Meuller will drag this out forever because he will never admit he's got nothing...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
11,024 do you fire an independent prosecutor who never closes his investigation? do you fire an independent prosecutor who never closes his investigation?

Don't know. The Whitewater investigation lasted for 8 years, and went from investigating a failed real estate deal to investigating a consensual blowjob. Mueller is just getting started compared to that republican witch hunt.
Here's the thing: This "Russia Collusion" thing is made-up nonsense, created in a frenzy of panic and illegality when the leaders of the Deep State had to confront the fact that HRC had somehow, miraculously, managed to lose this election to Donald J. Trump. They had ASSUMED that as soon as HRC was inaugurated all of their illegal activity would be forgotten, but a fly got into the ointment.

The purpose of the Russia Collusion caper is to take enough time and to create a big enough diversion that the people who cooked up the phony FISA warrants, spied on innocent campaign staff, etc., won't be indicted. Ideally, it will come up with SOMETHING that could even be a pretext for impeaching Donald Trump. It doesn't even have to be solid evidence; just something with minimal credibility so that Pelosi can pretend - with a straight face - is sufficient for further investigation.

Mueller is as thick as thieves with the perpetrators of these national security crimes.

The whole thing is explained, in detail, with citations from "reputable" sources like the New York Times, CNN, Politico, etc., in a 35-minute video that's rocketing around YouTube, starring Dan Bongino. Sorry, I'm too lazy to grab a link. It is elsewhere on this forum.

Anyone with an interest in the Truth should take the time and watch it.
Here's the thing: This "Russia Collusion" thing is made-up nonsense, created in a frenzy of panic and illegality when the leaders of the Deep State had to confront the fact that HRC had somehow, miraculously, managed to lose this election to Donald J. Trump. They had ASSUMED that as soon as HRC was inaugurated all of their illegal activity would be forgotten, but a fly got into the ointment.

The purpose of the Russia Collusion caper is to take enough time and to create a big enough diversion that the people who cooked up the phony FISA warrants, spied on innocent campaign staff, etc., won't be indicted. Ideally, it will come up with SOMETHING that could even be a pretext for impeaching Donald Trump. It doesn't even have to be solid evidence; just something with minimal credibility so that Pelosi can pretend - with a straight face - is sufficient for further investigation.

Mueller is as thick as thieves with the perpetrators of these national security crimes.

The whole thing is explained, in detail, with citations from "reputable" sources like the New York Times, CNN, Politico, etc., in a 35-minute video that's rocketing around YouTube, starring Dan Bongino. Sorry, I'm too lazy to grab a link. It is elsewhere on this forum.

Anyone with an interest in the Truth should take the time and watch it.

How do you know what Mueller's investigation has or has not discovered?
I can't wait to see this piece of scum Mueller behind bars, where he belongs.
Don't know. The Whitewater investigation lasted for 8 years, and went from investigating a failed real estate deal to investigating a consensual blowjob. Mueller is just getting started compared to that republican witch hunt.
Another left wing fable. Whitewater and Bill Clinton's inability to keep his own penis in check are two entirely separate matters. The Lewinsky affair was a collateral issue stemming from a sexual harassment lawsuit filed against our satyratic president by Paula Jones, which was settled in her favor, by the way.
You're welcome for the lesson. do you fire an independent prosecutor who never closes his investigation?

Don't know. The Whitewater investigation lasted for 8 years, and went from investigating a failed real estate deal to investigating a consensual blowjob. Mueller is just getting started compared to that republican witch hunt.
Whitewater actually concluded there was no wrongdoing by the Clintons despite appearances to the contrary.
Ultimately that investigation morphed into sexual harassment and sexual assault allegations leading to a settlement, perjury and impeachment.
Apples and oranges. do you fire an independent prosecutor who never closes his investigation?
Drag it out? We’re in the home stretch. After today’s damaging news things might start going very bad, very quickly for Agent Orange. Even that example of Republican Alpha Male, Lindsey Graham, dared to go against Dear Leader. They know that everything that INDIVIDUAL-1 touches turns to shit, so they’re gonna start distancing themselves. TR☭MP is going down. Not impeachment, ruin. do you fire an independent prosecutor who never closes his investigation?
Drag it out? We’re in the home stretch. After today’s damaging news things might start going very bad, very quickly for Agent Orange. Even that example of Republican Alpha Male, Lindsey Graham, dared to go against Dear Leader. They know that everything that INDIVIDUAL-1 touches turns to shit, so they’re gonna start distancing themselves. TR☭MP is going down. Not impeachment, ruin.

We've heard that shit before.

The reality is that nothing that Cohen pleaded guilty to or admitted is incriminatory to President Trump.

The only reason, BTW, it was revealed today, was Mueller is doing his best to undermine American foreign policy. It isn't a coincidence that our President embarked on an important mission in Argentina at the same time this deal with Admitted Liar Cohen was unveiled by the Mule.

As far as Mueller,he will never quit. He can't, he has to stick it out until January 2025 when the 22nd Amendment kicks in and Trump leaves the presidency.

If Mueller were to leave before Trump, the libs would throw him under the bus and he would end up in jail. The libs are counting on him to bring Trump down by any means necessary.

If I were advising Trump, I'd tell him to keep Mueller on permanently. Even if Mueller were to try and resign, refuse it. Make Mueller sweat
Don't know. The Whitewater investigation lasted for 8 years, and went from investigating a failed real estate deal to investigating a consensual blowjob. Mueller is just getting started compared to that republican witch hunt.
Another left wing fable. Whitewater and Bill Clinton's inability to keep his own penis in check are two entirely separate matters. The Lewinsky affair was a collateral issue stemming from a sexual harassment lawsuit filed against our satyratic president by Paula Jones, which was settled in her favor, by the way.
You're welcome for the lesson.

Well thank you for the lesson, but Clinton's blowjob was the only major finding to come out of the 8 year whitewater investigation.
Don't know. The Whitewater investigation lasted for 8 years, and went from investigating a failed real estate deal to investigating a consensual blowjob. Mueller is just getting started compared to that republican witch hunt.
Another left wing fable. Whitewater and Bill Clinton's inability to keep his own penis in check are two entirely separate matters. The Lewinsky affair was a collateral issue stemming from a sexual harassment lawsuit filed against our satyratic president by Paula Jones, which was settled in her favor, by the way.
You're welcome for the lesson.

Well thank you for the lesson, but Clinton's blowjob was the only major finding to come out of the 8 year whitewater investigation.

The Clinton blowjob was in the workplace on company time.

If Clinton had been working as a security guard and did that on the job, he would have been fired on the spot.

I can appreciate Clinton's viewpoint on this, but he shouldn't have been so cheap, and just got a room for this activity.
He will draw it out forever because this is a siege from the left and the establishment. Even if he ends it they will find new ways to harass next year via the House................Purpose is to prevent him from his agenda and to cover the asses of the corrupt establishment. Attacking and taking people down for basically not doing jack shit over a recollection from years ago saying we got you in a perjury trap.......the newest one there............

Anyone called into the office of Mueller given what they are doing should tell them I take the 5th and they can stick their investigation and questions where the sun doesn't shine......................It's your right via the constitution and why these people did it is beyond me.............Mueller is a dirty cop with a group of leftist dirty cops on his team...........many already out because they are dirty...............entire FBI being retrained because of them.

The day they get the same justice they serve would be poetic justice..........and I can only hope that day will come.........To investigate someone of COLLUSION when verifiable truth of the other party doing it is beyond disgusting...........That can be proved, but the investigation doesn't care about that because this is a political assassination...............

To those that will discredit this post..........I'm used to it because you've turned a blind eye to it for years........Really don't care. do you fire an independent prosecutor who never closes his investigation?

Don't know. The Whitewater investigation lasted for 8 years, and went from investigating a failed real estate deal to investigating a consensual blowjob. Mueller is just getting started compared to that republican witch hunt.
Whitewater actually concluded there was no wrongdoing by the Clintons despite appearances to the contrary.
Ultimately that investigation morphed into sexual harassment and sexual assault allegations leading to a settlement, perjury and impeachment.
Apples and oranges.

Isn't that what I just said? The right took 8 years and bastardized an investigation until it finally found something totally unrelated to whine about. Mueller is just getting started in comparison, and still focused on the original purpose of the investigation. Quit whining. He'll be finished when he's finished.
Don't know. The Whitewater investigation lasted for 8 years, and went from investigating a failed real estate deal to investigating a consensual blowjob. Mueller is just getting started compared to that republican witch hunt.
Another left wing fable. Whitewater and Bill Clinton's inability to keep his own penis in check are two entirely separate matters. The Lewinsky affair was a collateral issue stemming from a sexual harassment lawsuit filed against our satyratic president by Paula Jones, which was settled in her favor, by the way.
You're welcome for the lesson.

Well thank you for the lesson, but Clinton's blowjob was the only major finding to come out of the 8 year whitewater investigation.
S & L scandal was real...........everyone around them went down or so called offed themselves in the called because they supposedly shot them self in the head and there was virtually no blood..........

Scandal after scandal after them and somehow they escape ..............while everyone else goes down...........imagine that........Everyone in the company is dirty but them and they NO NOTHING............Innocent little angels............

If you believe that I have some ocean front property in Arizona to sell you. do you fire an independent prosecutor who never closes his investigation?

Don't know. The Whitewater investigation lasted for 8 years, and went from investigating a failed real estate deal to investigating a consensual blowjob. Mueller is just getting started compared to that republican witch hunt.
Whitewater actually concluded there was no wrongdoing by the Clintons despite appearances to the contrary.
Ultimately that investigation morphed into sexual harassment and sexual assault allegations leading to a settlement, perjury and impeachment.
Apples and oranges.

Isn't that what I just said? The right took 8 years and bastardized an investigation until it finally found something totally unrelated to whine about. Mueller is just getting started in comparison, and still focused on the original purpose of the investigation. Quit whining. He'll be finished when he's finished.
In other words...........8 years when he leaves office..............LOL

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