Mexico to spend 1.5 billion to help fill the U.S. with the world's poverty stricken


Gold Member
May 24, 2009

See: Mexico agrees to provide $1.5 billion to help U.S. manage migrants on southern border

"Now, Mexico has agreed to pay for a host of projects through a joint multi-year effort along the two country’s borders, including “modernizing” ports of entry and enhancing screening processes of immigrants attempting to cross from Mexico to the United States. The exact details of the new projects are still being worked out, but, the official said, the new agreement will not result in the building of any kind of wall or border barrier."

The Mexican government is about to finance the processing of millions more of other countries poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled, and criminals' populations so they can enter the United States.

What will it take for American Citizens to accept the fact that their homeland is under attack?


Let us not forget during the coming election what the Authoritarian/Revolutionary Democrat Party Leadership has done to our businesses, our families, our children and our homeland.
All part of the Great Reset.

Pedo Peter's cult of ultra groomers want a constant flow of unaccompanied minors to experiment on. They also want migrants to overwhelm America's safety nets and bankrupt America.

See: Mexico agrees to provide $1.5 billion to help U.S. manage migrants on southern border

"Now, Mexico has agreed to pay for a host of projects through a joint multi-year effort along the two country’s borders, including “modernizing” ports of entry and enhancing screening processes of immigrants attempting to cross from Mexico to the United States. The exact details of the new projects are still being worked out, but, the official said, the new agreement will not result in the building of any kind of wall or border barrier."

The Mexican government is about to finance the processing of millions more of other countries poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled, and criminals' populations so they can enter the United States.

What will it take for American Citizens to accept the fact that their homeland is under attack?


Let us not forget during the coming election what the Authoritarian/Revolutionary Democrat Party Leadership has done to our businesses, our families, our children and our homeland.
ROFL, for real.

So, Trump promises Mexico will pay for a wall but instead takes millions away from our fighting men and women and ends up building THREE FLIPPIN MILES of new wall while reinforcing other portions of the already existing wall, much of which has already fallen down or otherwise been circumnavigated. During Trump's presidency, illegal immigration INCREASED. Enforcement measures went from targeting gang members under Obama to staking out courthouses and prowling poor neighborhoods known to have migrants.

And now Biden, after meeting with the Mexican president ONE TIME, gets them to fund 1.5 billion dollars “modernizing ports of entry and enhancing screening processes of immigrants attempting to cross from Mexico to the United States." That is exactly 1.5 billion more dollars than Trump ever got out of them. And modernizing ports of entry and enhancing the screening process is a good thing, and Mexico is paying for it.

And lookey here, we got Trump dumbshits trying to complain about it. I mean you people can't even rise to the level of stupid. The reality is the Trump administration purposely neglected those ports of entry, especially when it came to those seeking asylum. I mean which would you rather have, immigrants coming in the front door, screened effectively, and processed efficiently, or immigrants coming across the border at some hole in a fence escorted by coyotes. I mean it ain't that hard of a decision. You flippin morons are like the clown that has a front door made of steel with seven different locking mechanisms to keep out burglars and yet you leave the back door open so your cat can come in and out. Snakes, skunks, raccoons, and possums all come in the back door and you finally come to your senses when a coyote comes in and eats your cat.
So, Trump promises Mexico will pay for a wall

Your Trump Derangement Syndrome is showing, not to mention your attempt to derail the subject of the thread which is about a concerted effort by the Democrat Party Leadership and the Mexican government to fill the United States with the world's poverty stricken and destroy it from within.


Today's Democrat Party Leadership is infested with Authoritarian Revolutionaries, the same kind that took over Cuba and now rule over the people with an iron fist!
The Mexicans are going to boost the independent Texas power grid. I God bless them.
"What will it take for American Citizens to accept the fact that their homeland is under attack?"

I don't know what it will take for Americans to "ACCEPT" the fact, but I do know what it would take to rid the country of much of the problem, and that would be to kill the Dimocrats.

See: Mexico agrees to provide $1.5 billion to help U.S. manage migrants on southern border

"Now, Mexico has agreed to pay for a host of projects through a joint multi-year effort along the two country’s borders, including “modernizing” ports of entry and enhancing screening processes of immigrants attempting to cross from Mexico to the United States. The exact details of the new projects are still being worked out, but, the official said, the new agreement will not result in the building of any kind of wall or border barrier."

The Mexican government is about to finance the processing of millions more of other countries poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled, and criminals' populations so they can enter the United States.

What will it take for American Citizens to accept the fact that their homeland is under attack?


Let us not forget during the coming election what the Authoritarian/Revolutionary Democrat Party Leadership has done to our businesses, our families, our children and our homeland.
At this rate in some period of years the Western Hemisphere may end up with wars on its soil like many other parts of the world.
At this rate in some period of years the Western Hemisphere may end up with wars on its soil like many other parts of the world.

It's not really looking like it, it looks more like it's simply fading away. Most Americans today either want what's happening, or they simply are not wanting to preserve what's left bad enough.
On Mexicans, Anthony Bourdain wrote this:

Americans love Mexican food. We consume nachos, tacos, burritos, tortas, enchiladas, tamales and anything resembling Mexican in enormous quantities.

We love Mexican beverages, happily knocking back huge amounts of tequila, mezcal, and Mexican beer every year. We love Mexican people—we sure employ a lot of them.

Despite our ridiculously hypocritical attitudes towards immigration, we demand that Mexicans cook a large percentage of the food we eat, grow the ingredients we need to make that food, clean our houses, mow our lawns, wash our dishes, and look after our children.

As any chef will tell you, our entire service economy—the restaurant business as we know it—in most American cities, would collapse overnight without Mexican workers. Some, of course, like to claim that Mexicans are “stealing American jobs.”

But in two decades as a chef and employer, I never had ONE American kid walk in my door and apply for a dishwashing job, a porter’s position—or even a job as a prep cook. Mexicans do much of the work in this country that Americans, probably, simply won’t do.

We love Mexican drugs. Maybe not you personally, but “we”, as a nation, certainly consume titanic amounts of them—and go to extraordinary lengths and expense to acquire them. We love Mexican music, Mexican beaches, Mexican architecture, interior design, Mexican films.

So, why don’t we love Mexico?

We throw up our hands and shrug at what happens and what is happening just across the border. Maybe we are embarrassed. Mexico, after all, has always been there for us, to service our darkest needs and desires.

Whether it’s dress up like fools and get passed-out drunk and sunburned on spring break in Cancun, throw pesos at strippers in Tijuana, or get toasted on Mexican drugs, we are seldom on our best behavior in Mexico. They have seen many of us at our worst. They know our darkest desires.

In the service of our appetites, we spend billions and billions of dollars each year on Mexican drugs—while at the same time spending billions and billions more trying to prevent those drugs from reaching us.

The effect on our society is everywhere to be seen. Whether it’s kids nodding off and overdosing in small town Vermont, gang violence in L.A., burned out neighborhoods in Detroit—it’s there to see.

What we don’t see, however, haven’t really noticed, and don’t seem to much care about, is the 80,000 dead in Mexico, just in the past few years—mostly innocent victims. Eighty thousand families who’ve been touched directly by the so-called “War On Drugs”.

Mexico. Our brother from another mother. A country, with whom, like it or not, we are inexorably, deeply involved, in a close but often uncomfortable embrace.

Look at it. It’s beautiful. It has some of the most ravishingly beautiful beaches on earth. Mountains, desert, jungle. Beautiful colonial architecture, a tragic, elegant, violent, ludicrous, heroic, lamentable, heartbreaking history. Mexican wine country rivals Tuscany for gorgeousness.

Its archeological sites—the remnants of great empires, unrivaled anywhere. And as much as we think we know and love it, we have barely scratched the surface of what Mexican food really is. It is NOT melted cheese over tortilla chips. It is not simple, or easy. It is not simply “bro food” at halftime.

It is in fact, old—older even than the great cuisines of Europe, and often deeply complex, refined, subtle, and sophisticated. A true mole sauce, for instance, can take DAYS to make, a balance of freshly (always fresh) ingredients painstakingly prepared by hand. It could be, should be, one of the most exciting cuisines on the planet, if we paid attention.

The old school cooks of Oaxaca make some of the more difficult and nuanced sauces in gastronomy. And some of the new generation—many of whom have trained in the kitchens of America and Europe—have returned home to take Mexican food to new and thrilling heights.
It’s a country I feel particularly attached to and grateful for. In nearly 30 years of cooking professionally, just about every time I walked into a new kitchen, it was a Mexican guy who looked after me, had my back, showed me what was what, and was there—and on the case—when the cooks like me, with backgrounds like mine, ran away to go skiing or surfing or simply flaked. I have been fortunate to track where some of those cooks come from, to go back home with them.

To small towns populated mostly by women—where in the evening, families gather at the town’s phone kiosk, waiting for calls from their husbands, sons and brothers who have left to work in our kitchens in the cities of the North.

I have been fortunate enough to see where that affinity for cooking comes from, to experience moms and grandmothers preparing many delicious things, with pride and real love, passing that food made by hand from their hands to mine.
In years of making television in Mexico, it’s one of the places we, as a crew, are happiest when the day’s work is over. We’ll gather around a street stall and order soft tacos with fresh, bright, delicious salsas, drink cold Mexican beer, sip smoky mezcals, and listen with moist eyes to sentimental songs from street musicians. We will look around and remark, for the hundredth time, what an extraordinary place this is.

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