Meryl Streep attacks Trump for mocking the disabled at Golden Globes, Trump responds on twitter

I didn't suffer through this rambling drug-addled rant from another preening over-privileged celebrity nitwit, but I'd like to point out that Trump never mocked a reporter for being disabled.

The stains will continue to lie, with no regard for how stupid it makes them look.



3 AM phone call answered by staff cause the buffoon is busy tweeting - he tells staff "not now, I'm really busy - tell them I'll call them back when I finish tweeting Alex Baldwin and Merry Streep ....".

She REALLY thinks her opinion is that highly regarded?! No one watched those stupid meaningless award shows, they need to take them off the air! Left wing liberal freaks
She REALLY thinks her opinion is that highly regarded?! No one watched those stupid meaningless award shows, they need to take them off the air! Left wing liberal freaks
Trump thinks she had important things to say about him so he started crying on Tweeter LOL

Why isn't Meryl Streep upset about Hillary bullying Americans, calling them deplorables, basement dwellers, super predators??
don't they know how arrogant and aloof they look? yea Mel's listening and sooooo interested! yea right...he's probably thinking about what pizza he's gonna eat after the show!

Odd that everyone knows about whom and she was speaking without her saying a name.
I'd like to thank all the celebrities who endorsed Hillary. If the American people cared what you thought, she'd have won
she should have talked about Don Lemon saying a white, special needs man's kidnap & torture was "not evil." if she weren't a partisan skank!
what's wrong about mocking the disabled anyway? aren't they PEOPLE like everyone else? even JESUS was mocked!
Can you imagine President Obama tweeting about something "Dennis Miller" said or something "Scott Baio" said bwahahahahahahahhahahahaha
I didn't suffer through this rambling drug-addled rant from another preening over-privileged celebrity nitwit, but I'd like to point out that Trump never mocked a reporter for being disabled.

Another delusional trump bootlicker.
Hollywood forgets they are entertainers for the blue collar American worker. They don't put food on our table, a roof over our head, or clothes on our back. WE do that for them. It would be great if these elite narcissists would realize that and stop using their fame as a platform to tell the American people how to think or feel.

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