Ukrainian pilot shot down Malaysian Boeing MH17, secret witness says. 12/23/2014

I know, how can we not believe that little softy, pooty Poot?
Poor misunderstood Russia. Enjoy your tanking economy, Ivan. LOL!
LOL, I am American, my family has been here since the 1600s, trying to call me a Russian is laughable.

Believe it or not, there are people in the US that oppose Obama's and the other western government's stupid policy with Russia.

Opposing Russia doesn't mean supporting Obama.
Obama is inconsequential, he is more a pawn than anything else in this policy. I like how your panties are in a bunch over being on the same side as Obama on an issue though.

The "revolution" you supported in Ukraine was backed by Soros and the lefty crew you claim to oppose though. - Transcripts

It is funny that Obama was going to be more flexible after his election.
His 2009 reset was also good.
Opposing Obama doesn't mean supporting Russia either.

The "revolution" you supported in Ukraine was backed by Soros

If Soros is on the opposite side from Putin, good for him. He got one right. Finally.
So you support breaking diplomatic promises and support a scumbag globalist inciting a revolt against a democratic government that has led to civil war? You are a piece of work.

I support the Ukrainian people against Putin.
The US deposed the pro Russian Yanukovych through funding the protests last year, so to say the US has no part in expanding NATO is false.

Head of Stratfor Private CIA Says Overthrow of Yanukovych Was The Most Blatant Coup in History Washington s Blog
Ok so if that is true, the us advanced its interest in another country. In which the ukranians may benefit through cooperation and a mutual economic policies..what's the big deal? You act as if Russia never advances it's interest in the world by propping up people., and unfortunately the only ones who benefit is Russia and the select few in the relationship. And besides that is not a NATO interest and it would not expand NATO. Ukraine May want to be part of NATO but that does not mean it is so. Perhaps Putin would be better served if he could show how cooperation with him would be better for the host nation as a whole. There is a reason why those border nations are requesting NATO help. All you have to due is view it's history to understand why they are worried.
The big deal is we violated the policy we struck under George Bush Sr not to expand into the Russia's traditional sphere once they allowed Germany's reunification. I don't support breaking promises and wanton aggression against Russia, particularly since they have become a decent conservative society since the fall of the Soviet Union, and have been a reliable partner in fighting radical islam since 9/11. I also don't support hurting the economies of our European allies in bringing sanctions on Russia. I see nothing good from this.

The big deal is we violated the policy we struck under George Bush Sr not to expand into the Russia's traditional sphere

The countries recently freed from under the Soviet boot would rather not be at the mercy of Mother Russia.
We had no treaty with Russia to not expand NATO.

particularly since they have become a decent conservative society since the fall of the Soviet Union, and have been a reliable partner in fighting radical islam since 9/11.

Just because we didn't make a treaty didn't mean we didn't make a promise. So lying is ok if it isn't codified in treaty?

Where is your honor and decency? You sound like some scumbag lawyer.

Wow, what an amazing retort. The fact is, Putin has revived the Orthodox Church, brought up Russian birthrates, lowered abortion rates, and stood up for traditional values such as marriage against encroaching from western funded NGOs, among other things.
Restore destroyed Orthodox monasteries in Kremlin says Putin Russia Beyond The Headlines

Just because we didn't make a treaty didn't mean we didn't make a promise.

What was the promise? Who made it? When?

Where is your honor and decency?

The fact that I'm on the side opposing Putin shows where my honor and decency are.

You sound like some scumbag lawyer.

What did you say? It's hard to hear with your lips on Putin's ass.

The fact is, Putin has revived the Orthodox Church

If you believe he did that out of the goodness of his heart, because he's showing his Christian goodness, you're an idiot.
You are getting more pathetic by the minute. First you say it doesn't matter that we broke the promise not the expand NATO, now you claim no such promise was made.
Joshua Shifrinson Why the West Broke Its Promise to Moscow on NATO Expansion Foreign Affairs

Yea, you are really honorable standing with homosexuals, liberals, neo nazi-skinheads and degenerate feminists like pussy riot who want to overthrow the russian government. What a great guy you are.

You are some goofy conspiracy theorist that thinks he is reviving the soviet union by destroying old communist building and putting up churches. Yea, not only are you a scumbag, you are an idiot to boot. You know nothing about Russia and don't understand Russia isn't the Soviet Union. The greatest victims of the Soviet Union were the Russian people, and Putin condemns the atrocities and wants to restore the country's christian heritage. He also has had several audiences with Solzhenitsyn, the great russian anti-communist, and has his support as well.
WikiLeaks cables Solzhenitsyn praise for Vladimir Putin World news The Guardian
Vladimir Putin - Still Not a Communist - Forbes
Remembering the Katyn Massacre Putin Gesture Heralds New Era in Russian-Polish Relations - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Ok so if that is true, the us advanced its interest in another country. In which the ukranians may benefit through cooperation and a mutual economic policies..what's the big deal? You act as if Russia never advances it's interest in the world by propping up people., and unfortunately the only ones who benefit is Russia and the select few in the relationship. And besides that is not a NATO interest and it would not expand NATO. Ukraine May want to be part of NATO but that does not mean it is so. Perhaps Putin would be better served if he could show how cooperation with him would be better for the host nation as a whole. There is a reason why those border nations are requesting NATO help. All you have to due is view it's history to understand why they are worried.
The big deal is we violated the policy we struck under George Bush Sr not to expand into the Russia's traditional sphere once they allowed Germany's reunification. I don't support breaking promises and wanton aggression against Russia, particularly since they have become a decent conservative society since the fall of the Soviet Union, and have been a reliable partner in fighting radical islam since 9/11. I also don't support hurting the economies of our European allies in bringing sanctions on Russia. I see nothing good from this.

The big deal is we violated the policy we struck under George Bush Sr not to expand into the Russia's traditional sphere

The countries recently freed from under the Soviet boot would rather not be at the mercy of Mother Russia.
We had no treaty with Russia to not expand NATO.

particularly since they have become a decent conservative society since the fall of the Soviet Union, and have been a reliable partner in fighting radical islam since 9/11.

Just because we didn't make a treaty didn't mean we didn't make a promise. So lying is ok if it isn't codified in treaty?

Where is your honor and decency? You sound like some scumbag lawyer.

Wow, what an amazing retort. The fact is, Putin has revived the Orthodox Church, brought up Russian birthrates, lowered abortion rates, and stood up for traditional values such as marriage against encroaching from western funded NGOs, among other things.
Restore destroyed Orthodox monasteries in Kremlin says Putin Russia Beyond The Headlines

Just because we didn't make a treaty didn't mean we didn't make a promise.

What was the promise? Who made it? When?

Where is your honor and decency?

The fact that I'm on the side opposing Putin shows where my honor and decency are.

You sound like some scumbag lawyer.

What did you say? It's hard to hear with your lips on Putin's ass.

The fact is, Putin has revived the Orthodox Church

If you believe he did that out of the goodness of his heart, because he's showing his Christian goodness, you're an idiot.
You are getting more pathetic by the minute. First you say it doesn't matter that we broke the promise not the expand NATO, now you claim no such promise was made.
Joshua Shifrinson Why the West Broke Its Promise to Moscow on NATO Expansion Foreign Affairs

Yea, you are really honorable standing with homosexuals, liberals, neo nazi-skinheads and degenerate feminists like pussy riot who want to overthrow the russian government. What a great guy you are.

You are some goofy conspiracy theorist that thinks he is reviving the soviet union by destroying old communist building and putting up churches. Yea, not only are you a scumbag, you are an idiot to boot. You know nothing about Russia and don't understand Russia isn't the Soviet Union. The greatest victims of the Soviet Union were the Russian people, and Putin condemns the atrocities and wants to restore the country's christian heritage. He also has had several audiences with Solzhenitsyn, the great russian anti-communist, and has his support as well.
WikiLeaks cables Solzhenitsyn praise for Vladimir Putin World news The Guardian
Vladimir Putin - Still Not a Communist - Forbes
Remembering the Katyn Massacre Putin Gesture Heralds New Era in Russian-Polish Relations - SPIEGEL ONLINE
how is a economic agreement expanding NATO? Do you even know what NATO is? If a border country is friendly to us that is not expanding NATO.
The big deal is we violated the policy we struck under George Bush Sr not to expand into the Russia's traditional sphere once they allowed Germany's reunification. I don't support breaking promises and wanton aggression against Russia, particularly since they have become a decent conservative society since the fall of the Soviet Union, and have been a reliable partner in fighting radical islam since 9/11. I also don't support hurting the economies of our European allies in bringing sanctions on Russia. I see nothing good from this.

The big deal is we violated the policy we struck under George Bush Sr not to expand into the Russia's traditional sphere

The countries recently freed from under the Soviet boot would rather not be at the mercy of Mother Russia.
We had no treaty with Russia to not expand NATO.

particularly since they have become a decent conservative society since the fall of the Soviet Union, and have been a reliable partner in fighting radical islam since 9/11.

Just because we didn't make a treaty didn't mean we didn't make a promise. So lying is ok if it isn't codified in treaty?

Where is your honor and decency? You sound like some scumbag lawyer.

Wow, what an amazing retort. The fact is, Putin has revived the Orthodox Church, brought up Russian birthrates, lowered abortion rates, and stood up for traditional values such as marriage against encroaching from western funded NGOs, among other things.
Restore destroyed Orthodox monasteries in Kremlin says Putin Russia Beyond The Headlines

Just because we didn't make a treaty didn't mean we didn't make a promise.

What was the promise? Who made it? When?

Where is your honor and decency?

The fact that I'm on the side opposing Putin shows where my honor and decency are.

You sound like some scumbag lawyer.

What did you say? It's hard to hear with your lips on Putin's ass.

The fact is, Putin has revived the Orthodox Church

If you believe he did that out of the goodness of his heart, because he's showing his Christian goodness, you're an idiot.
You are getting more pathetic by the minute. First you say it doesn't matter that we broke the promise not the expand NATO, now you claim no such promise was made.
Joshua Shifrinson Why the West Broke Its Promise to Moscow on NATO Expansion Foreign Affairs

Yea, you are really honorable standing with homosexuals, liberals, neo nazi-skinheads and degenerate feminists like pussy riot who want to overthrow the russian government. What a great guy you are.

You are some goofy conspiracy theorist that thinks he is reviving the soviet union by destroying old communist building and putting up churches. Yea, not only are you a scumbag, you are an idiot to boot. You know nothing about Russia and don't understand Russia isn't the Soviet Union. The greatest victims of the Soviet Union were the Russian people, and Putin condemns the atrocities and wants to restore the country's christian heritage. He also has had several audiences with Solzhenitsyn, the great russian anti-communist, and has his support as well.
WikiLeaks cables Solzhenitsyn praise for Vladimir Putin World news The Guardian
Vladimir Putin - Still Not a Communist - Forbes
Remembering the Katyn Massacre Putin Gesture Heralds New Era in Russian-Polish Relations - SPIEGEL ONLINE
how is a economic agreement expanding NATO? Do you even know what NATO is? If a border country is friendly to us that is not expanding NATO.

I realize that NATO has expanded the last one at 2009. So what do you want NATO to do? Turn a blind eye? Give up? Go away? Why are nations wanting to get away from Russia? I mean they request it. They want us to come to their countries we are not forcing their hand. Every NATO country I have been to the people thank us and want to be partners. We train and that countries economy prospers. I see quite a bit of good that we have done in all of those countries. I think Russia would be more then happy to expand. From my experience those host countries want no part of it. So yes I see your point about the treaties but I also have seen the neglect that Russia was done and will do to those countries.
The big deal is we violated the policy we struck under George Bush Sr not to expand into the Russia's traditional sphere once they allowed Germany's reunification. I don't support breaking promises and wanton aggression against Russia, particularly since they have become a decent conservative society since the fall of the Soviet Union, and have been a reliable partner in fighting radical islam since 9/11. I also don't support hurting the economies of our European allies in bringing sanctions on Russia. I see nothing good from this.

The big deal is we violated the policy we struck under George Bush Sr not to expand into the Russia's traditional sphere

The countries recently freed from under the Soviet boot would rather not be at the mercy of Mother Russia.
We had no treaty with Russia to not expand NATO.

particularly since they have become a decent conservative society since the fall of the Soviet Union, and have been a reliable partner in fighting radical islam since 9/11.

Just because we didn't make a treaty didn't mean we didn't make a promise. So lying is ok if it isn't codified in treaty?

Where is your honor and decency? You sound like some scumbag lawyer.

Wow, what an amazing retort. The fact is, Putin has revived the Orthodox Church, brought up Russian birthrates, lowered abortion rates, and stood up for traditional values such as marriage against encroaching from western funded NGOs, among other things.
Restore destroyed Orthodox monasteries in Kremlin says Putin Russia Beyond The Headlines

Just because we didn't make a treaty didn't mean we didn't make a promise.

What was the promise? Who made it? When?

Where is your honor and decency?

The fact that I'm on the side opposing Putin shows where my honor and decency are.

You sound like some scumbag lawyer.

What did you say? It's hard to hear with your lips on Putin's ass.

The fact is, Putin has revived the Orthodox Church

If you believe he did that out of the goodness of his heart, because he's showing his Christian goodness, you're an idiot.
You are getting more pathetic by the minute. First you say it doesn't matter that we broke the promise not the expand NATO, now you claim no such promise was made.
Joshua Shifrinson Why the West Broke Its Promise to Moscow on NATO Expansion Foreign Affairs

Yea, you are really honorable standing with homosexuals, liberals, neo nazi-skinheads and degenerate feminists like pussy riot who want to overthrow the russian government. What a great guy you are.

You are some goofy conspiracy theorist that thinks he is reviving the soviet union by destroying old communist building and putting up churches. Yea, not only are you a scumbag, you are an idiot to boot. You know nothing about Russia and don't understand Russia isn't the Soviet Union. The greatest victims of the Soviet Union were the Russian people, and Putin condemns the atrocities and wants to restore the country's christian heritage. He also has had several audiences with Solzhenitsyn, the great russian anti-communist, and has his support as well.
WikiLeaks cables Solzhenitsyn praise for Vladimir Putin World news The Guardian
Vladimir Putin - Still Not a Communist - Forbes
Remembering the Katyn Massacre Putin Gesture Heralds New Era in Russian-Polish Relations - SPIEGEL ONLINE
how is a economic agreement expanding NATO? Do you even know what NATO is? If a border country is friendly to us that is not expanding NATO.
You need to keep up with the news, the economic agreement is the first step towards the NATO and EU. And the Ukraine made another step towards NATO integration this week.

Ukraine abandons nonaligned status - The Hindu

So one minute you say NATO integration is great. Than you deny it? You guys can't keep your story straight.
Ok so if that is true, the us advanced its interest in another country. In which the ukranians may benefit through cooperation and a mutual economic policies..what's the big deal? You act as if Russia never advances it's interest in the world by propping up people., and unfortunately the only ones who benefit is Russia and the select few in the relationship. And besides that is not a NATO interest and it would not expand NATO. Ukraine May want to be part of NATO but that does not mean it is so. Perhaps Putin would be better served if he could show how cooperation with him would be better for the host nation as a whole. There is a reason why those border nations are requesting NATO help. All you have to due is view it's history to understand why they are worried.
The big deal is we violated the policy we struck under George Bush Sr not to expand into the Russia's traditional sphere once they allowed Germany's reunification. I don't support breaking promises and wanton aggression against Russia, particularly since they have become a decent conservative society since the fall of the Soviet Union, and have been a reliable partner in fighting radical islam since 9/11. I also don't support hurting the economies of our European allies in bringing sanctions on Russia. I see nothing good from this.

The big deal is we violated the policy we struck under George Bush Sr not to expand into the Russia's traditional sphere

The countries recently freed from under the Soviet boot would rather not be at the mercy of Mother Russia.
We had no treaty with Russia to not expand NATO.

particularly since they have become a decent conservative society since the fall of the Soviet Union, and have been a reliable partner in fighting radical islam since 9/11.

Just because we didn't make a treaty didn't mean we didn't make a promise. So lying is ok if it isn't codified in treaty?

Where is your honor and decency? You sound like some scumbag lawyer.

Wow, what an amazing retort. The fact is, Putin has revived the Orthodox Church, brought up Russian birthrates, lowered abortion rates, and stood up for traditional values such as marriage against encroaching from western funded NGOs, among other things.
Restore destroyed Orthodox monasteries in Kremlin says Putin Russia Beyond The Headlines

Just because we didn't make a treaty didn't mean we didn't make a promise.

What was the promise? Who made it? When?

Where is your honor and decency?

The fact that I'm on the side opposing Putin shows where my honor and decency are.

You sound like some scumbag lawyer.

What did you say? It's hard to hear with your lips on Putin's ass.

The fact is, Putin has revived the Orthodox Church

If you believe he did that out of the goodness of his heart, because he's showing his Christian goodness, you're an idiot.
You are getting more pathetic by the minute. First you say it doesn't matter that we broke the promise not the expand NATO, now you claim no such promise was made.
Joshua Shifrinson Why the West Broke Its Promise to Moscow on NATO Expansion Foreign Affairs

Yea, you are really honorable standing with homosexuals, liberals, neo nazi-skinheads and degenerate feminists like pussy riot who want to overthrow the russian government. What a great guy you are.

You are some goofy conspiracy theorist that thinks he is reviving the soviet union by destroying old communist building and putting up churches. Yea, not only are you a scumbag, you are an idiot to boot. You know nothing about Russia and don't understand Russia isn't the Soviet Union. The greatest victims of the Soviet Union were the Russian people, and Putin condemns the atrocities and wants to restore the country's christian heritage. He also has had several audiences with Solzhenitsyn, the great russian anti-communist, and has his support as well.
WikiLeaks cables Solzhenitsyn praise for Vladimir Putin World news The Guardian
Vladimir Putin - Still Not a Communist - Forbes
Remembering the Katyn Massacre Putin Gesture Heralds New Era in Russian-Polish Relations - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Everyone who is against Putin is "standing with homosexuals, liberals, neo nazi-skinheads and degenerate feminists like pussy riot who want to overthrow the russian government"?

If you say so. LOL!
Ok so if that is true, the us advanced its interest in another country. In which the ukranians may benefit through cooperation and a mutual economic policies..what's the big deal? You act as if Russia never advances it's interest in the world by propping up people., and unfortunately the only ones who benefit is Russia and the select few in the relationship. And besides that is not a NATO interest and it would not expand NATO. Ukraine May want to be part of NATO but that does not mean it is so. Perhaps Putin would be better served if he could show how cooperation with him would be better for the host nation as a whole. There is a reason why those border nations are requesting NATO help. All you have to due is view it's history to understand why they are worried.

I can tell you if Ukraine (the people, not the government!) wants to be with NATO or not from what I see with my own lying eyes. Also I can tell you: Americans don't care about what Ukrainian people want. The majority of Americans can't even find Ukraine on the map. It's all about what USA wants to do with Ukraine. They are using 43 million country as a tool to harm Russia in addition to economical sanctions and information war through their "independent" Western Media.
Last edited:
The big deal is we violated the policy we struck under George Bush Sr not to expand into the Russia's traditional sphere once they allowed Germany's reunification. I don't support breaking promises and wanton aggression against Russia, particularly since they have become a decent conservative society since the fall of the Soviet Union, and have been a reliable partner in fighting radical islam since 9/11. I also don't support hurting the economies of our European allies in bringing sanctions on Russia. I see nothing good from this.

The big deal is we violated the policy we struck under George Bush Sr not to expand into the Russia's traditional sphere

The countries recently freed from under the Soviet boot would rather not be at the mercy of Mother Russia.
We had no treaty with Russia to not expand NATO.

particularly since they have become a decent conservative society since the fall of the Soviet Union, and have been a reliable partner in fighting radical islam since 9/11.

Just because we didn't make a treaty didn't mean we didn't make a promise. So lying is ok if it isn't codified in treaty?

Where is your honor and decency? You sound like some scumbag lawyer.

Wow, what an amazing retort. The fact is, Putin has revived the Orthodox Church, brought up Russian birthrates, lowered abortion rates, and stood up for traditional values such as marriage against encroaching from western funded NGOs, among other things.
Restore destroyed Orthodox monasteries in Kremlin says Putin Russia Beyond The Headlines

Just because we didn't make a treaty didn't mean we didn't make a promise.

What was the promise? Who made it? When?

Where is your honor and decency?

The fact that I'm on the side opposing Putin shows where my honor and decency are.

You sound like some scumbag lawyer.

What did you say? It's hard to hear with your lips on Putin's ass.

The fact is, Putin has revived the Orthodox Church

If you believe he did that out of the goodness of his heart, because he's showing his Christian goodness, you're an idiot.
You are getting more pathetic by the minute. First you say it doesn't matter that we broke the promise not the expand NATO, now you claim no such promise was made.
Joshua Shifrinson Why the West Broke Its Promise to Moscow on NATO Expansion Foreign Affairs

Yea, you are really honorable standing with homosexuals, liberals, neo nazi-skinheads and degenerate feminists like pussy riot who want to overthrow the russian government. What a great guy you are.

You are some goofy conspiracy theorist that thinks he is reviving the soviet union by destroying old communist building and putting up churches. Yea, not only are you a scumbag, you are an idiot to boot. You know nothing about Russia and don't understand Russia isn't the Soviet Union. The greatest victims of the Soviet Union were the Russian people, and Putin condemns the atrocities and wants to restore the country's christian heritage. He also has had several audiences with Solzhenitsyn, the great russian anti-communist, and has his support as well.
WikiLeaks cables Solzhenitsyn praise for Vladimir Putin World news The Guardian
Vladimir Putin - Still Not a Communist - Forbes
Remembering the Katyn Massacre Putin Gesture Heralds New Era in Russian-Polish Relations - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Everyone who is against Putin is "standing with homosexuals, liberals, neo nazi-skinheads and degenerate feminists like pussy riot who want to overthrow the russian government"?

If you say so. LOL!
Those are the primary groups in Russia who oppose Putin, so yea, some great company you keep.

2011 13 Russian protests - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The big deal is we violated the policy we struck under George Bush Sr not to expand into the Russia's traditional sphere

The countries recently freed from under the Soviet boot would rather not be at the mercy of Mother Russia.
We had no treaty with Russia to not expand NATO.

particularly since they have become a decent conservative society since the fall of the Soviet Union, and have been a reliable partner in fighting radical islam since 9/11.

Just because we didn't make a treaty didn't mean we didn't make a promise. So lying is ok if it isn't codified in treaty?

Where is your honor and decency? You sound like some scumbag lawyer.

Wow, what an amazing retort. The fact is, Putin has revived the Orthodox Church, brought up Russian birthrates, lowered abortion rates, and stood up for traditional values such as marriage against encroaching from western funded NGOs, among other things.
Restore destroyed Orthodox monasteries in Kremlin says Putin Russia Beyond The Headlines

Just because we didn't make a treaty didn't mean we didn't make a promise.

What was the promise? Who made it? When?

Where is your honor and decency?

The fact that I'm on the side opposing Putin shows where my honor and decency are.

You sound like some scumbag lawyer.

What did you say? It's hard to hear with your lips on Putin's ass.

The fact is, Putin has revived the Orthodox Church

If you believe he did that out of the goodness of his heart, because he's showing his Christian goodness, you're an idiot.
You are getting more pathetic by the minute. First you say it doesn't matter that we broke the promise not the expand NATO, now you claim no such promise was made.
Joshua Shifrinson Why the West Broke Its Promise to Moscow on NATO Expansion Foreign Affairs

Yea, you are really honorable standing with homosexuals, liberals, neo nazi-skinheads and degenerate feminists like pussy riot who want to overthrow the russian government. What a great guy you are.

You are some goofy conspiracy theorist that thinks he is reviving the soviet union by destroying old communist building and putting up churches. Yea, not only are you a scumbag, you are an idiot to boot. You know nothing about Russia and don't understand Russia isn't the Soviet Union. The greatest victims of the Soviet Union were the Russian people, and Putin condemns the atrocities and wants to restore the country's christian heritage. He also has had several audiences with Solzhenitsyn, the great russian anti-communist, and has his support as well.
WikiLeaks cables Solzhenitsyn praise for Vladimir Putin World news The Guardian
Vladimir Putin - Still Not a Communist - Forbes
Remembering the Katyn Massacre Putin Gesture Heralds New Era in Russian-Polish Relations - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Everyone who is against Putin is "standing with homosexuals, liberals, neo nazi-skinheads and degenerate feminists like pussy riot who want to overthrow the russian government"?

If you say so. LOL!
Those are the primary groups in Russia who oppose Putin, so yea, some great company you keep.

2011 13 Russian protests - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I don't blame any country that prefers NATO to Russia.
I don't trust Putin or Russia.
It's funny that you do.
NATO is moving into much of the old Soviet union, and pushing further and further into countries that border Russia.

How dare Russia's warlike neighbors defend themselves against poor peaceful Russia.
What has Russia ever done to those nasty Ukrainians anyway?

America arranged the removal of their elected government, then there were elections that didn't cover the people most likely to vote against the US installed puppet government.
Other than that, the Russians stopped the gas supply when they didn't pay their bill.
Lots of versions of this story around, all suggesting various shoot down methods, but none showing rebels with the ability to do it.
That's the big hole in the story - no one can show the rebels had the weapons.


Is this BUK missile launcher that shot down MH17 being smuggled back to Russia Daily Mail Online

Of course they left the evidence hanging around for two days, so some photographer could snap an unmarked machine, on a truck we can't see the number plates or any clear markings on, that was supposed to be in a given place, but could have been anywhere.
Even if that was the launcher concerned, who was driving the truck, who did the kit belong to, and who took the photo?
Lots of versions of this story around, all suggesting various shoot down methods, but none showing rebels with the ability to do it.
That's the big hole in the story - no one can show the rebels had the weapons.


Is this BUK missile launcher that shot down MH17 being smuggled back to Russia Daily Mail Online

Hang on a minute.
That was two days after the shoot down, and here's the plates.


How much evidence do we need?
The Russian were stupid, running around for two days with a BUK system on a truck with Russian military plates.
Lucky the photographer was there to take a few pictures.

MH17 We have proof Russia knew

At 2am (local time) on Friday July 18, about 8 hours after the plane came down, in a region of Ukraine near the Russian border, two big trucks each carrying a BUK system - one with a missing missile, were seen heading for Russia.

The photos were two days after, but the Ukraine government claimed they buggered off to Russia within eight hours.

MH17 We have proof Russia knew

At 4am on Saturday morning three more such trucks moved over the border into Russia. One had a BUK-M1, one was empty, and the third carried a tracking module that runs the system.

So, what do we have?
Conclusive proof that a Russian vehicle was photographed in Ukraine, if it was Russian, and if it was in Ukraine, more than 24 hours after the Ukrainians claimed the phantom Russian BUKs had left the country.

No convincing.

Check out the full report for an amazing investigation by online private citizens who combined open source photographs and video's of the exact BUK system as it traveled over public roads in Russia, Ukraine and back to Russia. They discovered a "finger print" on BUK system vehicles. They each have a rubber protective bumper that run the length of each side of the BUK. These bumpers acquire a unique shape as they are effected by weather and minor accidents. The weather such as heat and cold causes the rubber to warp and take on a kind of ripple and they loose their perfectly straight and precise original shape. Minor accidents cause them to change shape also. Straps and chains uses to tie them down while being transported on trailers will make significant marks and alterations on the bumpers also. Alterations to numbers and other markings are also easy to spot.
Last edited:
NATO is moving into much of the old Soviet union, and pushing further and further into countries that border Russia.

How dare Russia's warlike neighbors defend themselves against poor peaceful Russia.
What has Russia ever done to those nasty Ukrainians anyway?

America arranged the removal of their elected government, then there were elections that didn't cover the people most likely to vote against the US installed puppet government.
Other than that, the Russians stopped the gas supply when they didn't pay their bill.

America arranged the removal of their elected government

How'd we do that? Did we get thousands of protesters to wear collanders on their heads?
Did we get the Russian puppet to use his thugs to shoot those protesters?
Lots of versions of this story around, all suggesting various shoot down methods, but none showing rebels with the ability to do it.
That's the big hole in the story - no one can show the rebels had the weapons.


Is this BUK missile launcher that shot down MH17 being smuggled back to Russia Daily Mail Online

Hang on a minute.
That was two days after the shoot down, and here's the plates.


How much evidence do we need?
The Russian were stupid, running around for two days with a BUK system on a truck with Russian military plates.
Lucky the photographer was there to take a few pictures.

MH17 We have proof Russia knew

At 2am (local time) on Friday July 18, about 8 hours after the plane came down, in a region of Ukraine near the Russian border, two big trucks each carrying a BUK system - one with a missing missile, were seen heading for Russia.

The photos were two days after, but the Ukraine government claimed they buggered off to Russia within eight hours.

MH17 We have proof Russia knew

At 4am on Saturday morning three more such trucks moved over the border into Russia. One had a BUK-M1, one was empty, and the third carried a tracking module that runs the system.

So, what do we have?
Conclusive proof that a Russian vehicle was photographed in Ukraine, if it was Russian, and if it was in Ukraine, more than 24 hours after the Ukrainians claimed the phantom Russian BUKs had left the country.

No convincing.

The Russian were stupid, running around for two days with a BUK system on a truck with Russian military plates.

Yeah, the bumbling Russian "rebels" aren't the smartest guys around.
How'd we do that? Did we get thousands of protesters to wear collanders on their heads?
$5 billion + Svoboda = Overthrow of corrupt yet duly elected President of Ukraine; See Victoria Nuland if you need help with that math, Adolph.

Who says all good things must end?
Those are the primary groups in Russia who oppose Putin, so yea, some great company you keep.

Russian opposition

2011 13 Russian protests - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
First of all I can't agree that Russian workers belong to Putin's opposition, to me it seems like they support him. You forgot to mention one more group from opposition, so called "fifth column", the people who were intentionally hired and paid from abroad to be an opposition and to guide the rest of opposition.
How'd we do that? Did we get thousands of protesters to wear collanders on their heads?
$5 billion + Svoboda = Overthrow of corrupt yet duly elected President of Ukraine; See Victoria Nuland if you need help with that math, Adolph.

Who says all good things must end?

$5 billion

Since 1991.

See Victoria Nuland if you need help with that math, Adolph.

You bet, Vlad.

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