Meryl Streep attacks Trump for mocking the disabled at Golden Globes, Trump responds on twitter

This is why television ratings for these self-congratulating awards shows continues to plummet - they are get-togethers where they can show themselves off in fine clothes so the people can love them, where they can pat themselves on the backs, and bash Conservatives/ Conservative politicians / Presidents. I personally don't care to watch them in such an event. I certainly don't care what their political views are. And at almost $90 or more for a family of 4 to go to the movies, I am also about done with going to cinemas to watch them, either. I might begin waiting until they come out on TV/Cable.

Streep's opinion matters as much to me as that of my garbage collector.
Drumplethinskin Administration theme: "Sour Grapes".
The woman was exercising the first right guaranteed by the Constitution in a setting where her peers were gathered to hear what their own had to say. Nothing could be more normal or less upsetting. Anyone listening was totally free in the choice. Not many would argue that the character and the action she described was anything less than lamentable. Such a role seen in a movie would be seen to be a bad guy. That it referred to an unnamed well-known person may meet with disagreement from those faithful to that person. Nevertheless, she is not to be criticized for having or expressing an opinion.
It wasn't a 1st amendment issue. Trump isn't even in government yet, criticizing him isn't illegal even when he is.

I think Streep is a good actress, the Osange County movie role was a remarkable performance. But these actors live in fantasy land, it's what they do. Their opinions come from a fantasy world, not the one I live in.
It most certainly is not a First Amendment issue. The manner, however, in which some people responded showed they were offended in an inappropriate way, forgetting what freedom is. Of course, the opinions of 'celebrities' of any sort are of debatable value. Trump himself is an example of 'celebrity' becoming something else. At the same time, what Streep described as a character does appear in the 'real' world, not just 'fantasy', and it is a type of character that, if we recognized it in one, would disapprove. Those who do not agree that it corresponds to the unnamed celebrity have a right to such an opinion. They would doubtless not approve of it in another celebrity in whom they did identify it.
Americans real Americans voted by nearly 3 million more votes for Clinton
(So did 3 million Illegals :p)

How's that working out for you, Sloth? Hillary written her inauguration speech yet, or is she just paraphrasing Saul Alynski? :p
I would like to see your proof that 3 million illegals voted......and voted for Clinton too.
Why do people give a shit about Meryl Streep's politics?

Do these same people care about Debbie Reynolds child rearing advice?

What specifically makes Streep any sort of political barometer?
I'm sure Meryl Streep is prepared for all the death threats's part of the Drumpfsters reaction to anything perceived to attack their Orange messiah now.

He is preparing his followers for his Dictatorship...violence is part of his plan.
Drumplethinskin Administration theme: "Sour Grapes".
How are those recounts, Popular Vote claims, attempts to sway the Electoral College voters, and Obstructionist declarations working out? Still 'undermining the pillars on which our very democracy rests', I see. :p
The camps open on the 21st.

All minorities, women, and Democrats will be interned and systematically executed. Please act accordingly and make sure you know where your processing center is located so that Trump's SS won't have to come find you hiding in your neighbor's basement.

They're gonna be yuge. Just great. Believe me.
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Americans real Americans voted by nearly 3 million more votes for Clinton
(So did 3 million Illegals :p)

How's that working out for you, Sloth? Hillary written her inauguration speech yet, or is she just paraphrasing Saul Alynski? :p
I would like to see your proof that 3 million illegals voted......and voted for Clinton too.

It is amazing how stupid you Moon Bats are.

California with its millions of illegals that hated Trump and very lax voter ID laws voted overwhelming for that piece of shit Crooked Hillary.

Only an idiot can't connect those dots.
What an interesting and completely partisan view....

I think when someone attacks YOU and you offer a rebuttal it is called 'self-defense', not an 'attack'.

Streep is a big girl...and old... If she does not want anyone to say anything about HER then she probably shouldn't publicly attack anyone else.

I will admit, though, I believe Trump should rise above all the Liberal pettiness and hate. Just ignore them, as they should be.
Meryl Streep attacking Trump is a safe cop out by a diva with a vast over estimation of her value to the planet.

If she had guts, she would call out the misogyny of Islam. She is a fake feminist.
It's fun watching all the hypocritical butt hurt snowflakes whine about one person using his free speech to address the comments of an actress who just used hers.

It's the same crowd who cheered when Hillary pulled that stunt of trotting out a Muslim man to attack Trump, but were outraged when Trump merely asked why his chattel was standing next to him so obediently.
Interesting how the Feminists did not rally against or protest Hillary to have her end her connections to the huge Islamic foreign donors whose cultures promote the oppression, mutilation, and murder of women.
Meryl Streep attacking Trump is a safe cop out by a diva with a vast over estimation of her value to the planet.

If she had guts, she would call out the misogyny of Islam. She is a fake feminist.


I was writing my posting when you posted this.

The fucking double standards are amazing.
Donald Trump attacks Streep for speech at Golden Globes -

He is so easily baited, and attacking one of the most talented Hollywood actors ever. There is little wonder Putin is using him like an old dish rag. The Useful Idiot speaks...'
Trump again demonstrated his inability to focus on the issue at hand with objective logic.
Instead of responding to a criticism of his behavior with detailed facts, he attacks the messenger.
I feel sorry for his assistants and future cabinet members who will have to work with him and be careful what FACTS they express.

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