Mexican Swine Flu Could Be The Expected 9/11-like “Event”

Hi UknowMe:

Thanks to UknowMe for posting updates on the H1N1 Bio-Weapon Virus that is gaining more attention in the media with information ‘and’ an injection of New World Order Counterintelligence Disinformation. In this post, I will quote from UnknowMe’s story and point out what is going on from an informed perspective. A good update video comes from Dr. Deagle here:

[ame=""]STOPPING Mandatory H1N1 Mandatory Vaccines Fall 2009 Part 1[/ame]

Yahoo Story

ATLANTA – In a disturbing new projection, health officials say up to 40 percent of Americans could get swine flu this year and next and several hundred thousand could die without a successful vaccine campaign and other measures.
If several hundred thousand people are likely to die from this 911-like Bio-Weapon Attack, then somebody explain why the CDC and the Department of Homeland Insecurity are doing nothing to limit the spread of the contagion? These health officials are upping their estimates about the spread and mortality rates for this Bio-Weapon Attack, because this Lab-Created Virus is going to mutate and begin killing people by the millions and millions ‘and’ these yo-yo’s are covering their inside-job asses for when the Second and subsequent Killer Waves begin. This topic sentence includes the ‘vaccine campaign and other measures’ components, because Medical Martial Law is in the mix and the New World Order “Genocidal Plan” includes injecting you with the Recombinant Bio-similar DNA material that assists the Bio-Weapon Virus in the Transmission/Gestation/Mutation Process. If you have not listened to the warnings of Dr. Len Horowitz, then watch his 10-minute video now:

[ame=""]Dr. Len Horowitz Bio-Weapon Virus Warnings![/ame]

The estimates by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are roughly twice the number of those who catch flu in a normal season and add greater weight to hurried efforts to get a new vaccine ready for the fall flu season.
No! This Bio-Weapon Virus is spreading six times faster than any influenza virus in the history of this world, but we are looking at a ‘Carrier Strain’ part of a ‘Herald Wave’ (definition) that has been deliberately hatched in Novavax/Baxter/CDC Laboratories (this video can save your life = Dr.

Swine flu has already hit the United States harder than any other nation, but it has struck something of a glancing blow that's more surprising than devastating. The virus has killed about 300 Americans and experts believe it has sickened more than 1 million, comparable to a seasonal flu with the weird ability to keep spreading in the summer.
Wake up and realize that this “Carrier Strain” was deliberately created to spread within the Global Population and create ‘carriers’ that show mild symptoms or NO symptoms at all! The people showing symptoms are the ‘exception’ and NOT THE RULE, which means we need to use a ‘multiplier’ for determining the real number of infected hosts. Millions and millions and millions of Americans have contracted this H1N1/H5N1 Carrier Virus Strain, but have no idea that they are shedding and spreading the Biological Weapon to others! The Bio-Weapon Virus is spreading and reaching a specified ‘saturation point,’ until the Bio-Terrorists themselves begin injecting Recombinant Strains into the Global Population that assists the Bio-Weapon in the Gestation/Mutation Process; until the Killer/Super Strains emerge ‘on schedule’ later in the fall. Meanwhile, the New World Order Puppets inside our U.S. Government are working to legislate your participation in their Genocidal “Plan,” by generating the laws to force Mandatory Inoculations when Medical Martial Law becomes the New World Order Reality.

Health officials say flu cases may explode in the fall, when schools open and become germ factories, and the new estimates dramatize the need to have vaccines and other measures in place.
The Bio-Terrorists are using the Media to scare you into taking their Bio-Weapon Catalyst that will give the Lab-Created H1N1/H5N1 Virus the needed DNA material to accelerate the Transmission/Gestation/Mutation Process. These Bio-Terrorists will use the Novavax/Baxter/CDC-created Vaccines to maintain their Genocidal Timeline that will eventually murder a majority of the Global Population down to under 500 Million people (Georgia Guidestones). The USA has been deliberately targeted for Genocide by the weakening of population immune systems through massive Barium Chemtrail Immunosuppression Campaigns ( That is the reason the USA has more H1N1 deaths than other population groups.

A world health official said the first vaccines are expected in September and October. The United States expects to begin testing on some volunteers in August, with 160 million doses ready in October.
Bullony! The Bio-Weapon Virus has YET TO MUTATE, and any Baxter/CDC-created Vaccine will only protect against this Carrier Strain, even if the intention was to protect U.S. Citizens (which it is NOT).

The CDC came up with the new projections for the virus' spread last month, but it was first disclosed in an interview this week with The Associated Press.

The estimates are based on a flu pandemic from 1957, which killed nearly 70,000 in the United States but was not as severe as the infamous Spanish flu pandemic of 1918-19. The number of deaths and illnesses from the new swine flu virus would drop if the pandemic peters out or if efforts to slow its spread are successful, said CDC spokesman Tom Skinner.
The CDC is doing NOTHING to stop the spread of this Bio-Weapon Carrier Virus during the Herald Wave Gestation/Mutation Phase, because the intention is to allow a specified saturation rate to be achieved. The subsequent vaccination phase of the Genocidal Operation will provide the Recombinant DNA Material that the Bio-Weapon needs to complete the Mutation Process.

"Hopefully, mitigation efforts will have a big impact on future cases," he said. Besides pushing flu shots, health officials might urge measures such as avoiding crowded places, handwashing, cough covering and timely use of medicines like Tamiflu.
In other words, We The Sheeple are idiots (proof is here) and your New World Order Elites will advise you to wash your hands and cover your mouth and order you to take their Bio-Weapon Vaccines . . .

Because so many more people are expected to catch the new flu, the number of deaths over two years could range from 90,000 to several hundred thousand, the CDC calculated. Again, that is if a new vaccine and other efforts fail.
Bullony! The mortality rate will go through the roof ‘because’ so many people will take their vaccines!

In a normal flu season, about 36,000 people die from flu and its complications, according to the American Medical Association. That too is an estimate, because death certificates don't typically list flu as a cause of death. Instead, they attribute a fatality to pneumonia or other complications.

Influenza is notoriously hard to predict, and some experts have shied away from a forecast. At a CDC swine flu briefing Friday, one official declined to answer repeated questions about her agency's own estimate.

"I don't think that influenza and its behavior in the population lends itself very well to these kinds of models," said the official, Dr. Anne Schuchat, who oversees the CDC's flu vaccination programs.
These experts ‘know’ for a fact that this Bio-Weapon is LAB-CREATED and that typical influenza models simply WILL NOT WORK. This virus can mutate into a Genocidal MONSTER and these people do NOT want to go onto the record making these kinds of predictions . . .

The World Health Organization says as many as 2 billion people could become infected in the next two years — nearly a third of the world population. The estimates look at potential impacts in a two-year period because past flu pandemics have occurred in waves over more than one year.
In other words, the DNA material in this H1N1/H5N1 Bio-Weapon Virus is becoming part of the Global Population Landscape in human beings ‘and’ land animals ‘and’ bird populations where new strains will spring up over the span of years and years.

Swine flu has been an escalating concern in Britain and some other European nations, where the virus' late arrival has grabbed attention and some officials at times have sounded alarmed.

In an interview Friday, the WHO's flu chief told the AP the global epidemic is still in its early stages.
"Even if we have hundreds of thousands of cases or a few millions of cases ... we're relatively early in the pandemic," Keiji Fukuda said at WHO headquarters in Geneva.
The WHO flu chief is telling ‘the truth’ here that we are still very much in the early stages of this 911-like Bio-Terror Attack.

The first vaccines are expected in September and October, Fukuda said. Other vaccines won't be ready until well into the flu season when a further dramatic rise in swine flu cases is expected.
The ‘dramatic rise in flu cases’ will be brought on by the Carrier Virus reaching the anticipated saturation point in the local populations ‘and’ the injection of the Baxter/CDC-created Vaccines themselves.

First identified in April, swine flu has likely infected more than 1 million Americans, the CDC believes, with many of those suffering mild cases never reported. There have been 302 deaths and nearly 44,000 laboratory-identified cases, according to numbers released Friday morning.
Any ‘infection’ numbers from the CDC are always on the ‘low’ end of the spectrum, because your Bio-Terror Exterminators do not want to cause mass hysteria at this point in their Genocidal Operation (that will come later).

Because the swine flu virus is new, most people haven't developed an immunity to it. So far, most of those who have died from it in the United States have had other health problems, such as asthma.
Anyone dying from infection by this H1N1/H5N1 Carrier Strain is the ‘exception’ and not the rule. Your Bio-Terrorists want this Bio-Weapon to spread in hosts that show no symptoms, but a very small percentage of the population has no immune system at all; because of preexisting conditions, which means they die to become exceptions to the ‘carrier’ rule.

The virus has caused an unusual number of serious illnesses in teens and young adults; seasonal flu usually is toughest on the elderly and very young children.
Again, the Bio-Terrorists developed a ‘carrier strain’ in their Laboratory where children and young adults are the intended victims, because they carry and transmit the virus in schools through personal contact. Then the Biological Weapon is carried home to mommy and daddy who go to work and ensure that everyone gets infected at some point down the line. The next phase will include mandatory vaccinations for your children at school, so the children can bring the recombinant DNA material home for betraying you with a kiss . . .


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H1N1 flu spreads to remote corners of the world: WHO - Yahoo! News

There may be no escape from H1N1 pandemic flu, which according to the latest World Health Organization figures has spread to the most remote parts of the planet including popular island getaways.

In a snapshot published on Monday, the WHO said more than 20 countries and overseas territories had had their first lab-confirmed cases of the new virus, widely known as swine flu.

These include holiday destinations such as the Seychelles, Turks and Caicos, St. Kitts and Nevis, Netherlands Antilles, Belize and France's Reunion Island, as well as isolated spots such as Tonga and American Samoa in the Pacific and the Solomon Islands in the Indian Ocean.

H1N1 flu, which is a genetic mix of human, bird and swine viruses, has also found its way to Bhutan in the Himalayas and Andorra, an independent state tucked between Spain and France. Conflict-ridden Afghanistan and Sudan have also had their first confirmed infections in recent days.

You see the headlines leading up to something? Is this your warnings these outbreaks are they what terral is talking about. We just have the problem of taking someone's word over another right now it seems. Just as you don't expect the president to lie to you, you don't expect a person to lie about life and death, do you?

You decide.
Greetings to All:

Some of you may realize that many of my topics are beginning to run together, as with the Govt Preparing Mass Graves (my Topic), Martial Law (my Topic) for Swine Flu Pandemic (this Topic).

Prison Story

Government Preparing Mass Graves, Martial Law For Swine Flu Pandemic

Kurt Nimmo
July 27, 2009

On March 25, Shepard Ambellas, reporting for Infowars, documented preparation of mass graves at the Department of Veterans Affairs Cemetery in Phoenix, Arizona.

A UK Home Office cabinet committee brought up the specter of the Great Plague and burial pits used during the seventeenth century.

Ambellas’s story followed a harrowing report by D. H. Williams of the Daily Newscaster in February. Williams reported on revelations of an Indiana county municipal official in the vicinity of Chicago who detailed FEMA and DHS discussions with county officials about the prospect of mass graves and a mass vaccination program.

On March 28, we reported on a large expansion of graves at the Houston National Cemetery in Texas.

Aaron Dykes, reporting for The Jones Report on April 3, detailed how the State of New York Division of Cemeteries sent out “Mass Fatality forms” to cemeteries in that state to collect data about their ability to deal with the high volume of casualties that would occur if their were a flu pandemic or other disaster. “Should a prolonged mass fatality disaster or pandemic flu occur in your community would your cemetery be able to provide temporary or permanent internment space for a significant number of disaster or flu deaths in additional to your current burial services?” the form stated.

In response to the mass grave stories posted on the Infowars and Prison Planet websites, Larry Scott, a self-described Veterans Administration critic, went on the Thom Hart radio program in late March and characterized the stories as “rumor-mongering.” According to Scott, the expansion of graves around in Phoenix was part of a standard upgrade intended to accommodate a record number of veteran deaths. Larry Scott put the number at an astounding 700,000 per year. Other critics have also characterized the stories as preposterous. (Continued)


Hate to say this ... aw hell, who am I kidding, I love saying this on here:

Told ya so!

it is getting worse now here in europe. and worse. number-wise. in the US probably, too. just the severity of the flu was misoverestimated, so far. it just takes one mutation. i heard the spanish flu started with a milder variant, too. the run on the vaccine hasn't even begun. there will be chaos in fall. be afraid.
Hate to say this ... aw hell, who am I kidding, I love saying this on here:

Told ya so!

it is getting worse now here in europe. and worse. number-wise. in the US probably, too. just the severity of the flu was misoverestimated, so far. it just takes one mutation. i heard the spanish flu started with a milder variant, too. the run on the vaccine hasn't even begun. there will be chaos in fall. be afraid.

Are you clueless or do you just not think about such things?

Here's a hint: When did we travel back in time?
Hate to say this ... aw hell, who am I kidding, I love saying this on here:

Told ya so!

it is getting worse now here in europe. and worse. number-wise. in the US probably, too. just the severity of the flu was misoverestimated, so far. it just takes one mutation. i heard the spanish flu started with a milder variant, too. the run on the vaccine hasn't even begun. there will be chaos in fall. be afraid.

Are you clueless or do you just not think about such things?

Here's a hint: When did we travel back in time?

is this a new random bullshit text block, or did you install the brand new version?
I do have to say though, the video showing all of those black containers that may or may not be coffins was pretty strange.

Why would the government need all of those?
I do have to say though, the video showing all of those black containers that may or may not be coffins was pretty strange.

Why would the government need all of those?
they dont use them anyway
they use body bags
also, look at the size of those containers
you could fit more than one body in each
those things are HUGE
I do have to say though, the video showing all of those black containers that may or may not be coffins was pretty strange.

Why would the government need all of those?
they dont use them anyway
they use body bags
also, look at the size of those containers
you could fit more than one body in each
those things are HUGE

I'm not concerned how many people can fit into them, I'm concerned that they would feel a need to own hundreds of thousands of them that are being stored at multiple locations, on some random hick's private property no less.

I realize they don't use them, as there's no reason to at this point. But feeling a need to own that many is at least questionable. They must feel like at some point, they may need them.

For what?
I do have to say though, the video showing all of those black containers that may or may not be coffins was pretty strange.

Why would the government need all of those?
they dont use them anyway
they use body bags
also, look at the size of those containers
you could fit more than one body in each
those things are HUGE

I'm not concerned how many people can fit into them, I'm concerned that they would feel a need to own hundreds of thousands of them that are being stored at multiple locations, on some random hick's private property no less.

I realize they don't use them, as there's no reason to at this point. But feeling a need to own that many is at least questionable. They must feel like at some point, they may need them.

For what?
did you see any indication that they were owned by ANYONE in those flicks?
they NEVER show you the building in the background either
they leave out so much info that its pretty clear to me they are not telling the truth
they dont use them anyway
they use body bags
also, look at the size of those containers
you could fit more than one body in each
those things are HUGE

I'm not concerned how many people can fit into them, I'm concerned that they would feel a need to own hundreds of thousands of them that are being stored at multiple locations, on some random hick's private property no less.

I realize they don't use them, as there's no reason to at this point. But feeling a need to own that many is at least questionable. They must feel like at some point, they may need them.

For what?
did you see any indication that they were owned by ANYONE in those flicks?
they NEVER show you the building in the background either
they leave out so much info that its pretty clear to me they are not telling the truth

I suppose you're right. I shouldn't be satisfied with some random person merely SAYING they're owned by the government.

It's still weird though. But they could literally be used for thousands of different reasons that have nothing to do with dead human beings.
I'm not concerned how many people can fit into them, I'm concerned that they would feel a need to own hundreds of thousands of them that are being stored at multiple locations, on some random hick's private property no less.

I realize they don't use them, as there's no reason to at this point. But feeling a need to own that many is at least questionable. They must feel like at some point, they may need them.

For what?
did you see any indication that they were owned by ANYONE in those flicks?
they NEVER show you the building in the background either
they leave out so much info that its pretty clear to me they are not telling the truth

I suppose you're right. I shouldn't be satisfied with some random person merely SAYING they're owned by the government.

It's still weird though. But they could literally be used for thousands of different reasons that have nothing to do with dead human beings.
now apply a liberal dose of Occam's Razor

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