MH17 was shot by Ukrainian army. New evidences by Russian Defense Ministry

No one is saying the Ukrainians shouldn’t be allowed to be free and separate from Russia. Just don’t pretend they are white knights in shining armor. They are just as corrupt as Russia ever was, as they were all in with Soros and the EU globalist Agenda. The fact of the matter is the globalists funded the revolution, tried to assassinate the elected president, and threw out their own constitution when it suited them. The ethnic Russians rightfully decided to not be apart of the new anti-Russian government and chose to be apart of Russia.

Now, are you cool with each group of people choosing their own destiny, or you would rather see the ethnic Russians oppressed by the Ukrainian Nazis?

No one is saying the Ukrainians shouldn’t be allowed to be free and separate from Russia.

Apparently the Russians in Ukraine and in Russia have been saying that.

Just don’t pretend they are white knights in shining armor.

Let's see, on the one hand, Russians starved millions of Ukrainians to death and enslaved Eastern Europe for four decades on the other hand......I got nothing. You?

They are just as corrupt as Russia ever was

That settles it, bring on the Russian boot, eh?

as they were all in with Soros and the EU globalist Agenda.

Oh please!!
Soros is an evil bastard.
That doesn't make Putin any less evil, that doesn't make Putin's attacks on his neighbors any less evil.

The ethnic Russians rightfully decided to not be apart of the new anti-Russian government and chose to be apart of Russia.

They're next door to the biggest damn country on Earth. They should move there instead of causing trouble.

Did Russia take over all of Ukraine? No. They took the parts full of ethnic Russians that wanted to be a part of Russia as opposed to Nazi Ukraine. If Russia wanted to take the whole of Ukraine, they could.

Yes, the USSR commies did terrible things. What does that have to do with the situation now? Nothing...

How were ethnic Russians “causing trouble”? They were doing just fine until the Ukrainians tried to kill their elected leader, causing him to flee to Russia and ask for help. The Ukrainians then threw out their own constitution, which means they had no rights to all the lands within the previous borders. In order to form a new government you must have all parties choosing to be apart of it, the ethnic Russians in the east did not. So the new Ukraine has no rights at all to govern them using a new constitution. If you choose to create a new nation, you only get what your army stands on.

When the Ukraine broke away from the USSR, they were very capable of taking care of themselves. They had the best army as well a nuclear weapons. Unfortunately Obama convinced them to give those up.

Since then the Russians have invaded the Ukraine by taking Crimea and the phony separatists are Russian forces. It is not their elect5ed leader. He is the leader of the Ukraine and was lawfully removed by the parliament. So what if the Russians don't like it. I am sure that Democrats in Alabama are unhappy to be ruled by Republicans. Are they entitled to leadership.
Obama had nothing to do with Ukraine giving up its nukes. Ukraine gave up nukes a few years after gaining independence from Russian occupation in 1991 and gaining an agreement to assured independence and promise of protection from the USA, Great Britain, and Russia. 1994 was when the agreement was made. Russia violated the agreement with Ukraine, the USA Great Britain. Always a part of the story the Russians like to leave out of their misinformation and propaganda.

Obama did urge Ukraine to give up its nukes and said the US would protect them. Those turned out to be hollow words.
Obama was not even a Senator until 2005, a decade after Ukraine gave up nukes. He was not even a state legislature until 1997. He was a community organizer.
Of course there is the invasion.

1. How many Russian soldiers have you seen in your city/town for the last 4.5 years? I have seen NONE. But what i keep seeing is a lot of American officials in Ukrainian parliament controlling the new crooked rulers and telling us whom to love, whom to hate and whom to be with. You have to agree that in Ukraine you are "a patriot" only if you hate or harm Russia/Russians otherwise you are a traitor and you can find yourself in a "Mirotvorets" site for future murdering ( lot of people who were displayed on that site have been already killed including Ukrainian famous journalist Buzina).

Oles Buzina' assassination was the third in a row of political killings in the last four days: Sergey Sukhobok (April 13); Oleg Kalashnikov (April 15); and Oles Buzina (April 16).
History of Ukraine Told by Assassinated Ukrainian Writer Oles Buzina

Also, it's not enough for Washington to destroy the whole darn country: they are now trying to play with out religion too. Yesterday the self-proclaimed Ukrainian "patriarch" Filaret was received in Washington. All the masks are now down, so we can clearly see (at least those of us who want to) who's backing all that 4.5 years mess in Ukraine and now is orchestrating a religious war on the top of everything. And the history (the real one, not alleged!) is telling us: the religious wars are the most bloody wars of all.

BTW, it's not Russian soldiers who came to Kiev, it's Kiev who sent the Ukrainian soldiers to kill Ukrainian citizens in Donbass (who had the referendum and voted for separation from Ukraine). Neither brainwashed American liberals nor brainwashed Ukrainians are willing to respect the will of people in Ukraine and International laws.
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Her excursions in history bear mostly a form of garbage and have a little to do with the reality.
2. Kiev junta so far is who is rewriting the history. According to them Ukrainians were the first people on the Earth, that's what you want me to believe, Esay? And yes, you are half-Russian too. Even Ukrainian
language is proving it: it's a combination of Russian and Polish languages.

The incoming Ukrainian president will have to turn some attention to history, because the outgoing one has just made a hero of a long-dead Ukrainian fascist.
A Fascist Hero in Democratic Kiev

Cohen: Trump should have spoken out against what many see as Ukraine’s troubling glorification of Nazi collaborators. Trump should have broadened the agenda to call out Kiev for its official state policy of honoring controversial figures from World War Two.
Commentary: How Trump can show he’s tough on anti-Semitism | Reuters

Polish authorities intend to find out how Ukrainians travelling to the country perceive radical nationalist organizations. Citizens of Ukraine must give an assessment of Stephan Bandera’s activity and UPA. Loyalty and even a neutral position in relation to nationalists can result in not being allowed to enter the territory of Poland.
Google this^, the system does not allow me to add the link

recognizing Volyn a genocide - Senate of Poland voted for recognizing Volyn 1940 massacre as a genocide -

Senate of Poland acknowledged the Volyn massacre as genocide

The Polish Senate adopted a resolution on recognizing Volyn tragedy genocide

Poland says WWII massacre by Ukraine was a genocide
Russia annexed Crimea using its Army and supplies the rebels in Eastern Ukraine with ammunition, equipment, arms and military advisors.

3. Have you been to Crimea recently? The life standards there are uncomparably better now with Russia than 4 years ago with Ukraine. People are HAPPY to be with Russia. I'm happy for them and you, Esay, seem to be be happier if Crimeans were destroyed by Ukrainian Army same or even worse than Donbass is now. BTW, the situation Ukraine would be a lot better with Russia than with Washington. You can see: Washington only brings chaos, deaths, crimes, corruption and misery (and terrorism) everywhere it comes with its stinky "democracy". In spring 2014 (before the war) I used to come to demonstrations against junta with a banner "Where America comes she brings the war" in 2 languages: Russian and English. Sure enough, we didn't have to wait long for Washington to confirm it. (But they blamed Putin as always, somebody must be guilty, and it's never Deep State and their puppets!)

The residents of Crimea voted overwhelmingly to rejoin Russia (to which it used to belong until the Communists gave it to Ukraine). The Crimean Parliament then duly announced its secession from Ukraine and re-entry into the embrace of Mother Russia, where it rightly figured the Crimean people would be a lot safer and more prosperous. Russia backed that up with military muscle just in case the strutting clowns in Kiev got any funny ideas about ignoring the will of the people in the true tradition of Western-style democracy and snatched it back again.

Crimea has chosen its path in the referendum” — said Mariani at the press conference in Moscow.
Thierry Mariani: Better to be Crimean Tatar than Russian in Baltics

Crimea’s reunification with Russia reflects the will of the majority of the Crimean people, the head of a French delegation visiting the peninsula says. He added that if it had not joined Russia, it could have been turned into a battle zone like east Ukraine.
Crimea referendum reflected people’s will – French delegation head

4. The life standards in Ukraine have dropped significantly since the coup not due Russians but due to Kiev junta intentionally killing all the industry and jobs. They have two goals (dictated to them from Washington): to reduce the population as much as possible and to harm Russia. So far that's the only two things they've been doing excellently and that's why their Deep State Washington bosses keep them alive and in power.

The Bible says: "Those who have ears wouldn't hear and those who have eyes wouldn't see." Thanks to Deep State propaganda in both USA and Ukraine that's exactly what we are witnessing right now.
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who have been constantly creating anti-Russian propaganda.

Exactly! Russia never enslaved Eastern Europe. Never starved millions of Ukrainians. Those are Soros lies!!!

I think I would be surprised if you could understand the simple things I said above with your parrot's brain. And that is the big problem of your country: too many people unable to think and to use their own brains.

Right, Ukrainians have no reason to fear being ruled by Russia, Holodomor never happened.
Is that it? Explain using that brain of yours.

No one is saying the Ukrainians shouldn’t be allowed to be free and separate from Russia. Just don’t pretend they are white knights in shining armor. They are just as corrupt as Russia ever was, as they were all in with Soros and the EU globalist Agenda. The fact of the matter is the globalists funded the revolution, tried to assassinate the elected president, and threw out their own constitution when it suited them. The ethnic Russians rightfully decided to not be apart of the new anti-Russian government and chose to be apart of Russia.

Now, are you cool with each group of people choosing their own destiny, or you would rather see the ethnic Russians oppressed by the Ukrainian Nazis?

Ukrainians are not Nazis. They were occupied against their will for decades. The land does not belong to Russia as they came after the country was occupied. The previous President was lawfully thrown removed by the Parliament and refused to vacate the office. The people rose up and he was forced back to his masters in Russia. George Soros and so-called EU globalists had nothing to do with it. You are a sick individual who needs a nice soft rubber room.

Their President was NOT lawfully thrown out. Their parliament tried to, and were unsuccessful because they didn’t have the votes. That is when they threw out their constitution and created a new government. You can’t just throw out the law that details what your country is, then try to use it to claim the same borders. The coup attempt came after their President rejected the EU deal, so it most definitely was tied to the EU globalist who don’t take no for an answer.

'Lawmakers said the move to impeach was necessary. "Yanukovych is not capable of fulfilling his presidential duties," said opposition lawmaker Oleh Lyashko. Lawmakers will also consider banning the president from running in upcoming elections.

Meanwhile, imprisoned opposition leader and former prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko was released Saturday after spending 2 1/2 years in prison.

Hours after her release, the 53-year-old Tymoshenko spoke to a crowd gathered at Independence Square.

"No one could do what you have done, eliminate a tumor," she said "A dictator is gone and you are the heroes, you are the best of Ukraine. But you may not leave here until you finish the job and we go all the way."

Ukraine parliament votes to remove president

I'll bet you look under your bed every night for EU globalists.
There are ethnic Russians all over Ukraine who are glad to be Ukrainian citizens and served in the Ukrainian military and have been serving since the Russian invasion and against the rebel forces. Less than 5% of the elected Ukrainian legislature is alleged to be connected to parties with historically Nazi roots. These parties or groups date back to the anti-communist pro-Ukrainian nationalist era, hence anti-Russian, Russian occupation days.

I live in Ukraine and you (or anybody else posting in this thread) do NOT.
1. There is NO Russian invasion in Ukraine, there is Washington invasion.

2. The majority of the people living in Ukraine (especially, in Eastern like myself) do not want to do anything with USA, EU, NATO or any other country (and that amount keeps growing considerably each year), we want to be with Russia (that's why Kiev junta never held any referendum, they knew the results in advance and were afraid of them). We have over 1000 years common history with Russia, Russians are more than brothers to us, we are the same people. FYI, Ukrainians appeared after Poles captured Russian lands several centuries ago and then Russia got her lands back. Each Ukrainian is at least 50% Russian. That's why Russia is so concerned about us, but what is your American business in Ukraine? NONE.

3. According to Ukrainian constitution presidential elections can take place if: 1) President is dead (Kiev junta sure tried to kill him); 2) He's insane; 3) He refuses to keep being president (abjures).
Neither one above has happened. So, new crooks ruling Ukraine have been intentionally violating Ukrainian constitution and Washington (as well as you ignorant and hateful liberals+Toddster fools) keep supporting the crooks in Ukraine as well as you and your beloved Obama&Soros (who have planted both) were supporting ISIS.

Obviously you are a Putin plant.

1. Yes there is a Russian invasion of Ukraine.

2. You have talked to everybody in Ukraine. If you want to be with Russia move to Russia. Our business in Ukraine is to help the people who want freedom from Russia.

3. They are not crooks. The former President killed over 80 people using to secret police against protestors. Obama is guilty of not sending lethal aid to Ukraine. He sent idiotic stuff like MREs.
No one is saying the Ukrainians shouldn’t be allowed to be free and separate from Russia. Just don’t pretend they are white knights in shining armor. They are just as corrupt as Russia ever was, as they were all in with Soros and the EU globalist Agenda. The fact of the matter is the globalists funded the revolution, tried to assassinate the elected president, and threw out their own constitution when it suited them. The ethnic Russians rightfully decided to not be apart of the new anti-Russian government and chose to be apart of Russia.

Now, are you cool with each group of people choosing their own destiny, or you would rather see the ethnic Russians oppressed by the Ukrainian Nazis?

No one is saying the Ukrainians shouldn’t be allowed to be free and separate from Russia.

Apparently the Russians in Ukraine and in Russia have been saying that.

Just don’t pretend they are white knights in shining armor.

Let's see, on the one hand, Russians starved millions of Ukrainians to death and enslaved Eastern Europe for four decades on the other hand......I got nothing. You?

They are just as corrupt as Russia ever was

That settles it, bring on the Russian boot, eh?

as they were all in with Soros and the EU globalist Agenda.

Oh please!!
Soros is an evil bastard.
That doesn't make Putin any less evil, that doesn't make Putin's attacks on his neighbors any less evil.

The ethnic Russians rightfully decided to not be apart of the new anti-Russian government and chose to be apart of Russia.

They're next door to the biggest damn country on Earth. They should move there instead of causing trouble.

Did Russia take over all of Ukraine? No. They took the parts full of ethnic Russians that wanted to be a part of Russia as opposed to Nazi Ukraine. If Russia wanted to take the whole of Ukraine, they could.

Yes, the USSR commies did terrible things. What does that have to do with the situation now? Nothing...

How were ethnic Russians “causing trouble”? They were doing just fine until the Ukrainians tried to kill their elected leader, causing him to flee to Russia and ask for help. The Ukrainians then threw out their own constitution, which means they had no rights to all the lands within the previous borders. In order to form a new government you must have all parties choosing to be apart of it, the ethnic Russians in the east did not. So the new Ukraine has no rights at all to govern them using a new constitution. If you choose to create a new nation, you only get what your army stands on.

Did Russia take over all of Ukraine?

Not recently. Not yet.

They took the parts full of ethnic Russians that wanted to be a part of Russia

Oh, so kind of like the Nazis taking territory before WWII with lots of ethnic Germans?

as opposed to Nazi Ukraine

What are the 5 most important differences between Nazis and Commies?

In order to form a new government you must have all parties choosing to be apart of it, the ethnic Russians in the east did not.

Excellent point. When is Russia going to release the ethnic prisoners within Russia?

The Russians in the former eastern Ukraine wanted to be under Russia rather than the violent new Ukraine government. I know, why not have them vote on it? Oh that’s right, they did and they chose to join the Russian Federation. As far back as 2008 they had well over 60% of the vote to leave the Ukraine.

But we all know how globalist pigs despise voters and the will of the people. Instead they want to rule over people and if anyone disagrees with that then it’s sanctions and war.

Now are the Russians just as bad as the Ukraine? Perhaps. The point is it’s not our problem and the last thing we should do is listen to people like Hillary, the Hussein, and McStain who want us to bully those people and force them to join the new Ukrainian government.

The Russians in the former eastern Ukraine wanted to be under Russia rather than the violent new Ukraine government.

They should move to Russia. Biggest country in the world. Plenty of room.

Are you admitting that Nazis and Commies are the same?

Why should they move when the Russian speaking people have been there longer than the nation called Ukraine existed?
I think I would be surprised if you could understand the simple things I said above with your parrot's brain. And that is the big problem of your country: too many people unable to think and to use their own brains.

Right, Ukrainians have no reason to fear being ruled by Russia, Holodomor never happened.
Is that it? Explain using that brain of yours.

No one is saying the Ukrainians shouldn’t be allowed to be free and separate from Russia. Just don’t pretend they are white knights in shining armor. They are just as corrupt as Russia ever was, as they were all in with Soros and the EU globalist Agenda. The fact of the matter is the globalists funded the revolution, tried to assassinate the elected president, and threw out their own constitution when it suited them. The ethnic Russians rightfully decided to not be apart of the new anti-Russian government and chose to be apart of Russia.

Now, are you cool with each group of people choosing their own destiny, or you would rather see the ethnic Russians oppressed by the Ukrainian Nazis?

Ukrainians are not Nazis. They were occupied against their will for decades. The land does not belong to Russia as they came after the country was occupied. The previous President was lawfully thrown removed by the Parliament and refused to vacate the office. The people rose up and he was forced back to his masters in Russia. George Soros and so-called EU globalists had nothing to do with it. You are a sick individual who needs a nice soft rubber room.

Their President was NOT lawfully thrown out. Their parliament tried to, and were unsuccessful because they didn’t have the votes. That is when they threw out their constitution and created a new government. You can’t just throw out the law that details what your country is, then try to use it to claim the same borders. The coup attempt came after their President rejected the EU deal, so it most definitely was tied to the EU globalist who don’t take no for an answer.

'Lawmakers said the move to impeach was necessary. "Yanukovych is not capable of fulfilling his presidential duties," said opposition lawmaker Oleh Lyashko. Lawmakers will also consider banning the president from running in upcoming elections.

Meanwhile, imprisoned opposition leader and former prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko was released Saturday after spending 2 1/2 years in prison.

Hours after her release, the 53-year-old Tymoshenko spoke to a crowd gathered at Independence Square.

"No one could do what you have done, eliminate a tumor," she said "A dictator is gone and you are the heroes, you are the best of Ukraine. But you may not leave here until you finish the job and we go all the way."

Ukraine parliament votes to remove president

I'll bet you look under your bed every night for EU globalists.

“A dictator”....that’s funny considering he was the last rightfully elected leader of the former Ukraine.
No one is saying the Ukrainians shouldn’t be allowed to be free and separate from Russia.

Apparently the Russians in Ukraine and in Russia have been saying that.

Just don’t pretend they are white knights in shining armor.

Let's see, on the one hand, Russians starved millions of Ukrainians to death and enslaved Eastern Europe for four decades on the other hand......I got nothing. You?

They are just as corrupt as Russia ever was

That settles it, bring on the Russian boot, eh?

as they were all in with Soros and the EU globalist Agenda.

Oh please!!
Soros is an evil bastard.
That doesn't make Putin any less evil, that doesn't make Putin's attacks on his neighbors any less evil.

The ethnic Russians rightfully decided to not be apart of the new anti-Russian government and chose to be apart of Russia.

They're next door to the biggest damn country on Earth. They should move there instead of causing trouble.

Did Russia take over all of Ukraine? No. They took the parts full of ethnic Russians that wanted to be a part of Russia as opposed to Nazi Ukraine. If Russia wanted to take the whole of Ukraine, they could.

Yes, the USSR commies did terrible things. What does that have to do with the situation now? Nothing...

How were ethnic Russians “causing trouble”? They were doing just fine until the Ukrainians tried to kill their elected leader, causing him to flee to Russia and ask for help. The Ukrainians then threw out their own constitution, which means they had no rights to all the lands within the previous borders. In order to form a new government you must have all parties choosing to be apart of it, the ethnic Russians in the east did not. So the new Ukraine has no rights at all to govern them using a new constitution. If you choose to create a new nation, you only get what your army stands on.

Did Russia take over all of Ukraine?

Not recently. Not yet.

They took the parts full of ethnic Russians that wanted to be a part of Russia

Oh, so kind of like the Nazis taking territory before WWII with lots of ethnic Germans?

as opposed to Nazi Ukraine

What are the 5 most important differences between Nazis and Commies?

In order to form a new government you must have all parties choosing to be apart of it, the ethnic Russians in the east did not.

Excellent point. When is Russia going to release the ethnic prisoners within Russia?

The Russians in the former eastern Ukraine wanted to be under Russia rather than the violent new Ukraine government. I know, why not have them vote on it? Oh that’s right, they did and they chose to join the Russian Federation. As far back as 2008 they had well over 60% of the vote to leave the Ukraine.

But we all know how globalist pigs despise voters and the will of the people. Instead they want to rule over people and if anyone disagrees with that then it’s sanctions and war.

Now are the Russians just as bad as the Ukraine? Perhaps. The point is it’s not our problem and the last thing we should do is listen to people like Hillary, the Hussein, and McStain who want us to bully those people and force them to join the new Ukrainian government.

The Russians in the former eastern Ukraine wanted to be under Russia rather than the violent new Ukraine government.

They should move to Russia. Biggest country in the world. Plenty of room.

Are you admitting that Nazis and Commies are the same?

Why should they move when the Russian speaking people have been there longer than the nation called Ukraine existed?
Toddesrer's and busybee's advice to us to move to Russia is as ridiculous as if he suggested to Americans to move back to the countries their ancestors came from. It should be up to us, not up to Toddster or some other guys in USA.
He fled to Crimera because he would had been assassinated by the left wing Nazis.

The Ukrainians are free to form their own government and all, but don’t pretend the people in eastern Ukraine and Crimera wanted any part of it.

Would you welcome a democratic approach and let those people vote for their own fate? Of course you wouldn’t because you believe they should be subjects of the EU.
He did not flee to Crimea. He fled to Rostov, Russia.

He did flee to Crimea, then to Russia because of the death threats from the Ukraine Nazis.
Did Russia take over all of Ukraine? No. They took the parts full of ethnic Russians that wanted to be a part of Russia as opposed to Nazi Ukraine. If Russia wanted to take the whole of Ukraine, they could.

Yes, the USSR commies did terrible things. What does that have to do with the situation now? Nothing...

How were ethnic Russians “causing trouble”? They were doing just fine until the Ukrainians tried to kill their elected leader, causing him to flee to Russia and ask for help. The Ukrainians then threw out their own constitution, which means they had no rights to all the lands within the previous borders. In order to form a new government you must have all parties choosing to be apart of it, the ethnic Russians in the east did not. So the new Ukraine has no rights at all to govern them using a new constitution. If you choose to create a new nation, you only get what your army stands on.

Did Russia take over all of Ukraine?

Not recently. Not yet.

They took the parts full of ethnic Russians that wanted to be a part of Russia

Oh, so kind of like the Nazis taking territory before WWII with lots of ethnic Germans?

as opposed to Nazi Ukraine

What are the 5 most important differences between Nazis and Commies?

In order to form a new government you must have all parties choosing to be apart of it, the ethnic Russians in the east did not.

Excellent point. When is Russia going to release the ethnic prisoners within Russia?

The Russians in the former eastern Ukraine wanted to be under Russia rather than the violent new Ukraine government. I know, why not have them vote on it? Oh that’s right, they did and they chose to join the Russian Federation. As far back as 2008 they had well over 60% of the vote to leave the Ukraine.

But we all know how globalist pigs despise voters and the will of the people. Instead they want to rule over people and if anyone disagrees with that then it’s sanctions and war.

Now are the Russians just as bad as the Ukraine? Perhaps. The point is it’s not our problem and the last thing we should do is listen to people like Hillary, the Hussein, and McStain who want us to bully those people and force them to join the new Ukrainian government.

The Russians in the former eastern Ukraine wanted to be under Russia rather than the violent new Ukraine government.

They should move to Russia. Biggest country in the world. Plenty of room.

Are you admitting that Nazis and Commies are the same?

Why should they move when the Russian speaking people have been there longer than the nation called Ukraine existed?
Toddesrer's and busybee's advice to us to move to Russia is as ridiculous as if he suggested to Americans to move back to the countries their ancestors came from. It should be up to us, not up to Toddster or some other guys in USA.

Toddesrer's and busybee's advice to us to move to Russia is as ridiculous as if he suggested to Americans to move back to the countries their ancestors came from.

If I was whining that I wanted those ancestral countries to take over part or all of America, that might be equivalent.
Did Russia take over all of Ukraine?

Not recently. Not yet.

They took the parts full of ethnic Russians that wanted to be a part of Russia

Oh, so kind of like the Nazis taking territory before WWII with lots of ethnic Germans?

as opposed to Nazi Ukraine

What are the 5 most important differences between Nazis and Commies?

In order to form a new government you must have all parties choosing to be apart of it, the ethnic Russians in the east did not.

Excellent point. When is Russia going to release the ethnic prisoners within Russia?

The Russians in the former eastern Ukraine wanted to be under Russia rather than the violent new Ukraine government. I know, why not have them vote on it? Oh that’s right, they did and they chose to join the Russian Federation. As far back as 2008 they had well over 60% of the vote to leave the Ukraine.

But we all know how globalist pigs despise voters and the will of the people. Instead they want to rule over people and if anyone disagrees with that then it’s sanctions and war.

Now are the Russians just as bad as the Ukraine? Perhaps. The point is it’s not our problem and the last thing we should do is listen to people like Hillary, the Hussein, and McStain who want us to bully those people and force them to join the new Ukrainian government.

The Russians in the former eastern Ukraine wanted to be under Russia rather than the violent new Ukraine government.

They should move to Russia. Biggest country in the world. Plenty of room.

Are you admitting that Nazis and Commies are the same?

Why should they move when the Russian speaking people have been there longer than the nation called Ukraine existed?
Toddesrer's and busybee's advice to us to move to Russia is as ridiculous as if he suggested to Americans to move back to the countries their ancestors came from. It should be up to us, not up to Toddster or some other guys in USA.

Toddesrer's and busybee's advice to us to move to Russia is as ridiculous as if he suggested to Americans to move back to the countries their ancestors came from.

If I was whining that I wanted those ancestral countries to take over part or all of America, that might be equivalent.
If you were occupied by foreign enemy country you would be whining. However I'm not whining, I'm telling the facts as they are trying to answer your numerous dumb questions.
Right, Ukrainians have no reason to fear being ruled by Russia, Holodomor never happened.
Is that it? Explain using that brain of yours.

No one is saying the Ukrainians shouldn’t be allowed to be free and separate from Russia. Just don’t pretend they are white knights in shining armor. They are just as corrupt as Russia ever was, as they were all in with Soros and the EU globalist Agenda. The fact of the matter is the globalists funded the revolution, tried to assassinate the elected president, and threw out their own constitution when it suited them. The ethnic Russians rightfully decided to not be apart of the new anti-Russian government and chose to be apart of Russia.

Now, are you cool with each group of people choosing their own destiny, or you would rather see the ethnic Russians oppressed by the Ukrainian Nazis?

Ukrainians are not Nazis. They were occupied against their will for decades. The land does not belong to Russia as they came after the country was occupied. The previous President was lawfully thrown removed by the Parliament and refused to vacate the office. The people rose up and he was forced back to his masters in Russia. George Soros and so-called EU globalists had nothing to do with it. You are a sick individual who needs a nice soft rubber room.

Their President was NOT lawfully thrown out. Their parliament tried to, and were unsuccessful because they didn’t have the votes. That is when they threw out their constitution and created a new government. You can’t just throw out the law that details what your country is, then try to use it to claim the same borders. The coup attempt came after their President rejected the EU deal, so it most definitely was tied to the EU globalist who don’t take no for an answer.

'Lawmakers said the move to impeach was necessary. "Yanukovych is not capable of fulfilling his presidential duties," said opposition lawmaker Oleh Lyashko. Lawmakers will also consider banning the president from running in upcoming elections.

Meanwhile, imprisoned opposition leader and former prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko was released Saturday after spending 2 1/2 years in prison.

Hours after her release, the 53-year-old Tymoshenko spoke to a crowd gathered at Independence Square.

"No one could do what you have done, eliminate a tumor," she said "A dictator is gone and you are the heroes, you are the best of Ukraine. But you may not leave here until you finish the job and we go all the way."

Ukraine parliament votes to remove president

I'll bet you look under your bed every night for EU globalists.

“A dictator”....that’s funny considering he was the last rightfully elected leader of the former Ukraine.

Who killed innocent protestors.
He fled to Crimera because he would had been assassinated by the left wing Nazis.

The Ukrainians are free to form their own government and all, but don’t pretend the people in eastern Ukraine and Crimera wanted any part of it.

Would you welcome a democratic approach and let those people vote for their own fate? Of course you wouldn’t because you believe they should be subjects of the EU.
He did not flee to Crimea. He fled to Rostov, Russia.

He did flee to Crimea, then to Russia because of the death threats from the Ukraine Nazis.

Putin has more to do with Nazis. He can kick anyone he wants off the ballot or jail them. He can jail a rock band for singing out against him. You have no idea what you are talking about.
No one is saying the Ukrainians shouldn’t be allowed to be free and separate from Russia. Just don’t pretend they are white knights in shining armor. They are just as corrupt as Russia ever was, as they were all in with Soros and the EU globalist Agenda. The fact of the matter is the globalists funded the revolution, tried to assassinate the elected president, and threw out their own constitution when it suited them. The ethnic Russians rightfully decided to not be apart of the new anti-Russian government and chose to be apart of Russia.

Now, are you cool with each group of people choosing their own destiny, or you would rather see the ethnic Russians oppressed by the Ukrainian Nazis?

Ukrainians are not Nazis. They were occupied against their will for decades. The land does not belong to Russia as they came after the country was occupied. The previous President was lawfully thrown removed by the Parliament and refused to vacate the office. The people rose up and he was forced back to his masters in Russia. George Soros and so-called EU globalists had nothing to do with it. You are a sick individual who needs a nice soft rubber room.

Their President was NOT lawfully thrown out. Their parliament tried to, and were unsuccessful because they didn’t have the votes. That is when they threw out their constitution and created a new government. You can’t just throw out the law that details what your country is, then try to use it to claim the same borders. The coup attempt came after their President rejected the EU deal, so it most definitely was tied to the EU globalist who don’t take no for an answer.

'Lawmakers said the move to impeach was necessary. "Yanukovych is not capable of fulfilling his presidential duties," said opposition lawmaker Oleh Lyashko. Lawmakers will also consider banning the president from running in upcoming elections.

Meanwhile, imprisoned opposition leader and former prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko was released Saturday after spending 2 1/2 years in prison.

Hours after her release, the 53-year-old Tymoshenko spoke to a crowd gathered at Independence Square.

"No one could do what you have done, eliminate a tumor," she said "A dictator is gone and you are the heroes, you are the best of Ukraine. But you may not leave here until you finish the job and we go all the way."

Ukraine parliament votes to remove president

I'll bet you look under your bed every night for EU globalists.

“A dictator”....that’s funny considering he was the last rightfully elected leader of the former Ukraine.

Who killed innocent protestors.

How should I know? It’s not my war, I’m sure innocents on both sides have died. Unlike you I am not emotionally invested in the conflict, I simply look at the facts of the situation and give an honest opinion on the matter.
What are the 5 most important differences between Nazis and Commies?
The main idea of nazism is "the only nation is senior while all others must be either killed or be slaves"
That is exactly what we can see in policy of the USA.
And it is absolutely inhumane ideology which will always be opposed.

The main idea of communism is "all people are absolutely equal and each person has absolutely the same rights. Work where you feel yourself comfortable and most useful for society and earn proportionally to your work".
And it is the way of living on our planet in future.

And you, Toddsterpatriot be do kind to mention what is common between commie and today's Russia.
Ukrainians are not Nazis. They were occupied against their will for decades. The land does not belong to Russia as they came after the country was occupied. The previous President was lawfully thrown removed by the Parliament and refused to vacate the office. The people rose up and he was forced back to his masters in Russia. George Soros and so-called EU globalists had nothing to do with it. You are a sick individual who needs a nice soft rubber room
Absolutely wrong!
Remember "occupy Wall Street"?
People came to the streets but were stopped in a cruel way. And soon it was over.
Why? That was people's position...they had right to express it...
What if that action took place in Ukraine while USA supported them and forbade police to stop that rallying.

Here we have the situation that really happened in Ukraine in 2014.

Now, step by step about Ukraine, Russia and coup organized by USA realized by nazi.

1. Ukrainians are nation that appeared just 100 years ago. They were Russians before, quite like belorussians. So what occupation can one talk about? In 1917, while USSR so-called Ukrainians we ruling the country and played important role though nobody ever supposed them to be Ukrainians not Russian.
"Ukraine" is translated as "the edge land" as that territory was the border if Russia. Those territories were part of Russia since at least 9th century.

2. Nazists in Ukraine remain since ww2, they were financed by UK and USA in 1950s for actions against USSR...terroristic actions. And they were renewed in 1990s, school history books were rewroten so you got new generation grown in pro-Western anti-russian info space. Now they are 30-40 years old, ready to fight and support.
It were nazist organizations, well prepared and armed who did the main fight work in the streets of Kiev in 2014. And they were paid and organized by USA. They had huge international support in media, they had excellently equipped street hospitals and canteens, they had strict hierarchy. That was certainly NOT A PEOPLE'S SPONTANEOUS ACTION!!!

3. Previous president Yanukovich was not pro-Russian but he was not pro-Western as well. He was corrupted and weak-minded. The only reason he lost the power is because he didn't use army and police to stop that rallying. He was afraid to use them because he was forbidden by USA to.
He ran to Russia only because he knew that any other country would return him to Ukraine and he would be killed.

4. Yanukovich was not removed by parliament. But there was a decision to organize early presidential elections in March or April. That decision was officially signed by Ukraine parliament's representatives, by Yanukovich, by Germany, France and Russia.
Nevertheless the next day nazist armed squads came to president's he had to run away saving his life.

Try to find out how it really happened and compare your version to mine.
I don't believe one minute Russia did this. Russia is our friend. We should invite Russians into the White House and tell them all the countries that give us secrets like Israel. You can't trust the Jews like you can Russia.
The Russians in the former eastern Ukraine wanted to be under Russia rather than the violent new Ukraine government. I know, why not have them vote on it? Oh that’s right, they did and they chose to join the Russian Federation. As far back as 2008 they had well over 60% of the vote to leave the Ukraine.

But we all know how globalist pigs despise voters and the will of the people. Instead they want to rule over people and if anyone disagrees with that then it’s sanctions and war.

Now are the Russians just as bad as the Ukraine? Perhaps. The point is it’s not our problem and the last thing we should do is listen to people like Hillary, the Hussein, and McStain who want us to bully those people and force them to join the new Ukrainian government.

The Russians in the former eastern Ukraine wanted to be under Russia rather than the violent new Ukraine government.

They should move to Russia. Biggest country in the world. Plenty of room.

Are you admitting that Nazis and Commies are the same?

Why should they move when the Russian speaking people have been there longer than the nation called Ukraine existed?
Toddesrer's and busybee's advice to us to move to Russia is as ridiculous as if he suggested to Americans to move back to the countries their ancestors came from. It should be up to us, not up to Toddster or some other guys in USA.

Toddesrer's and busybee's advice to us to move to Russia is as ridiculous as if he suggested to Americans to move back to the countries their ancestors came from.

If I was whining that I wanted those ancestral countries to take over part or all of America, that might be equivalent.
If you were occupied by foreign enemy country you would be whining. However I'm not whining, I'm telling the facts as they are trying to answer your numerous dumb questions.

Who is occupying Russia? Lay off the vodka. For a little while.....
What are the 5 most important differences between Nazis and Commies?
The main idea of nazism is "the only nation is senior while all others must be either killed or be slaves"
That is exactly what we can see in policy of the USA.
And it is absolutely inhumane ideology which will always be opposed.

The main idea of communism is "all people are absolutely equal and each person has absolutely the same rights. Work where you feel yourself comfortable and most useful for society and earn proportionally to your work".
And it is the way of living on our planet in future.

And you, Toddsterpatriot be do kind to mention what is common between commie and today's Russia.

The main idea of nazism is "the only nation is senior while all others must be either killed or be slaves"

Stalin was a Nazi. Good to know.

The main idea of communism is "all people are absolutely equal and each person has absolutely the same rights. Work where you feel yourself comfortable and most useful for society and earn proportionally to your work".

We pretend to work, they pretend to pay us.

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