Mexican President Kills Trumps "Wall" Idea

Mexico will end up paying for it one way or the other and maybe they will have to start dealing with their ultra poor instead of pawning them off on us. BTW, don't you find it rather insulting that businesses would rather hire an illegal that can't even speak the language or use indoor plumbing in lieu of hiring a black American being that the unemployment rate for blacks (especially the youth) is so high???? Personally, I would feel very insulted.....just sayin'. (snicker)

You right. Blacks might actually demand getting paid and complain about unsafe working conditions.

You see, this is where the enforcement is messed up. INstead of trying to catch them at hte border, they need to go after the employers.

Give out bounties for employees who turn in their bosses.

But yet the leftard clown posse promotes sanctuary cities. I agree that employers should have their feet held to the fire. They should have to pay huge fines. Take away the entitlements and take away their ability to work under the table. Stop paying for their anchor babies and they will "self deport". They got here on their own...they can leave on their own once their freebies dry up.
Looks like the Mexican president thinks Trump is a big fool the same way lots of intelligent people think Trump is a fool. He was emphatic in stating there was absolutely no way Mexico was paying for any wall.

'No way' Mexico will pay for wall, its leader says -
Well, I would like to know how Trump thought he could make Mexico do such a thing anyway. He just says stuff as if that will make it happen. What an egotistical jerk.
Looks like the Mexican president thinks Trump is a big fool the same way lots of intelligent people think Trump is a fool. He was emphatic in stating there was absolutely no way Mexico was paying for any wall.

'No way' Mexico will pay for wall, its leader says -
Well, I would like to know how Trump thought he could make Mexico do such a thing anyway. He just says stuff as if that will make it happen. What an egotistical jerk.
I suspect he never really though it was a possibility. I know he is just talking to his low intellect followers that actually believed this was going to happen.
More than 17 billion dollars a year is spent on paying for the anchor babies that get squirted out along with their follow up medical care. It costs 5K for an illegal to drop one and that is if there is no complications. Build the wall, Joe Asswipe....

Your numbers are even more questionable than your conspiracy theories, Dale Crazy.

the 17 Billion figure was just for MATERIALS. Then you have labor, land acquisition (You think some rancher is just going to let you tear up his land without compensation?) transportation and the costs of patroling it when it is built.
Youre debating a guy that thinks Sandy Hook was staged. I wouldnt expect too much in the way of accuracy regarding what he says about building a wall between Mexico and the US.
More than 17 billion dollars a year is spent on paying for the anchor babies that get squirted out along with their follow up medical care. It costs 5K for an illegal to drop one and that is if there is no complications. Build the wall, Joe Asswipe....

Your numbers are even more questionable than your conspiracy theories, Dale Crazy.

the 17 Billion figure was just for MATERIALS. Then you have labor, land acquisition (You think some rancher is just going to let you tear up his land without compensation?) transportation and the costs of patroling it when it is built.

2 Billion a year just for the cost of their births with no complications and then there is follow up care, the SS benefits that they get....yeah, it's pretty damn close and then since the parents can file for other entitlements? I would say that the wall would pay for it's self including labor and material in less than two years. According to many experts, illegal immigration costs the taxpayers anywhere from 400 billion to 600 billion per year.
More than 17 billion dollars a year is spent on paying for the anchor babies that get squirted out along with their follow up medical care. It costs 5K for an illegal to drop one and that is if there is no complications. Build the wall, Joe Asswipe....

Your numbers are even more questionable than your conspiracy theories, Dale Crazy.

the 17 Billion figure was just for MATERIALS. Then you have labor, land acquisition (You think some rancher is just going to let you tear up his land without compensation?) transportation and the costs of patroling it when it is built.
Youre debating a guy that thinks Sandy Hook was staged. I wouldnt expect too much in the way of accuracy regarding what he says about building a wall between Mexico and the US.

I have more proof that it didn't happen then you have proof that it did.......100% false flag event. There have been former high level officials that concur that it never happened.
Looks like the Mexican president thinks Trump is a big fool the same way lots of intelligent people think Trump is a fool. He was emphatic in stating there was absolutely no way Mexico was paying for any wall.

'No way' Mexico will pay for wall, its leader says -
Well, I would like to know how Trump thought he could make Mexico do such a thing anyway. He just says stuff as if that will make it happen. What an egotistical jerk.
By imposing tariffs honey pot. Tariffs.
Looks like the Mexican president thinks Trump is a big fool the same way lots of intelligent people think Trump is a fool. He was emphatic in stating there was absolutely no way Mexico was paying for any wall.

'No way' Mexico will pay for wall, its leader says -
------------------------------- GOOD , get them with taxes , tariff on goods and services , return their unwanted invaders , immigrants back to them Ace .
Cancel NAFTA.

That will bring that wetback to his knees in a heartbeat.
The POTUS cant cancel NAFTA let alone a candidate for POTUS.

The foreign owned corporate entity that owns USA.INC wouldn't allow their CEO to opt out of NAFTA. What needs to happen is that this corporate entity needs to be dissolved and we become a Republic again.
Rest assured, Mexico will pay for the Wall one way or the other.

Be it higher taxes on Mexican goods coming across the border, higher tariffs, extra surcharges, or something else. ..... :cool:

Let's say a company in Mexico produces a product - call it a "widget". Could be a food product, textile, part used in something assembled in the US and that the cost of the widget to the US consumer is $10.00.

Now apply a 10% Wall Tax, Tariff, Surcharge or call it something else.

The cost to Mexico to manufacture doesn't change, what does change is that the US consumer is now paying $11.00 and item instead of $10.00 and item.

So the 10% Wall Tax, Tariff, Surcharge or call it something else rate of $1.00 isn't being paid by anyone in Mexico, it's paid by the US consumer paying a higher price for the same widget.

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Rest assured, Mexico will pay for the Wall one way or the other.

Be it higher taxes on Mexican goods coming across the border, higher tariffs, extra surcharges, or something else. ..... :cool:

Let's say a company in Mexico produces a product - call it a "widget". Could be a food product, textile, part used in something assembled in the US and that the cost of the widget to the US consumer is $10.00.

Now apply a 10% Wall Tax, Tariff, Surcharge or call it something else.

The cost to Mexico to manufacture doesn't change, what does change is that the US consumer is not paying $11.00 and item instead of $10.00 and item.

So the 10% Wall Tax, Tariff, Surcharge or call it something else rate of $1.00 isn't being paid by anyone in Mexico, it's paid by the US consumer paying a higher price for the same widget.

Wall off Mexico and build your own widgets. When did you lefty Americans become so damn helpless?
17 billion is not that much,take a good look at the amount spent on pork barrel projects, spend some of that bloat more than just illegals looking for something better have crossed our southern board.
Just another public works project, look at all the jobs it would create.
Did anyone seriously believe that Mexico was going to fund an actual wall if Trump was president and he demanded them to do so ?

When Trump says we'll build a wall and Mexico will pay for it, I hear this:

"If you elect me president, border security will be extremely high on my list of priorities.
I will negotiate with Mexico until they agree that both of us will strengthen our border security, which will include better fencing, much more border survielance, more border policing with thousands of more personnel. We will also deport any illegal immigrant that is caught, and we will work for ways through legislation that will heavily punish any employer who hires an illegal.
We will also work to strengthen and advance our e-verify system."

If we elect another Dimocrat, we will get the same bleeding heart policies that work for ways to keep those who break our border laws here.
Rest assured, Mexico will pay for the Wall one way or the other.

Be it higher taxes on Mexican goods coming across the border, higher tariffs, extra surcharges, or something else. ..... :cool:

Let's say a company in Mexico produces a product - call it a "widget". Could be a food product, textile, part used in something assembled in the US and that the cost of the widget to the US consumer is $10.00.

Now apply a 10% Wall Tax, Tariff, Surcharge or call it something else.

The cost to Mexico to manufacture doesn't change, what does change is that the US consumer is now paying $11.00 and item instead of $10.00 and item.

So the 10% Wall Tax, Tariff, Surcharge or call it something else rate of $1.00 isn't being paid by anyone in Mexico, it's paid by the US consumer paying a higher price for the same widget.

But a product made in America will not have that tariff charged on it thus making it cheaper or comparable....see how that works???


But a product made in America will not have that tariff charged on it thus making it cheaper or comparable....see how that works???
Wall off Mexico and build your own widgets. When did you lefty Americans become so damn helpless?

I'm not a "lefty American", I've been a member of the Republican party since 1978. I just realize that Trump is blowing smoke up peoples asses and didn't swallow the red pill he's offering.

Just so reader's will understand my view (if they care):

Let’s think about it for a minute, what does the wall do:

(a) Gives American politicians a symbol to look and say “see what we did”

(b) Gives the world a symbol that says “see America doesn’t want you”​

To me that’s the wrong message to send (a) I don’t want a hollow “symbol” I want real change and a long term solution and (b) I want the world to know people are still welcome here as long as you come legally and follow our laws.

To solve this problem we need long term solutions:

1. In the short term - temporarily put some troops on the border – reduce the flow.

2. Fix the issues with e-verify and provide a national means for determining citizenship so that employers have the tools to hire legally. Right now there is way too much CYA and not holding employers responsible due to fake documents, “day labor”, and paying under the table.

3. Once we give teeth to the employment laws, start cracking down on employers. You hire someone and don’t check their ability to work in this country; we're talking stiff fines and jail time.

4. Guarantee that Employers are hiring based on a labor shortage and that the wages/taxes paid are equivalent to hiring an American. Make hiring imported labor more expensive than hiring homegrown or here legally.

5. Restrict access to government services, if you’re here illegally and you have problems take them back to your home country. [Education – NOT, Drivers Licenses – NOT, In State Tuition – NOT, Social Services – NOT, Medical Care (except for life threatening injuries, then deportation)] This of course applies to the illegals, not US Citizens.

6. Make Social Services, Education, and Medical facilities responsible for reporting Illegal Aliens attempting to access government programs for themselves or as the parent/legal guardian of an illegal child or legal child.

7. Amend the Constitution so that simply giving birth in this country does not automatically guarantee citizenship (anchor babies). Retain birthright citizenship only if you are here legally.

8. Develop a Temporary Worker program. You want to apply to work here, not a problem but the only registration points are in your country of origin.

9. Each state should modify each of their official State Identifications/Drivers Licenses to include the citizenship status of the individual identified and verify at time of application. The ID would clearly indicate if the individual was a citizen or non-citizen. The ID for citizens would have a normal expiration date. For those issued to legal residents, the expiration date would be the lesser of the normal expiration date or the date the individual’s legal status expires.​

Once the these items are in place the need for a wall will diminish because the incentives are removed for breaking the law in the first place.

Did millions and millions Illegal Aliens all get shipped here? No, they came here on their own. Same will happen to the majority of those here illegally, they will self deport. Not saying everyone will of course but with no access to employment and no access to social services then a large number will choose to go home. That will leave a smaller number to deal with through normal law enforcement processes.

But a product made in America will not have that tariff charged on it thus making it cheaper or comparable....see how that works???

And how much of that cheaper product made in American will go toward paying for the wall?

If the answer is none, then it has nothing to do with Mexico paying for the wall does it.

But a product made in America will not have that tariff charged on it thus making it cheaper or comparable....see how that works???

And how much of that cheaper product made in American will go toward paying for the wall?

If the answer is none, then it has nothing to do with Mexico paying for the wall does it.


The money collected on tariffs would go towards paying for the wall and that includes tariffs on the products from other countries. The bottom line is that the southern border needs to be secured and if there was REALLY a war on terror, it would have been secured a long time ago. What we have is a foreign corporation that took USA.INC into receivership in 1912 and they have bankrupted it at least three times and just pass it off to another one of their banks like the IMF after they soak us for hard assets using a fiat currency with no intrinsic value. People are starting to wake up to this massive fraud/ debt slavery system and the time is coming soon for a lynching party in D.C if they don't get things right.
Looks like the Mexican president thinks Trump is a big fool the same way lots of intelligent people think Trump is a fool. He was emphatic in stating there was absolutely no way Mexico was paying for any wall.

'No way' Mexico will pay for wall, its leader says -
Well, I would like to know how Trump thought he could make Mexico do such a thing anyway. He just says stuff as if that will make it happen. What an egotistical jerk.
By imposing tariffs honey pot. Tariffs.
Obviously you dont understand economics. Tariffs force the consumer to pay not the people that manufacture the item.
Did anyone seriously believe that Mexico was going to fund an actual wall if Trump was president and he demanded them to do so ?

When Trump says we'll build a wall and Mexico will pay for it, I hear this:

"If you elect me president, border security will be extremely high on my list of priorities.
I will negotiate with Mexico until they agree that both of us will strengthen our border security, which will include better fencing, much more border survielance, more border policing with thousands of more personnel. We will also deport any illegal immigrant that is caught, and we will work for ways through legislation that will heavily punish any employer who hires an illegal.
We will also work to strengthen and advance our e-verify system."

If we elect another Dimocrat, we will get the same bleeding heart policies that work for ways to keep those who break our border laws here.

No one intelligent believed it but you had to be living under a rock not to notice plenty of ignorant people really actually and truly believed it.

If thats what you hear when he says he is going to build a wall then it appears you are one of the dumb ones. He was pretty descriptive about the wall. Maybe you missed that like you missed the people that believed him.

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