Ukrainian pilot shot down Malaysian Boeing MH17, secret witness says. 12/23/2014

LOL, a tweet and an unverifiable online photo. How do we know what army that is or where it was taken? No satellite photos. And don't tell me the US isn't watching the area heavily.

This doesn't pass muster.

I know, how can we not believe that little softy, pooty Poot?
Poor misunderstood Russia. Enjoy your tanking economy, Ivan. LOL!
The US deposed the pro Russian Yanukovych through funding the protests last year, so to say the US has no part in expanding NATO is false.
Your link:
"In a December 19th interview in the Russian magazine Kommersant, George Friedman, who is the Founder and CEO of Stratfor, the ‘Shadow CIA’ firm, says of the overthrow of Ukraine’s President Viktor Yanukovych that occurred on February 22nd of 2014: “It really was the most blatant coup in history.” Perhaps he is saying this because of the videos that were uploaded to the Web which showed it to be so, but this statement by him contradicts the description that is asserted by the U.S. White House and the European Union, and the Western press, which description is that Yanukovych’s overthrow was instead just the result of the U.S. Government’s $5+ billion expense since 1991 to establish ‘democracy’ in Ukraine."
The US is spreading democracy across Eurasia today in the same way it did in Iran, Palestine and Central America sixty years ago.

Head of Stratfor Private CIA Says Overthrow of Yanukovych Was The Most Blatant Coup in History Washington s Blog
Well they did move Sam sites into the region, for Russia to protect their "interest". The guy you quoted speculated on all the events, reading it, it was apparent to me he knew nothing about aircraft. Except he was able to detail supposed "forbidden bombs" on some of the aircraft. But not the supposed missile that he speculated was used. He did not know how aircraft can id each other. He did not know that the su-25 has radar warning receivers that let it know what threat is tracking it and where that threat is. And why were they flying an su-25 with just missiles it is used for close air support like our a-10. They may have used an su 27 or a mig 29 for a/a protection being that close to Russia.

So you would rather believe a guy that speculates about everything and knows nothing about aircraft besides what he sees from his town he lives a in. Then the us which has been watching the area and has expert people involved in it with sensors that can detect what happened. I doubt that guy knows the difference between an su-25 and a mig 29.

You made a pretty good point. I don’t know if you’re an expert of not but I still think that International experts should question this witness to find out if there is any true to what he’s saying. Russian experts have already started investigating his story and they are hoping ICAO would join them. Witnesses are almost always ordinary people, they normally have contradictions in their stories, sometimes two witnesses to the same event contradict each other, it’s normal, that’s why there experts in the world and why anyone claiming to be a witness should be question. This is not some minor crime but mass murder and no stone should go unturned.

What gets me in this case is that it has been almost 6 month since the crash and by this time there should be all the answers provided. But:
- Obama has never publishes his “irrefutable evidence” he claimed to have;
- Ukraine has never published the negotiations between MH-17 pilot and Ukrainian air traffic controller, which usually is done in just a few days after a crash;
- Malaysia is not allowed to participate the International investigation even though the plane belonged to Malaysia;
- Russia, who was instantly blamed for the crash, keeps requesting an international investigating;
- Holland and Britain, who are designated to investigate the crash are slow and silent (except for one report, which didn’t contain any new information a few months ago);
-Ukrainians already have a history of shooting down a civilian plane and lying until the real evidence proved them guilty of shooting down the plane and trying to cover it up.
Ukraine admits it shot down Russian airliner - Telegraph

These facts alone should raise questions in anyone’s mind that something here doesn’t pass the smell test. Russians were accused in shooting the plane literally within first half an hour after the tragedy without presenting any facts. One shouldn’t be surprised that they are trying to find and to question everybody, who potentially could be helpful. One thing is surprising: they are the only country in the world who is trying to find the truth and are the only ones inviting other countries to join them.

-Ukrainians already have a history of shooting down a civilian plane and lying

And you Russians have never done that. LOL!

Russians were accused in shooting the plane literally within first half an hour after the tragedy

Mostly because they admitted it.

One thing is surprising: they are the only country in the world who is trying to find the truth

Another thing that's surprising is that anyone believes Russians, ever.
How's your economy, Ivan?
LOL, US foreign policy is based on an unverifiable tweet.

Those sneaky Ukrainians, hacking Strelkov's website. LOL!
Hacked whose website? What are you rambling on about? The rebels admitted to shoot down the civilian airliner? On what website? Provide the link.
well it is interesting! Could you imagine the world if the USA did not keep Russia check? Or if the wall never came down? We train and train in those NATO countries. And all those countries compete to try to get the USA to come more often. Iceland Lithuania Estonia Spain Norway. Are a few NATO exercises I have been to and they loved us when we get there. If Putin was so great I would think they would resent us.

You Americans can do what you want (well, you are already doing). But then stop calling Putin "an aggressor" while you are aggressively moving NATO to the East up to the borders of his country. Now it seems like Ukraine is your next target. And of course you are going to do it democratically after the voting of pro-American Ukrainian parliament and without any foolish referendum, which aggressive and undemocratic Russia provided in Crimea in March, 2014.
umm those host countries request it dude! NATO does not just appear because we want to. Show me where NATO aircraft have flown into Russian airspace, I can show you numerous times that Russia has with fighters and bombers. Quite recently to. And the yearly advance into us airspace in alaska.
The US deposed the pro Russian Yanukovych through funding the protests last year, so to say the US has no part in expanding NATO is false.

Head of Stratfor Private CIA Says Overthrow of Yanukovych Was The Most Blatant Coup in History Washington s Blog
Ok so if that is true, the us advanced its interest in another country. In which the ukranians may benefit through cooperation and a mutual economic policies..what's the big deal? You act as if Russia never advances it's interest in the world by propping up people., and unfortunately the only ones who benefit is Russia and the select few in the relationship. And besides that is not a NATO interest and it would not expand NATO. Ukraine May want to be part of NATO but that does not mean it is so. Perhaps Putin would be better served if he could show how cooperation with him would be better for the host nation as a whole. There is a reason why those border nations are requesting NATO help. All you have to due is view it's history to understand why they are worried.
LOL, a tweet and an unverifiable online photo. How do we know what army that is or where it was taken? No satellite photos. And don't tell me the US isn't watching the area heavily.

This doesn't pass muster.

I know, how can we not believe that little softy, pooty Poot?
Poor misunderstood Russia. Enjoy your tanking economy, Ivan. LOL!
LOL, I am American, my family has been here since the 1600s, trying to call me a Russian is laughable.

Believe it or not, there are people in the US that oppose Obama's and the other western government's stupid policy with Russia.
Well they did move Sam sites into the region, for Russia to protect their "interest". The guy you quoted speculated on all the events, reading it, it was apparent to me he knew nothing about aircraft. Except he was able to detail supposed "forbidden bombs" on some of the aircraft. But not the supposed missile that he speculated was used. He did not know how aircraft can id each other. He did not know that the su-25 has radar warning receivers that let it know what threat is tracking it and where that threat is. And why were they flying an su-25 with just missiles it is used for close air support like our a-10. They may have used an su 27 or a mig 29 for a/a protection being that close to Russia.

So you would rather believe a guy that speculates about everything and knows nothing about aircraft besides what he sees from his town he lives a in. Then the us which has been watching the area and has expert people involved in it with sensors that can detect what happened. I doubt that guy knows the difference between an su-25 and a mig 29.

You made a pretty good point. I don’t know if you’re an expert of not but I still think that International experts should question this witness to find out if there is any true to what he’s saying. Russian experts have already started investigating his story and they are hoping ICAO would join them. Witnesses are almost always ordinary people, they normally have contradictions in their stories, sometimes two witnesses to the same event contradict each other, it’s normal, that’s why there experts in the world and why anyone claiming to be a witness should be question. This is not some minor crime but mass murder and no stone should go unturned.

What gets me in this case is that it has been almost 6 month since the crash and by this time there should be all the answers provided. But:
- Obama has never publishes his “irrefutable evidence” he claimed to have;
- Ukraine has never published the negotiations between MH-17 pilot and Ukrainian air traffic controller, which usually is done in just a few days after a crash;
- Malaysia is not allowed to participate the International investigation even though the plane belonged to Malaysia;
- Russia, who was instantly blamed for the crash, keeps requesting an international investigating;
- Holland and Britain, who are designated to investigate the crash are slow and silent (except for one report, which didn’t contain any new information a few months ago);
-Ukrainians already have a history of shooting down a civilian plane and lying until the real evidence proved them guilty of shooting down the plane and trying to cover it up.
Ukraine admits it shot down Russian airliner - Telegraph

These facts alone should raise questions in anyone’s mind that something here doesn’t pass the smell test. Russians were accused in shooting the plane literally within first half an hour after the tragedy without presenting any facts. One shouldn’t be surprised that they are trying to find and to question everybody, who potentially could be helpful. One thing is surprising: they are the only country in the world who is trying to find the truth and are the only ones inviting other countries to join them.

-Ukrainians already have a history of shooting down a civilian plane and lying

And you Russians have never done that. LOL!

Russians were accused in shooting the plane literally within first half an hour after the tragedy

Mostly because they admitted it.

One thing is surprising: they are the only country in the world who is trying to find the truth

Another thing that's surprising is that anyone believes Russians, ever.
How's your economy, Ivan?
LOL, US foreign policy is based on an unverifiable tweet.

Those sneaky Ukrainians, hacking Strelkov's website. LOL!
Hacked whose website? What are you rambling on about? The rebels admitted to shoot down the civilian airliner? On what website? Provide the link.

Smoking Guns Russian Separatists Shot Down Malaysian Flight MH17 Putin Must Be Held Responsible - Forbes
LOL, a tweet and an unverifiable online photo. How do we know what army that is or where it was taken? No satellite photos. And don't tell me the US isn't watching the area heavily.

This doesn't pass muster.

I know, how can we not believe that little softy, pooty Poot?
Poor misunderstood Russia. Enjoy your tanking economy, Ivan. LOL!
LOL, I am American, my family has been here since the 1600s, trying to call me a Russian is laughable.

Believe it or not, there are people in the US that oppose Obama's and the other western government's stupid policy with Russia.

Opposing Russia doesn't mean supporting Obama.
well it is interesting! Could you imagine the world if the USA did not keep Russia check? Or if the wall never came down? We train and train in those NATO countries. And all those countries compete to try to get the USA to come more often. Iceland Lithuania Estonia Spain Norway. Are a few NATO exercises I have been to and they loved us when we get there. If Putin was so great I would think they would resent us.

You Americans can do what you want (well, you are already doing). But then stop calling Putin "an aggressor" while you are aggressively moving NATO to the East up to the borders of his country. Now it seems like Ukraine is your next target. And of course you are going to do it democratically after the voting of pro-American Ukrainian parliament and without any foolish referendum, which aggressive and undemocratic Russia provided in Crimea in March, 2014.
umm those host countries request it dude! NATO does not just appear because we want to. Show me where NATO aircraft have flown into Russian airspace, I can show you numerous times that Russia has with fighters and bombers. Quite recently to. And the yearly advance into us airspace in alaska.
The US deposed the pro Russian Yanukovych through funding the protests last year, so to say the US has no part in expanding NATO is false.

Head of Stratfor Private CIA Says Overthrow of Yanukovych Was The Most Blatant Coup in History Washington s Blog
Ok so if that is true, the us advanced its interest in another country. In which the ukranians may benefit through cooperation and a mutual economic policies..what's the big deal? You act as if Russia never advances it's interest in the world by propping up people., and unfortunately the only ones who benefit is Russia and the select few in the relationship. And besides that is not a NATO interest and it would not expand NATO. Ukraine May want to be part of NATO but that does not mean it is so. Perhaps Putin would be better served if he could show how cooperation with him would be better for the host nation as a whole. There is a reason why those border nations are requesting NATO help. All you have to due is view it's history to understand why they are worried.
The big deal is we violated the policy we struck under George Bush Sr not to expand into the Russia's traditional sphere once they allowed Germany's reunification. I don't support breaking promises and wanton aggression against Russia, particularly since they have become a decent conservative society since the fall of the Soviet Union, and have been a reliable partner in fighting radical islam since 9/11. I also don't support hurting the economies of our European allies in bringing sanctions on Russia. I see nothing good from this.
Those sneaky Ukrainians, hacking Strelkov's website. LOL!
You don't even know what you are talking about. On Strelkov's site he was talking about shooting another "ptichka" (a bird if to translate into English), nothing specific. In July rebels were trying to shoot as many Ukrainian planes as possible, because those plains were throwing bombs on their cities and killing the civilians (even CNN has reported about that and showed 6 women torn into pieces after Ukrainians bombed Lughansk). But Ukrainian bombers were flying not as high as MH-17 was, so even if they wanted to shoot MH-17, they just could not. And all the pictures you have presented were taken from Avakov's Facebook. They sure are very trustworthy.:bye1:
You made a pretty good point. I don’t know if you’re an expert of not but I still think that International experts should question this witness to find out if there is any true to what he’s saying. Russian experts have already started investigating his story and they are hoping ICAO would join them. Witnesses are almost always ordinary people, they normally have contradictions in their stories, sometimes two witnesses to the same event contradict each other, it’s normal, that’s why there experts in the world and why anyone claiming to be a witness should be question. This is not some minor crime but mass murder and no stone should go unturned.

What gets me in this case is that it has been almost 6 month since the crash and by this time there should be all the answers provided. But:
- Obama has never publishes his “irrefutable evidence” he claimed to have;
- Ukraine has never published the negotiations between MH-17 pilot and Ukrainian air traffic controller, which usually is done in just a few days after a crash;
- Malaysia is not allowed to participate the International investigation even though the plane belonged to Malaysia;
- Russia, who was instantly blamed for the crash, keeps requesting an international investigating;
- Holland and Britain, who are designated to investigate the crash are slow and silent (except for one report, which didn’t contain any new information a few months ago);
-Ukrainians already have a history of shooting down a civilian plane and lying until the real evidence proved them guilty of shooting down the plane and trying to cover it up.
Ukraine admits it shot down Russian airliner - Telegraph

These facts alone should raise questions in anyone’s mind that something here doesn’t pass the smell test. Russians were accused in shooting the plane literally within first half an hour after the tragedy without presenting any facts. One shouldn’t be surprised that they are trying to find and to question everybody, who potentially could be helpful. One thing is surprising: they are the only country in the world who is trying to find the truth and are the only ones inviting other countries to join them.

-Ukrainians already have a history of shooting down a civilian plane and lying

And you Russians have never done that. LOL!

Russians were accused in shooting the plane literally within first half an hour after the tragedy

Mostly because they admitted it.

One thing is surprising: they are the only country in the world who is trying to find the truth

Another thing that's surprising is that anyone believes Russians, ever.
How's your economy, Ivan?
LOL, US foreign policy is based on an unverifiable tweet.

Those sneaky Ukrainians, hacking Strelkov's website. LOL!
Hacked whose website? What are you rambling on about? The rebels admitted to shoot down the civilian airliner? On what website? Provide the link.

Smoking Guns Russian Separatists Shot Down Malaysian Flight MH17 Putin Must Be Held Responsible - Forbes
Strelkov claimed the rebels shot down an AN-26 transport plane, not a civilian airliner. They look nothing alike. This is the smoking gun? An internet post saying they shot down a totally different plane?
well it is interesting! Could you imagine the world if the USA did not keep Russia check? Or if the wall never came down? We train and train in those NATO countries. And all those countries compete to try to get the USA to come more often. Iceland Lithuania Estonia Spain Norway. Are a few NATO exercises I have been to and they loved us when we get there. If Putin was so great I would think they would resent us.

You Americans can do what you want (well, you are already doing). But then stop calling Putin "an aggressor" while you are aggressively moving NATO to the East up to the borders of his country. Now it seems like Ukraine is your next target. And of course you are going to do it democratically after the voting of pro-American Ukrainian parliament and without any foolish referendum, which aggressive and undemocratic Russia provided in Crimea in March, 2014.
umm those host countries request it dude! NATO does not just appear because we want to. Show me where NATO aircraft have flown into Russian airspace, I can show you numerous times that Russia has with fighters and bombers. Quite recently to. And the yearly advance into us airspace in alaska.
The US deposed the pro Russian Yanukovych through funding the protests last year, so to say the US has no part in expanding NATO is false.

Head of Stratfor Private CIA Says Overthrow of Yanukovych Was The Most Blatant Coup in History Washington s Blog
Ok so if that is true, the us advanced its interest in another country. In which the ukranians may benefit through cooperation and a mutual economic policies..what's the big deal? You act as if Russia never advances it's interest in the world by propping up people., and unfortunately the only ones who benefit is Russia and the select few in the relationship. And besides that is not a NATO interest and it would not expand NATO. Ukraine May want to be part of NATO but that does not mean it is so. Perhaps Putin would be better served if he could show how cooperation with him would be better for the host nation as a whole. There is a reason why those border nations are requesting NATO help. All you have to due is view it's history to understand why they are worried.
The big deal is we violated the policy we struck under George Bush Sr not to expand into the Russia's traditional sphere once they allowed Germany's reunification. I don't support breaking promises and wanton aggression against Russia, particularly since they have become a decent conservative society since the fall of the Soviet Union, and have been a reliable partner in fighting radical islam since 9/11. I also don't support hurting the economies of our European allies in bringing sanctions on Russia. I see nothing good from this.

The big deal is we violated the policy we struck under George Bush Sr not to expand into the Russia's traditional sphere

The countries recently freed from under the Soviet boot would rather not be at the mercy of Mother Russia.
We had no treaty with Russia to not expand NATO.

particularly since they have become a decent conservative society since the fall of the Soviet Union, and have been a reliable partner in fighting radical islam since 9/11.

LOL, a tweet and an unverifiable online photo. How do we know what army that is or where it was taken? No satellite photos. And don't tell me the US isn't watching the area heavily.

This doesn't pass muster.

I know, how can we not believe that little softy, pooty Poot?
Poor misunderstood Russia. Enjoy your tanking economy, Ivan. LOL!
LOL, I am American, my family has been here since the 1600s, trying to call me a Russian is laughable.

Believe it or not, there are people in the US that oppose Obama's and the other western government's stupid policy with Russia.

Opposing Russia doesn't mean supporting Obama.
Obama is inconsequential, he is more a pawn than anything else in this policy. I like how your panties are in a bunch over being on the same side as Obama on an issue though.

The "revolution" you supported in Ukraine was backed by Soros and the lefty crew you claim to oppose though. - Transcripts
You Americans can do what you want (well, you are already doing). But then stop calling Putin "an aggressor" while you are aggressively moving NATO to the East up to the borders of his country. Now it seems like Ukraine is your next target. And of course you are going to do it democratically after the voting of pro-American Ukrainian parliament and without any foolish referendum, which aggressive and undemocratic Russia provided in Crimea in March, 2014.
umm those host countries request it dude! NATO does not just appear because we want to. Show me where NATO aircraft have flown into Russian airspace, I can show you numerous times that Russia has with fighters and bombers. Quite recently to. And the yearly advance into us airspace in alaska.
The US deposed the pro Russian Yanukovych through funding the protests last year, so to say the US has no part in expanding NATO is false.

Head of Stratfor Private CIA Says Overthrow of Yanukovych Was The Most Blatant Coup in History Washington s Blog
Ok so if that is true, the us advanced its interest in another country. In which the ukranians may benefit through cooperation and a mutual economic policies..what's the big deal? You act as if Russia never advances it's interest in the world by propping up people., and unfortunately the only ones who benefit is Russia and the select few in the relationship. And besides that is not a NATO interest and it would not expand NATO. Ukraine May want to be part of NATO but that does not mean it is so. Perhaps Putin would be better served if he could show how cooperation with him would be better for the host nation as a whole. There is a reason why those border nations are requesting NATO help. All you have to due is view it's history to understand why they are worried.
The big deal is we violated the policy we struck under George Bush Sr not to expand into the Russia's traditional sphere once they allowed Germany's reunification. I don't support breaking promises and wanton aggression against Russia, particularly since they have become a decent conservative society since the fall of the Soviet Union, and have been a reliable partner in fighting radical islam since 9/11. I also don't support hurting the economies of our European allies in bringing sanctions on Russia. I see nothing good from this.

The big deal is we violated the policy we struck under George Bush Sr not to expand into the Russia's traditional sphere

The countries recently freed from under the Soviet boot would rather not be at the mercy of Mother Russia.
We had no treaty with Russia to not expand NATO.

particularly since they have become a decent conservative society since the fall of the Soviet Union, and have been a reliable partner in fighting radical islam since 9/11.

Just because we didn't make a treaty didn't mean we didn't make a promise. So lying is ok if it isn't codified in treaty?

Where is your honor and decency? You sound like some scumbag lawyer.

Wow, what an amazing retort. The fact is, Putin has revived the Orthodox Church, brought up Russian birthrates, lowered abortion rates, and stood up for traditional values such as marriage against encroaching from western funded NGOs, among other things.
Restore destroyed Orthodox monasteries in Kremlin says Putin Russia Beyond The Headlines
-Ukrainians already have a history of shooting down a civilian plane and lying

And you Russians have never done that. LOL!

Russians were accused in shooting the plane literally within first half an hour after the tragedy

Mostly because they admitted it.

One thing is surprising: they are the only country in the world who is trying to find the truth

Another thing that's surprising is that anyone believes Russians, ever.
How's your economy, Ivan?
LOL, US foreign policy is based on an unverifiable tweet.

Those sneaky Ukrainians, hacking Strelkov's website. LOL!
Hacked whose website? What are you rambling on about? The rebels admitted to shoot down the civilian airliner? On what website? Provide the link.

Smoking Guns Russian Separatists Shot Down Malaysian Flight MH17 Putin Must Be Held Responsible - Forbes
Strelkov claimed the rebels shot down an AN-26 transport plane, not a civilian airliner. They look nothing alike. This is the smoking gun? An internet post saying they shot down a totally different plane?

Strelkov claimed the rebels shot down an AN-26 transport plane, not a civilian airliner.

At exactly the same time the civilian airliner was shot down. Interesting timing, eh?

They look nothing alike.

From 6 miles up?

An internet post saying they shot down a totally different plane?

Why would they say, "Hey, we shot down a Ukrainian plane, we see the smoking wreckage" if they hadn't just launched a missile and saw a plane crash?
LOL, a tweet and an unverifiable online photo. How do we know what army that is or where it was taken? No satellite photos. And don't tell me the US isn't watching the area heavily.

This doesn't pass muster.

I know, how can we not believe that little softy, pooty Poot?
Poor misunderstood Russia. Enjoy your tanking economy, Ivan. LOL!
LOL, I am American, my family has been here since the 1600s, trying to call me a Russian is laughable.

Believe it or not, there are people in the US that oppose Obama's and the other western government's stupid policy with Russia.

Opposing Russia doesn't mean supporting Obama.
Obama is inconsequential, he is more a pawn than anything else in this policy. I like how your panties are in a bunch over being on the same side as Obama on an issue though.

The "revolution" you supported in Ukraine was backed by Soros and the lefty crew you claim to oppose though. - Transcripts

It is funny that Obama was going to be more flexible after his election.
His 2009 reset was also good.
Opposing Obama doesn't mean supporting Russia either.

The "revolution" you supported in Ukraine was backed by Soros

If Soros is on the opposite side from Putin, good for him. He got one right. Finally.
LOL, US foreign policy is based on an unverifiable tweet.

Those sneaky Ukrainians, hacking Strelkov's website. LOL!
Hacked whose website? What are you rambling on about? The rebels admitted to shoot down the civilian airliner? On what website? Provide the link.

Smoking Guns Russian Separatists Shot Down Malaysian Flight MH17 Putin Must Be Held Responsible - Forbes
Strelkov claimed the rebels shot down an AN-26 transport plane, not a civilian airliner. They look nothing alike. This is the smoking gun? An internet post saying they shot down a totally different plane?

Strelkov claimed the rebels shot down an AN-26 transport plane, not a civilian airliner.

At exactly the same time the civilian airliner was shot down. Interesting timing, eh?

They look nothing alike.

From 6 miles up?

An internet post saying they shot down a totally different plane?

Why would they say, "Hey, we shot down a Ukrainian plane, we see the smoking wreckage" if they hadn't just launched a missile and saw a plane crash?
Not really that interesting, he heard from a third party that they shot down a military transport, that can't fly at half the altitude the airliner can, and looks nothing like it. You are really grasping at straws if this is your proof that they accidentally shot it down much less intentionally did so.

Like I said before, where are the US satellite photos like Russia provided?

Why are you so intent on committing blood and treasure to some worthless eastern european backwater country of no consequence? What benefit comes with aggressively expanding into Ukraine at expense of our relations with Russia?
LOL, a tweet and an unverifiable online photo. How do we know what army that is or where it was taken? No satellite photos. And don't tell me the US isn't watching the area heavily.

This doesn't pass muster.

I know, how can we not believe that little softy, pooty Poot?
Poor misunderstood Russia. Enjoy your tanking economy, Ivan. LOL!
LOL, I am American, my family has been here since the 1600s, trying to call me a Russian is laughable.

Believe it or not, there are people in the US that oppose Obama's and the other western government's stupid policy with Russia.

Opposing Russia doesn't mean supporting Obama.
Obama is inconsequential, he is more a pawn than anything else in this policy. I like how your panties are in a bunch over being on the same side as Obama on an issue though.

The "revolution" you supported in Ukraine was backed by Soros and the lefty crew you claim to oppose though. - Transcripts

It is funny that Obama was going to be more flexible after his election.
His 2009 reset was also good.
Opposing Obama doesn't mean supporting Russia either.

The "revolution" you supported in Ukraine was backed by Soros

If Soros is on the opposite side from Putin, good for him. He got one right. Finally.
So you support breaking diplomatic promises and support a scumbag globalist inciting a revolt against a democratic government that has led to civil war? You are a piece of work.
umm those host countries request it dude! NATO does not just appear because we want to. Show me where NATO aircraft have flown into Russian airspace, I can show you numerous times that Russia has with fighters and bombers. Quite recently to. And the yearly advance into us airspace in alaska.
The US deposed the pro Russian Yanukovych through funding the protests last year, so to say the US has no part in expanding NATO is false.

Head of Stratfor Private CIA Says Overthrow of Yanukovych Was The Most Blatant Coup in History Washington s Blog
Ok so if that is true, the us advanced its interest in another country. In which the ukranians may benefit through cooperation and a mutual economic policies..what's the big deal? You act as if Russia never advances it's interest in the world by propping up people., and unfortunately the only ones who benefit is Russia and the select few in the relationship. And besides that is not a NATO interest and it would not expand NATO. Ukraine May want to be part of NATO but that does not mean it is so. Perhaps Putin would be better served if he could show how cooperation with him would be better for the host nation as a whole. There is a reason why those border nations are requesting NATO help. All you have to due is view it's history to understand why they are worried.
The big deal is we violated the policy we struck under George Bush Sr not to expand into the Russia's traditional sphere once they allowed Germany's reunification. I don't support breaking promises and wanton aggression against Russia, particularly since they have become a decent conservative society since the fall of the Soviet Union, and have been a reliable partner in fighting radical islam since 9/11. I also don't support hurting the economies of our European allies in bringing sanctions on Russia. I see nothing good from this.

The big deal is we violated the policy we struck under George Bush Sr not to expand into the Russia's traditional sphere

The countries recently freed from under the Soviet boot would rather not be at the mercy of Mother Russia.
We had no treaty with Russia to not expand NATO.

particularly since they have become a decent conservative society since the fall of the Soviet Union, and have been a reliable partner in fighting radical islam since 9/11.

Just because we didn't make a treaty didn't mean we didn't make a promise. So lying is ok if it isn't codified in treaty?

Where is your honor and decency? You sound like some scumbag lawyer.

Wow, what an amazing retort. The fact is, Putin has revived the Orthodox Church, brought up Russian birthrates, lowered abortion rates, and stood up for traditional values such as marriage against encroaching from western funded NGOs, among other things.
Restore destroyed Orthodox monasteries in Kremlin says Putin Russia Beyond The Headlines

Just because we didn't make a treaty didn't mean we didn't make a promise.

What was the promise? Who made it? When?

Where is your honor and decency?

The fact that I'm on the side opposing Putin shows where my honor and decency are.

You sound like some scumbag lawyer.

What did you say? It's hard to hear with your lips on Putin's ass.

The fact is, Putin has revived the Orthodox Church

If you believe he did that out of the goodness of his heart, because he's showing his Christian goodness, you're an idiot.
"...“The Russian authorities can not tolerate a situation in which western armed forces will be [in Ukraine] a hundred kilometers from Kursk or Voronezh [in Russia]”, and that the goal of the U.S. is to 'maintain the balance of power in Europe, helping the weaker party,' which he says is Europe.

"He furthermore says, 'The United States considers the most dangerous potential alliance to be between Russia and Germany. This would be an alliance of German technology and capital with Russian natural and human resources.'

"So: the U.S. is trying to antagonize Germans against Russia.

"This will weaken both of them.

"However, that would be not a 'balance of power' but an increasing imbalance of power in favor of the United States."

Head of Stratfor Private CIA Says Overthrow of Yanukovych Was The Most Blatant Coup in History Washington s Blog
Those sneaky Ukrainians, hacking Strelkov's website. LOL!
Hacked whose website? What are you rambling on about? The rebels admitted to shoot down the civilian airliner? On what website? Provide the link.

Smoking Guns Russian Separatists Shot Down Malaysian Flight MH17 Putin Must Be Held Responsible - Forbes
Strelkov claimed the rebels shot down an AN-26 transport plane, not a civilian airliner. They look nothing alike. This is the smoking gun? An internet post saying they shot down a totally different plane?

Strelkov claimed the rebels shot down an AN-26 transport plane, not a civilian airliner.

At exactly the same time the civilian airliner was shot down. Interesting timing, eh?

They look nothing alike.

From 6 miles up?

An internet post saying they shot down a totally different plane?

Why would they say, "Hey, we shot down a Ukrainian plane, we see the smoking wreckage" if they hadn't just launched a missile and saw a plane crash?
Not really that interesting, he heard from a third party that they shot down a military transport, that can't fly at half the altitude the airliner can, and looks nothing like it. You are really grasping at straws if this is your proof that they accidentally shot it down much less intentionally did so.

Like I said before, where are the US satellite photos like Russia provided?

Why are you so intent on committing blood and treasure to some worthless eastern european backwater country of no consequence? What benefit comes with aggressively expanding into Ukraine at expense of our relations with Russia?

Gee, a bunch of drunken Russians fucked up.

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