Mexico 'won't pay single cent for Trump's stupid wall'

shes not even close to the pig that put us into an unwinable war based on bs

Really? she voted to authorize and fund it. She had exactly the same intel that Bush had and came to the same conclusions from it.

We all agree that is was a stupid waste of money and lives, but both parties have blood on their hands. No president could do that on his own---------------------well except maybe king obozo.
I think a wall's a good idea (don't tell anyone but our northern border is entirely nonexistent where I live) but wouldn't it have to be really, really long in order to be effective? I've heard 700 miles, but surely we border Mexico a lot more than that? There's that, and all the tunnels. I'm still trying to picture it, is all.
That, and, knowing how human beings work, if we build a wall they will find another route--row boats, no doubt.
You don't think modern technology can local tunnels?
Row boats? Ever see what a hundred round burst from a 50 caliber machine gun can do to a 'row boat'?
President Trump builds the wall and NO ONE is going under it or around it. That you can be sure of.
There sure as hell isn't going to be a wall in the Southern Central AZ border. That belongs to an Indian tribe, which is on both sides of the border. They are a sovereign nation, and will not tolerate a US wall splitting their reservation.

This is going to be a big problem for Trump Enterprises. I feel sure that he has been investing in wall building companies....

Indian reservations are not "sovereign nations". They are part of the USA that has been deeded to the indian tribes. The are not separate countries. Are you a complete moron?

Red, I don't have time to educate you. I live next door to this reservation and Border Patrol is allowed in ONLY with their permission. Look it up for yourself. Again, the reservation is half in Mexico, and there is NO checkpoint between the Mexican half and the US half, except one that is manned by by their own people.

You said that indian reservations were sovereign nat
There sure as hell isn't going to be a wall in the Southern Central AZ border. That belongs to an Indian tribe, which is on both sides of the border. They are a sovereign nation, and will not tolerate a US wall splitting their reservation.

This is going to be a big problem for Trump Enterprises. I feel sure that he has been investing in wall building companies....

Indian reservations are not "sovereign nations". They are part of the USA that has been deeded to the indian tribes. The are not separate countries. Are you a complete moron?

Red, I don't have time to educate you. I live next door to this reservation and Border Patrol is allowed in ONLY with their permission. Look it up for yourself. Again, the reservation is half in Mexico, and there is NO checkpoint between the Mexican half and the US half, except one that is manned by by their own people.

you said that indian reservations were sovereign nations, That is not true. They are part of the USA. I don't know the specifics on the one that you say is in both the US and Mexico, but I can guarantee that the federal government thinks that the part in the US is US territory.

If there is no checkpoint at the border, there should be.

Indian reservations are sovereign in the same sense that states are soverieng. The feds have limited authority there, and one thing they can not do is take their land and build fences on it.

Tribal sovereignty in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now this statement is an absolute red herring, total deflection, and down right funny!

Come on people of USMB, wake up!

You can't build a wall on the border, see your plans are totally ruined!!!!!!

Oh hell, WTF are you talking about you will build that part of the wall 2 miles inside the border and let the tribe deal with their own invasion if they so choose?!?!?!?!?!?! OMG, you wrecked my narrative, time to go down into my parents basement, eat a bag of Cheetos, and formulate a rebuttal-)
One of Trump's goofy promises. Mexico has zero reason to pay for it and plenty of reason not to.

We'll take their desperate and unemployed.

wake up people, Trump did not say he was going to send Mexico an invoice and ask them to write us a check. Are you fools really that ignorant?

We can make them pay thru tariffs, foreign aid cuts, fuel sanctions, and several other fiscal means.

It always amazes me how stupid half of this country is.

Ok, so we put tariffs on Mexican products...and they the Ford automobiles which are going to be built there starting next year to be imported into the USA. Guess who will end up paying those tariffs? You guessed it! US Ford customers!

Maybe Ford should be incentivized to move those jobs back to the USA. What an extreme conservative idea. Why do you think Ford moved those US jobs to Mexico? any fricken idea? Unions and taxes, that's why. Our government has been finding ways to screw American businesses for years, and you liberfools beg for more of it.

Mexican labor is ONE FIFTH the cost of US labor...with no health insurance premiums to pay for their workers because Mexico has universal health care. Good luck with that plan. BTW, Trump knows that any tarriffs put on Mexican imports are added to the price that Americans pay for the products. He just assumes that his supporters don't know that. He is right.

Yes, tariffs are added to the price of the foreign product, when they make the price too high, people will buy American products------------that's the whole idea, fool.

Ok, well I live in Southern AZ, and I bought asparagus yesterday for $1.19 per pound from Mexico. There is NO asparagus crop in the US this early in the year. In fact, most of the nation's out of season vegetables are grown and imported from Mexico. The car you drive is built at 20% of the labor cost of an American made car. They can slap a lot of tariff on that car without driving you to buy one made in the USA. I get my RX for 50% of what I would pay in America, and even that comes to almost $3,000 per year. Red, the only thing that happens when you slap tariffs on a product is that it slows trade, and raises prices. In addition to that, tariffs are not allowed under our NAFTA treaty.

Don't give up you day job to become an economist, Red. Just keep repeating Trump's mantra about how Mexico is going to pay for the wall. If he were elected, which he won't be, YOU will pay for the wall. That is how tariffs work. Don't expect that a tariff is going to incentivize American farmers to grow asparagus in February.
shes not even close to the pig that put us into an unwinable war based on bs
Afghanistan was liberated / won.
Iraq was Liberated.
Even Obama declared 'victory', the 'war won', the 'War on terror' over.

Obama was so focused on bringing our troops home rather than ensuring all the sacrifices made to liberate these countries did not go to waste that he allowed ISIS to invade UN-OPPOSED, entering Iraq and taking over much of the country our troops had liberated at great cost. Obama was supplying, arming, training, and protecting ISIS because he was obsessed with Assad, Syria, and redeeming his 'Red Line' debacle - he was conned by ISIS into thinking they would help overthrow Assad. Obama thought - declared - ISIS was contained, that HE 'contained' ISIS. They are in Iraq now. They are in Afghanistan now. They are challenging Al Qaeida - who he helped take over Libya - in Libya.

Barry, the Nobel Peace Prize winner, took the nation to war on his own, without Congressional approval as Bush did, to help Al Qaeida take over Libya. Barry helped the MB take over the govt in Egypt. He has emptied GITMO of terrorists, to include THE PREMIERE Bomb maker in the world responsible for the IEDs that killed and maimed a score of our military. He released the Taliban 5, paid a ransom for a deserter. He declared he had isolated ISIS only to have them attack France the next day. And while France and Russia launched attacks in response Obama was dropping leaflets to ISIS letting them know the attacks were coming.

You partisanly attack Bush while blindly supporting a traitor who has done more to aid terrorists than any President. Bush declared they would have no safe haven in the world...Obama gave them Libya, Egypt for a time, opened the door for ISIS into Iraq, and is even handing out visas to them so they can come here and kill Americans, a la California - 12 dead Americans.

Get real.
There sure as hell isn't going to be a wall in the Southern Central AZ border. That belongs to an Indian tribe, which is on both sides of the border. They are a sovereign nation, and will not tolerate a US wall splitting their reservation.

This is going to be a big problem for Trump Enterprises. I feel sure that he has been investing in wall building companies....

Indian reservations are not "sovereign nations". They are part of the USA that has been deeded to the indian tribes. The are not separate countries. Are you a complete moron?

Red, I don't have time to educate you. I live next door to this reservation and Border Patrol is allowed in ONLY with their permission. Look it up for yourself. Again, the reservation is half in Mexico, and there is NO checkpoint between the Mexican half and the US half, except one that is manned by by their own people.

You said that indian reservations were sovereign nat
There sure as hell isn't going to be a wall in the Southern Central AZ border. That belongs to an Indian tribe, which is on both sides of the border. They are a sovereign nation, and will not tolerate a US wall splitting their reservation.

This is going to be a big problem for Trump Enterprises. I feel sure that he has been investing in wall building companies....

Indian reservations are not "sovereign nations". They are part of the USA that has been deeded to the indian tribes. The are not separate countries. Are you a complete moron?

Red, I don't have time to educate you. I live next door to this reservation and Border Patrol is allowed in ONLY with their permission. Look it up for yourself. Again, the reservation is half in Mexico, and there is NO checkpoint between the Mexican half and the US half, except one that is manned by by their own people.

you said that indian reservations were sovereign nations, That is not true. They are part of the USA. I don't know the specifics on the one that you say is in both the US and Mexico, but I can guarantee that the federal government thinks that the part in the US is US territory.

If there is no checkpoint at the border, there should be.

Indian reservations are sovereign in the same sense that states are soverieng. The feds have limited authority there, and one thing they can not do is take their land and build fences on it.

Tribal sovereignty in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now this statement is an absolute red herring, total deflection, and down right funny!

Come on people of USMB, wake up!

You can't build a wall on the border, see your plans are totally ruined!!!!!!

Oh hell, WTF are you talking about you will build that part of the wall 2 miles inside the border and let the tribe deal with their own invasion if they so choose?!?!?!?!?!?! OMG, you wrecked my narrative, time to go down into my parents basement, eat a bag of Cheetos, and formulate a rebuttal-)

Well, I'ma, that reservation goes, in some parts of S. AZ from the longitude of Tucson, to about 50 miles South of the border, and from I-19 half way to the California border. It is the largest reservation in the USA, and no, the BP is allowed on the reservation only on permission from the tribal council. The Pima County sheriff can not even arrest anyone on that reservation, even if they committed a crime off of that reservation. They have control of that land, and they do not share that control with the feds, state, or county.

Tohono O'odham Nation - Location
I think a wall's a good idea (don't tell anyone but our northern border is entirely nonexistent where I live) but wouldn't it have to be really, really long in order to be effective? I've heard 700 miles, but surely we border Mexico a lot more than that? There's that, and all the tunnels. I'm still trying to picture it, is all.
That, and, knowing how human beings work, if we build a wall they will find another route--row boats, no doubt.
Oh dear! So you think the Canada/US border is only 700 miles long? You REALLY need to find a fucking map and get someone to explain it to you.
The reason there has never been any need for a 'wall' between the two countries is frankly very few Canadians would ever want to move to the US.
President Trump will make one phone call to Mexico's President and President Trump will have a cheque for 50 billion dollars from Mexico laying on President Trump's Oval office desk the next day.
Mexico has trillions of US dollars in offshore accounts from the Cartels. President Trump knows this fact and Mexico's President knows President Trump knows he knows.
She's talking about the proposed wall would be about 700 miles long. :eusa_doh:
Indian reservations are not "sovereign nations". They are part of the USA that has been deeded to the indian tribes. The are not separate countries. Are you a complete moron?

Red, I don't have time to educate you. I live next door to this reservation and Border Patrol is allowed in ONLY with their permission. Look it up for yourself. Again, the reservation is half in Mexico, and there is NO checkpoint between the Mexican half and the US half, except one that is manned by by their own people.

You said that indian reservations were sovereign nat
Indian reservations are not "sovereign nations". They are part of the USA that has been deeded to the indian tribes. The are not separate countries. Are you a complete moron?

Red, I don't have time to educate you. I live next door to this reservation and Border Patrol is allowed in ONLY with their permission. Look it up for yourself. Again, the reservation is half in Mexico, and there is NO checkpoint between the Mexican half and the US half, except one that is manned by by their own people.

you said that indian reservations were sovereign nations, That is not true. They are part of the USA. I don't know the specifics on the one that you say is in both the US and Mexico, but I can guarantee that the federal government thinks that the part in the US is US territory.

If there is no checkpoint at the border, there should be.

Indian reservations are sovereign in the same sense that states are soverieng. The feds have limited authority there, and one thing they can not do is take their land and build fences on it.

Tribal sovereignty in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now this statement is an absolute red herring, total deflection, and down right funny!

Come on people of USMB, wake up!

You can't build a wall on the border, see your plans are totally ruined!!!!!!

Oh hell, WTF are you talking about you will build that part of the wall 2 miles inside the border and let the tribe deal with their own invasion if they so choose?!?!?!?!?!?! OMG, you wrecked my narrative, time to go down into my parents basement, eat a bag of Cheetos, and formulate a rebuttal-)

Well, I'ma, that reservation goes, in some parts of S. AZ from the longitude of Tucson, to about 50 miles South of the border, and from I-19 almost to the California border. It is the largest reservation in the USA, and no, the BP is allowed on the reservation only on permission from the tribal council. The Pima County sheriff can not even arrest anyone on that reservation, even if they committed a crime off of that reservation. They have control of that land, and they do not share that control with the feds, state, or county.

Not important! If it is their land and do not want the wall, we will build it behind them. Since by your post, we have no control over it anyway, what is the difference? We are NOT trying to stop them from going on to Indian lands, if the Indians could care less. We are trying to stop them from coming into OUR sovereign lands.

Just build the wall around it if that tribe balks. Nothing special about that, now is there?
There sure as hell isn't going to be a wall in the Southern Central AZ border. That belongs to an Indian tribe, which is on both sides of the border. They are a sovereign nation, and will not tolerate a US wall splitting their reservation.

This is going to be a big problem for Trump Enterprises. I feel sure that he has been investing in wall building companies....

Indian reservations are not "sovereign nations". They are part of the USA that has been deeded to the indian tribes. The are not separate countries. Are you a complete moron?

Red, I don't have time to educate you. I live next door to this reservation and Border Patrol is allowed in ONLY with their permission. Look it up for yourself. Again, the reservation is half in Mexico, and there is NO checkpoint between the Mexican half and the US half, except one that is manned by by their own people.

You said that indian reservations were sovereign nat
There sure as hell isn't going to be a wall in the Southern Central AZ border. That belongs to an Indian tribe, which is on both sides of the border. They are a sovereign nation, and will not tolerate a US wall splitting their reservation.

This is going to be a big problem for Trump Enterprises. I feel sure that he has been investing in wall building companies....

Indian reservations are not "sovereign nations". They are part of the USA that has been deeded to the indian tribes. The are not separate countries. Are you a complete moron?

Red, I don't have time to educate you. I live next door to this reservation and Border Patrol is allowed in ONLY with their permission. Look it up for yourself. Again, the reservation is half in Mexico, and there is NO checkpoint between the Mexican half and the US half, except one that is manned by by their own people.

you said that indian reservations were sovereign nations, That is not true. They are part of the USA. I don't know the specifics on the one that you say is in both the US and Mexico, but I can guarantee that the federal government thinks that the part in the US is US territory.

If there is no checkpoint at the border, there should be.

Indian reservations are sovereign in the same sense that states are soverieng. The feds have limited authority there, and one thing they can not do is take their land and build fences on it.

Tribal sovereignty in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes, they are like any other private property. But if you think the federal govt could not invoke imminent domain on them, you are very naïve.

Red, do you research ANYTHING before posting? Do you think that the federal government can exercise eminent domain with a sovereign nation? Jeezus, guy read up on it! The have a treaty with the federal government. The days when the feds could just ignore and break treaties are over.
Obama gave them Libya, Egypt for a time, opened the door for ISIS into Iraq, and is even handing out visas to them so they can come here and kill Americans, a la California - 12 dead Americans.

Get real.

Yea you tell em. Obama is also responsible for AIDS, Rickets, Zika virus, ebola, denague fever, cancer, heart disease, diabetes and the list goes on.

Matter of fact, there is nothing in this world that is wrong that is not the fault of Obama.

Including your intelligence level.

I dont know how Obama infected you with ODS (Obama Derangement Syndrome) but he did.

Obama is the most powerful President EVER. According to Republicans that is.
Red, I don't have time to educate you. I live next door to this reservation and Border Patrol is allowed in ONLY with their permission. Look it up for yourself. Again, the reservation is half in Mexico, and there is NO checkpoint between the Mexican half and the US half, except one that is manned by by their own people.

You said that indian reservations were sovereign nat
Red, I don't have time to educate you. I live next door to this reservation and Border Patrol is allowed in ONLY with their permission. Look it up for yourself. Again, the reservation is half in Mexico, and there is NO checkpoint between the Mexican half and the US half, except one that is manned by by their own people.

you said that indian reservations were sovereign nations, That is not true. They are part of the USA. I don't know the specifics on the one that you say is in both the US and Mexico, but I can guarantee that the federal government thinks that the part in the US is US territory.

If there is no checkpoint at the border, there should be.

Indian reservations are sovereign in the same sense that states are soverieng. The feds have limited authority there, and one thing they can not do is take their land and build fences on it.

Tribal sovereignty in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now this statement is an absolute red herring, total deflection, and down right funny!

Come on people of USMB, wake up!

You can't build a wall on the border, see your plans are totally ruined!!!!!!

Oh hell, WTF are you talking about you will build that part of the wall 2 miles inside the border and let the tribe deal with their own invasion if they so choose?!?!?!?!?!?! OMG, you wrecked my narrative, time to go down into my parents basement, eat a bag of Cheetos, and formulate a rebuttal-)

Well, I'ma, that reservation goes, in some parts of S. AZ from the longitude of Tucson, to about 50 miles South of the border, and from I-19 almost to the California border. It is the largest reservation in the USA, and no, the BP is allowed on the reservation only on permission from the tribal council. The Pima County sheriff can not even arrest anyone on that reservation, even if they committed a crime off of that reservation. They have control of that land, and they do not share that control with the feds, state, or county.

Not important! If it is their land and do not want the wall, we will build it behind them. Since by your post, we have no control over it anyway, what is the difference? We are NOT trying to stop them from going on to Indian lands, if the Indians could care less. We are trying to stop them from coming into OUR sovereign lands.

Just build the wall around it if that tribe balks. Nothing special about that, now is there?

So, since their land is in Mexico, are you planning to build the wall there, or are you planning to build the wall north of the reservation, which pretty much ends somewhere between Tucson and Phoenix? Oh, and BTW, the USA got permission (at a price) to build I-19 THROUGH the reservation. Are you going to wall that off, too?
Last edited:
There sure as hell isn't going to be a wall in the Southern Central AZ border. That belongs to an Indian tribe, which is on both sides of the border. They are a sovereign nation, and will not tolerate a US wall splitting their reservation.

This is going to be a big problem for Trump Enterprises. I feel sure that he has been investing in wall building companies....
Somehow I don't think President Trump will be having any problems with the indians.
The 'Royal Families' who have 100% control over what happens within their tribes, some before the White Man showed up, maintain their power within their tribes by controlling the money flow coming into the Tribe from the US Government that dribbles down to the average band member after the 'Royal Families' all 'get their beaks wet' first. The 100% financial corruption within ALL indian tribes would make The Godfather blush.
Red, do you research ANYTHING before posting

LMAO. Not a chance he would check.

Repubican computers were sold without Google. And even if they had Google, the Republican users cant form a query to find out any useful information.

It seems to be a failing all Repubs posting on here have. Lack of integrity and accurate information.

Why use facts when you can make up bullshit?
Gee, go figure? A country that won't take care of its People and sends its worst criminals to another country, refuses to help out? Shocking, i tells ya.

Man, i really do hope Trump wins. The rest of the candidates in both Parties are such pussies on the subject of Illegal Immigration.
You said that indian reservations were sovereign nat
you said that indian reservations were sovereign nations, That is not true. They are part of the USA. I don't know the specifics on the one that you say is in both the US and Mexico, but I can guarantee that the federal government thinks that the part in the US is US territory.

If there is no checkpoint at the border, there should be.

Indian reservations are sovereign in the same sense that states are soverieng. The feds have limited authority there, and one thing they can not do is take their land and build fences on it.

Tribal sovereignty in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now this statement is an absolute red herring, total deflection, and down right funny!

Come on people of USMB, wake up!

You can't build a wall on the border, see your plans are totally ruined!!!!!!

Oh hell, WTF are you talking about you will build that part of the wall 2 miles inside the border and let the tribe deal with their own invasion if they so choose?!?!?!?!?!?! OMG, you wrecked my narrative, time to go down into my parents basement, eat a bag of Cheetos, and formulate a rebuttal-)

Well, I'ma, that reservation goes, in some parts of S. AZ from the longitude of Tucson, to about 50 miles South of the border, and from I-19 almost to the California border. It is the largest reservation in the USA, and no, the BP is allowed on the reservation only on permission from the tribal council. The Pima County sheriff can not even arrest anyone on that reservation, even if they committed a crime off of that reservation. They have control of that land, and they do not share that control with the feds, state, or county.

Not important! If it is their land and do not want the wall, we will build it behind them. Since by your post, we have no control over it anyway, what is the difference? We are NOT trying to stop them from going on to Indian lands, if the Indians could care less. We are trying to stop them from coming into OUR sovereign lands.

Just build the wall around it if that tribe balks. Nothing special about that, now is there?

So, since their land is in Mexico, are you planning to build the wall there, or are you planning to build the wall north of the reservation, which pretty much ends somewhere between Tucson and Phoenix? Oh, and BTW, the USA got permission (at a price) to build I-19 THROUGH the reservation. Are you going to wall that off, too?

And, while we are on the subject, if you were to wall in the Indians, you are illegally restricting the movement of people who are, in addition to O'Odham citizens, American citizens. Are you going to demand that these American citizens present passports to go from the reservation to Tucson.

This conversation is too ridiculous to even continue.
You said that indian reservations were sovereign nat
you said that indian reservations were sovereign nations, That is not true. They are part of the USA. I don't know the specifics on the one that you say is in both the US and Mexico, but I can guarantee that the federal government thinks that the part in the US is US territory.

If there is no checkpoint at the border, there should be.

Indian reservations are sovereign in the same sense that states are soverieng. The feds have limited authority there, and one thing they can not do is take their land and build fences on it.

Tribal sovereignty in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now this statement is an absolute red herring, total deflection, and down right funny!

Come on people of USMB, wake up!

You can't build a wall on the border, see your plans are totally ruined!!!!!!

Oh hell, WTF are you talking about you will build that part of the wall 2 miles inside the border and let the tribe deal with their own invasion if they so choose?!?!?!?!?!?! OMG, you wrecked my narrative, time to go down into my parents basement, eat a bag of Cheetos, and formulate a rebuttal-)

Well, I'ma, that reservation goes, in some parts of S. AZ from the longitude of Tucson, to about 50 miles South of the border, and from I-19 almost to the California border. It is the largest reservation in the USA, and no, the BP is allowed on the reservation only on permission from the tribal council. The Pima County sheriff can not even arrest anyone on that reservation, even if they committed a crime off of that reservation. They have control of that land, and they do not share that control with the feds, state, or county.

Not important! If it is their land and do not want the wall, we will build it behind them. Since by your post, we have no control over it anyway, what is the difference? We are NOT trying to stop them from going on to Indian lands, if the Indians could care less. We are trying to stop them from coming into OUR sovereign lands.

Just build the wall around it if that tribe balks. Nothing special about that, now is there?

So, since their land is in Mexico, are you planning to build the wall there, or are you planning to build the wall north of the reservation, which pretty much ends somewhere between Tucson and Phoenix?

Didn't know Tucson was on Tribal land, maybe you could elaborate-) Been there more times than I can count, never even knew it, go figure-)

SERIOUSLY..........that is the most ridiculous statement I have EVER heard, virtually from anyone. I know from being there what the terrain is like. You couldn't cross a snake through there without being spotted. It is the fallacy of the lefts argument that it can't be closed. STOP the traffic on the highway heading towards Tucson, and everything else trying to sneak in will be caught before they get anywhere. I know it, and YOU know it, lol. Don't even need a wall in that area, just surveillance. Without use of the roads to get in, they can't get near Tucson.

Now tell all of these nice people EXACTLY how many roads head towards Tucson-) Want me to count them for you? On foot, caught! It is what is, I know it, and YOU know it!
shes not even close to the pig that put us into an unwinable war based on bs

Really? she voted to authorize and fund it. She had exactly the same intel that Bush had and came to the same conclusions from it.

We all agree that is was a stupid waste of money and lives, but both parties have blood on their hands. No president could do that on his own---------------------well except maybe king obozo.

first of all red if you believe she had the same info bush had you're dreaming ,,, 2nd of all check out the vote many more republicans voted to give the moron the right to go to war and 3rd a lot of info was false and bush knew it and 4th info negating an attack wasn't please when laying blame be honest and give the republicans the majority of fault
Indian reservations are sovereign in the same sense that states are soverieng. The feds have limited authority there, and one thing they can not do is take their land and build fences on it.

Tribal sovereignty in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now this statement is an absolute red herring, total deflection, and down right funny!

Come on people of USMB, wake up!

You can't build a wall on the border, see your plans are totally ruined!!!!!!

Oh hell, WTF are you talking about you will build that part of the wall 2 miles inside the border and let the tribe deal with their own invasion if they so choose?!?!?!?!?!?! OMG, you wrecked my narrative, time to go down into my parents basement, eat a bag of Cheetos, and formulate a rebuttal-)

Well, I'ma, that reservation goes, in some parts of S. AZ from the longitude of Tucson, to about 50 miles South of the border, and from I-19 almost to the California border. It is the largest reservation in the USA, and no, the BP is allowed on the reservation only on permission from the tribal council. The Pima County sheriff can not even arrest anyone on that reservation, even if they committed a crime off of that reservation. They have control of that land, and they do not share that control with the feds, state, or county.

Not important! If it is their land and do not want the wall, we will build it behind them. Since by your post, we have no control over it anyway, what is the difference? We are NOT trying to stop them from going on to Indian lands, if the Indians could care less. We are trying to stop them from coming into OUR sovereign lands.

Just build the wall around it if that tribe balks. Nothing special about that, now is there?

So, since their land is in Mexico, are you planning to build the wall there, or are you planning to build the wall north of the reservation, which pretty much ends somewhere between Tucson and Phoenix? Oh, and BTW, the USA got permission (at a price) to build I-19 THROUGH the reservation. Are you going to wall that off, too?

And, while we are on the subject, if you were to wall in the Indians, you are illegally restricting the movement of people who are, in addition to O'Odham citizens, American citizens. Are you going to demand that these American citizens present passports to go from the reservation to Tucson.

This conversation is too ridiculous to even continue.

This person is giving all of you a BIG red herring. He must be related to an illegal alien!

He wants to talk about Arizona, Tucson in particular, along with this Indian tribe.

Pull out your map, any map of highways, and look. VAST tracts of land, and a couple of roads along with 1 highway.

OK people, lets all put our thinking caps on, lol. Heat sensitive drones see people walking in a vast wasteland across miles of desert. HELLLLOOOOOOOOOO, what does that tell you, without even using profiling, DUH!. Stop traffic on those few roads, and what do you think you will catch? DUH!

What are they going to do, tunnel 50 miles into the United States? I have NEVER, EVER, heard such a weak bunch of propaganda in my life. Who thinks that ILLEGALS can escape from highways and roads leaving cities and towns on the border, by walking in vast desert lands without being spotted by drones and satellites? And if they are on the road? Oh, you mean a BOTTLENECK! Isn't that what is called a check.......kind of like they do for drunk driving?

Come on people, they are making excuses to make you believe it is to expensive to be worth the effort. AGAIN.............look at the roads leaving out from the border areas. How many? Now look at the surrounding terrain. WAKE UP, before their nonsense convinces you it is a waste of time, lolol.
The rest of the candidates in both Parties are such pussies on the subject of Illegal Immigration.

Do you think trump would use the most viscous forms of torture on illegals before he sends them back?

think of what a deterrent that would be when an illegal goes back to Mexico with his fingernails removed. Or his eyes gouged out. Blow torch to the genitals. Or whatever other forms of torture will be sanctioned under trump.

I cant think of a better deterrent than torturing them illegals before we send them back. You know most of them are terrorists. Right?

Can you think of a better way to slow down the illegal problems than torture?
Cheaper too.
I'm closing in on actually wanting Trump to be elected President. Watching his ass scramble to catch his mouth will become a sport.
The crazy thing is that his actual policy proposals, the few there are, are pretty sane, but certainly not what a tea partier or wall st would like, but his blow hard feature sucks up all the energy. I'm not sure it's good or bad, but he seems to have insulted even enough of the GOP base that he'll not be the eventual nominee. I'm not sure if that's good or bad. Hillary as potus is not something that thrills me, but Rubio might beat her, and that really does scare me.
You are failing to understand the level of antipathy that exists against Obama and by extension the DEMs.
You fail to understand that generally speaking DEMs/LIBS are the 'party of personality'. That's why LIBs voted for "The First Black President'. Why people who 'make believe' in the movies and on TV are LIB heros.
LIBs are more interested in having 'The First President With A Vagina' even though they know she enabled her husband to sexually predate on females he held power over, Even though she and her husband have slithered out from under law enforcement in spite of committing numerous crimes that would have landed anyone else in Federal prison for years.
That's the LIB mentality for you.
REPs, generally are 'The Party of Social Responsibility, hard work, obeying the law.
They are political pragmatics above all else.
They would vote in Charlie Manson as President rather than ever see the Clinton's back doing what they were up to in the White house again or giving Obama a third term.
Some REPs will certainly have to hold their noses when they vote for Trump but they will vote for Trump nonetheless.

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