over his 8 years....if you want to call the shots you must win elections which means you must be elected by the people....

Sounds good - And we'll stall Kav just long enough to retake not only the House but the Senate.
Think the Senate couldn't happen? Think again!

Democrat Beto O’Rourke is creeping up on Ted Cruz in the Texas Senate race - both in fundraising and polls - OpenSecrets News
He deserved a hearing and an up or down vote
Many don't feel that way.

If the government hadn't bungled the investigation into why Scalia had died, and the circumstances surrounding his death? I would agree with you.

But the government bungled it horribly and left way too many questions, even for the sober minded. Letting Obama appoint a justice after that would have brought more acrimony and outrage.

If they had just done things right? I could agree with you then.

Of course he died of natural causes, but try telling that to the truly faithful. Would some confirmation have hurt the nation? Lack of information is fertile ground for speculation.

Donald Trump’s Scalia-Conspiracy Pillow Fight

Was Scalia Assassinated?

Who killed Antonin Scalia? Conspiracy theories blame Obama, Cheney, Mr. Spock - NY Daily News

. . . and even from the HuffPo? They feed into this with some satire of their own? WTF?

Conspiracy Theories Abound in Death of Scalia
Conspiracy Theories Abound in Death of Scalia | HuffPost
". . . . And so it was this morning, the day after Antonin Scalia was found dead at a ranch in West Texas. From natural causes.

Sure. Like that story was going to hold up.

It is now widely accepted across the web — now, there is an oxymoron — that Scalia was murdered. According to a recent poll of 400 Likely Conspiracy Believers published at RealClear Conspiracies, 52% of those polled reject the official accounting of Scalia’s death. Of those who reject the official accounting, 67% suggest that Barack Obama was responsible, seeking to change America; 42% believe he was killed by the Clintons, because it is what they do; while 22%, mostly under the age of 29, believe it was a collaborative effort of Obama and Hillary seeking to undermine Bernie’s attacks on Wall Street. (Huh?)

Of these explanations, only the second one holds any water. Obviously Obama didn’t do it. Obama knows exactly what he’s doing, as Marco Rubio explained over and over. If this was the path he was going to take, he would have done it last year.

As is normally the case, these accusations mask a deeper explanation, that may never be uncovered. It may sound a bit too close to Pelican Brief, or an Oliver Stone film, but there are times when reality imitates art. So here goes.

Antonin Scalia was murdered by a right-wing, evangelical Christian, Texas oilman billionaire. We will call him Sheldon, just to keep things anonymous. Any similarity to Sheldon Adelson is purely unintended. After all, Sheldon is a Jew from Boston. If he was going to do it, Scalia would have died in his sleep at a resort in Macao, or on a settler outpost on the West Bank.

The other Sheldon, the one who had Scalia put down, is a courageous Christian who has invested tens of millions of dollars in Ted Cruz’s campaign. Cruz’s election is critical to him for a number of reasons. First and foremost is the oldest and most compelling rationale for these things. Money. The value of Sheldon’s oil holdings have been destroyed by the decline in price of oil from $100 per barrel down to $25. The driver of continued weakness in global oil markets is the looming entry of millions of barrels of new supply coming onto world markets from Iran. This was made possible by the Iran nuclear deal and the lifting of sanctions. . . . "
Go ahead and try Merrick....and conveniently a woman should come forward about an incident that took place 40 years ago...then watch the left squirm
And "clean as a whistle" :eusa_dance:

BETHESDA, MARYLAND (The Borowitz Report)—Saying that he would like to help the Senate Judiciary Committee “in any way I can,” Judge Merrick Garland announced on Monday that he is “still available” to be confirmed as a United States Supreme Court Justice.

“I haven’t heard from anyone on the Judiciary Committee,” Garland said. “But I just want to let them know that I’ve let bygones be bygones if they’d like to confirm me now.”

The judge said that he was “not surprised” that no one from the White House has called about his availability for the Supreme Court job. “I’ve been reading that Woodward book,” he said. “It sounds like things can get pretty hectic over there.”

Garland noted that, when he was first nominated to the Supreme Court, no Republican senator agreed to meet with him, but added, “Maybe they can find some time in their schedules now.”

“After what they’ve been going through for the past couple of days, the Republicans might want to give old Merrick another look,” he said. “I’m clean as a whistle.”​

Merrick Garland Says He’s Still Available
I heard Garland abused a gerbil in science lab in high school
He deserved a hearing and an up or down vote
Why?.....the GOP was in the majority....elections have consequences...even Obama said so many times over his 8 years....if you want to call the shots you must win elections which means you must be elected by the people....

Sounds good - And we'll stall Kav just long enough to retake not only the House but the Senate.
Think the Senate couldn't happen? Think again!

Democrat Beto O’Rourke is creeping up on Ted Cruz in the Texas Senate race - both in fundraising and polls - OpenSecrets News
Fake news.
And "clean as a whistle" :eusa_dance:

BETHESDA, MARYLAND (The Borowitz Report)—Saying that he would like to help the Senate Judiciary Committee “in any way I can,” Judge Merrick Garland announced on Monday that he is “still available” to be confirmed as a United States Supreme Court Justice.

“I haven’t heard from anyone on the Judiciary Committee,” Garland said. “But I just want to let them know that I’ve let bygones be bygones if they’d like to confirm me now.”

The judge said that he was “not surprised” that no one from the White House has called about his availability for the Supreme Court job. “I’ve been reading that Woodward book,” he said. “It sounds like things can get pretty hectic over there.”

Garland noted that, when he was first nominated to the Supreme Court, no Republican senator agreed to meet with him, but added, “Maybe they can find some time in their schedules now.”

“After what they’ve been going through for the past couple of days, the Republicans might want to give old Merrick another look,” he said. “I’m clean as a whistle.”​

Merrick Garland Says He’s Still Available
I heard Garland abused a gerbil in science lab in high school

And since the left wants to believe the woman accusing Kavanaugh then Merrick is a gerbil ifs or and buts about it.
And "clean as a whistle" :eusa_dance:

BETHESDA, MARYLAND (The Borowitz Report)—Saying that he would like to help the Senate Judiciary Committee “in any way I can,” Judge Merrick Garland announced on Monday that he is “still available” to be confirmed as a United States Supreme Court Justice.

“I haven’t heard from anyone on the Judiciary Committee,” Garland said. “But I just want to let them know that I’ve let bygones be bygones if they’d like to confirm me now.”

The judge said that he was “not surprised” that no one from the White House has called about his availability for the Supreme Court job. “I’ve been reading that Woodward book,” he said. “It sounds like things can get pretty hectic over there.”

Garland noted that, when he was first nominated to the Supreme Court, no Republican senator agreed to meet with him, but added, “Maybe they can find some time in their schedules now.”

“After what they’ve been going through for the past couple of days, the Republicans might want to give old Merrick another look,” he said. “I’m clean as a whistle.”​

Merrick Garland Says He’s Still Available
Hillary's still available too.
And "clean as a whistle" :eusa_dance:

BETHESDA, MARYLAND (The Borowitz Report)—Saying that he would like to help the Senate Judiciary Committee “in any way I can,” Judge Merrick Garland announced on Monday that he is “still available” to be confirmed as a United States Supreme Court Justice.

“I haven’t heard from anyone on the Judiciary Committee,” Garland said. “But I just want to let them know that I’ve let bygones be bygones if they’d like to confirm me now.”

The judge said that he was “not surprised” that no one from the White House has called about his availability for the Supreme Court job. “I’ve been reading that Woodward book,” he said. “It sounds like things can get pretty hectic over there.”

Garland noted that, when he was first nominated to the Supreme Court, no Republican senator agreed to meet with him, but added, “Maybe they can find some time in their schedules now.”

“After what they’ve been going through for the past couple of days, the Republicans might want to give old Merrick another look,” he said. “I’m clean as a whistle.”​

Merrick Garland Says He’s Still Available
I heard Garland abused a gerbil in science lab in high school

And since the left wants to believe the woman accusing Kavanaugh then Merrick is a gerbil ifs or and buts about it.
The poor gerbil had fits whenever Garland entered the room
He deserved a hearing and an up or down vote
Why?.....the GOP was in the majority....elections have consequences...even Obama said so many times over his 8 years....if you want to call the shots you must win elections which means you must be elected by the people....

Sounds good - And we'll stall Kav just long enough to retake not only the House but the Senate.
Think the Senate couldn't happen? Think again!

Democrat Beto O’Rourke is creeping up on Ted Cruz in the Texas Senate race - both in fundraising and polls - OpenSecrets News

If the Democrats won the Senate, and then REFUSED to seat a justice, I would not want to be a Senator in a state with a Republican governor.

Their life would be in a very perilous position.

First of all, the conservatives have a "Deep State," of their own, and it is primarily paramilitary, not bureaucratic. Do you even know who Betsy Devos' brother is?

And secondly, their partisans are bat shit crazy too, and armed to the teeth. They think all this shit matters and might be willing to take matters into their own hands.

If a Democratic Senator from a State headed by a Republican governor just happened to come to an unfortunate demise. . . . do you seriously think that you would have any chance of blocking an appointment then?

Politicians, scientists, journalists and the powerful do tend to die in strange ways and by coincidence all the time.

So be careful what you wish for.
And "clean as a whistle" :eusa_dance:

BETHESDA, MARYLAND (The Borowitz Report)—Saying that he would like to help the Senate Judiciary Committee “in any way I can,” Judge Merrick Garland announced on Monday that he is “still available” to be confirmed as a United States Supreme Court Justice.

“I haven’t heard from anyone on the Judiciary Committee,” Garland said. “But I just want to let them know that I’ve let bygones be bygones if they’d like to confirm me now.”

The judge said that he was “not surprised” that no one from the White House has called about his availability for the Supreme Court job. “I’ve been reading that Woodward book,” he said. “It sounds like things can get pretty hectic over there.”

Garland noted that, when he was first nominated to the Supreme Court, no Republican senator agreed to meet with him, but added, “Maybe they can find some time in their schedules now.”

“After what they’ve been going through for the past couple of days, the Republicans might want to give old Merrick another look,” he said. “I’m clean as a whistle.”​

Merrick Garland Says He’s Still Available
I heard Garland abused a gerbil in science lab in high school

And since the left wants to believe the woman accusing Kavanaugh then Merrick is a gerbil ifs or and buts about it.
The poor gerbil had fits whenever Garland entered the room

I have it on authority Garland was wearing pink tights and purple tutu

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