Merrick Garland to appoint Special Counsel in Mar-a-lago documents probe

After Trump is dispatched, Ron DeSantis will be next.

Like all criminals, each successful operation is a learning experience. The FBI can conduct a Jan 6, every day. Or, switch it up. Another kidnap. I really have to hand it to democrats. Once they went full communist, they out Stalined the Russian devotees.

Party before Country.
After Trump is dispatched, Ron DeSantis will be next.

Like all criminals, each successful operation is a learning experience. The FBI can conduct a Jan 6, every day. Or, switch it up. Another kidnap. I really have to hand it to democrats. Once they went full communist, they out Stalined the Russian devotees.
Stalin's end came abruptly as should those perpetrating this fraud..
Since they got Jack Smith, he'll be going for the throat. Disqualifying Trump for future office doesn't even come into play. It will however, be a side effect of the prosecution.
No. That is what they want. If Trump were to withdraw, every lawsuit would stop. The Jan 6 committee would dissolve. But the tactics, they remain to be used against the next. DeSantis is in their sights.

The republic is dead. Bury the flag. It is soiled by flying over this ugly rotted hulk.
Jack Smith is Trump’s worst nightmare
Wait, I thought that was Adam Schiff, or was it supposed to be Mueller? Maybe Pelosi? It's so hard to keep track of who's supposed to be his next worst nightmare. Why don't you guys distribute a program so we can keep it straight without guessing? I mean, it's not like any of them have distinguished themselves so as to be recognized.

This should be interesting. Most of the investigative work has probably already been done. It will not drag out long.
The FBI just stated there were no crimes related to those documents. SO what is the basis for the special counsel? Jan 6 was also a no crime issue... what is the basis for the special counsel?

The ONLY reason they did this was to thwart Republican oversight and protect Pelosi/democrats. This is a sham.. The guy they selected is a partisan piece of shit that targeted groups under lois Learner... he is a huge piece of shit.
No. That is what they want. If Trump were to withdraw, every lawsuit would stop. The Jan 6 committee would dissolve. But the tactics, they remain to be used against the next. DeSantis is in their sights.

The republic is dead. Bury the flag. It is soiled by flying over this ugly rotted hulk.
The J6 committee has finished.
Well, the left loves the guy. Why? Well, he has this to commend himself to the left.

First I've heard about it. But it seems like BS, to me, at first hearing, not reading a real news story on it.

You know I don't like Donny, but they need to shit or get off the pot. They've investigated the J6 thing for nearly two years and the Mar a Lago official papers (classified/unclassified) for 7 months or more. What is the problem, incompetence? Most people could have already had charges by now, if treatment under the law was the only purpose, as it should be. Special prosecutors starting new or reworking existing instead of moving forward by the team or backing off, just sounds weak and incompetent.
The criminal democrats want more than that. Smith is supposed to construct a case to constitutionally disqualify Trump from ever holding any office. It's the final break between republic and tyran
I think democrats should start a reality show with 3 contestants vying for the job of investigating Trump next go round.
Then why does there need to be a special counsel? they have no evidence of any criminal activity... what is the justification?
How would you have any idea about what evidence they have? The J6 committee was simply an investigative body. They never had any justice muscle. All they will do, now that they are finished, is turn their findings over to a prosecutor named Jack Smith.

I guess we'll all see what happens in the future.
The purpose of the new Special Persecutor is to extend the work of the Pencil Neck Geek's committee which is on borrowed time. If one wasn't appointed, they wouldn't have an organ to put out Fake News about Trump during the campaign.

The major difference is that the 1/6 Commission CANNOT criminally indict.
The Special Prosecutor CAN!
Do you now grasp the difference?
It is huge.
Now the same left who were bitching about the Republicans in the House looking into Hunter Biden’s overseas business dealings are all good with this investigation.
View attachment 727953
Hunter is not a government official. He also is not an elected official and he has not taken an oath to defend the constitution of the United States

A Congressional investigation into Hunter will be a political witch hunt of a private citizen. And I am pretty sure he has never stolen classified documents or incited a riot on the US Capitol.
How would you have any idea about what evidence they have? The J6 committee was simply an investigative body. They never had any justice muscle. All they will do, now that they are finished, is turn their findings over to a prosecutor named Jack Smith.

I guess we'll all see what happens in the future.
Because they did not present it. IF they had it, they would have most certainly used it against Trump in the court of public opinion. As they did not, they do not have any. These people are doing show to try and convince you Trump is bad, and they have NOTHING.. Commonsense is lacking in your thought process.
Hunter is not a government official. He also is not an elected official and he has not taken an oath to defend the constitution of the United States

A Congressional investigation into Hunter will be a political witch hunt of a private citizen. And I am pretty sure he has never stolen classified documents or incited a riot on the US Capitol.

But his honcho business partner is Sippy Cup who happens to be El Presidente.
Otherwise known as Quid Pro Joe.

And this makes all the difference in the World as relates to your minimization of Hunter as a 'private citizen'.
Cause Daddy is not.
Hunter is not a government official. He also is not an elected official and he has not taken an oath to defend the constitution of the United States

A Congressional investigation into Hunter will be a political witch hunt of a private citizen. And I am pretty sure he has never stolen classified documents or incited a riot on the US Capitol.
Ah look the hypocrite loon has chimed in Hunter got sweatheart overseas deals in things that he had zero experience or expertise in but things that his father had influence in through the various committees he sat on or chaired that is suspicious especially given that we now know two years after the fact I might add the Hunter laptop is not Russian disinformation. Maybe nothing illegal went on but something can be wrong without being illegal but it is something that should be looked into which you would fully support if was a Republican and it was the Democrats doing the investigation. Now get back to the kiddies table.
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