Mexican Swine Flu Could Be The Expected 9/11-like “Event”

yeah I as well have already started doing that Terral unlike the Bush/Obama sheep here getting those supplies.Because of the fact that I read ALTERNATIVE news sources such as Media Bypass,Rock Creek Free Press,American Free Press ect,"I" am prepared as best as I can be for it while these ostrichs here such as Toro bury their heads in the sand by wasting their lives away in front of the tube watching football,baseball or HBO pretending like none of this is for real but thanks for that anyways.when they see that alex jones radio show has been censored,maybe THAT will be their wake up call.after all,this is SUPPOSE to be america where you have free speech.they cant deny that fact.
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240 days and counting before martial law is implemented in America!

And all you conspiracy theorists, RUN! YOUR LIVES ARE IN DANGER!
I'm ready. I still have all the crap I bought for Y2K.:rolleyes:
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You people are ridiculous. The big "crisis" is over. They've already toned everything down and lowered the epidemic levels. Nothing's gonna fucking happen. Thanks for getting me all excited for nothing!

You people are ridiculous. The big "crisis" is over. They've already toned everything down and lowered the epidemic levels. Nothing's gonna fucking happen. Thanks for getting me all excited for nothing!


I wouldn't be so sure, Epsilon Upsilon!

The Swine Flu death toll in the United States DOUBLED yesterday!!!
240 days and counting before martial law is implemented in America!

And all you conspiracy theorists, RUN! YOUR LIVES ARE IN DANGER!

martial law does not mean your life is necessarily endangered but its one of those concepts that is a little to complicated for you...
Hi Epsilon, Article and Xotoxi:

You people are ridiculous. The big "crisis" is over . . . Nothing's gonna fucking happen. Thanks for getting me all excited for nothing!
What the count at now? 2?
I wouldn't be so sure, Epsilon Upsilon!

The Swine Flu death toll in the United States DOUBLED yesterday!!!


All I see is three more Loyal Bushie/Obama DUPES without the common sense of three chimpanzees (pic). The Swine/Avian/Human Hybrid Bio-weapon HAS YET TO MUTATE (story and story), so nobody here can predict whether or not the ‘many’ mutant strains will include a killer super-strain!!! This virus was engineered to create ‘carriers’ in the early stages, so only those people with immune deficiency disorders are dying. Only a small percentage of these ‘carriers’ show any symptoms at all, which is the reason this parent virus is spreading like wildfire in the American population ‘and’ the majority of the Sheeple have no idea they are even infected. Many of the Sheeple are running around right now like "Pigpen" (pic), shedding the virus, with no idea that they are New World Order 'carrier' pawns in a much larger game. Let’s go back and review the facts about the 1918 Spanish flu that killed more than 50 million people:


You can clearly see ‘three pandemic waves’ where the first wave is represented by a small bump and mortality rates remain very low. Then two months pass when mortality rates remain near zero, because the virus is gestating/mutating through the transmission phase. However, this current Swine/Avian/Human Hybrid Bio-weapon Virus was deliberately manufactured to minimize the initial pandemic mortality wave to ensure the maximum number of borders remain open for business! The general population today has a stronger immune system, than people living at the start of the 20th Century, so we should expect mortality rates to remain low through this period where the parent virus is reaching an optimum saturation point in the global population.

There is no way ANYONE can predict that nothing will happen, when the parent strain mutates into many different strains; because nobody has seen anything like this ‘novel’ virus (story) that was definitely created in a bio-weapon military installation (story). You do not know if the killer stain will become Swine-dominant or Avian-dominate or a recombined form of the two Human strains bio-engineered into the equation to allow maximum transmission among human hosts. These two human strains were purposely selected by the inside-job bad guys, because the elderly people with weak immune systems already have the antibodies circulating through their bloodstreams; which means this virus was designed to infect ‘carriers’ within a specific 'younger,' more-traveled,' age group. The bad guys do NOT want to infect the old people, because they have weaker immune systems that would raise the mortality rates and certainly cause ‘panic’ that would close the borders and open up quarantine facilities like you see in China and England.

The USA is still FAR too early in the game for anyone to draw absolute conclusions, one way or the other, about whether this virus will mutate into killer strains, or remain timid like the parent strain. However, the fact is that we ‘could be’ (OP Topic Title) on the way to approaching the start of the ‘second pandemic wave’ (still 45-60 days away) where many killer strains spring up from all corners of the earth for which NOBODY in the general population has an immunity. That is what the experts mean by characterizing this microorganism as a ‘novel’ virus (note the dangers) that was definitely bioengineered in a military bio-weapon laboratory. The process for building an antivirus remedy can only begin when the parent strain MUTATES and the CDC has sufficient data to speculate (take a wild guess) about which strain will become the super-killer. My recommendation to these readers is that you prepare for the very worst ‘and’ hope for the best, which means preparing for your city/town to fall under FEMA Quarantine and Federal Martial Law.

This means making contingency plans ‘just in case’ this parent strain mutates into something terrible, so you and your family have some chance to survive the coming chaos. I would much rather be prepared for the worst-case scenario, than be caught in the New World Order trap and end up shuffled into a FEMA Death Camp; because of listening to a bunch of Loyal Bushie/Obama DUPES without one brain in their heads, but that choice is completely up to you . . .



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Have they ever found out who created the 1918 pandemic ? I'm betting on the Krauts.
Hi Dill:

Have they ever found out who created the 1918 pandemic ? I'm betting on the Krauts.

We disagree. There is a LOT of speculation about the origins of the 1918 Flu Pandemic that killed between 50 and 100 million people, but this website is a good place to begin your investigation of the facts:

On a side note: Your best countermeasures against any cold/flu bug is this (pic). Using a common hair dryer to stop common colds is a little trick my father taught me way back in the early 1970's that has worked well ever since. I hold one hand over my mouth and breathe in the hot air through my nose three times to raise the nasal cavity temperature above 110 degrees. These bugs cannot survive in an environment above 102 to 108 degrees, which is the reason your body reacts by raising body temps in the first place. Remember again that this flu virus is VERY VERY SMALL, which means a longer gestation period is required in your nasal cavity for eventual spread to your throat and lungs.

Washing your hands regularly with soap and water is still the best countermeasure to stop the self- contamination process, but most people catching these highly contagious diseases touch the inside of their nasal passages to transmit the bug to themselves. Taking this single preventative blow dryer countermeasure can stop the virus dead in its tracks for about a day after your nasal passage environment has been contaminated, but once the bug jumps over into the throat and lungs, then your time to stop the infection is over. I have used this simple method to miss out on catching many bugs from my family and coworkers when everyone else got sick, which in this current situation, if practiced, can save your very life . . .


Hi Dill:

Have they ever found out who created the 1918 pandemic ? I'm betting on the Krauts.

We disagree. There is a LOT of speculation about the origins of the 1918 Flu Pandemic that killed between 50 and 100 million people, but this website is a good place to begin your investigation of the facts:

On a side note: Your best countermeasures against any cold/flu bug is this (pic). Using a common hair dryer to stop common colds is a little trick my father taught me way back in the early 1970's that has worked well ever since. I hold one hand over my mouth and breathe in the hot air through my nose three times to raise the nasal cavity temperature above 110 degrees. These bugs cannot survive in an environment above 102 to 108 degrees, which is the reason your body reacts by raising body temps in the first place. Remember again that this flu virus is VERY VERY SMALL, which means a longer gestation period is required in your nasal cavity for eventual spread to your throat and lungs.

Washing your hands regularly with soap and water is still the best countermeasure to stop the self- contamination process, but most people catching these highly contagious diseases touch the inside of their nasal passages to transmit the bug to themselves. Taking this single preventative blow dryer countermeasure can stop the virus dead in its tracks for about a day after your nasal passage environment has been contaminated, but once the bug jumps over into the throat and lungs, then your time to stop the infection is over. I have used this simple method to miss out on catching many bugs from my family and coworkers when everyone else got sick, which in this current situation, if practiced, can save your very life . . .



I couldn't find anything in the article about the 1918 flu being generated by evil doers. Got any video of the hair dryer trick ?
Hi Dill:

Have they ever found out who created the 1918 pandemic ? I'm betting on the Krauts.

We disagree. There is a LOT of speculation about the origins of the 1918 Flu Pandemic that killed between 50 and 100 million people, but this website is a good place to begin your investigation of the facts:

On a side note: Your best countermeasures against any cold/flu bug is this (pic). Using a common hair dryer to stop common colds is a little trick my father taught me way back in the early 1970's that has worked well ever since. I hold one hand over my mouth and breathe in the hot air through my nose three times to raise the nasal cavity temperature above 110 degrees. These bugs cannot survive in an environment above 102 to 108 degrees, which is the reason your body reacts by raising body temps in the first place. Remember again that this flu virus is VERY VERY SMALL, which means a longer gestation period is required in your nasal cavity for eventual spread to your throat and lungs.

Washing your hands regularly with soap and water is still the best countermeasure to stop the self- contamination process, but most people catching these highly contagious diseases touch the inside of their nasal passages to transmit the bug to themselves. Taking this single preventative blow dryer countermeasure can stop the virus dead in its tracks for about a day after your nasal passage environment has been contaminated, but once the bug jumps over into the throat and lungs, then your time to stop the infection is over. I have used this simple method to miss out on catching many bugs from my family and coworkers when everyone else got sick, which in this current situation, if practiced, can save your very life . . .



thanks for the info and tidbit Terral.

Ohhhh man, I LOVE this picture. Hahaha... Moe was always my favourite though, wish you had cast me as him, but Curly was still awesome.

I dunno Terral, let's say if in 3 weeks this shit died down and we never hear from it again, can we poke fun at you guys then? How long should we wait; a month, just to be sure?
Cessation of swine flu virus a government conspiracy!
Hi Epsilon:

Ohhhh man, I LOVE this picture. Hahaha... Moe was always my favourite though, wish you had cast me as him, but Curly was still awesome.

The USMB member using the fewest words gets to sit in Moe's seat between the two knuckleheads.

I dunno Terral, let's say if in 3 weeks this shit died down and we never hear from it again, can we poke fun at you guys then? How long should we wait; a month, just to be sure?

You cannot know in three weeks if this stuff will never be heard from again. The fact that you can make that statement means Epsilon is not paying attention. I explain the basic timeline in Post #32 using the 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic as a reference, which shows the three mortality waves:


The 45-day climbing mortality period begins at the end of July (7/21/2009) and runs through October where most of the victims are killed. Therefore, we should not expect to see escalating deaths in the emergency rooms until the end of July or the beginning of August. We are not seeing an initial mortality wave spike, because the inside-job bad guys deliberately engineered a parent 'carrier' virus that kills weaker victims with immune deficiencies very much on accident. The virus is spreading throughout the human and animal population in search of the perfect genetic host, so the recombination process creates a super virus that is designed to reduce the world population to under 500 million souls; but all of that has been covered too many times already.

Remember again that my estimates are based upon the timelines of known virus' and this strain was created in a military bio-lab. So my times may be off one way or the other, depending upon the wishes of the inside-job bad guys bringing in their New World Order . . .


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Well, you see Terral, the thing about the graph is that that little spike at the beginning (the 'First Wave') peaks at around 5 deaths per 1000... and that's clearly not occurring... not even 1 per 1000, not even 0.0001 per 1000... We've got like 40 worldwide confirmed deaths with this thing and it's already going down. So, I mean, even with a 9-fold spike in July, I don't think they've got the numbers to declare martial law. Back to the drawing board for them!

In any case, alright, sure, that's fair, 45 days it is. We HAVE to keep this thread going until then, just to see hilarity ensue.

(And I say that because, in the unlikely event that you're right, we're probably not gonna be here for you to tell us you told us so... so it's win/win for us*, woohoo)

*other than the fact we might be dead.
Hi Epsilon:

Well, you see Terral, the thing about the graph is that that little spike at the beginning (the 'First Wave') peaks at around 5 deaths per 1000... and that's clearly not occurring... not even 1 per 1000, not even 0.0001 per 1000...

Far more people had immune deficiency problems in 1918 than today, so more people died during the first mortality wave. This current Swine/Avian/Human Hybrid Bio-Weapon Virus was deliberately manufactured to create 'carriers' that show no symptoms, so we have practically no first mortality wave at all.

We've got like 40 worldwide confirmed deaths with this thing and it's already going down. So, I mean, even with a 9-fold spike in July, I don't think they've got the numbers to declare martial law. Back to the drawing board for them!

No! This current Swine/Avian/Human Hybrid Man-made Virus has yet to mutate! We must wait for the transmission/gestation/mutation process to run its course, before we even know if these new strains are deadly or docile. The worst-case scenario is that the New World Order cronies have injected a deadly bio-weapon into the global population. The best-case scenario is that nothing develops and the world got lucky. We will know much more when this current strain mutates . . .

In any case, alright, sure, that's fair, 45 days it is. We HAVE to keep this thread going until then, just to see hilarity ensue.

The public is being lulled to sleep by the media placing this Bio-weapon virus topic on the back burner. The killer strains will emerge and do the most damage early on in the hospitals among the caregivers in the emergency rooms. We do not know if these killer strain events will take place in Mexico, the USA, China or somewhere in Africa, so keep your eyes peeled for signs of the beginning of the 'Second Mortality Wave.' That will be your signal to head for the cotton-picking hills, because NATO forces will create perimeters around the large metropolitan areas in attempt to limit the spread of the disease into the countryside.

(And I say that because, in the unlikely event that you're right, we're probably not gonna be here for you to tell us you told us so... so it's win/win for us*, woohoo)

*other than the fact we might be dead.

Well, somebody created this Swine/Avian/Human Hybrid Virus in a military laboratory for some reason 'and' we should realize that reason is not good for regular folk standing in the way of the New World Order. Hopefully my worst-case scenario is wrong, but we are still far better to prepare for the worst while hoping for the best. Doing something to prepare ourselves is far better than being caught unprepared and perishing . . .


Hi again Epsilon:

Let me try to answer your post in a different way:

Well, you see Terral, the thing about the graph is that that little spike at the beginning (the 'First Wave') peaks at around 5 deaths per 1000... and that's clearly not occurring... not even 1 per 1000, not even 0.0001 per 1000...

This Swine/Avian/Human Hybrid Flu was created in a laboratory:


The scientists who specialize is this field know for a fact that something is going on here, but we are still too early in the game to know how the virus will mutate.


Components of the H5N1 Avian Virus 'and' H3N2 Swine Virus have been deliberately spliced together and combined with two Human strains in order to create a super strain that can kill hundreds of millions or billions of people. The scientist explains that the virus is searching through the human host landscape for the right candidate where 'both' the Swine and Avian strains become concurrent and recombine into a super infection.

We've got like 40 worldwide confirmed deaths with this thing and it's already going down. So, I mean, even with a 9-fold spike in July, I don't think they've got the numbers to declare martial law. Back to the drawing board for them!


We are looking at a combination of five different flu strains including one Avian (bird) strain, two Swine strains (Asian and European) and two Human strains (Type A + B). The primary problem for the masses is that we remain in the ‘too early to tell’ position of waiting and waiting through this transmission/gestation/mutation process, until it is too late!


This virus is currently searching through all available human/animal hosts for the ‘monkey’ in this “Outbreak” movie with the right DNA sequence to create the super-strain.


However, this could still be a New World Order Beta Test for Genocide later down the road.


The CDC had to be involved in the creation and spread of this manmade ‘bio-similar’ virus!

In any case, alright, sure, that's fair, 45 days it is. We HAVE to keep this thread going until then, just to see hilarity ensue.

All of this being said, many people have reasons to believe this current outbreak is merely a Beta Test:



Ron Paul reminds us that this kind of thing happened back in 1976 and that the vaccine became the problem.

(And I say that because, in the unlikely event that you're right, we're probably not gonna be here for you to tell us you told us so... so it's win/win for us*, woohoo)

*other than the fact we might be dead.

I am right that this virus was created in a military lab, but whether or not this is a Beta Test for a second attack cannot yet be known. If we do not see the ‘Second Wave Mortality’ spike in late July or early August, then chances are that we are looking at a Baxter/CDC-originated Beta Test representing a larger conspiracy.


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Greetings to All:

This story was just released from Mexico:

Top flu expert warns of a swine flu-bird flu mix

By MARGIE MASON – 3 hours ago

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Bird flu kills more than 60 percent of its human victims, but doesn't easily pass from person to person. Swine flu can be spread with a sneeze or handshake, but kills only a small fraction of the people it infects.

So what happens if they mix?

This is the scenario that has some scientists worried: The two viruses meet — possibly in Asia, where bird flu is endemic — and combine into a new bug that is both highly contagious and lethal and can spread around the world.

Scientists are unsure how likely this possibility is, but note that the new swine flu strain — a never-before-seen mixture of pig, human and bird viruses — has shown itself to be especially adept at snatching evolutionarily advantageous genetic material from other flu viruses.

"This particular virus seems to have this unique ability to pick up other genes," said leading virologist Dr. Robert Webster, whose team discovered an ancestor of the current flu virus at a North Carolina pig farm in 1998.

The current swine flu strain — known as H1N1 — has sickened more than 2,300 people in 24 countries. While people can catch bird flu from birds, the bird flu virus — H5N1 — does not easily jump from person to person. It has killed at least 258 people worldwide since it began to ravage poultry stocks in Asia in late 2003.

The World Health Organization reported two new human cases of bird flu on Wednesday. One patient is recovering in Egypt, while another died in Vietnam — a reminder that the H5N1 virus is far from gone (continued).
As already presented above, the world remains in a 'Wait And See' Mode while this manmade-in-a-military-laboratory virus (Wayne Madsen) continues to search for the perfect human/animal host. The speculation is that the USA will enter a 'lull' period, but that the Swine/Avian/Human Hybrid Virus will mutate and return this fall even stronger (story).


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