Meryl Streep attacks Trump for mocking the disabled at Golden Globes, Trump responds on twitter

Is that 'tweet' 'real'?
don't they know how arrogant and aloof they look? yea Mel's listening and sooooo interested! yea right...he's probably thinking about what pizza he's gonna eat after the show!


And what Jew to blame if it shows up late. :lol:
Is it the Left's plan these next 4 years to keep Trump occupied on Twitter? Sort of similar to that story about leading a guy to a round room and telling him to sit in the corner.

The dude keeps himself occupied on twitter. He's a petty whiner, and a delicate snowflake.
Is it the Left's plan these next 4 years to keep Trump occupied on Twitter? Sort of similar to that story about leading a guy to a round room and telling him to sit in the corner.

The dude keeps himself occupied on twitter. He's a petty whiner, and a delicate snowflake.
Notice how the poster blames "the left" for keeping Trump on tweeter...nothing not one Gosh Dang thing is Trump's responsibility
"the Onion" Can't top that ......:badgrin:

“I’m concerned that somebody with a platform like Meryl Streep’s is inciting people’s worst instincts.”

— Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway, in an interview with Fox News.
This is why television ratings for these self-congratulating awards shows continues to plummet - they are get-togethers where they can show themselves off in fine clothes so the people can love them, where they can pat themselves on the backs, and bash Conservatives/ Conservative politicians / Presidents. I personally don't care to watch them in such an event. I certainly don't care what their political views are. And at almost $90 or more for a family of 4 to go to the movies, I am also about done with going to cinemas to watch them, either. I might begin waiting until they come out on TV/Cable.

Streep's opinion matters as much to me as that of my garbage collector.
Is it the Left's plan these next 4 years to keep Trump occupied on Twitter? Sort of similar to that story about leading a guy to a round room and telling him to sit in the corner.
The left's plan is the same as it's always been. Throw shit around non stop and see what sticks. Trump can send lots of tweets in the time it takes Michelle to dress hubby.
It's sad that there are so many people who THINK they are 'Americans' but who instead care for the Democratic Party more.
I didn't suffer through this rambling drug-addled rant from another preening over-privileged celebrity nitwit, but I'd like to point out that Trump never mocked a reporter for being disabled.

Another delusional trump bootlicker.
I guess the video was hard for you to follow given your IQ. Can you stop kissing Hillary's ass long enough to look at the facts?

I don't need to watch some bullshit video.
You don't want to look at the facts, I'm not surprised. Now go suck Barney Frank's tiny prick you pathetic tool.
The woman was exercising the first right guaranteed by the Constitution in a setting where her peers were gathered to hear what their own had to say. Nothing could be more normal or less upsetting. Anyone listening was totally free in the choice. Not many would argue that the character and the action she described was anything less than lamentable. Such a role seen in a movie would be seen to be a bad guy. That it referred to an unnamed well-known person may meet with disagreement from those faithful to that person. Nevertheless, she is not to be criticized for having or expressing an opinion.
It wasn't a 1st amendment issue. Trump isn't even in government yet, criticizing him isn't illegal even when he is.

I think Streep is a good actress, the Osange County movie role was a remarkable performance. But these actors live in fantasy land, it's what they do. Their opinions come from a fantasy world, not the one I live in.
Streep's opinion matters as much to me as that of my garbage collector.

Its enough to get "Orange Julius" on Tweets LOL and look at his spokes person :badgrin:


According to Kelly Conway Donald Trump promoting "Pussy grabbing male Instincts" is OK however Meryl Streep saying the kind of horror she said below is "Inciting People's worst Instincts "

Merryl Streep

“When the powerful use their position to bully others,” she said, “we all lose.”

She then offered Americans of all stripes disheartened by the election a priceless piece of advice that she received from Carrie Fisher.

“Take your broken heart,” she said, “and make it into art.”
I'm sure Meryl Streep is prepared for all the death threats's part of the Drumpfsters reaction to anything perceived to attack their Orange messiah now.
Americans real Americans voted by nearly 3 million more votes for Clinton
(So did 3 million Illegals :p)

How's that working out for you, Sloth? Hillary written her inauguration speech yet, or is she just paraphrasing Saul Alynski? :p

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