Mexico Commits Act Of War - Holds US Troops On US Side of Border

Mexican soldiers detain American soldiers on U.S. soil.

Is it a 'crisis' / 'emergency' NOW?

"On April 13, at around 2 p.m. Central Time, a group of five or six suspected Mexican soldiers approached an unmarked vehicle of two U.S. soldiers stationed at the border in El Paso County, Texas, and ordered them out of the vehicle. According to Newsweek, which obtained the “serious incident report,” the soldiers were in fact active duty members of B Battery, 1st Battalion, 37th Field Artillery Regiment, not from a National Guard unit. The Mexican soldiers disarmed one of the U.S. soldiers and placed his sideaerm in the U.S. vehicle.

While the soldiers were parked south of the border fence near Clint, Texas, they were north of the Rio Grande riverbed, which placed them “appropriately in U.S. territory,” according to Maj. Mark Lazane, a spokesman for NORTHCOM. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and the Department of Defense (DOD), after inquiring of the Mexican government, were informed that the Mexican soldiers thought that the Americans were south of the border. “

Ok, the Mexican soldiers thought the US soldiers were in Mexican territory...that still does not explain why Mexican troops WERE IN US TERRITORY...and engaging US troops / disarming US troops.

Our military should have lit there ass up!

Mexican soldiers detain American soldiers on U.S. soil. Government response: ?


NO no no no..... We have a friendly relationship with the people of Mexico, and their soldiers made a mistake.

Our troops have made mistakes too. It does happen. We would want our troops back unharmed, and similarly the Mexican people want their troops back unharmed.

This was an honest mistake. They didn't hurt our people.

There is no reason to shed blood... until there is a real reason to shed blood. If the soldiers had shot one of our guys, I would have green lit a full invasion.

They did not. You need to stop being so quick to shed blood. That's disgusting.

Now if you want to real lesson to be learned......

Hey what if we had a border wall, so that everyone knew exactly where the border was?
You do the Mexican military has escorted Drug Cartels across the border and into the US to protect drug shipments in the past, right...?

Hey what if we had a border wall, so that everyone knew exactly where the border was?

Regardless, the solution is to put political pressure on them, and we need to start having mandatory executions for drug runners and pushers.

We start putting every single drug pusher and drug runner under ground, and there won't be any people for the Mexican military to escort.

That whole thing, as far as I'm concerned is our fault. We need to start ruthlessly enforcing the law. We do that, and we won't have to worry people coming across the border with drugs, because just a few people get dumped in a grave, and the rest will wise up fast.

But no matter what... we don't kill people, who haven't killed us, between nations. Regardless of whatever other action was taken, those soldiers are representative of the Mexican government, and killing them is not only unjustified and terrible... but you are just going to sow some really bad seeds of hatred for the US, and without cause.

That is not an appropriate response.
You have never protected the United States, have you?

2,000 Americans murdered in 2018...the Mexican military has crossed our borders before to escort drug cartels to protect shipments - even firing on USBP agents...

Does 'protecting our sovereignty' mean anything or do you like being Mexico's bit@h?
That was an act of war.

Build that damn wall and move the military, fully armed, to the border.. Fuck'em!

Persons crossing without permission will be shot on site... Game Over

Using the military on civilians is illegal and should always remain so.
whats not to see i also don't care what you see . What , do you have PTSD as you say that you are disabled Ringel .
Why would they not push the envelope? They know they have every member of the Democrat Party behind them. This will keep happening and they'll get bolder and bolder until we unleash our border patrol and/or military on those third world drug dealers.
Mexican soldiers detain American soldiers on U.S. soil.

Is it a 'crisis' / 'emergency' NOW?

"On April 13, at around 2 p.m. Central Time, a group of five or six suspected Mexican soldiers approached an unmarked vehicle of two U.S. soldiers stationed at the border in El Paso County, Texas, and ordered them out of the vehicle. According to Newsweek, which obtained the “serious incident report,” the soldiers were in fact active duty members of B Battery, 1st Battalion, 37th Field Artillery Regiment, not from a National Guard unit. The Mexican soldiers disarmed one of the U.S. soldiers and placed his sideaerm in the U.S. vehicle.

While the soldiers were parked south of the border fence near Clint, Texas, they were north of the Rio Grande riverbed, which placed them “appropriately in U.S. territory,” according to Maj. Mark Lazane, a spokesman for NORTHCOM. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and the Department of Defense (DOD), after inquiring of the Mexican government, were informed that the Mexican soldiers thought that the Americans were south of the border. “

Ok, the Mexican soldiers thought the US soldiers were in Mexican territory...that still does not explain why Mexican troops WERE IN US TERRITORY...and engaging US troops / disarming US troops.

Our military should have lit there ass up!

Mexican soldiers detain American soldiers on U.S. soil. Government response: ?


NO no no no..... We have a friendly relationship with the people of Mexico, and their soldiers made a mistake.

Our troops have made mistakes too. It does happen. We would want our troops back unharmed, and similarly the Mexican people want their troops back unharmed.

This was an honest mistake. They didn't hurt our people.

There is no reason to shed blood... until there is a real reason to shed blood. If the soldiers had shot one of our guys, I would have green lit a full invasion.

They did not. You need to stop being so quick to shed blood. That's disgusting.

Now if you want to real lesson to be learned......

Hey what if we had a border wall, so that everyone knew exactly where the border was?
You do the Mexican military has escorted Drug Cartels across the border and into the US to protect drug shipments in the past, right...?

Hey what if we had a border wall, so that everyone knew exactly where the border was?

Regardless, the solution is to put political pressure on them, and we need to start having mandatory executions for drug runners and pushers.

We start putting every single drug pusher and drug runner under ground, and there won't be any people for the Mexican military to escort.

That whole thing, as far as I'm concerned is our fault. We need to start ruthlessly enforcing the law. We do that, and we won't have to worry people coming across the border with drugs, because just a few people get dumped in a grave, and the rest will wise up fast.

But no matter what... we don't kill people, who haven't killed us, between nations. Regardless of whatever other action was taken, those soldiers are representative of the Mexican government, and killing them is not only unjustified and terrible... but you are just going to sow some really bad seeds of hatred for the US, and without cause.

That is not an appropriate response.
You have never protected the United States, have you?

2,000 Americans murdered in 2018...the Mexican military has crossed our borders before to escort drug cartels to protect shipments - even firing on USBP agents...

Does 'protecting our sovereignty' mean anything or do you like being Mexico's bit@h?

I don't believe that or else the US would cut off all aid, trade, etc.
Why is it no one has done anything?
Mexican soldiers detain American soldiers on U.S. soil.

Is it a 'crisis' / 'emergency' NOW?

"On April 13, at around 2 p.m. Central Time, a group of five or six suspected Mexican soldiers approached an unmarked vehicle of two U.S. soldiers stationed at the border in El Paso County, Texas, and ordered them out of the vehicle. According to Newsweek, which obtained the “serious incident report,” the soldiers were in fact active duty members of B Battery, 1st Battalion, 37th Field Artillery Regiment, not from a National Guard unit. The Mexican soldiers disarmed one of the U.S. soldiers and placed his sideaerm in the U.S. vehicle.

While the soldiers were parked south of the border fence near Clint, Texas, they were north of the Rio Grande riverbed, which placed them “appropriately in U.S. territory,” according to Maj. Mark Lazane, a spokesman for NORTHCOM. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and the Department of Defense (DOD), after inquiring of the Mexican government, were informed that the Mexican soldiers thought that the Americans were south of the border. “

Ok, the Mexican soldiers thought the US soldiers were in Mexican territory...that still does not explain why Mexican troops WERE IN US TERRITORY...and engaging US troops / disarming US troops.

Our military should have lit there ass up!

Mexican soldiers detain American soldiers on U.S. soil. Government response: ?


NO no no no..... We have a friendly relationship with the people of Mexico, and their soldiers made a mistake.

Our troops have made mistakes too. It does happen. We would want our troops back unharmed, and similarly the Mexican people want their troops back unharmed.

This was an honest mistake. They didn't hurt our people.

There is no reason to shed blood... until there is a real reason to shed blood. If the soldiers had shot one of our guys, I would have green lit a full invasion.

They did not. You need to stop being so quick to shed blood. That's disgusting.

Now if you want to real lesson to be learned......

Hey what if we had a border wall, so that everyone knew exactly where the border was?
You do the Mexican military has escorted Drug Cartels across the border and into the US to protect drug shipments in the past, right...?

Hey what if we had a border wall, so that everyone knew exactly where the border was?

Regardless, the solution is to put political pressure on them, and we need to start having mandatory executions for drug runners and pushers.

We start putting every single drug pusher and drug runner under ground, and there won't be any people for the Mexican military to escort.

That whole thing, as far as I'm concerned is our fault. We need to start ruthlessly enforcing the law. We do that, and we won't have to worry people coming across the border with drugs, because just a few people get dumped in a grave, and the rest will wise up fast.

But no matter what... we don't kill people, who haven't killed us, between nations. Regardless of whatever other action was taken, those soldiers are representative of the Mexican government, and killing them is not only unjustified and terrible... but you are just going to sow some really bad seeds of hatred for the US, and without cause.

That is not an appropriate response.
You have never protected the United States, have you?

2,000 Americans murdered in 2018...the Mexican military has crossed our borders before to escort drug cartels to protect shipments - even firing on USBP agents...

Does 'protecting our sovereignty' mean anything or do you like being Mexico's bit@h?

I don't believe that or else the US would cut off all aid, trade, etc.
Why is it no one has done anything?
I don't care what you believe, as these links prove you are wrong.
whats not to see i also don't care what you see . What , do you have PTSD as you say that you are disabled Ringel .
I think I've figured it out, your complete lack of reading comprehension has you thinking I'm making excuses for the Mexicans and not simply presenting possible scenarios...... Figures...... :rofl:
War with Mexico. Who would have thunk it? I thought that Trumpettes were are war with Islam. If you don't have a program, you can't follow the game!
War with Mexico. Who would have thunk it? I thought that Trumpettes were are war with Islam. If you don't have a program, you can't follow the game!
Its called guarding our borders, something snowflakes know nothing about. The military I serve in does not turn over its weapons to a foreign military on US soil...

...and our President now does not help terrorists, like Al Qaeda, take over their own country and abandon Americans to be killed by them, and doesn't give drug cartels weapons...
Mexican soldiers detain American soldiers on U.S. soil.

Is it a 'crisis' / 'emergency' NOW?

"On April 13, at around 2 p.m. Central Time, a group of five or six suspected Mexican soldiers approached an unmarked vehicle of two U.S. soldiers stationed at the border in El Paso County, Texas, and ordered them out of the vehicle. According to Newsweek, which obtained the “serious incident report,” the soldiers were in fact active duty members of B Battery, 1st Battalion, 37th Field Artillery Regiment, not from a National Guard unit. The Mexican soldiers disarmed one of the U.S. soldiers and placed his sideaerm in the U.S. vehicle.

While the soldiers were parked south of the border fence near Clint, Texas, they were north of the Rio Grande riverbed, which placed them “appropriately in U.S. territory,” according to Maj. Mark Lazane, a spokesman for NORTHCOM. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and the Department of Defense (DOD), after inquiring of the Mexican government, were informed that the Mexican soldiers thought that the Americans were south of the border. “

Ok, the Mexican soldiers thought the US soldiers were in Mexican territory...that still does not explain why Mexican troops WERE IN US TERRITORY...and engaging US troops / disarming US troops.

Our military should have lit their ass up!

Mexican soldiers detain American soldiers on U.S. soil. Government response: ?


Don't get such a hitch in yer getalong.
Stuff like this has been going on for more than 100 years. There are just parts of the border that are so ill-defined that neither side knows exactly where it is.

That's why we need a wall/fence, whatever to make it absolutely clear.

Oh yeah, Mexican authorities quickly apologized for the misunderstanding.
A simple mistake folks.

Don't blow it out of proportion.

You can bet the Mexican soldiers will have their asses reamed by their superiors.

Not a big deal.
BAD INCIDENT , and after that the 'mexicans' would know better than to feck around Ringel .
So are you a chicken hawk or a war hawk? :dunno:

I'm sure he has numerous decorations for his actions in the War on Christmas...

Mexican soldiers detain American soldiers on U.S. soil.

Is it a 'crisis' / 'emergency' NOW?

"On April 13, at around 2 p.m. Central Time, a group of five or six suspected Mexican soldiers approached an unmarked vehicle of two U.S. soldiers stationed at the border in El Paso County, Texas, and ordered them out of the vehicle. According to Newsweek, which obtained the “serious incident report,” the soldiers were in fact active duty members of B Battery, 1st Battalion, 37th Field Artillery Regiment, not from a National Guard unit. The Mexican soldiers disarmed one of the U.S. soldiers and placed his sideaerm in the U.S. vehicle.

While the soldiers were parked south of the border fence near Clint, Texas, they were north of the Rio Grande riverbed, which placed them “appropriately in U.S. territory,” according to Maj. Mark Lazane, a spokesman for NORTHCOM. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and the Department of Defense (DOD), after inquiring of the Mexican government, were informed that the Mexican soldiers thought that the Americans were south of the border. “

Ok, the Mexican soldiers thought the US soldiers were in Mexican territory...that still does not explain why Mexican troops WERE IN US TERRITORY...and engaging US troops / disarming US troops.

Our military should have lit their ass up!

Mexican soldiers detain American soldiers on U.S. soil. Government response: ?

I agree. The only appropriate response should have been a swift, decisive, demoralizing display of power. If such an act as this one by Mexico doesn’t constitute an invasion; nothing does.
So the reason for this thread is that we can go to war. Like the U.S.S. Maine, Pearl Harbor, the Gulf of Tonkin, and potential wars like when Iran took the two boats with near a dozen navy people on it several years ago and this incident with the Mexicans. They are not really our friends you know at times.
Mexican soldiers detain American soldiers on U.S. soil.

Is it a 'crisis' / 'emergency' NOW?

"On April 13, at around 2 p.m. Central Time, a group of five or six suspected Mexican soldiers approached an unmarked vehicle of two U.S. soldiers stationed at the border in El Paso County, Texas, and ordered them out of the vehicle. According to Newsweek, which obtained the “serious incident report,” the soldiers were in fact active duty members of B Battery, 1st Battalion, 37th Field Artillery Regiment, not from a National Guard unit. The Mexican soldiers disarmed one of the U.S. soldiers and placed his sideaerm in the U.S. vehicle.

While the soldiers were parked south of the border fence near Clint, Texas, they were north of the Rio Grande riverbed, which placed them “appropriately in U.S. territory,” according to Maj. Mark Lazane, a spokesman for NORTHCOM. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and the Department of Defense (DOD), after inquiring of the Mexican government, were informed that the Mexican soldiers thought that the Americans were south of the border. “

Ok, the Mexican soldiers thought the US soldiers were in Mexican territory...that still does not explain why Mexican troops WERE IN US TERRITORY...and engaging US troops / disarming US troops.

Our military should have lit their ass up!

Mexican soldiers detain American soldiers on U.S. soil. Government response: ?


Let's hope the current Commander in Chief takes the appropriate actions in response to this.
It was a misunderstanding. The 90 IQ, Squatemalan Regulars were too dim to understand where the delineation started...err so we are being told.
Yup.....just a harmless mistake.
But if we had done's an act of war against Mexico.

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