Messing With Texas: The Lone Star States Power Grid Is Working Exactly As Designed

That tells me that our surplus should be piped to Texas and you won't be having that problem. Instead, you want to send really poor quality oil crap from Canada to Texas. Maybe that money would be better spent on a NG Pipeline system
Honestly, I don't have enough information to assign blame or make recommendations. I'm not an expert. I only know that I helped in a small way to build our coal fired plant...and everyone in the Midwest should be damn happy we had it to provide lifesaving power when wind and solar and natural gas all dropped the ball.

That's my point. I'm not opposed to wind or solar or natural gas...but I think we need to take a step back and learn a valuable lesson here.

Coal saved the day.

Maybe we need to set aside the political posturing and take a more practical approach, recognizing there is still a need for fossil fuel power generation.
The problem in what you are saying is that Progs do not do the bipartisan approach without getting the advantage. Natural gas plants should be everywhere. Hydro electric plant expansion should be done everywhere we can but will not. New refineries should be built with the latest technologies but will not. Newest nuclear reactors should be built and will not. And the pipelines to transport oil should be built. All to keep us living at a more economical price. And we still expand the eco systems as they become more reliable to not disrupt the survival of humans.
IF you call rolling blackouts, frozen water pipes and deaths due to freezing.... WORKING..... Fucking Idiot leftwit.

around 85% of Texas is on its own power grid that was designed so that producers could not sell electric out of state which also prevents them from importing electricity from out of state. There is a sliver of the state connected to the west coast grid and part connected to the east coast grid, but mostly they have elected to go it alone to avoid federal regulation and to keep their prices lower. I am not saying they should or they shouldn't have gone this way, but at the end of the day, this week is the cost of the rest of the year benefits. I just hope people don't die as a result.
I know we had two emergency crossovers into the grid that supplies that region done over night so I am no so sure an emergency crossover into that system is not in place. The power plant here fired up three 50MW turbines that were setting idle last night to assist.
I feel sorry for the decent people of Texas who are suffering today. What is happening to them is the fault of Mother Nature together with government incompetence. The freaks who run the government of the heavily gerrymandered state of Texas have been too busy concerning themselves with right-wing social issues to ever care about little things like infrastructure and conducting health and safety inspections. Maybe Biden should visit Texas and throw gloves and scarves to the freezing masses.
That tells me that our surplus should be piped to Texas and you won't be having that problem. Instead, you want to send really poor quality oil crap from Canada to Texas. Maybe that money would be better spent on a NG Pipeline system
Honestly, I don't have enough information to assign blame or make recommendations. I'm not an expert. I only know that I helped in a small way to build our coal fired plant...and everyone in the Midwest should be damn happy we had it to provide lifesaving power when wind and solar and natural gas all dropped the ball.

That's my point. I'm not opposed to wind or solar or natural gas...but I think we need to take a step back and learn a valuable lesson here.

Coal saved the day.

Maybe we need to set aside the political posturing and take a more practical approach, recognizing there is still a need for fossil fuel power generation.

I really don't care what we use for energy....we can use pixie dust for all I care...but it simply has to work as good or better than fossil fuels....and solar and wind do not......and forcing people to use it because of the cult of global warming is going to get people killed.

If solar and wind worked as efficiently and as cheaply as coal, oil, natural gas and nuclear, I would be on board....they don' I am not.
I feel sorry for the decent people of Texas who are suffering today. What is happening to them is the fault of Mother Nature together with government incompetence. The freaks who run the government of the heavily gerrymandered state of Texas have been too busy concerning themselves with right-wing social issues to ever care about little things like infrastructure and conducting health and safety inspections. Maybe Biden should visit Texas and throw gloves and scarves to the freezing masses.

Yes.....the government of Texas should never have bought into solar and wind fairy tales.............
The author is a genetic scientist with no background in energy production. He is an elitist green advocate who apparently doesn't give a shit about the incredible suffering in Texas as long as he can convince his fellow greenies that everything is fine.
I feel sorry for the decent people of Texas who are suffering today. What is happening to them is the fault of Mother Nature together with government incompetence. The freaks who run the government of the heavily gerrymandered state of Texas have been too busy concerning themselves with right-wing social issues to ever care about little things like infrastructure and conducting health and safety inspections. Maybe Biden should visit Texas and throw gloves and scarves to the freezing masses.

Parents shudder at the thought of Pedo Joe anywhere near their children.... we'll buy our children gloves and scarves thank you
IF you call rolling blackouts, frozen water pipes and deaths due to freezing.... WORKING..... Fucking Idiot leftwit.
You didn't read the article in the link did tin foil hats never just let go with your typical fifth grader reaction.
I feel sorry for the decent people of Texas who are suffering today. What is happening to them is the fault of Mother Nature together with government incompetence. The freaks who run the government of the heavily gerrymandered state of Texas have been too busy concerning themselves with right-wing social issues to ever care about little things like infrastructure and conducting health and safety inspections. Maybe Biden should visit Texas and throw gloves and scarves to the freezing masses.

Parents shudder at the thought of Pedo Joe anywhere near their children.... we'll buy our children gloves and scarves thank you
Actually parents shudder at the thought of their daughters around someone like kitty grabbing Trump.
Fox News and assorted guests have spent the last two days railing about how the problem is actually green power. In particular, they’re blaming Texas’ high use of wind energy and “frozen wind turbines” for the blackout. If only Texas relied more on burning more coal/oil/gas/wood/witches/liberals, then surely all would be well.

Only that’s not the problem. As Ars Technica pointed out on Monday, wind power in Texas is currently working at over 100% of its projected capacity. The real problem is that the Texas electrical grid is working exactly as designed, by people who created a system where the occasional failure is a virtue. Because the profits are better that way.

Yee Haw
Renewables are not reliable.....

Yeah, the only one working at over 100% capacity.

Did you even read the Ars Technical report shit for brains?

Conservatives are so fucking stupid, it defies logic. Kind of like the Texas power grid.
OH Please... NO windmill farm is operating at over 100% capacity. The physics says your full of shit. The earths winds change every second, clouds go by.... your a fucking liar.

Hey shit for brains. The article clearly spells out why Texas is having problems. It’s all because of your private for profit power grid that is cut off from outside sources.

You’ve been exposed, and there’s no way to spin your way out of it. This is only going to become a bigger story. Once again you foxtard brainiacs get outed for your failures and can’t deal with it.

it’s going to stay cold for awhile. Better build a fire nitwit.
I feel sorry for the decent people of Texas who are suffering today. What is happening to them is the fault of Mother Nature together with government incompetence. The freaks who run the government of the heavily gerrymandered state of Texas have been too busy concerning themselves with right-wing social issues to ever care about little things like infrastructure and conducting health and safety inspections. Maybe Biden should visit Texas and throw gloves and scarves to the freezing masses.

Parents shudder at the thought of Pedo Joe anywhere near their children.... we'll buy our children gloves and scarves thank you
Actually parents shudder at the thought of their daughters around someone like kitty grabbing Trump.

No we don't, little boy.

Show me a vid of Trump sniffing little girls...want me to post one of your Pedo Prez doing it? I can link a few you disgusting pedo enabler
Fox News and assorted guests have spent the last two days railing about how the problem is actually green power. In particular, they’re blaming Texas’ high use of wind energy and “frozen wind turbines” for the blackout. If only Texas relied more on burning more coal/oil/gas/wood/witches/liberals, then surely all would be well.

Only that’s not the problem. As Ars Technica pointed out on Monday, wind power in Texas is currently working at over 100% of its projected capacity. The real problem is that the Texas electrical grid is working exactly as designed, by people who created a system where the occasional failure is a virtue. Because the profits are better that way.

Yee Haw
Even Texas can use an infrastructure upgrade. Shovel ready jobs!
I just hope people don't die as a result.
Two already have that we are aware of. I'm not sure how many in ICU's across the state may have died as that has not yet been reported.

I have read that they are diverting power to hospitals which is part of the reason for the rolling blackouts---to make sure hospitals stay up and running 24/7.
I doubt that. Hospitals generally have their own powerful generators.

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