Mexican Swine Flu Could Be The Expected 9/11-like “Event”

Funny thing here ... the last week talk about the "swine flu" on TV is now down to 30 seconds ...

Where's the big event? Oh, and everyone who has contracted it is feeling great now.
Yeah ... let's compare a third world nation to the US ... so many similarities there.

true----Mexicans aren't really humans

You like reading more into something. No, but comparing their rates with those of a country which is far cleaner and with better health-care is like comparing a mud-hole to a swimming pool. They have twice the mortality rate for many things, almost ten times the mortality rate for others because of the differences. The phrase "don't drink the water there" is fact, because their water and air contains far more pollutants and viruses than ours. Or are you thinking that we should go down there and clean up their mess?
Maybe the virus does attack by race? And I am not saying it is man made....BUT maybe it is stronger or more virulent in the region that it originated....similar to the Bird flu a few years back, or the Avian flu, where it originated in an Asian region and asians were more susceptible to die from it due to their genetic make up???

Or maybe we need to be counting our blessing that people in America have had pretty good health care, even those without insurance, and are over all, healthier people than the Mexican people that seemed to so easily DIE from this flu or the Asian people that seemed to so easily die from the bird flu?

Maybe the virus does attack by race? And I am not saying it is man made....BUT maybe it is stronger or more virulent in the region that it originated....similar to the Bird flu a few years back, or the Avian flu, where it originated in an Asian region and asians were more susceptible to die from it due to their genetic make up???

Or maybe we need to be counting our blessing that people in America have had pretty good health care, even those without insurance, and are over all, healthier people than the Mexican people that seemed to so easily DIE from this flu or the Asian people that seemed to so easily die from the bird flu?


The genetic thing is very logical, when a virus thrives it is because it adapts to the most common host, but when it encounters new hosts it has to adapt again, which can take time. Which actually correlates with the two US deaths, they were in Texas which has a problem with illegals.
I didn't realize Mexicans weren't human beings. Thanks for the heads up.
Yeah ... let's compare a third world nation to the US ... so many similarities there.

true----Mexicans aren't really humans

You like reading more into something. No, but comparing their rates with those of a country which is far cleaner and with better health-care is like comparing a mud-hole to a swimming pool. They have twice the mortality rate for many things, almost ten times the mortality rate for others because of the differences. The phrase "don't drink the water there" is fact, because their water and air contains far more pollutants and viruses than ours. Or are you thinking that we should go down there and clean up their mess?

Around 50 people are dead because of this flu and you dont give a shit. I'm so sorry you can't be a human.
true----Mexicans aren't really humans

You like reading more into something. No, but comparing their rates with those of a country which is far cleaner and with better health-care is like comparing a mud-hole to a swimming pool. They have twice the mortality rate for many things, almost ten times the mortality rate for others because of the differences. The phrase "don't drink the water there" is fact, because their water and air contains far more pollutants and viruses than ours. Or are you thinking that we should go down there and clean up their mess?

Around 50 people are dead because of this flu and you dont give a shit. I'm so sorry you can't be a human.

You do realize that about 2K die in the US because of flu viruses every year, this isn't something to worry anymore about than ... well the common cold. Also, one of the primary effects of the flu is dehydration, something many people forget, so in the desert people are more likely to incur complications from the virus, thus why deaths from the flu tend to be higher in desert areas. This is nothing more than a natural occurrence blown out of proportion ... again. Just like the avian flu, just like SARS, etc.. There are parties here where people are trying to get it now, so they can get it over with since it's less likely to mutate, which means if you get it once, chances are you won't get it again. All they are telling people is the typical reaction to getting any other flu, stay in bed, drink fluids, and rest ... if you can. You have lost all perspective on this, here's a way to get it back, look at the number of deaths in Mexico per year from the common flu and then from all other causes, once you add in violent crimes you'll gain some perspective again, I hope.
Hi Kitten:

Funny thing here ... the last week talk about the "swine flu" on TV is now down to 30 seconds ...

Where's the big event? Oh, and everyone who has contracted it is feeling great now.

The Swine/Avian/Human Hybrid "Parent" Virus is currently creating 'carriers' with only a few people showing any symptoms at all.

. . . The virus is most commonly spread in liquid droplets made airborne by coughing or sneezing. Symptoms – such as fever, body ache, extreme fatigue, sore throat, and dry cough – begin showing in adults one to four days after being infected.

An adult can begin spreading the virus one day before and three to seven days after symptoms show, and children can remain contagious even longer. Some infected individuals show no symptoms, yet they can still spread the virus to others (Continued).
Remember again that we are 'not' talking about a naturally-occurring virus, but a Swine (2 strains)/Avian (bird)/Human (2 strains) Hybrid, so the bio-engineers manipulated the DNA to create this bio-weapon that has now been injected into the global population. We should suspect that the 'mild' characteristics of this parent virus were deliberately included into the DNA sequencing to ensure maximum spread to the largest possible global population lulled to sleep by what appears to be a 'tame' virus. The 1000 Year Day of the Lord (in blue) is about to begin 'and' this is how Paul describes that period starting:


"Now as to the times and the epochs, brethren, you have no need of anything to be written to you. For you yourselves know full well that the Day of the Lord (in blue above = another diagram) will come just like a thief in the night. While they are saying, "Peace and safety!" then destruction will come upon them suddenly like labor pains upon a woman with child, and they will not escape. But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that the day would overtake you like a thief; for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We are not of night nor of darkness; so then let us not sleep as others do, but let us be alert and sober." 1Thessalonians 5:1-6.
You must remain vigilant and on alert and watchful for the moment that the dominate killer strain raises its ugly head, which can begin in any country on earth. Otherwise, those among us yelling "Peace and safety!" will lull you to sleep and destruction will come upon you . . . too . . . along with the wicked . . .


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You like reading more into something. No, but comparing their rates with those of a country which is far cleaner and with better health-care is like comparing a mud-hole to a swimming pool. They have twice the mortality rate for many things, almost ten times the mortality rate for others because of the differences. The phrase "don't drink the water there" is fact, because their water and air contains far more pollutants and viruses than ours. Or are you thinking that we should go down there and clean up their mess?

Around 50 people are dead because of this flu and you dont give a shit. I'm so sorry you can't be a human.

You do realize that about 2K die in the US because of flu viruses every year, this isn't something to worry anymore about than ... well the common cold. Also, one of the primary effects of the flu is dehydration, something many people forget, so in the desert people are more likely to incur complications from the virus, thus why deaths from the flu tend to be higher in desert areas. This is nothing more than a natural occurrence blown out of proportion ... again. Just like the avian flu, just like SARS, etc.. There are parties here where people are trying to get it now, so they can get it over with since it's less likely to mutate, which means if you get it once, chances are you won't get it again. All they are telling people is the typical reaction to getting any other flu, stay in bed, drink fluids, and rest ... if you can. You have lost all perspective on this, here's a way to get it back, look at the number of deaths in Mexico per year from the common flu and then from all other causes, once you add in violent crimes you'll gain some perspective again, I hope.

Perspective ? Your perspective ? :rofl:
Go play with your computer generated friends.
"thus why deaths from the flu tend to be higher in desert areas"


Where do you get this shit, Kitten?
"thus why deaths from the flu tend to be higher in desert areas"


Where do you get this shit, Kitten?

Try looking at the statistics, and while you're at it, both look at the big picture for a change. Really, I grow bored now.
"thus why deaths from the flu tend to be higher in desert areas"


Where do you get this shit, Kitten?

Try looking at the statistics, and while you're at it, both look at the big picture for a change. Really, I grow bored now.
I know, you always get bored when you can't back things up. There are no statistics that reflect that little gem.

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