Ukrainian pilot shot down Malaysian Boeing MH17, secret witness says. 12/23/2014

Republicans defending their God Putin. Priceless
Yea agreed. How could they support Putin? As Ukraine joins NATO, Putin has troops on the Russia-Ukraine border, very aggressive and Hitler like move.

What gives him the right to have troops near the border of a NATO country?

Same thing with Estonia and Latvia, since they joined NATO, Putin is now aggressively on NATO's borders.
Republicans defending their God Putin. Priceless
Yea agreed. How could they support Putin? As Ukraine joins NATO, Putin has troops on the Russia-Ukraine border, very aggressive and Hitler like move.

What gives him the right to have troops near the border of a NATO country?

Same thing with Estonia and Latvia, since they joined NATO, Putin is now aggressively on NATO's borders.
JFK_USA, I’m not a republican, I’m an ethnic Russian from Ukraine. I love Russia and everything Putin does for his country. I do partially support republicans’ values (definitely not their Russia phobic ones) and don’t support any liberal “values” if those even exist. The majority of Russians are pretty conservative for a number of reasons.

Steinlight, yea, Russia does look very aggressive moving its country close to the borders of NATO! BTW, 25 years ago Reagan ensured Gorbachev that NATO would never be extended to the East if Gorbachev eliminates the Berlin Wall. And .. voila...
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We will never know the truth.

I don't think either side ordered it, rather someone got trigger happy and shot it down by mistake.

Whoever did it covered it up with their superiors, rather than risk losing their career.
Republicans defending their God Putin. Priceless
Yea agreed. How could they support Putin? As Ukraine joins NATO, Putin has troops on the Russia-Ukraine border, very aggressive and Hitler like move.

What gives him the right to have troops near the border of a NATO country?

Same thing with Estonia and Latvia, since they joined NATO, Putin is now aggressively on NATO's borders.
JFK_USA, I’m not a republican, I’m an ethnic Russian from Ukraine. I love Russia and everything Putin does for his country. I do partially support republicans’ values (definitely not their Russia phobic ones) and don’t support any liberal “values” if those even exist. The majority of Russians are pretty conservative for a number of reasons.

Steinlight, yea, Russia does look very aggressive moving its country close to the borders of NATO! BTW, 25 years ago Reagan ensured Gorbachev that NATO would never be extended to the East if Gorbachev eliminates the Berlin Wall. And .. voila...
well it is interesting! Could you imagine the world if the USA did not keep Russia check? Or if the wall never came down? We train and train in those NATO countries. And all those countries compete to try to get the USA to come more often. Iceland Lithuania Estonia Spain Norway. Are a few NATO exercises I have been to and they loved us when we get there. If Putin was so great I would think they would resent us.
Republicans defending their God Putin. Priceless
Yea agreed. How could they support Putin? As Ukraine joins NATO, Putin has troops on the Russia-Ukraine border, very aggressive and Hitler like move.

What gives him the right to have troops near the border of a NATO country?

Same thing with Estonia and Latvia, since they joined NATO, Putin is now aggressively on NATO's borders.
JFK_USA, I’m not a republican, I’m an ethnic Russian from Ukraine. I love Russia and everything Putin does for his country. I do partially support republicans’ values (definitely not their Russia phobic ones) and don’t support any liberal “values” if those even exist. The majority of Russians are pretty conservative for a number of reasons.

Steinlight, yea, Russia does look very aggressive moving its country close to the borders of NATO! BTW, 25 years ago Reagan ensured Gorbachev that NATO would never be extended to the East if Gorbachev eliminates the Berlin Wall. And .. voila...
It is ok when we take our word back, I am sure we had a good reason to break the agreement not to expand NATO because we are good people with good intentions. However, other countries aren't allowed to break agreements like UN treaties like Iraq or Libya because we can't allow lawlessness or tyranny or something like that.

It sounds like a double standard. But it isn't if you don't think about it much.
There is only one thing missing from the facts and evidence that proves Russia, or Russian backed rebels are guilty of this crime.

That being, facts and evidence.
Nothing at all, bugger all, not a sausage.

However, there's plenty of evidence of Ukrainian BUK systems in the area.
One wonders why the Ukrainians felt the need to deploy SAM units against an enemy with no aircraft.
As a note - has anyone looked at NATO expansion of late?
NATO is moving into much of the old Soviet union, and pushing further and further into countries that border Russia.
Then we have the US threats.
U.S. Signals Putin Not to Move Against New NATO Members - Bloomberg

The story we hear is all about Russian imperialist ideals, but the truth is different; NATO is expanding and threatening Russia, not the other way around.

We keep hearing of Russian troops entering Ukraine, but no one presents actual evidence.
Then we find out there are NATO troops over there.

BBC News - US and Nato troops begin Ukraine military exercise

Stories are being twisted, and that means there's a lot more to it than we're being told.
Hmm not really. NATO is just gearing up as a protection against aggression. NATO doesn't do anything but train and wait in alert to any threat to the airspace. I doubt Lithuania Estonia Poland Bulgaria are wanting to invade Russia if anything Russia has proven it will move into territories. You have to train with other countries to improve tactics and different weapon systems, if you want to remain relevant. NATO is made up of different countries and rely on a budget for defense which is funded in part by the us and other NATO allies. It's not one to invade and take territory. There is neither the will or the money to do so. Defense yes. And some of those nations that are not part of NATO are requesting NATO to have a joint exercise, one it helps the economy of those countries and two they get to tAke part and train. Win win for both NATO and the host country.
well it is interesting! Could you imagine the world if the USA did not keep Russia check? Or if the wall never came down? We train and train in those NATO countries. And all those countries compete to try to get the USA to come more often. Iceland Lithuania Estonia Spain Norway. Are a few NATO exercises I have been to and they loved us when we get there. If Putin was so great I would think they would resent us.

You Americans can do what you want (well, you are already doing). But then stop calling Putin "an aggressor" while you are aggressively moving NATO to the East up to the borders of his country. Now it seems like Ukraine is your next target. And of course you are going to do it democratically after the voting of pro-American Ukrainian parliament and without any foolish referendum, which aggressive and undemocratic Russia provided in Crimea in March, 2014.
well it is interesting! Could you imagine the world if the USA did not keep Russia check? Or if the wall never came down? We train and train in those NATO countries. And all those countries compete to try to get the USA to come more often. Iceland Lithuania Estonia Spain Norway. Are a few NATO exercises I have been to and they loved us when we get there. If Putin was so great I would think they would resent us.

You Americans can do what you want (well, you are already doing). But then stop calling Putin "an aggressor" while you are aggressively moving NATO to the East up to the borders of his country. Now it seems like Ukraine is your next target. And of course you are going to do it democratically after the voting of pro-American Ukrainian parliament and without any foolish referendum, which aggressive and undemocratic Russia provided in Crimea in March, 2014.
umm those host countries request it dude! NATO does not just appear because we want to. Show me where NATO aircraft have flown into Russian airspace, I can show you numerous times that Russia has with fighters and bombers. Quite recently to. And the yearly advance into us airspace in alaska.
well it is interesting! Could you imagine the world if the USA did not keep Russia check? Or if the wall never came down? We train and train in those NATO countries. And all those countries compete to try to get the USA to come more often. Iceland Lithuania Estonia Spain Norway. Are a few NATO exercises I have been to and they loved us when we get there. If Putin was so great I would think they would resent us.

You Americans can do what you want (well, you are already doing). But then stop calling Putin "an aggressor" while you are aggressively moving NATO to the East up to the borders of his country. Now it seems like Ukraine is your next target. And of course you are going to do it democratically after the voting of pro-American Ukrainian parliament and without any foolish referendum, which aggressive and undemocratic Russia provided in Crimea in March, 2014.
umm those host countries request it dude! NATO does not just appear because we want to. Show me where NATO aircraft have flown into Russian airspace, I can show you numerous times that Russia has with fighters and bombers. Quite recently to. And the yearly advance into us airspace in alaska.
The US deposed the pro Russian Yanukovych through funding the protests last year, so to say the US has no part in expanding NATO is false.

Head of Stratfor Private CIA Says Overthrow of Yanukovych Was The Most Blatant Coup in History Washington s Blog
Sounds like a Russian was Russia that shot it down. Besides they said they flew 3 It's a miracle if they get one off the ground... And this guy was talking about aircraft loads.....was he an ammo troop? Weapons? Well he went into detail on the bombs but not the missile? What type of missile was it.... ? That would tell me a lot on the capabilities. And he said that they were scared and shot a missile at an aircraft he could not identify or readily see. As a pilot with experience in the Ukraine he would know the routes and have the routes and maps with him of civilian aircraft and military zones and what altitude they fly at and he would be used to those areas as being an experienced pilot not to mention the aircraft would be transmitting its modes 1 and 3c altitude and general aircraft Id so he would know what aircraft it was and that it was a civilian bunch of bullshit....the su 25 is a primary air to ground aircraft with a/a capabilities. Looking at this story I see so many holes in it that it's laughable.....worked avionics for 20 years....don't be gullible dude. That "guy" was full of shit.

Who has proven Russians shot it down? All the world has heard Obama's making a big noise about "irrefutable evidence", has anybody seen it? He must show those pictures at least in memory and for respect for the victims and their families.

Who has proven Russians shot it down?

Well, the Russian "rebels" did celebrate when they shot it down. On Twitter even.
Well they did move Sam sites into the region, for Russia to protect their "interest". The guy you quoted speculated on all the events, reading it, it was apparent to me he knew nothing about aircraft. Except he was able to detail supposed "forbidden bombs" on some of the aircraft. But not the supposed missile that he speculated was used. He did not know how aircraft can id each other. He did not know that the su-25 has radar warning receivers that let it know what threat is tracking it and where that threat is. And why were they flying an su-25 with just missiles it is used for close air support like our a-10. They may have used an su 27 or a mig 29 for a/a protection being that close to Russia.

So you would rather believe a guy that speculates about everything and knows nothing about aircraft besides what he sees from his town he lives a in. Then the us which has been watching the area and has expert people involved in it with sensors that can detect what happened. I doubt that guy knows the difference between an su-25 and a mig 29.

You made a pretty good point. I don’t know if you’re an expert of not but I still think that International experts should question this witness to find out if there is any true to what he’s saying. Russian experts have already started investigating his story and they are hoping ICAO would join them. Witnesses are almost always ordinary people, they normally have contradictions in their stories, sometimes two witnesses to the same event contradict each other, it’s normal, that’s why there experts in the world and why anyone claiming to be a witness should be question. This is not some minor crime but mass murder and no stone should go unturned.

What gets me in this case is that it has been almost 6 month since the crash and by this time there should be all the answers provided. But:
- Obama has never publishes his “irrefutable evidence” he claimed to have;
- Ukraine has never published the negotiations between MH-17 pilot and Ukrainian air traffic controller, which usually is done in just a few days after a crash;
- Malaysia is not allowed to participate the International investigation even though the plane belonged to Malaysia;
- Russia, who was instantly blamed for the crash, keeps requesting an international investigating;
- Holland and Britain, who are designated to investigate the crash are slow and silent (except for one report, which didn’t contain any new information a few months ago);
-Ukrainians already have a history of shooting down a civilian plane and lying until the real evidence proved them guilty of shooting down the plane and trying to cover it up.
Ukraine admits it shot down Russian airliner - Telegraph

These facts alone should raise questions in anyone’s mind that something here doesn’t pass the smell test. Russians were accused in shooting the plane literally within first half an hour after the tragedy without presenting any facts. One shouldn’t be surprised that they are trying to find and to question everybody, who potentially could be helpful. One thing is surprising: they are the only country in the world who is trying to find the truth and are the only ones inviting other countries to join them.

-Ukrainians already have a history of shooting down a civilian plane and lying

And you Russians have never done that. LOL!

Russians were accused in shooting the plane literally within first half an hour after the tragedy

Mostly because they admitted it.

One thing is surprising: they are the only country in the world who is trying to find the truth

Another thing that's surprising is that anyone believes Russians, ever.
How's your economy, Ivan?
Well they did move Sam sites into the region, for Russia to protect their "interest". The guy you quoted speculated on all the events, reading it, it was apparent to me he knew nothing about aircraft. Except he was able to detail supposed "forbidden bombs" on some of the aircraft. But not the supposed missile that he speculated was used. He did not know how aircraft can id each other. He did not know that the su-25 has radar warning receivers that let it know what threat is tracking it and where that threat is. And why were they flying an su-25 with just missiles it is used for close air support like our a-10. They may have used an su 27 or a mig 29 for a/a protection being that close to Russia.

So you would rather believe a guy that speculates about everything and knows nothing about aircraft besides what he sees from his town he lives a in. Then the us which has been watching the area and has expert people involved in it with sensors that can detect what happened. I doubt that guy knows the difference between an su-25 and a mig 29.

You made a pretty good point. I don’t know if you’re an expert of not but I still think that International experts should question this witness to find out if there is any true to what he’s saying. Russian experts have already started investigating his story and they are hoping ICAO would join them. Witnesses are almost always ordinary people, they normally have contradictions in their stories, sometimes two witnesses to the same event contradict each other, it’s normal, that’s why there experts in the world and why anyone claiming to be a witness should be question. This is not some minor crime but mass murder and no stone should go unturned.

What gets me in this case is that it has been almost 6 month since the crash and by this time there should be all the answers provided. But:
- Obama has never publishes his “irrefutable evidence” he claimed to have;
- Ukraine has never published the negotiations between MH-17 pilot and Ukrainian air traffic controller, which usually is done in just a few days after a crash;
- Malaysia is not allowed to participate the International investigation even though the plane belonged to Malaysia;
- Russia, who was instantly blamed for the crash, keeps requesting an international investigating;
- Holland and Britain, who are designated to investigate the crash are slow and silent (except for one report, which didn’t contain any new information a few months ago);
-Ukrainians already have a history of shooting down a civilian plane and lying until the real evidence proved them guilty of shooting down the plane and trying to cover it up.
Ukraine admits it shot down Russian airliner - Telegraph

These facts alone should raise questions in anyone’s mind that something here doesn’t pass the smell test. Russians were accused in shooting the plane literally within first half an hour after the tragedy without presenting any facts. One shouldn’t be surprised that they are trying to find and to question everybody, who potentially could be helpful. One thing is surprising: they are the only country in the world who is trying to find the truth and are the only ones inviting other countries to join them.

-Ukrainians already have a history of shooting down a civilian plane and lying

And you Russians have never done that. LOL!

Russians were accused in shooting the plane literally within first half an hour after the tragedy

Mostly because they admitted it.

One thing is surprising: they are the only country in the world who is trying to find the truth

Another thing that's surprising is that anyone believes Russians, ever.
How's your economy, Ivan?
LOL, US foreign policy is based on an unverifiable tweet.
Hmm not really. NATO is just gearing up as a protection against aggression. NATO doesn't do anything but train and wait in alert to any threat to the airspace.
NATO lost it's last valid reason for existence when the Soviet Union failed; it's current mission is to encircle Russia with military installations while serving to enforce US aggression across Eurasia.
As a note - has anyone looked at NATO expansion of late?
NATO is moving into much of the old Soviet union, and pushing further and further into countries that border Russia.
Then we have the US threats.
U.S. Signals Putin Not to Move Against New NATO Members - Bloomberg

The story we hear is all about Russian imperialist ideals, but the truth is different; NATO is expanding and threatening Russia, not the other way around.

We keep hearing of Russian troops entering Ukraine, but no one presents actual evidence.
Then we find out there are NATO troops over there.

BBC News - US and Nato troops begin Ukraine military exercise

Stories are being twisted, and that means there's a lot more to it than we're being told.

NATO is moving into much of the old Soviet union, and pushing further and further into countries that border Russia.

How dare Russia's warlike neighbors defend themselves against poor peaceful Russia.
What has Russia ever done to those nasty Ukrainians anyway?
LOL, a tweet and an unverifiable online photo. How do we know what army that is or where it was taken? No satellite photos. And don't tell me the US isn't watching the area heavily.

This doesn't pass muster.
Well they did move Sam sites into the region, for Russia to protect their "interest". The guy you quoted speculated on all the events, reading it, it was apparent to me he knew nothing about aircraft. Except he was able to detail supposed "forbidden bombs" on some of the aircraft. But not the supposed missile that he speculated was used. He did not know how aircraft can id each other. He did not know that the su-25 has radar warning receivers that let it know what threat is tracking it and where that threat is. And why were they flying an su-25 with just missiles it is used for close air support like our a-10. They may have used an su 27 or a mig 29 for a/a protection being that close to Russia.

So you would rather believe a guy that speculates about everything and knows nothing about aircraft besides what he sees from his town he lives a in. Then the us which has been watching the area and has expert people involved in it with sensors that can detect what happened. I doubt that guy knows the difference between an su-25 and a mig 29.

You made a pretty good point. I don’t know if you’re an expert of not but I still think that International experts should question this witness to find out if there is any true to what he’s saying. Russian experts have already started investigating his story and they are hoping ICAO would join them. Witnesses are almost always ordinary people, they normally have contradictions in their stories, sometimes two witnesses to the same event contradict each other, it’s normal, that’s why there experts in the world and why anyone claiming to be a witness should be question. This is not some minor crime but mass murder and no stone should go unturned.

What gets me in this case is that it has been almost 6 month since the crash and by this time there should be all the answers provided. But:
- Obama has never publishes his “irrefutable evidence” he claimed to have;
- Ukraine has never published the negotiations between MH-17 pilot and Ukrainian air traffic controller, which usually is done in just a few days after a crash;
- Malaysia is not allowed to participate the International investigation even though the plane belonged to Malaysia;
- Russia, who was instantly blamed for the crash, keeps requesting an international investigating;
- Holland and Britain, who are designated to investigate the crash are slow and silent (except for one report, which didn’t contain any new information a few months ago);
-Ukrainians already have a history of shooting down a civilian plane and lying until the real evidence proved them guilty of shooting down the plane and trying to cover it up.
Ukraine admits it shot down Russian airliner - Telegraph

These facts alone should raise questions in anyone’s mind that something here doesn’t pass the smell test. Russians were accused in shooting the plane literally within first half an hour after the tragedy without presenting any facts. One shouldn’t be surprised that they are trying to find and to question everybody, who potentially could be helpful. One thing is surprising: they are the only country in the world who is trying to find the truth and are the only ones inviting other countries to join them.

-Ukrainians already have a history of shooting down a civilian plane and lying

And you Russians have never done that. LOL!

Russians were accused in shooting the plane literally within first half an hour after the tragedy

Mostly because they admitted it.

One thing is surprising: they are the only country in the world who is trying to find the truth

Another thing that's surprising is that anyone believes Russians, ever.
How's your economy, Ivan?
LOL, US foreign policy is based on an unverifiable tweet.

Those sneaky Ukrainians, hacking Strelkov's website. LOL!

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