Mexican Swine Flu Could Be The Expected 9/11-like “Event”

July 27, 2009.

Well, I'll give you credit Terral for naming an actual date. I'll be interested to see what you have to say on July 28 after nothing has happened, but at least you're willing to put a stake in the ground.
Hi Toro:

July 27, 2009.

Well, I'll give you credit Terral for naming an actual date. I'll be interested to see what you have to say on July 28 after nothing has happened, but at least you're willing to put a stake in the ground.

I follow the same rules as Gerald Celente ( where "Current events form future trends" (story).

[ame=""]This Guy Is Good[/ame]

The keys here are "FEMA Bio-weapon Anti-terrorism Exercises" (July 27, 2009), "Foreign Troops" (already here) and "Martial Law" (US Military, FEMA, DHS 'preparing') and "REX 84 FEMA Camps" (already open for business) in conjunction with this Bio-weapon Virus mutating into a Genocidal MONSTER (Wave 2 begins = July 21, 2009 +/-).

I am simply doing the math . . .


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Greetings to All:

Novartis has claimed to produce the first batch of Swine Flu Vaccine. Story

First Batch of Swine Flu Vaccine Produced

Friday, June 12, 2009

BASEL, Switzerland — Swiss pharmaceuticals company Novartis AG said Friday it has successfully produced a first batch of swine flu vaccine weeks ahead of expectations.

The vaccine was made in cells, rather than grown in eggs as is usually the case with vaccines, the company said.

The announcement comes a day after the World Health Organization declared swine flu, also known as A(H1N1), a pandemic. The move indicates that a global outbreak is under way. WHO says drugmakers will likely have vaccines approved and ready for sale after September. (Continued)
This story is based upon complete BS, because the Bio-weapon Virus still HAS YET TO MUTATE. At the very best, this vaccine offers protection against the 'parent carrier strain' that we already know has mild symptoms for a small percentage of the infected hosts. The recombinant kill strains have yet to even appear on the global landscape, so nobody knows the DNA makeup of the genocidal MONSTER that will raise its ugly head when this current carrier strain mutates!!!

Even the people infected with this current mild strain will have no immunity protection against the coming recombinant strains, so do not let any of this talk about 'vaccines' fool you.

Virus' always mutate! Bloomberg Report


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I don't have time to rebutt all of your conspiracy theories (I only have one lifetime) so I'll just focus on this:
9. The identities and addresses of gun owners in America have already been given to 'the foreign military troops that will invade and police this nation under coming Martial Law via a new Treaty' (story). German troops in Alamogordo, New Mexico have been bragging to locals that:
"Do you Americans KNOW WHY we GERMAN military are here in America? We are here to ARREST you, FIRE UPON you and SEIZE YOUR WEAPONS under martial law!"
"Your President keeps sending OUT more and more of your AMERICAN troops and bringing in more and more of us FOREIGN TROOPS, because he knows that YOUR AMERICAN MILITARY don't really want to arrest you, fire upon you and seize your weapons. BUT HE KNOWS WE GERMANS WON'T HAVE A PROBLEM!"
That treaty, the SIFTA Treaty was signed by Bill Clinton in 1997 but was never ratified by the Senate. You wanna' know why Terral? For one, the Senate was held by Republicans until 2006. Two, Democrats are more interested in spending our money, then printing and spending more of our money than controlling our guns. They simply don't have the votes. Check out this little story from The Hill: - Centrist Democrat: Gun control is DOA
“Now we know there are 65 pro-gun Democrats,” said Rep. Mike Ross (D-Ark.). “When you add up all the pro-gun Republicans and the pro-gun Democrats, that or any other anti-gun legislation is DOA
Why didn't you include that in your post? Because it doesn't fit in with your "Government Is Trying To Control Our Very Thoughts" agenda. Yes, AGENDA Terall. You think agendas are only limited to the bad guys?

Does that mean we can all rest easy and lay back? No, we still keep the heat on but nothing is gonna' happen concerning the Treaty or gun legislation this year. That's a fact, which is not as thrilling as a conspiracy theory, but there it is. You can't deny it. And you sending out these posts trying to get everyone worked up about it only serves to make yourself appear tremendously uninformed and gullible.

As for the German troops, did you know that the US has military forces from many different countries training here? The weather is great, the cost is comparatively cheap so many of the worlds pilots train here as well.
As for the German troops mouthing off, that just sounds like a bunch of German G.I.'s messing with your minds. Of course they have no mission like that but they know that you conspiracy nuts will eat it up. They know the score, they have the nutter press in Deutchland as well you know.
Hi Mad:

I don't have time to rebutt all of your conspiracy theories (I only have one lifetime) so I'll just focus on this . . .

Cherry pick anything you like from any of my posts and have fun with it. The Swine/Avian/Human Hybrid Bio-weapon Virus is going mutate 'and' the foreign troops are gathering to place you under Martial Law, according to FEMA's own "Anti-terrorism/Bio-weapon" Exercise Plan. (Post #134). The point of Post #140 is that the same kind of FEMA Bio-weapon Exercise (Tripod 2 = Michael Ruppert Report) was part of the 9/11 attacks 'and' this is an Inside-Job Bad Guy Signature of things to come . . . Watch and see . . .


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Greetings to All:

My short reply to Toro (on the Flight 93 Topic here) mutated into a Swine/Avian/Human Hybrid Bio-Terror Virus Update. Updated information appears in 'this post' that are not part of the original Flight 93 post.

Hi Toro:

Terral expects that the government is coming after him once martial law is declared on July 27.

No. July 27, 2009 marks the start of the FEMA Bio-Terror Exercises using Foreign Troops on U.S. soil (FEMA NLE 09). FEMA was participating in the Tripod 2 Bio-Terror Exercises in New York City (link = with the city of New York via Mayor Giuliani and the Justice Dept), when the 9/11 attacks took place. This FEMA Bio-Terror Exercise does not necessarily mark the beginning of Martial Law (my Topic). That 'Event' will be determined by the mutation of the Swine/Avian/Human Hybrid Bio-weapon Virus that I expect to mutate on July 21, 2009 (from Post #32 and Post #133). My July 21, 2009 mutation date prediction (made on 4/29/2009) was derived from using an overlay of the 1918 Spanish Flu Timeline (pic = marking the start of the "Second Wave"), which just happens to be one of the five strains of influenza (Wiki) making up this current Swine/Avian/Human Bio-weapon Virus in the world today. The upcoming FEMA Bio-Terror Exercises are a 'cover' that allows the Inside-Job Bad Guys to place all of their pieces (bishops, knights, castles, pawns) on the U.S.A. Chessboard for the ultimate "Checkmate" where stupid Americans are herded into Haliburton-built FEMA Death Camps ( for detention/extermination.

UAFF/B.A. Brooks on FEMA Camps and Martial Law

The United American Freedom Foundation Website (here) is a good resource for helping to open your eyes to the coming Economic Collapse/Martial Law Reality. Red Listers are rounded up two weeks 'before' Martial Law is declared, which is the reason that Web Activists against the New World Order need to be on alert right now!

Your contingency plans (from my Survival Topic) should be implemented in conjunction with the mutation of the Bio-weapon Virus, which can happen at any moment from today to sometime later this Fall in September or October. Remember that we are looking at a 'laboratory-created' Bio-weapon Virus (story), which means the Bio-Weapon Terrorists themselves have the ability to control the mutation process by the release of their lab-created ‘bio-similar recombinant’ (Dr. Len Horowitz Videos) strains through the Govt/CDC-provided Vaccines! In other words, the Avian (bird) Flu Strain can be activated by the recombinant strains released into the Global Population by the CDC at any time of their choosing, which would render my Comparative 1918 Spanish Flu Timeline calculations completely useless. Therefore, the Red Listers will have a very small window of opportunity to initiate their own contingency plans by watching the Global Hospital Environments where the mutant killer strains will raise their ugly heads. When you see doctors and nurses and emergency room personnel dropping like flies from this Bio-weapon Virus (anywhere on earth), THEN you must head for the hills; because the Crap Is Hitting The Fan!!!

[ame=""]This Warning Was Released Last Year![/ame]

The link from Video is here to more information about the Weaponized Bio-weapon Virus 'and' we are already at Level 6 for this "Pandemic!" This current Swine/Avian/Human Hybrid Bio-weapon Virus is the most intelligent Parent Strain ever to enter the Global Population in the history of mankind. The only people dying from this current strain are the people with immune deficiency syndrome, as the virus is deliberately creating ‘carriers’ showing ‘no symptoms’ at all. The ‘reported cases’ are the ‘exception’ and NOT THE RULE, which means a very small percentage of infected hosts now shedding the virus are displaying symptoms. The virus itself is deliberately remaining in transmission/gestation/mutation mode in search of the optimal number of hosts carrying the right Swine/Avian/Human Virus antibodies for the ‘recombination/mutation’ process. The ‘killer strains’ are deliberately remaining dormant, until the virus itself decides the moment for ‘all’ of the little children killer virus strains (about 2 dozen) to bloom. In other words, the Parent Virus is using the Global Population as a nursery and the Bio-Terror Scientists are the assistants working for the birth of the Genocidal MONSTER, until . . .

[ame=""]. . . It’s ALIVE, It’s ALIVE!!![/ame]

[ame=]The Warning Signs Are EVERYWHERE . . .[/ame]


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OK, now that we've got that cleared up, when is martial law coming? And how will we know when, where and even that the FEMA bio-terror exercises are happening?
Greetings to All:

The Swine/Avian/Human Hybrid Bio-weapon Virus is showing signs of mutating. Story

New flu strain 'has mutated, become more infectious'

The Yomiuri Shimbun

The new strain of influenza appears to have mutated to become more infectious for humans, the online edition of science magazine Nature reported Monday, referencing research by a team including Prof. Yoshihiro Kawaoka of Tokyo University's Institute of Medical Science.

The surface of influenza virus particles are covered with thorn-shaped proteins called hemagglutinin (HA), which allows the virus to stick to human cells.

After analyzing multiple samples of the new flu virus, the team ascertained that in some cases the HA of the new H1N1 strain have mutated, allowing the strain to stick to human cells more easily.

According to Kawaoka, the same mutations have been found in HA of the H5N1 strain of influenza, the highly virulent bird flu, which kills about 60 percent of those it infects. Kawaoka said the virus is still in the process of mutating into a form even more infectious to humans.

(Jun. 16, 2009)
My take on this story is that the virus is still in the process of mutating and this strain is not one of the 'killer strains' or 'super strains' that we should expect to raise their ugly heads between July 21 and October of 2009. This is a 'smart virus' and the mommy is waiting for the children strains to mature, before she gives the signal to 'bloom' and all the strains attack simultaneously.

If this were the big 'mutation' of the deadly bio-weapon virus, then thousands and thousands of people would be dead and the sickness would spread like wildfire.


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Maybe FEMA is telling people about the flu virus on purpose. I had a contact tell me the samething in Feb. Said it was comming and it was going to be bad.

He said get 3 months of food and water if not more per person and a place to dispose of your bathroom bio. dont go outside and be rational.

He told me that the camps that people think they will end up in are not for that reason... BUT TO KEEP YOU OUT and a place for them to fort up at. lol.

At the same time this is happening they are aware if certain siesmic activities that they are paranoid about.

Yosemite and Alaska was mentioned and some fault in Memphis.

Seems to be the standard from more then one source.


You won't see martial law until you see americans on the streets protesting like they are in Iran right now.

you know its close when that happens.


With all this information it is easy to play a psycological trick on yourself and seem like you are running out of time. You must be careful with what you take in and handle it in a conscious way. The news does a great job of this and dates given with doom at the end of them. It's important to take a step back and if something of this nature that Terral mentions does happen is and react appropriately.

Safety in numbers.
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Hi Uknow:

Maybe FEMA is telling people about the flu virus on purpose. I had a contact tell me the something in Feb. Said it was coming and it was going to be bad.

He said get 3 months of food and water if not more per person and a place to dispose of your bathroom bio. dont go outside and be rational.

He told me that the camps that people think they will end up in are not for that reason... BUT TO KEEP YOU OUT and a place for them to fort up at. lol.

Maybe you guys need to educate yourself on Halliburton-built FEMA Concentration Camps for “News Informers” deemed as “Enemy Combatants” among U.S. Citizens.

[FONT=&quot]Halliburton Confirms Concentration Camps Already Constructed[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]On February 17, 2006, in a speech to the Council on Foreign Relations, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld spoke of the harm being done to the country’s security, not just by the enemy, but also by what he called “news informers” who needed to be combated in “a contest of wills.” [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]In 2002 Attorney General John Ashcroft announced his desire to see camps for U.S. citizens deemed to be “enemy combatants.”[/FONT]
SEE: U.S. Concentration Camps Anthony J. Hilder article on Russia TV Program

VISIT CopperCards
A Defense Department document, entitled the “Strategy for Homeland Defense and Civil Support,” has set out a military strategy against terrorism that envisions an “active, layered defense” both inside and outside U.S. territory. In the document, the Pentagon pledges to “transform U.S. military forces to execute homeland defense missions in the . . . U.S. homeland.” The strategy calls for increased military reconnaissance and surveillance.[/FONT]
The Washington Post reported on February 15, 2006 that the National Counterterrorism Center’s (NCTC) central repository holds the names of 325,000 terrorist suspects, a fourfold increase since fall of 2003. A Pentagon official said the Counterintelligence Field Activity’s TALON program has amassed files on antiwar protesters.[/FONT]
Shortly after Bush orchestrated 9/11, he issued "Military Order Number One", which empowered him to detain any noncitizen as an international terrorist or enemy combatant. Today that order extends to U.S. citizens as well. (Continued)[/FONT]
The same people who planned and carried out the 9/11 attacks have provided for the buildings of hundreds of FEMA Concentration Camps for Americans right here in the USA. We now have a Department of Homeland Security ‘and’ 20 to 30 Million Illegal Alien Foreign Nationals running around EVERYWHERE inside our borders AT THE VERY SAME TIME. Wake the hell up to realize that more than 800 FEMA Concentration Camps have been built FOR AMERICANS having nothing whatsoever to do with National Security at all. Click on the picture of just one of these facilities (here = Camp Locations Story) to realize the barbed wire is all facing ‘in’ to keep Americans inside. The story continues:

The contract of the Halliburton subsidiary KBR to build immigrant detention facilities is part of a longer-term Homeland Security plan titled ENDGAME, which sets as its goal the removal of “all removable aliens” and “potential terrorists.” In the 1980s Richard Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld discussed similar emergency detention powers as part of a super-secret program of planning for what was euphemistically called “Continuity of Government” (COG). These men planned for suspension of the Constitution, not just after nuclear attack, but for any “national security emergency,” which they vaguely defined in Executive Order 12656 of 1988.

Over 800 concentration camps are reported throughout the United States, all fully operational and ready to receive U.S. Prisoners who disagree with the government. The concentration camps are all staffed and manned by full-time guards, however, they are all empty. These camps are to be operated by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) when Martial Law is implemented in the United States (at the stroke of a Presidential pen and the Attorney General's signature on a warrant) (Continued again).
Then realize the SAME PEOPLE who killed JFK and the same people who planned/carried out the 9/11 attacks are the same people orchestrating the U.S. Economic Crisis and the same people who built the FEMA Death Camps and the same people who injected the Bio-Weapon Virus into the arm of the Global Population that is now gestating/mutating into a Genocidal MONSTER. We are sitting right now at Level 6 for this Pandemic (story) just waiting for the Virus to MUTATE, so ‘drastic measures’ can be taken; which can happen anytime! Congress has already had their “Secret Meeting” (March 13, 2008) and the preparations to bring you under Martial Law are already in the works! Go through the information and come to the “FEMA AND REX 84” link (here) and read more about the FEMA Death Camps prepared especially for you. Then realize FEMA is playing Bio-terror Wargames (FEMA Paper from Post #133) using more than a million Foreign Troops starting July 27, 2009 (story from Post #134) making a “Checkmate” move by the Bad Guys a possibility for a New World Order Reality.

What we have here are several lines of convergence with the collapsing U.S. Dollar, the collapsing U.S. Economy, unemployment/bankruptcies/foreclosures rising, New World Order Puppet Obama approval rating declining, a bio-weapon virus mutating, FEMA Death Camps waiting, FEMA Bio-terror Wargames starting and U.S. Citizens sitting in warming water like stupid frogs, while the water is coming to a steady boil . . .

At the same time this is happening they are aware if certain seismic activities that they are paranoid about.

Yosemite and Alaska was mentioned and some fault in Memphis.

Seems to be the standard from more then one source.

Now you are talking about the HAARP Program (link) as a weapon of the New World Order.

Responding to US economic and strategic interests, it could be used to selectively modify climate in different parts of the World resulting in the destabilization of agricultural and ecological systems. It is also worth noting that the US Department of Defense has allocated substantial resources to the development of intelligence and monitoring systems on weather changes. NASA and the Department of Defense's National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA) are working on "imagery for studies of flooding, erosion, land-slide hazards, earthquakes, ecological zones, weather forecasts, and climate change" with data relayed from satellites. (13) (Continued)
I am telling you guys that American is being carefully manipulated inside the mouth of a New World Order BEAST that is making ready to take a big bite and reduce the Global Population by more than 90 percent! Even the Foreign Troops and many of the New World Order Puppets will be devoured by this Beast, when the Bio-weapon Virus mutates and panic is transformed into utter chaos and Pandemonium. If we create contingency plans (my Survival Topic) and never need them, then we are FAR better off than sitting back and simply allowing the water to boil like unsuspecting Jews in Europe just prior to WW11 made ready for the same kind of Concentration/Death Camps.

[ame=""]Wake The Hell Up Already![/ame]


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I am not a Christian but this was mentioned in the Bible....

I noticed you mentioned the guide stones....

To add another twist to your theory Terral, not going against it but...
(you have to call it a theory, safer.)

Several say religion were made so aliens can come back and claim themselves as God....

How do you think the Bible was so accurate? Besides the constant rewrittings that the pharasies enjoy.


Seriously humans on this planet would not cause mass destruction of their species without an outside influence, it makes no sense to unleash deadly strands of viruses and nuclear wars without end. They would not contaminate their eco system voluntarily enough to give a chance to wipe them out also.


So if you need a reason for this to happen their it is.

Greedy/insane people
Earth being conscious and us being cancer

Which other explainations do you need. wrap them in one. dont seperate them.


If we are all supposed to die terral from bio-war/possible nuclear war why do they need concentration camps to put people in? You don't.

Those FEMA camps are their staging points. The place they work. A place that has stockpiles of resources for themselves. They dont want you in. It's their forts and safe haven to keep the craziest out, they don't want you to go in and be in jail... you will be on the outside dying like they want.... if it all goes this way.
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Hi Uknow:

I am not a Christian but this was mentioned in the Bible....

I noticed you mentioned the guide stones....

To add another twist to your theory Terral, not going against it but...
(you have to call it a theory, safer.)

Several say religions were made so aliens can come back and claim themselves as God....

How do you think the Bible was so accurate? Besides the constant rewrittings that the pharasies enjoy.

The Georgia Guidestones (link) include a New World Order vision of Global Genocide (plank #1), zero population growth (plank #2), the renewal of Babel (#3), destruction of faith (#4) offering safety in exchange for liberty and freedom (#5) for all New World Order subjects under a One World Court (#6 - #8). The ‘prize truth’ and ‘beauty’ and ‘love’ (#9) doctrinal precepts unite a global population with the error of their father Satan, that found him cast down to the earth (to become ‘nature’ #10) in the first place:

"You were the anointed cherub who covers, And I placed you there [upper right]. You were on the holy mountain of God; You walked in the midst of the stones of fire [‘sons of the Most High’]. You were blameless in your ways From the day you were created Until unrighteousness was found in you. By the abundance of your trade [keeping secrets/forging lies] you were internally filled with violence, And you sinned; Therefore I have cast you as profane From the mountain of God [out of God’s Infinite Realm = far left]. And I have destroyed you, O covering cherub, From the midst of the stones of fire. Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty; You corrupted your wisdom by reason of your splendor. I cast you to the ground; I put you before kings, That they may see you. By the multitude of your iniquities, In the unrighteousness of your trade You profaned your sanctuaries. Therefore I have brought fire from the midst of you [‘lake of fire’ = left of the Lamb =left here too in Antichrist]; It has consumed you, And I have turned you to ashes on the earth In the eyes of all who see you. All who know you among the peoples Are appalled at you; You have become terrified And you will cease to be forever."'" Ezekiel 28:14.
All ten planks of the New World Order Manifesto are served by eliminating more than 90 percent of the Global Population using a Lab-created Bio-weapon Virus this is currently in the transmission/gestation/mutation phase of the New World Order Operation. Do any of you among We The Sheeple want to explain how two strains of Human Influenza virus (for transmission) become intertwined with two strains of Swine Influenza (including deadly 1918 Spanish Flu strain) and one Avian (bird) Influenza Strain (genocidal component) to find itself spreading to all parts of the earth and the primary focus of our Level 6 Global Pandemic?????? Good luck . . .

[ame=""]Daniel Estulin on Bilderberg 2009[/ame]

Daniel Estulin helps you connect the dots on the emerging Bilderberg/Illuminati New World Order Plans becoming the New Reality beyond Global Genocide. Listen to his commentary (around 5:00/9:51) describing how factions inside the Bilderberg hierarchy are afraid that they have not only destroyed a large percentage of the Global Population, but also have destroyed themselves. The reason for ‘fear’ is that the virus itself appears to be controlling the transmission/gestation/mutation process that can include two dozen killer strains and a few super strains that nobody on earth can apparently control. Remember that Christ prophesies that if God Himself did not shorten the days of the Great Tribulation (coming in 1000 years = far right in blue = timeline), then ‘no life would be saved’ at all (Matt. 24:22)!!! We are living in the days leading up to the ‘start’ of the 1000 Year Day of the Lord (pic), which only ‘mirrors’ the END of the Age events of Matthew 24. This means that the evil forces manipulating the Bio-weapon Virus are blindly carrying out the ‘soul/astral/mystery’ Desolation (Dan. 9:26 = diagram) Global Genocide Events for a world population that has little clue about what in the hell is even going on. The Bilderberg/Illuminati Elites are carrying out the provision of their own demise, as these things have been done two times already (Ecc. 1:9-11) and all of the bad guys end up in the lake of fire. Rev. 20:10-15, 21:8.

Seriously humans on this planet would not cause mass destruction of their species without an outside influence, it makes no sense to unleash deadly strands of viruses and nuclear wars without end. They would not contaminate their eco system voluntarily enough to give a chance to wipe them out also.

Oh yes they would and that is exactly what they have done already, but We The Sheeple (pic) refuse to open up their eyes! The devil’s primary tool is ‘deception’ and we are looking at many different ‘destruction’ lines converging between July and October of 2009! The same people who planned and carried out the 9/11 attacks are back for Round 2 with their Weapon of Mass (Global) Population Destruction.

[ame=""]Demand Destruction – Daniel Estulin[/ame]

Daniel Estulin’s medical/scientific sources are too afraid and disturbed to even talk about how the Bilderbergs are using this Bio-weapon Virus to depopulate the Global Population, because the ramifications are truly terrifying beyond our collective abilities to fathom. The ‘soul/astral/mystery’ event that mirrors the coming of the Son Of Man at the END of the Age (Matt. 24:30-31) is Elijah (Mal. 4:5-6) coming to ‘restore all things’ (Matt. 17:10-11) as the ‘prophet’ of Acts 3:22-23. In short: The only way that the current members from the ‘body of antichrist’ can fulfill their part of Scripture is for them to seek to destroy all life on this planet, and their Lab-created Bio-weapon Virus fits the bill.

[ame=""]Alex Jones Interviews Jim Tucker[/ame]

The question is over whether this current Swine Flu ‘2009 Event’ is a precursor to a future ‘2012 Event,’ OR if the Global Elites are kicking off their Genocidal Plan this year . . .

So if you need a reason for this to happen there it is. Greedy/insane people
God. Earth being conscious and us being cancer. Aliens.

Which other explanations do you need. wrap them in one. Do not separate them.

The New World Order “Plan” was created before you were born and they are on schedule for bringing in their New World Order very soon. The destruction of the U.S. and Global Economy is part of their “out with the old and in with the New World Order Plan” that coincides with the Global Genocide phase of the operation. Obama and Congress have thrown caution to the wind and are driving this U.S. Economy like they stole it during a Saturday night drunken stupor, because they know the virus will kill billions of people and the lies they told will not matter. You are the frog sitting in the warming water now coming to a boil, and they know We The Sheeple are stupid and will believe anything out of their mouths anyway. The Aliens are good guys and have no intention of murdering the sons of Adam (their father too) now walking the earth, or they would have done that long ago.

The Aliens are also waiting in anticipation of Elijah coming to restore all things, because he is your father Adam who gave them commands about all these things ‘before’ Eve was taken from his side. The Aliens have been violating Adam’s commands and have been trying to manipulate human reproductive DNA for the sole purpose of creating a human host body for their father Adam (the Messiah), because they fear that the devil will never allow him to appear and restore all things. The Earth (entire universe) is conscious and groans in anticipation of the coming of the sons of God, so creation itself can put on their glory (Romans 8:18-22). You are living in the days leading up to the revealing of the sons of God (beyond the Rapture = “caught up”), when the children of God put on ‘immortality’ (1Cor. 15:51-53) and Elijah/David/Adam ‘can’ begin the process of restoring all things. The “Heavenly Messiah” comes at the END of the Age (1000 years from now), but the Earthly Messiah (Man of the Earth = my Topic) is at the door even now and sees all the evil that Satan’s sons are preparing. Satan’s Plan to destroy all flesh will be interrupted (like 1000 years from now), but his intention (destroy all life) is still part of the New World Order Plan . . .

If we are all supposed to die terral from bio-war/possible nuclear war why do they need concentration camps to put people in? You don't.

Yes they do! These FEMA Camps are the inoculation centers where Americans are herded like cattle and exterminated like Hitler murdered the Jews. The New World Order Plans were drafted in the knowledge that Pandemic Influenza kills ‘a percentage’ of the population and the recombinant bio-similar DNA catalyst is in the CDC/Novavax/Baxter-created Vaccines!!!

[ame=""]Dr. Len Horowitz[/ame]

The FEMA Death Camps represent the ‘control mechanism’ that separates the red list and blue list and yellow list cattle into a final pink list (New World Order Subjects) for the New World Order vision of heaven on earth. Otherwise, the New World Order troops are impossible to control and the New World Plan has no chance of success.

Those FEMA camps are their staging points. The place they work.

No sir. All of the barbed wire is turned towards the ‘inside’ to keep the people ‘in.’

[ame=""]FEMA Death Camps[/ame]

You do not require gas chambers and railroad connections and windsock accessories (for transport helicopters) to create working areas for New World Order cronies . . .

A place that has stockpiles of resources for themselves. They dont want you in. It's their forts and safe haven to keep the craziest out, they don't want you to go in and be in jail... you will be on the outside dying like they want.... if it all goes this way.

No sir. The New World Order bad guys use Federal and State and County Buildings as stockpiles for their human and other resources, which is the reason we have a large disconnect between elected officials and We The Sheeple. We have 20 to 30 million Illegal Alien Foreign Nationals running around loose everywhere, because the New World Order idiots are sitting in the White House and Congress. They need no FEMA Death Camps to set up New World Order Administrative Offices, because the bad guys are already working inside the Govt.


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Daniel Estulin’s medical/scientific sources are too afraid and disturbed to even talk about how the Bilderbergs are using this Bio-weapon Virus to depopulate the Global Population, because the ramifications are truly terrifying beyond our collective abilities to fathom. The ‘soul/astral/mystery’ event that mirrors the coming of the Son Of Man at the END of the Age (Matt. 24:30-31) is Elijah (Mal. 4:5-6) coming to ‘restore all things’ (Matt. 17:10-11) as the ‘prophet’ of Acts 3:22-23. In short: The only way that the current members from the ‘body of antichrist’ can fulfill their part of Scripture is for them to seek to destroy all life on this planet, and their Lab-created Bio-weapon Virus fits the bill.

So you are saying that the economic/monetary/military/federal system is ran by one big religious cult not giving anyone a choice who drinks the punch?
Hi Uknow:

So you are saying that the economic/monetary/military/federal system is ran by one big religious cult not giving anyone a choice who drinks the punch?

The owners of the FED (Rothschild, Warburg, Morgan, Rockefeller, Etc.) are the heads of the New World Order Snake that runs the "Shadow Government" (link) that tells everyone from Bush/Obama to State and Local Govt what do do and when to do it. These are the people who created the FED and murdered JFK and create crisis after crisis from behind the scenes to forward their New World Order Agenda. They planned and carried out the 9/11 attacks and are now orchestrating the Credit/Mortgage/Foreclosure/Banking/Insurance/Automaker Crisis after Crisis after Crisis, so that you will bow down and accept 'their' New World Order. We The People will either consent or see conquest (Paul Warburg) and these New World Order Elites mean business. They cannot control 6 or 7 Billion people, so they will reduce that number to 500 Million Sheeple (story). Do the math . . .


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I've heard and seem it all. I guess now what else can I do? I have emergency essentials..... But what is presented is life changing if goes anything similiar to that way.

It won't be enough for long.

The times will be real dark and terrible and gloomy if no aliens or God's come to save us and people just dying and slave type labor. Be worse if the aliens aren't who they say they are.

But according to everyone on the belief end believes that it will happen.

Is this just some reason or excuse for you to accept death?( no answer needed )


I won't give up should the shit change, I'd rather be poor a broken outcast then be a survivor that conforms and gets hearded along.

I won't be doing nothing outside. You can bet I'll find others that rather not have anything then being forced to obey.
Greetings to All:

This Swine/Avian Bio-weapon Flu Warning/Update concerns what the Obama Administration is doing to cover up the seriousness of the Flu Pandemic.

Obama, Stop Covering UP the Swine Flu! << Click and watch the short video

[ame=""]Swine Flu: Prescription For "Mass Murder"[/ame]

The Genocidal Policy of the Obama Administration is a continuation of Clinton/Bushie Administration Policy that includes FEMA Coffins filling up fields all over the USA.

[ame=""]FEMA Coffins Investigation[/ame]

[ame=]Population Reduction 2009 Part 1/12[/ame]


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Greetings to All:

The USA is being flooded with Disinformation Propaganda about Swine Flu vaccines currently being developed. Story

Swine Flu Multiple-Shot Vaccine May Overwhelm States (Update3)

By Tom Randall

June 26 (Bloomberg) -- The vaccine being developed to combat a pandemic of swine flu will require multiple shots to provide immunity from the new virus, and the added immunizations may overwhelm U.S. state agencies, health officials said.

Two injections will be required three weeks apart for swine flu, also known as H1N1, and a third will be needed for seasonal flu, health officials said at a meeting today at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in Atlanta. Children younger than 9 years old will need four shots, the CDC said.

The U.S. government took the unusual step of purchasing all of the swine flu vaccine, and the shots probably will be administered through vaccine clinics set up by state health organizations, the CDC said. The agency estimates that at least 50 million vaccine doses will be available in the U.S. by Oct. 15, and enough vaccine to immunize everyone in the country will be available later in the season.

&#8220;Public health departments are under-funded and will get fatigued,&#8221; said William Schaffner, an influenza expert at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Nashville, Tennessee, in an interview at the flu conference. &#8220;One shot probably gives you very little immunity, 10 to 20 percent at most.&#8221;(Continued)
Somebody please help me point out the disinformation nonsense in this one Swine Flu story!

There cannot be any swine flu vaccine under development, because the Bio-weapon Virus Has Yet To MUTATE!!!! We are still looking at the parent virus that is currently in the transmission/gestation/mutation phase and the CDC has no idea which road the Bio-weapon Virus will take in the ongoing mutation process. The problem of creating a real vaccine is multiplied by the fact that this current strain is a combination of five different virus strains and nobody knows which one will become dominant!!! The CDC 'must' take a wild guess as to whether the 1918 Spanish Flu strain 'or' the Avian (bird = even more deadly) strain 'or' the second Swine strain 'or' one of the two human strains will become dominant in the mutated version of the Virus!! There are simply too many possible combinations for two dozen killer strains and two or three super strains for the CDC to even make an educated guess!

There is no Flu Vaccine stockpile for the Govt to buy up in order to provide immunity to ANYBODY, because nobody knows which way the Bio-weapon Virus is going to mutate. There is NO WAY that anybody can come up with a vaccine between the mutation and killer phases that coincide at the very same time! This is a very intelligent Bio-weapon Virus that has already gathered the recombinant DNA material for delivery of the killer strains into the Global Population, but the Virus itself is waiting for the optimum 'time' to attack; in order to give the child strains the best opportunity of success.

All of the killer/super strains will bloom at the very same time 'and' by design, so that each strain has the same opportunity to spread in the Global Population in direct competition with all other strains. If the mommy strain allowed one killer strain to activate ahead of the others, that advantage would work against all of the other killer/super strains that entered the landscape later down the road. Add to this fact that the CDC is going to take a wild guess about 'which' strain will become dominant and that 'multiple' strains will be released for which there is no immunity whatsoever.

This disinformation propaganda is creating the false illusion in the minds of We The Sheeple that they should line up for multiple shots, when in reality the vaccines hold the recombinant DNA material that allows the Govt to micromanage the gestation/mutation process.

[ame=""]Listen To Dr. Horowitz Again![/ame]

We are talking Global GENOCIDE here, which is the reason that so many doctors are warning about taking the vaccines (Page 10)!

[ame=""]Do Not Take The Swine Flu Vaccine 2009![/ame]

[ame=""]Heed The Warnings!![/ame]


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Greetings to All (Octoldit mentioned):

My time for sending out warnings about this Bio-weapon Virus is coming to an end. A warning post appears on Octoldit's Topic (here << WARNING POST), so that everyone can look at the evidence and decide for yourself. A good explanation for what is really going on is presented in this 5-part video series:

[ame=""]The Swine Flu Vaccination Hoax - Explained Part 1[/ame]

I am not writing everything again, so heed the warnings or go back to sleep . . .


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Hey Terral

Could you please write everything again? We've all forgotten what is about to happen.

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