Mexican Swine Flu Could Be The Expected 9/11-like “Event”

Hi Toro:

El Toro never tires of stopping by to deposit his foul stench.

Hey Terral

Could you please write everything again? We've all forgotten what is about to happen.

Your New World Order Assassins have convened in Bethesda, Maryland to introduce their "Plans" for guaranteeing that their Lab-created Recombinant Catalyst is injected into your arm one way or another. Story

H1N1 Flu Preparedness Summit Held Today in Bethesda, Maryland

July 9, 2009

On July 2, Obama’s Office of the Press Secretary posted a press release on the White House website. It announced “an all-day H1N1 Flu Preparedness Summit… to further prepare this nation for the possibility of a more severe outbreak of H1N1 flu.” The announced summit is to be held today at the Natcher Conference Center at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, Education Secretary Arne Duncan, and Homeland Security Advisor John Brennan are hosting the summit.

“Scientists and public health experts forecast that the impact of H1N1 may well worsen in the fall – when the regular flu season hits, or even earlier, when schools start to open – which is only five or six weeks away in some cases,” Sebelius is quoted in the press release. “The goal of the Summit is to launch a national influenza campaign by bringing federal, state and local officials, emergency managers, educators "and others" (i.e. over 1 million Foreign Troops = Posts #133 and #134) together with the nation’s public health experts to build on and tailor states’ existing pandemic plans, share lessons learned and best practices during the spring and summer H1N1 wave, and discuss preparedness priorities.”

DHS’ Napolitano said the “federal government remains vigilant and well coordinated with state, local, and international partners as we prepare for all possibilities as to how the H1N1 flu virus may impact us this fall.”

In other words, rest assured, an engineered pandemic is on for this fall.

Is it possible HHS, DHS, and other agencies are not only discussing plans for martial law lock-down — politely called quarantine — in Bethesda, but also the logistics of a mandatory vaccination program?

The CDC is already working with state governments and health agencies on how best to administer a toxic vaccine through clinics. The CDC estimates that at least 50 million vaccine doses will be available in the U.S. by October 15 and enough experimental and untested vaccine to “immunize” (that is, comprise immune systems) everyone in the country will be available later in the season. (Continued)
This meeting is all about the New World Order Shark repositioning the intended victim (We The Sheeple) inside those Great Jaws for the 'big bite' that is coming between July 21, 2009 and some point this fall (October = Obama's warning + ABC News Report), when this current strain is expected to mutate into a Genocidal Monster. The exact moment of this 9/11-like attack is difficult to pin down, because the Inside-Job Bad Guys have control over 'when' their own Bio-Weapon Vaccine is delivered during this Level 6 Pandemic that will lead the USA under Martial Law (my Topic).

Remember that some sources say the Baxter-created Vaccines will "be ready in early July" (story), and we are already standing in early July right now. I would be very surprised of these Genocidal Monsters missed out on their opportunity to use more than 1 Million Foreign Troops (FEMA Bio-Terror Exercises = July 27, 2009), when the only missing component is the mutation of the current Lab-created Bio-Weapon Virus 'and' these same bad guys have 'control' over 'when' the activating catalyst is released (prisoners are being quarantined now = story).

Whether the killer strains raise their ugly heads in July, or sometime in October, then wisdom says to have your Survival Contingency Plans (my Topic) in place for when the crap hits the fan and panic is transformed into pandemonium and utter chaos (and this is everywhere) . . .


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Hey Terral
Could you please write everything again? We've all forgotten what is about to happen.
Whether the killer strains raise their ugly heads in July, or sometime in October, then wisdom says to have your Survival Contingency Plans (my Topic) in place for when the crap hits the fan and panic is transformed into pandemonium and utter chaos (and this is everywhere) . . .
Dogs and Cats living together! MASS HYSTERIA!!!!OH NOES!111111!!!!

I see you've backed off your initial time frame claim just as I've predicted.
Hi Mad:

I see you've backed off your initial time frame claim just as I've predicted.

I have not backed off on anything. The 1918 Spanish Flu "Three Wave" Model (diagram) says this Bio-Weapon Virus will mutate and begin the 'Second Wave' (Post #32) on July 21, 2009. That prediction was made on 4-29-2009 and nothing has changed. I will will be more than happy to be dead wrong about that prediction, if and when that day passes without any mutation-related event.

However (that being said), the Virus can very well follow the precise Timeline on a 'monthly/seasonal' basis and begin the Second Wave around October 1, 2009 rather than follow the 'daily' time frame like we see in the prediction above. In other words, the Virus itself (or the Inside-Job bad guys) can decide to release the 'killer/super strains,' when the Global Population is most susceptible and that 'time' would be sometime this fall.

Of course, I would be very happy if the Bio-Weapon Virus never mutates and the 'Second Wave' never begins, but do you really feel that lucky? Punk?

[ame=""]Anglo-American Genocide Part 1[/ame]

[ame=]Anglo-American Genocide Part 2[/ame]


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16 more days until the million foreign troops begin war on American soil!
Greetings to All:

Some of you might find it interesting that the World Health Organization plans to stop tracking Swine Flu Cases.

[ame=""]Do NOT Take Swine Flu Virus! Part 1/6[/ame]

Are you guys ready for this? Senate Bill 969 - The Attacking Viral Influenza Across Nations Act of 2005 (link) was introduced by none other than Jr. Senator Barack Obama.

The current hot spot to watch is Manitoba, Canada (story).

Bill Gates, Rockefeller, Eugenics And Planned Global Genocide (link).

Obama's Science Czar's Plans For Mass Genocide (story).

Obama Administration Ignores appeals from Public Health Depts, As Flu Pandemic Spreads (story).

Health Care Bill Will Fund Sate Vaccine Teams to Conduct "Interventions" in Private Homes (story).

[ame=""]States Like Mass. Are Already Prepared[/ame]

New World Order Cronies are working inside Federal and State Governments to force vaccinations and quarantines on U.S. Citizens.

[ame=""]Mandatory Swine Flu Vaccinations & More! Part 1[/ame]

Whatever happens, DO NOT take the vaccine! My time for sending out warnings is coming to an end, so make your contingency plans or go back to sleep . . .


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Swine Flu Update:

Today marks the July 21, 2009 Virus Mutation day predicted by using the 1918 Spanish Flu Model (pic) as an overlay from Post #32 of this thread. In other words, when we transcribe the April 23, 2009 ‘starting day’ over the June 29, 1918 beginning of the “First Wave” on the Spanish Flu Timeline, then July 21, 2009 begins the start of the “Second Wave.” Therefore, July 21, 2009 marks the earliest time that the Bio-Weapon Virus can be expected to mutate and begin killing people by the millions, IF the current strain follows the course of the 1918 Spanish Flu on a ‘daily basis.’

Nobody should suspect that we are out of the woods simply because the Virus is remaining in transmission/gestation/mutation mode through July 21, 2009 and even through the entire summer, because several models are running and many of those point directly to a Virus Mutation following the ‘monthly’ pattern of the 1918 Spanish Flu; predicting killer strains around October 1, 2009. That means this Bio-Weapon Virus will likely mutate and begin the Second Wave Killing Spree in the fall of 2009, when the Global Population in the Northern Hemisphere is most susceptible to a Genocidal Influenza Attack. This scenario spells even more DOOM for the Global Population, because the Virus has all of August and all of September to accumulate optimum recombinant DNA material for an increasing number of killer/super strains for becoming a superior New World Order Genocidal Monster.

The Bio Terrorists themselves (working for the House of Rothschild Cronies) have the Bio-Weapon Catalyst in their possession ‘and’ the devil is in their Baxter/CDC-created Bio-Weapon Vaccines! Therefore, the same people who murdered JFK, and the same people who planned the 9/11 attacks, and the same people who are orchestrating the current U.S./Global Economic Implosion/Meltdown, are in control of the Bio-Weapon Catalyst that will ultimately begin the “Second Pandemic Wave” that will kill off a vast majority of the Global Population having ‘no’ immunity at all to their Bio-Weapon Virus.

[ame=""]Medical Martial Law IS COMING[/ame]

The Influenza Vaccines themselves are Biological Weapons, which allows the Bio-Terrorists to control the transmission/gestation/mutation process and ultimately create their own Bio-Weapon Virus Timeline. The risk does NOT originate with this current Swine/Avian/Human Hybrid Parent Virus, but comes from the Recombinant Killer/Super Strains for which there will be NO immunity and NO vaccine. Period. We have many lines of New World Order activity (like Financial Collapse + World War Threats) converging between July 27, 2009 (FEMA Bio-Terror Wargames = my Topic) and this fall (Health Officials make 'fall' predictions = story) when this Bio-Weapon Virus is expected to mutate.

[ame=""]Obama Can Lock Up Any US Citizen Without A Trial[/ame]

Obama’s approval rating is sinking and his ability to push New World Order Legislation (Obamacare, Cap and Tax, feeding the Stimulus/Bailout Bubble, Etc.) through our corrupt Congress is shrinking with every passing day. The evidence says that the New World Order Elites are running out of time and becoming desperate and 2009 is the time to move their chess pieces into position for their . . .

[ame=""]. . . Endgame . . .[/ame]

The Second Higher Pathogenic Pandemic Wave IS COMING and your New World Order Destroyers are controlling all of the variables. Things are NOT as they appear and New World Order LIES are everywhere and the Sheeple are being herded together for Genocidal Destruction right before our very eyes.

A Virus Mutation time in the fall means you have more time to develop Survival Contingency Plans (my Topic) and my hands are clean, because everyone here has been warned repeatedly . . .


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Hi Mad:

So you've changed your end of times prediction to October now. Got it.

No. There is no ‘end of times’ prediction made anywhere on this thread! The 1000 Year Day of the Lord (in blue) . . .


. . . is just now about to ‘begin,’ which means the world is at least 1000 years from the END of the Age events described in Matthew 24. Everyone trying to connect these current events to the END of the Age (far right) are ‘off’ by about 1000 years. Secondly, I am changing nothing about my predictions for the Bio-Weapon Virus, which you can verify by returning to Post #32 where we find:

The first wave takes place over a one-month period, which represents the time from 4/20/2009 to about 5/18/2009, 'if*' these two viral infections follow the same infection/transmission/gestation/mortality pattern.

As already explained in my Update Post above, July 21, 2009 marks the ‘earliest time’ that the Bio-Weapon Virus can be expected to mutate and begin the Second Wave Pandemic Killing Spree “IF*” the Virus mutates according to the 1918 Spanish Flu Timeline Model. BTW, a "Swine Flu Mutation Found IN Brazil" (story + related Reuters/ABCNews story), so the original 1918 Spanish Flu Timeline Model might be working . . .

Suppose you are among the New World Order Bio-Weapon Architects of this Genocidal Monster. Would you rather the Lab-Created Virus mutate to begin the ‘Second Wave Killing Spree’ in the middle of summer, OR around October 1, 2009 when the Global Population is more susceptible to a Bio-Terror Attack? Those of you who have not seen the “Do Not Take The Swine Flu Virus!” series might want to educate yourself right now:

[ame=""]Do NOT Take The Swine Flu Virus! 1/6[/ame]

Again, the Second Pandemic Wave IS COMING, whether the Bio-Weapon Catalyst is injected into the Global Population in the fall, or winter, or sometime next year. The Bio-Terrorists themselves are calling the shots and We The Stupid Sheeple are the primary targets. The crap will hit the fan when you see hospital caregivers dying in great numbers and quarantine perimeters are suddenly set up around the large metropolitan areas. You must head for the hills ‘before’ Foreign Troops set up their roadblocks and checkpoints and quarantine perimeters around your metro area, or you will be doomed to death in their Roach Motel where people can get in, but NOBODY gets out.

Should the Bio-Weapon Virus mutate and begin the Second Pandemic Wave on October 1, 2009, then you should expect the death and mayhem to continue to the beginning of 2010 (from the 1918 Timeline). However, you are not out of the woods yet, because the Third Pandemic Wave will kick off around February 8, 2009 to end sometime in early May of 2010; again 'IF' this Bio-Weapon Virus follows the 1918 Spanish Flu Timeline Model. A fall start for the Second Wave means you need increased Survival Food Stocks for the winter, until a harvest window can be reached sometime in the spring; which depends on your location within the USA. Also, this Bio-Weapon can recombine with the original H1N1 Host/Carrier Virus and generate many killer strains that create many subsequent Killer Waves that extend the Three Wave Pandemic Timeline into many subsequent Killer Waves. In other words, all of the regular models go right out the window when dealing with a Lab-Created Bio-Weapon where the Bio-Terrorists themselves are controlling the variables and their ultimate goal is Global Genocide . . .

[ame=""]New World Order Depopulation Weapons[/ame]


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Greetings to All:

Dr. Bill Deagle is working with the Project Camelot people (link) to get the message out about the dangers involved with the Baxter/CDC-created Vaccines and how the virus itself is spreading and mutating. The sound appears to be bad quality, but the information is very important for anybody keeping track of events related to this Bio-Weapon Virus Outbreak.

[ame=""]Bill Deagle - July 18th 2009 Project Camelot 1/5[/ame]

This Bio-Weapon Virus is spreading six times faster than any influenza virus in the history of this planet. The Virus has mutated down in the Chiapas regions of Mexico (story) in line with my July 21, 2009 predictions, but this particular strain will mutate further to become even more virulent in the fall. A Super Recombinant Strain of the Virus has emerged in Saskatchewan that is being classified as a “Novel Non-Pandemic Influenza Virus” (story) that is actually a mutated version of this H1N1/H5N1 (Avian) Bio-Weapon Virus pointing to terrible things on the horizon later this fall.

Plans ‘are’ in the works to send anyone to the FEMA Death/Concentration Camps (my Martial Law Topic) for refusing to take the Bio-Weapon Vaccine (story), which is the primary reason that you should be making contingency plans to head for the hills (my Survival Topic)! No Vaccine can be created during these time frames to protect you against this Lab-Created Bio-Weapon ‘and’ anything these New World Order Cronies pump into your body will be a catalyst for activating the Genocidal Monster itself. Whatever happens, DO NOT take the Influenza Vaccines! That goes for the supposed H1N1 Bio-Weapon Virus ‘and’ the regular Flu Vaccine that will likely serve the same New World Order purposes.


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It all make perfect sense now. Thanks.

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So Terral

How are you spending the last week of freedom? Are you going to go out and party, maybe get laid, or are you going to be working diligently filling your bunker with canned goods and Tamiflu shots?
So Terral

How are you spending the last week of freedom? Are you going to go out and party, maybe get laid, or are you going to be working diligently filling your bunker with canned goods and Tamiflu shots?
yeah only 3 more days, right?
So Terral

How are you spending the last week of freedom? Are you going to go out and party, maybe get laid, or are you going to be working diligently filling your bunker with canned goods and Tamiflu shots?
yeah only 3 more days, right?

Wait I thought the end of the world wouldn't come until Dec. 21, 2012.
So Terral

How are you spending the last week of freedom? Are you going to go out and party, maybe get laid, or are you going to be working diligently filling your bunker with canned goods and Tamiflu shots?
yeah only 3 more days, right?

Wait I thought the end of the world wouldn't come until Dec. 21, 2012.
thats the end of the world
this is about the end of freedom in the USA
It's sort of confusing but a million foreign troops begin exercises on US soil on Monday. Plus some sort of bio-war terror thing is supposed to happen then too.
Hi Toro:

How are you spending the last week of freedom? Are you going to go out and party, maybe get laid, or are you going to be working diligently filling your bunker with canned goods and Tamiflu shots?

July 27, 2009 marks the time that the FEMA Bio-Terror Exercises using more than a million Foreign Troops begins (my Topic), which can represent the time when the New World Order "Plan" goes into 'hot mode,' OR simply a desensitizing exercise that prepares We The Sheeple for something bigger down the road. Congress had their "Secret Meeting" (link) detailing how the USA will be brought under Martial Law on March 13, 2008 of last year, but you guys likely have no clue as to what I am even talking about. Henry Kissinger told President Medvedev that "By September We'll Have CONFISCATED ALL PRIVATELY OWNED GUNS" (story) in the USA and you can bet that promise will be kept using more than a million Foreign Troops already in position right here on US soil.

If Toro had one brain in his head :)confused:), then he would already know that the devil is in the Vaccine; which means I would never submit to taking any Baxter/CDC-created Vaccine! Period!

[ame=]Do NOT Take The H1N1 Vaccines!!![/ame]


Greetings to All:

IPS Research in Oklahoma City will begin Clinical Trials for testing new H1N1 Vaccines against the Lab-Created Bio-Weapon Virus.

Oklahoma kids to get shot at swine flu vaccine

Published: July 24, 2009

Some Oklahoma children will get a swine flu vaccine before it is available to the public. If clinical trials go well, the vaccine could be available in limited supplies by mid to late fall, experts said.

But some officials fear the already fast-tracked studies may not be swift enough to curb the disease’s quick spread.

IPS Research in Oklahoma City is the first Oklahoma company to conduct the vaccination trials and will begin enrolling study patients Aug. 17, said IPS Research medical director Dr. Louise Thurman.

The trials will test the vaccine’s effectiveness and whether or not it has negative side effects in patients.

She anticipates about 200 children ages 3 to 8 will be able to enroll.

Patients accepted for the study will be administered a vaccine or placebo and are monitored through office visits and by phone. The study lasts 42 days and follow-up calls continue after that period.

Nationwide, 12,000 children will be given the vaccine for the trial, she said. The company should know today whether it will conduct adult trials, too.

"From a science standpoint, it should work,” Thurman said. (Continued)
The #1 most-important piece of information concerns the fact that this Bio-Weapon Virus HAS . . . YET . . . TO . . . MUTATE. This means that the CDC has no clue as to the DNA structure of the Mutated Killer Strains that will emerge as new generations 'and' their Vaccines will be utterly useless against those new strains!!! The ONLY reason to inject We The Sheeple with these Lab-Created Bio-Weapon Vaccines is to deliver the Catalyst that will assist the Bio-Weapon Virus in the gestation/mutation/recombination process.

Whatever happens, DO NOT take the Bio-Weapon Vaccine!!

[ame=""]David Icke - DONT TAKE SWINE FLU VACCINE!!![/ame]


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Greetings to All:

IPS Research in Oklahoma City will begin Clinical Trials for testing new H1N1 Vaccines against the Lab-Created Bio-Weapon Virus.

Oklahoma kids to get shot at swine flu vaccine

Published: July 24, 2009

Some Oklahoma children will get a swine flu vaccine before it is available to the public. If clinical trials go well, the vaccine could be available in limited supplies by mid to late fall, experts said.

But some officials fear the already fast-tracked studies may not be swift enough to curb the disease’s quick spread.

IPS Research in Oklahoma City is the first Oklahoma company to conduct the vaccination trials and will begin enrolling study patients Aug. 17, said IPS Research medical director Dr. Louise Thurman.

The trials will test the vaccine’s effectiveness and whether or not it has negative side effects in patients.

She anticipates about 200 children ages 3 to 8 will be able to enroll.

Patients accepted for the study will be administered a vaccine or placebo and are monitored through office visits and by phone. The study lasts 42 days and follow-up calls continue after that period.

Nationwide, 12,000 children will be given the vaccine for the trial, she said. The company should know today whether it will conduct adult trials, too.

"From a science standpoint, it should work,” Thurman said. (Continued)
The #1 most-important piece of information concerns the fact that this Bio-Weapon Virus HAS . . . YET . . . TO . . . MUTATE. This means that the CDC has no clue as to the DNA structure of the Mutated Killer Strains that will emerge as new generations 'and' their Vaccines will be utterly useless against those new strains!!! The ONLY reason to inject We The Sheeple with these Lab-Created Bio-Weapon Vaccines is to deliver the Catalyst that will assist the Bio-Weapon Virus in the gestation/mutation/recombination process.

Whatever happens, DO NOT take the Bio-Weapon Vaccine!!

[ame=""]David Icke - DONT TAKE SWINE FLU VACCINE!!![/ame]




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