Mexico Commits Act Of War - Holds US Troops On US Side of Border

That was an act of war.

Build that damn wall and move the military, fully armed, to the border.. Fuck'em!

Persons crossing without permission will be shot on site... Game Over

Using the military on civilians is illegal and should always remain so.
ANY invading force can be met with lethal force... Get over your self you fucking moron..
Its called guarding our borders, something snowflakes know nothing about. The military I serve in does not turn over its weapons to a foreign military on US soil...
An Act of WAR on OUR SOIL... Fuck'em.... Shoot to kill.
property line confusion - nothing to see here folks.

Trump doesnt need a wall until he's smart enough to know where the border line is.

thats exactly why he will never get a wall.
The US soldiers fllowed federal protocol and cooperated.

The funny thing is that the Mexicans drove off in an unmarked vehicle.
one border dwelling poster already gave a good idea , think it was yesterday . He said --- nuke'em . Wouldn't be a bad idea . Target 'mexico' city and all the oil production plants with HUGE conventional weapons and watch the 'mexicans' scurry about .
The US soldiers fllowed federal protocol and cooperated.

The funny thing is that the Mexicans drove off in an unmarked vehicle.
--------------------------- and if true , the protocal is WRONG . As i pointed out with links , the mexicans have done 231 similar incursion since 1996 and and USA stopped counting in 2006 . So what is the count after 2006 added to the already know number of 231 NCitizen ??
and my posted link concerning 'mexican military ' incursions into the USA is post number 71 NCitizen .
Mexican soldiers detain American soldiers on U.S. soil.

Is it a 'crisis' / 'emergency' NOW?

"On April 13, at around 2 p.m. Central Time, a group of five or six suspected Mexican soldiers approached an unmarked vehicle of two U.S. soldiers stationed at the border in El Paso County, Texas, and ordered them out of the vehicle. According to Newsweek, which obtained the “serious incident report,” the soldiers were in fact active duty members of B Battery, 1st Battalion, 37th Field Artillery Regiment, not from a National Guard unit. The Mexican soldiers disarmed one of the U.S. soldiers and placed his sideaerm in the U.S. vehicle.

While the soldiers were parked south of the border fence near Clint, Texas, they were north of the Rio Grande riverbed, which placed them “appropriately in U.S. territory,” according to Maj. Mark Lazane, a spokesman for NORTHCOM. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and the Department of Defense (DOD), after inquiring of the Mexican government, were informed that the Mexican soldiers thought that the Americans were south of the border. “

Ok, the Mexican soldiers thought the US soldiers were in Mexican territory...that still does not explain why Mexican troops WERE IN US TERRITORY...and engaging US troops / disarming US troops.

Our military should have lit their ass up!

Mexican soldiers detain American soldiers on U.S. soil. Government response: ?

We were violated!
see post number 71 in this thread for some info on 'mexicans military ' violating USA Sovereignty EChaos .
The US soldiers fllowed federal protocol and cooperated.

The funny thing is that the Mexicans drove off in an unmarked vehicle.
they were wearing non-standard uniforms. No Flag or nation symbols. This makes them unknown combatants and can be shot on sight.
they were wearing non-standard uniforms. No Flag or nation symbols. This makes them unknown combatants and can be shot on sight.

Yeah, I know. I wasn't disagreeing with pismoe. I was just saying. It is protocol. But then again, it's protocol to molester me at the airport, too.
The US soldiers fllowed federal protocol and cooperated.

The funny thing is that the Mexicans drove off in an unmarked vehicle.
they were wearing non-standard uniforms. No Flag or nation symbols. This makes them unknown combatants and can be shot on sight.
------------------------------------------ and if true , then why weren't they shot or at east hunted down and thrown in the clink eh BillyBob ??
STONE AGE , i think thats where they are isn't it . And is it TRUMP fault eh ?? Does he write 'roe' GGator ?? Seems to me that it MIGHT be touchy feely military brass thats at fault , ---------------- But check this out . --- CBP: Armed men escort mother and son across border --- pretty neat , now the invaders are getting armed escort to lunch and free medical exams GGator .

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