MI6 scrambling to stop Trump from releasing classified docs in Russia probe


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The UK's Secret Intelligence Service, otherwise known as MI6, has been scrambling to prevent President Trump from publishing classified materials linked to the Russian election meddling investigation, according to The Telegraph, stating that any disclosure would "undermine intelligence gathering if he releases pages of an FBI application to wiretap one of his former campaign advisers."

MI6 Scrambling To Stop Trump From Releasing Classified Docs In Russia Probe

The world has ran Russia into the ground for so long and over such bs nobody even pays attention any more. It's all been a distraction for the sheeple idiots which has worked quite well since we still see loons claiming Russian did it lmfao!!
The question is, did Britain and other nations, (including Canada) operate in a manner designed to destroy Trump so that their globalist hero Hillary would win?

Foreign nations seem to invest heavily in U.S candidates (Clinton Foundation anyone?), none more well propped up and paid than Hillary and her Big Brother Obama. It was in their best interests to harm Trump and/or to exaggerate and push an agenda to fulfill this need to have their horse win, and, to potentially do "a solid" for Obama.

Recall Obama going to England before Brexit and trying to sway the vote there, this might have been one of the rewards. The global socialists are motivated to harm the Republic of America and to increase Chinese government influence.
The day after America declared Independence from England the efforts of the English Intel community and their government has been to undermine USA and/or influence you.

As America succeeded as a Republic, this became even more vital to UK interests. Canada has often been used as a conduit for this influence (and for nations like Russia and China to do the same).

The whole "intelligence sharing" mantra is a great mantra for those nations looking to exercise some tacit influence over U.S policies and global direction. The U.S must lead as they did in decades past, with some pride about what it means to be American, dictate to these nations rather than taking orders or accepting their assistance as honest philanthropy.

One need only to look at the history of the Mi6 and how many high ranking British spies were working for the Russian, even when the FBI and CIA told the Brits that a particular person was compromise, the Old Boys network in the UK brushed it off. It cost many U.S lives, and could have cost America the Cold War.

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