Miami issuing citations for not wearing a mask

The mayor of Miami has gone bat shit crazy.......he is killing his city right in broad daylight....

The mayor of Miami is a republican and had the virus.

I think he is doing the right thing. If it takes the threat of being fined to get selfish people to put a mask on I applaud him for doing what it takes.
What does the Constitution say about forced mask wearing and forced Health Care mandates?
Pandoras box is open. There is now NO LIMIT to what they will claim they have the right to force you to do.
Next they mandate what shoes you can wear and what color your clothes must be, based on arbitrary hoaxes like the current one.

We went astray when we stopped adhering to the Constitution. Now many believe they can ignore it. Leftists mayors, Governors Presidents, Police, local government workers etc etc etc
They force you to wear a seatbelt. They force you to not smoke in public buildings......TYRANNY!!!!!
What is with douchebags who refuse to wear a mask? Is it garden variety selfishness, blind devotion to the idiot in the White House, or yet another perverted issue with having "freedom" from regulations?

Freedom is wearing a mask, it allows businesses to reopen and people to leave their homes safely and get on with their lives. The spread of this virus and the infection rate can be reduced by 40% by just wearing a mask. It's so simple even a Trump supporter can understand it.

Anti-maskers are likely 100% Trump supporters.
I wear a dust mask when I am working the fields. I wear a surgeon style mask whenever I port cylinder heads/intake manifolds. I wear a painter style respirator(screw in filtration cartridges(2) with chem stacks & pre-filters) whenever I am sandblasting/spray painting. Now a days I also wear the surgeon style mask when I find myself in a populated area(respect for other folks fears of virus). Just because I wear a variety of different filtration masks(for different purposes) does NOT mean I support mandatory legislation designed to enforce folks to wear them, as that opens an entire plethora of problems in other areas of our lives. I DO support non government PRIVATE business' requiring usage of anti virus masks on their patrons as it's their property(private) that patrons are allowed to shop in.
Where do you live?
I usually lean on the side of less government regulation but in this case the message is so convoluted and for some idiotic reason, named Trump, wearing a mask has become political.
So now we have millions of people not taking public safety seriously and we are seeing a serious resurge of COVID cases. Businesses are now being shut down AGAIN and millions of children are at risk of not being able to attend school.

So given the fact that our country seems to be full of irresponsible retards who are Not acting safe and respectable like yourself... perhaps a mandate is what’s needed to get enough people to take this thing seriously.
Slade3200, Good to hear from you! I reside in the eastern side of Washington state. I DO appreciate your concern for public safety as your concern is based on the right side of personal responsibility in my opinion. My fear of legislation requiring the proper use of a virus containment mask is NOT grounded in public safety, rather my fear of such legislation is based on the possibility of yet another stepping stone for the encroachment of ever more g'ment regulation(power & control). It is no secret that the top three fields of employment that people afflicted with narcissistic abberation try to aquire are 1) Political & legal professions(one in the same), 2) Clergy, 3) Teaching. The field of sociology(Historical) was quite an eye opener for me. My studies in this field ran into government @ every turn, so much so that I actually confronted one of my socioloy professers & asked him if this was a sociology class or government class? Add in the element of psychology & unbelievable as it sounds even Philosophy & I ended up taking a 2 semester detour(my mistake) from my major. I can tell you this, Psychologists in general believe that big government is the only way for mankind to go, Philosophy seems to look @ government as an evil necessity, & Sociologists in general believe government will be the end of humanity on planet earth. I am somewhere in the midlle of "Evil Necessity" & "The End Of Humanity On Earth" mindset regarding government. I certainly hope that this reply of mine helps you understand my position in my first post. Take care Slade3200, till next time!
Very thoughtful response and I always appreciate a good conversation especially one of contrasting opinions that stays above board so I commend you on engaging in such a way.

I’d like to explore why you think the mask mandate is more a power play than a safety measure. You do agree that mask wearing and social distancing will reduce spread, correct? And I’m assuming you’d agree that a mandate is going to result in more people wearing masks than a hyper politicized “ask” for personal responsibility, is that right?

I do understand the objections to an overbearing government but if we can put that aside for a second... would you agree with my presumptions that Masks reduce spread and Mandates increase compliance?
You should look up the Peltzman Effect and then spend some time observing people wearing masks. Look at what kind of crap masks they're wearing, the amount of times they touch their faces, the way they pull the masks down, the facial hair that keeps a seal from forming, etc., etc...….. but you all tell yourselves you're doing good and protecting each other, lol.
The masks don't do shit except to let the sheep recognize each other.
Yes all evidence that masks are not 100% effective.... but nobody is claiming they are now. They REDUCE spread, not eliminate it which is why, masks, distancing and washing hands are the three things being directed.
Keeping your distance (which Americans already do more than just about any other culture on Earth), and washing your hands often are key; masks are useless. And yet masks are the battle point..... why? Because it's visible to others, that's why.
It's not about infecting others, its all about forcing others to conform. And they must show they are conforming, to the satisfaction of others.

I don't like that, and I don't like people who think that way. And things that I don't like have a way of catching on fire or suddenly bleeding a lot....... so it would be good if they stayed the hell away from me.
You do see other countries have taken this thing down to earth zero deaths right? And you do see many states surging in recent weeks hitting record daily deaths, right? And you picking now to stand up for nonconformaty?! Really? Grow the fuck up child. Set and example to others and just do the right thing... there will be plenty of time for you to express you independent individuality after this thing is over.
Bullshit, Slade......sorry, but you are wrong.
Perhaps, but I don’t think this situation is the one to error on the side of recklessness. It’s not hard to wear a mask and keep a distance so we should on be on the same team in doing at least that... There are so many larger things to fight about. Even if wearing a mask is useless, which common sense tells me it does have some effect, but even if it doesn’t, it isn’t hard to wear one in public for a few months
Common sense should tell you that there is something very wrong when everyone insists we all publicly engage in useless behaviors.
If I sneeze in front of a mirror with a mask on that mirror is a lot cleaner than if I’m not wearing a mask. That’s less droplets and less virus spreading out into the environment... that’s common sense. Same with coughs and spit when you talk. Less virus out in the environment less chances to spread the virus. It’s simple logic. It’s also backed up by the worlds top scientists and our rebel president. What arguments do you have to back up your claim that they are useless?
Slade, there is lot more going on about this plannedemic than meets the eye. What if by exposing people to 5G millimeter waves could actually spur this illness, after, we have become antennas with all the smart dust we have inhaled over the last two plus decades. Research the NASA war document that was accidentally made available. I believe the year was 2001. Be well, my friend.
Chemtrails....chemtrails did it all.
What gave you the idea they could not be re-infected? That is not what is shown in the news in any country.
"I recently recovered from Covid-19. Does that mean I can’t get it again?

Most scientists say that people who have had Covid-19 gain some immunity to the virus that causes it. What they don’t know is whether that protection lasts a few months, a few years or a lifetime."

So there isn't any doubt people gain immunity to the Covid virus once infected. What isn't so certain, due to
individual differences, is how complete that immunity is.
Am reading of re-infections in as little as a couple of months after recovery. They say the short duration of protection speak poorly of the ability of a vaccine to have the effect of getting it under total control. Speaks badly for herd immunity, also. Have read where several labs are changing from putting money into vaccine research, in favor of a treatment that works to minimize the severity or most deadly effects. LabCorp said I have the antibodies. My own doctor warned me I could still possibly get re-infected. I mask, distance, limit exposure to crowds, use sanitizer in my car and wash hands as soon as I get home. There is a possibility we have reached a significant new paradigm, the Human Race plus Covid-19. I will take my shot at trying to prevent becoming infected or infecting others. Seems like a personal and community responsible attitude to me.

It is very true that a person can get the virus within months of having it.

Then there are the people who are still experiencing symptoms of it up to 3 months later:

This is my mask. I wear it every time I leave the house. I've gotten a lot of complements on it. Many ask where they can get one. So for those who want to know that, I'll include the link to the site I bought it from. You'll have to scroll down the page to find that specific mask.

I just love free speech.

Screen Shot 2020-07-26 at 8.41.47 PM.png
Well, just to start with we don't know if they can be reinfected or not.
That was debunked by Fauci and every other doctor I've heard on this issue....I know a guy that got corona and his doctor said he is not infectious and can not get the virus again....I'll take his word over you virus thirsty death count liberals...;did you know that Obama and Biden ordered the hospitals and labs to stop reporting swine flu deaths and infections?...where were you tards back then?....this is a scam top to all disappears after the election....
What gave you the idea they could not be re-infected? That is not what is shown in the news in any country.
"I recently recovered from Covid-19. Does that mean I can’t get it again?

Most scientists say that people who have had Covid-19 gain some immunity to the virus that causes it. What they don’t know is whether that protection lasts a few months, a few years or a lifetime."

So there isn't any doubt people gain immunity to the Covid virus once infected. What isn't so certain, due to
individual differences, is how complete that immunity is.
Am reading of re-infections in as little as a couple of months after recovery. They say the short duration of protection speak poorly of the ability of a vaccine to have the effect of getting it under total control. Speaks badly for herd immunity, also. Have read where several labs are changing from putting money into vaccine research, in favor of a treatment that works to minimize the severity or most deadly effects. LabCorp said I have the antibodies. My own doctor warned me I could still possibly get re-infected. I mask, distance, limit exposure to crowds, use sanitizer in my car and wash hands as soon as I get home. There is a possibility we have reached a significant new paradigm, the Human Race plus Covid-19. I will take my shot at trying to prevent becoming infected or infecting others. Seems like a personal and community responsible attitude to me.

It is very true that a person can get the virus within months of having it.

Then there are the people who are still experiencing symptoms of it up to 3 months later:

Your links are old and have been corrected and explianed....the women in your link did not contract covid again she got the flu....find a link that isn't 4 months old.....
You get a ticket for not wearing a mask unless you are rioting at the same time....when are the American people going to wake up and say enough?.....
Well, just to start with we don't know if they can be reinfected or not.
That was debunked by Fauci and every other doctor I've heard on this issue....I know a guy that got corona and his doctor said he is not infectious and can not get the virus again....I'll take his word over you virus thirsty death count liberals...;did you know that Obama and Biden ordered the hospitals and labs to stop reporting swine flu deaths and infections?...where were you tards back then?....this is a scam top to all disappears after the election....
Well, you're repeating lies again.

Not a huge surprise I guess...
Well, just to start with we don't know if they can be reinfected or not.
That was debunked by Fauci and every other doctor I've heard on this issue....I know a guy that got corona and his doctor said he is not infectious and can not get the virus again....I'll take his word over you virus thirsty death count liberals...;did you know that Obama and Biden ordered the hospitals and labs to stop reporting swine flu deaths and infections?...where were you tards back then?....this is a scam top to all disappears after the election....
Well, you're repeating lies again.

Not a huge surprise I guess...
No you are....I'm here to catch ya....and correct the record....
Well, just to start with we don't know if they can be reinfected or not.
That was debunked by Fauci and every other doctor I've heard on this issue....I know a guy that got corona and his doctor said he is not infectious and can not get the virus again....I'll take his word over you virus thirsty death count liberals...;did you know that Obama and Biden ordered the hospitals and labs to stop reporting swine flu deaths and infections?...where were you tards back then?....this is a scam top to all disappears after the election....
Well, you're repeating lies again.

Not a huge surprise I guess...
No you are....I'm here to catch ya....and correct the record....
Right. What lies did I tell, again?

Fauci never said you were immune.

Anecdotal crap.from.your neighbors is just crap.
Well, just to start with we don't know if they can be reinfected or not.
That was debunked by Fauci and every other doctor I've heard on this issue....I know a guy that got corona and his doctor said he is not infectious and can not get the virus again....I'll take his word over you virus thirsty death count liberals...;did you know that Obama and Biden ordered the hospitals and labs to stop reporting swine flu deaths and infections?...where were you tards back then?....this is a scam top to all disappears after the election....
Well, you're repeating lies again.

Not a huge surprise I guess...
No you are....I'm here to catch ya....and correct the record....
Right. What lies did I tell, again?

Fauci never said you were immune.

Anecdotal crap.from.your neighbors is just crap.
Yes he has....things have changed since April.....unverified old links are just crap....we didn't know shit about corona back then we know a lot more today....
What is with douchebags who refuse to wear a mask? Is it garden variety selfishness, blind devotion to the idiot in the White House, or yet another perverted issue with having "freedom" from regulations?

Freedom is wearing a mask, it allows businesses to reopen and people to leave their homes safely and get on with their lives. The spread of this virus and the infection rate can be reduced by 40% by just wearing a mask. It's so simple even a Trump supporter can understand it.

Anti-maskers are likely 100% Trump supporters.
I would have ripped it up in front of the ones handing them out
What is with douchebags who refuse to wear a mask? Is it garden variety selfishness, blind devotion to the idiot in the White House, or yet another perverted issue with having "freedom" from regulations?

Freedom is wearing a mask, it allows businesses to reopen and people to leave their homes safely and get on with their lives. The spread of this virus and the infection rate can be reduced by 40% by just wearing a mask. It's so simple even a Trump supporter can understand it.

Anti-maskers are likely 100% Trump supporters.
I wear a dust mask when I am working the fields. I wear a surgeon style mask whenever I port cylinder heads/intake manifolds. I wear a painter style respirator(screw in filtration cartridges(2) with chem stacks & pre-filters) whenever I am sandblasting/spray painting. Now a days I also wear the surgeon style mask when I find myself in a populated area(respect for other folks fears of virus). Just because I wear a variety of different filtration masks(for different purposes) does NOT mean I support mandatory legislation designed to enforce folks to wear them, as that opens an entire plethora of problems in other areas of our lives. I DO support non government PRIVATE business' requiring usage of anti virus masks on their patrons as it's their property(private) that patrons are allowed to shop in.


What is with douchebags who refuse to wear a mask? Is it garden variety selfishness, blind devotion to the idiot in the White House, or yet another perverted issue with having "freedom" from regulations?

Freedom is wearing a mask, it allows businesses to reopen and people to leave their homes safely and get on with their lives. The spread of this virus and the infection rate can be reduced by 40% by just wearing a mask. It's so simple even a Trump supporter can understand it.

Anti-maskers are likely 100% Trump supporters.
I wear a dust mask when I am working the fields. I wear a surgeon style mask whenever I port cylinder heads/intake manifolds. I wear a painter style respirator(screw in filtration cartridges(2) with chem stacks & pre-filters) whenever I am sandblasting/spray painting. Now a days I also wear the surgeon style mask when I find myself in a populated area(respect for other folks fears of virus). Just because I wear a variety of different filtration masks(for different purposes) does NOT mean I support mandatory legislation designed to enforce folks to wear them, as that opens an entire plethora of problems in other areas of our lives. I DO support non government PRIVATE business' requiring usage of anti virus masks on their patrons as it's their property(private) that patrons are allowed to shop in.

That's a fair and cogent explanation, I can respect that. However, when we face a dire emergency like this pandemic, which, regardless if one does or does not consider Covid-19 a deadly virus, the facts are that those getting sick are overwhelming our hospitals and medical staff, and even if you consider this to just be like the flu, the facts are that many patients have life threatening side effects from this virus, and young people are dying from this virus as well. A mandate to wear masks is totally understandable in light of the extenuating circumstances, and ultimately is such a trivial task that for anyone to connect this mandate to a loss or infringement of their civil liberties is just, well, stupid.

There is no firm science behind mandate to wear a mask, I find it to be solely political decision. If there is firm science behind it, the CSC wouldn't be changing their guidance on wearing masks so quickly. Second, masks that we are mostly wearing are providing no protection against the virus, and are just giving us false sense of security. Third, Americans are not culturally prepared to wear masks and many people are wearing them just because of government mandate, and not because their mask would prevent the spread. And if you buy a package of masks with print on it as shown below, you have right to be skeptical.

What is with douchebags who refuse to wear a mask? Is it garden variety selfishness, blind devotion to the idiot in the White House, or yet another perverted issue with having "freedom" from regulations?

Freedom is wearing a mask, it allows businesses to reopen and people to leave their homes safely and get on with their lives. The spread of this virus and the infection rate can be reduced by 40% by just wearing a mask. It's so simple even a Trump supporter can understand it.

Anti-maskers are likely 100% Trump supporters.
I wear a dust mask when I am working the fields. I wear a surgeon style mask whenever I port cylinder heads/intake manifolds. I wear a painter style respirator(screw in filtration cartridges(2) with chem stacks & pre-filters) whenever I am sandblasting/spray painting. Now a days I also wear the surgeon style mask when I find myself in a populated area(respect for other folks fears of virus). Just because I wear a variety of different filtration masks(for different purposes) does NOT mean I support mandatory legislation designed to enforce folks to wear them, as that opens an entire plethora of problems in other areas of our lives. I DO support non government PRIVATE business' requiring usage of anti virus masks on their patrons as it's their property(private) that patrons are allowed to shop in.
Where do you live?
I usually lean on the side of less government regulation but in this case the message is so convoluted and for some idiotic reason, named Trump, wearing a mask has become political.
So now we have millions of people not taking public safety seriously and we are seeing a serious resurge of COVID cases. Businesses are now being shut down AGAIN and millions of children are at risk of not being able to attend school.

So given the fact that our country seems to be full of irresponsible retards who are Not acting safe and respectable like yourself... perhaps a mandate is what’s needed to get enough people to take this thing seriously.
Slade3200, Good to hear from you! I reside in the eastern side of Washington state. I DO appreciate your concern for public safety as your concern is based on the right side of personal responsibility in my opinion. My fear of legislation requiring the proper use of a virus containment mask is NOT grounded in public safety, rather my fear of such legislation is based on the possibility of yet another stepping stone for the encroachment of ever more g'ment regulation(power & control). It is no secret that the top three fields of employment that people afflicted with narcissistic abberation try to aquire are 1) Political & legal professions(one in the same), 2) Clergy, 3) Teaching. The field of sociology(Historical) was quite an eye opener for me. My studies in this field ran into government @ every turn, so much so that I actually confronted one of my socioloy professers & asked him if this was a sociology class or government class? Add in the element of psychology & unbelievable as it sounds even Philosophy & I ended up taking a 2 semester detour(my mistake) from my major. I can tell you this, Psychologists in general believe that big government is the only way for mankind to go, Philosophy seems to look @ government as an evil necessity, & Sociologists in general believe government will be the end of humanity on planet earth. I am somewhere in the midlle of "Evil Necessity" & "The End Of Humanity On Earth" mindset regarding government. I certainly hope that this reply of mine helps you understand my position in my first post. Take care Slade3200, till next time!

Let me begin with this, government in general has always been evil, heartless, cruel, and manipulative monster, bent only on money, power, and control.

Once this truth is learned and accepted, the state is unmasked, and the claim that it is the defender and savior of the people is exposed as a lie. Without the false cover of legitimacy, any government will be easily recognizable as nothing more than a sinister enemy of all those under its rule. I have not seen in my life, and I don't think I ever will, a government has not used statistics to create a law that will benefit people as whole, and not increase their power over people in general. Our founding fathers have tried to change that, but further we reach into the future, we're becoming no better than those who they've tried to distinguish themselves from, especially the left.

Speaking of this corona virus pandemic, the biggest lie about is that the State cares about any of us. With this virus, some State governments, and to some degree the Federal government have been exposed for what they truly are, and now is unclothed so that all can see the truth should they desire to do so. America has gotten away with the lie that it is different, that it is better, and that it is innocent in the horrors of man, but that is all coming to a screeching halt, as globalists and the political elites in government are showing their true colors, and are aggressively seeking total control over us, the people.

If they're ready, without trial, to put into house arrest people for not wearing the mask, to financially ruin us, to force vaccinations (it's coming), what else they're not ready to do? We just need to give them an excuse, and they'll go for it, just to blame a virus, or us for forcing them into the action. In the peak of his power, Stalin said something like this: "To choose one’s victims, to prepare one’s plan minutely, to slake an implacable vengeance, and then to go to bed… There is nothing sweeter in the world."

How many of us can learn from the history?
Last edited:
What is with douchebags who refuse to wear a mask? Is it garden variety selfishness, blind devotion to the idiot in the White House, or yet another perverted issue with having "freedom" from regulations?

Freedom is wearing a mask, it allows businesses to reopen and people to leave their homes safely and get on with their lives. The spread of this virus and the infection rate can be reduced by 40% by just wearing a mask. It's so simple even a Trump supporter can understand it.

Anti-maskers are likely 100% Trump supporters.
I wear a dust mask when I am working the fields. I wear a surgeon style mask whenever I port cylinder heads/intake manifolds. I wear a painter style respirator(screw in filtration cartridges(2) with chem stacks & pre-filters) whenever I am sandblasting/spray painting. Now a days I also wear the surgeon style mask when I find myself in a populated area(respect for other folks fears of virus). Just because I wear a variety of different filtration masks(for different purposes) does NOT mean I support mandatory legislation designed to enforce folks to wear them, as that opens an entire plethora of problems in other areas of our lives. I DO support non government PRIVATE business' requiring usage of anti virus masks on their patrons as it's their property(private) that patrons are allowed to shop in.
Where do you live?
I usually lean on the side of less government regulation but in this case the message is so convoluted and for some idiotic reason, named Trump, wearing a mask has become political.
So now we have millions of people not taking public safety seriously and we are seeing a serious resurge of COVID cases. Businesses are now being shut down AGAIN and millions of children are at risk of not being able to attend school.

So given the fact that our country seems to be full of irresponsible retards who are Not acting safe and respectable like yourself... perhaps a mandate is what’s needed to get enough people to take this thing seriously.
Slade3200, Good to hear from you! I reside in the eastern side of Washington state. I DO appreciate your concern for public safety as your concern is based on the right side of personal responsibility in my opinion. My fear of legislation requiring the proper use of a virus containment mask is NOT grounded in public safety, rather my fear of such legislation is based on the possibility of yet another stepping stone for the encroachment of ever more g'ment regulation(power & control). It is no secret that the top three fields of employment that people afflicted with narcissistic abberation try to aquire are 1) Political & legal professions(one in the same), 2) Clergy, 3) Teaching. The field of sociology(Historical) was quite an eye opener for me. My studies in this field ran into government @ every turn, so much so that I actually confronted one of my socioloy professers & asked him if this was a sociology class or government class? Add in the element of psychology & unbelievable as it sounds even Philosophy & I ended up taking a 2 semester detour(my mistake) from my major. I can tell you this, Psychologists in general believe that big government is the only way for mankind to go, Philosophy seems to look @ government as an evil necessity, & Sociologists in general believe government will be the end of humanity on planet earth. I am somewhere in the midlle of "Evil Necessity" & "The End Of Humanity On Earth" mindset regarding government. I certainly hope that this reply of mine helps you understand my position in my first post. Take care Slade3200, till next time!

Let me begin with this, government in general has always been evil, heartless, cruel, and manipulative monster, bent only on money, power, and control.

Once this truth is learned and accepted, the state is unmasked, and the claim that it is the defender and savior of the people is exposed as a lie. Without the false cover of legitimacy, any government will be easily recognizable as nothing more than a sinister enemy of all those under its rule. I have not seen in my life, I an don't think I ever will, a government has not used statistics to create a law that will benefit people as whole, and not increase their power over people in general. Our founding fathers have tried to change that, but further we reach into the future, we're becoming no better than those who they've tried to distinguish themselves from, especially the left.

Speaking of this corona virus pandemic, the biggest lie about is that the State cares about any of us. With this virus, some State governments, and to some degree the Federal government have been exposed for what they truly are, and now is unclothed so that all can see the truth should they desire to do so. America has gotten away with the lie that it is different, that it is better, and that it is innocent in the horrors of man, but that is all coming to a screeching halt, as globalists and the political elites in government are showing their true colors, and are aggressively seeking total control over us, the people.

If they're ready, without trial, to put into house arrest people for not wearing the mask, to financially ruin us, to force vaccinations (it's coming), what else they're not ready to do? We just need to give them an excuse, and they'll go for it, just to blame a virus, or us for forcing them into the action. In the peak of his power, Stalin said something like this: "To choose one’s victims, to prepare one’s plan minutely, to slake an implacable vengeance, and then to go to bed… There is nothing sweeter in the world."

How many of us can learn from the history?
Damn good post there.
What is with douchebags who refuse to wear a mask? Is it garden variety selfishness, blind devotion to the idiot in the White House, or yet another perverted issue with having "freedom" from regulations?

Freedom is wearing a mask, it allows businesses to reopen and people to leave their homes safely and get on with their lives. The spread of this virus and the infection rate can be reduced by 40% by just wearing a mask. It's so simple even a Trump supporter can understand it.

Anti-maskers are likely 100% Trump supporters.
I wear a dust mask when I am working the fields. I wear a surgeon style mask whenever I port cylinder heads/intake manifolds. I wear a painter style respirator(screw in filtration cartridges(2) with chem stacks & pre-filters) whenever I am sandblasting/spray painting. Now a days I also wear the surgeon style mask when I find myself in a populated area(respect for other folks fears of virus). Just because I wear a variety of different filtration masks(for different purposes) does NOT mean I support mandatory legislation designed to enforce folks to wear them, as that opens an entire plethora of problems in other areas of our lives. I DO support non government PRIVATE business' requiring usage of anti virus masks on their patrons as it's their property(private) that patrons are allowed to shop in.
Where do you live?
I usually lean on the side of less government regulation but in this case the message is so convoluted and for some idiotic reason, named Trump, wearing a mask has become political.
So now we have millions of people not taking public safety seriously and we are seeing a serious resurge of COVID cases. Businesses are now being shut down AGAIN and millions of children are at risk of not being able to attend school.

So given the fact that our country seems to be full of irresponsible retards who are Not acting safe and respectable like yourself... perhaps a mandate is what’s needed to get enough people to take this thing seriously.
Slade3200, Good to hear from you! I reside in the eastern side of Washington state. I DO appreciate your concern for public safety as your concern is based on the right side of personal responsibility in my opinion. My fear of legislation requiring the proper use of a virus containment mask is NOT grounded in public safety, rather my fear of such legislation is based on the possibility of yet another stepping stone for the encroachment of ever more g'ment regulation(power & control). It is no secret that the top three fields of employment that people afflicted with narcissistic abberation try to aquire are 1) Political & legal professions(one in the same), 2) Clergy, 3) Teaching. The field of sociology(Historical) was quite an eye opener for me. My studies in this field ran into government @ every turn, so much so that I actually confronted one of my socioloy professers & asked him if this was a sociology class or government class? Add in the element of psychology & unbelievable as it sounds even Philosophy & I ended up taking a 2 semester detour(my mistake) from my major. I can tell you this, Psychologists in general believe that big government is the only way for mankind to go, Philosophy seems to look @ government as an evil necessity, & Sociologists in general believe government will be the end of humanity on planet earth. I am somewhere in the midlle of "Evil Necessity" & "The End Of Humanity On Earth" mindset regarding government. I certainly hope that this reply of mine helps you understand my position in my first post. Take care Slade3200, till next time!
Very thoughtful response and I always appreciate a good conversation especially one of contrasting opinions that stays above board so I commend you on engaging in such a way.

I’d like to explore why you think the mask mandate is more a power play than a safety measure. You do agree that mask wearing and social distancing will reduce spread, correct? And I’m assuming you’d agree that a mandate is going to result in more people wearing masks than a hyper politicized “ask” for personal responsibility, is that right?

I do understand the objections to an overbearing government but if we can put that aside for a second... would you agree with my presumptions that Masks reduce spread and Mandates increase compliance?
You should look up the Peltzman Effect and then spend some time observing people wearing masks. Look at what kind of crap masks they're wearing, the amount of times they touch their faces, the way they pull the masks down, the facial hair that keeps a seal from forming, etc., etc...….. but you all tell yourselves you're doing good and protecting each other, lol.
The masks don't do shit except to let the sheep recognize each other.
Yes all evidence that masks are not 100% effective.... but nobody is claiming they are now. They REDUCE spread, not eliminate it which is why, masks, distancing and washing hands are the three things being directed.
Keeping your distance (which Americans already do more than just about any other culture on Earth), and washing your hands often are key; masks are useless. And yet masks are the battle point..... why? Because it's visible to others, that's why.
It's not about infecting others, its all about forcing others to conform. And they must show they are conforming, to the satisfaction of others.

I don't like that, and I don't like people who think that way. And things that I don't like have a way of catching on fire or suddenly bleeding a lot....... so it would be good if they stayed the hell away from me.
You do see other countries have taken this thing down to earth zero deaths right? And you do see many states surging in recent weeks hitting record daily deaths, right? And you picking now to stand up for nonconformaty?! Really? Grow the fuck up child. Set and example to others and just do the right thing... there will be plenty of time for you to express you independent individuality after this thing is over.
Bullshit, Slade......sorry, but you are wrong.
Perhaps, but I don’t think this situation is the one to error on the side of recklessness. It’s not hard to wear a mask and keep a distance so we should on be on the same team in doing at least that... There are so many larger things to fight about. Even if wearing a mask is useless, which common sense tells me it does have some effect, but even if it doesn’t, it isn’t hard to wear one in public for a few months
Common sense should tell you that there is something very wrong when everyone insists we all publicly engage in useless behaviors.
If I sneeze in front of a mirror with a mask on that mirror is a lot cleaner than if I’m not wearing a mask. That’s less droplets and less virus spreading out into the environment... that’s common sense. Same with coughs and spit when you talk. Less virus out in the environment less chances to spread the virus. It’s simple logic. It’s also backed up by the worlds top scientists and our rebel president. What arguments do you have to back up your claim that they are useless?
I don't need to make an argument, I'm not asking anyone to do anything.

And as for what you are asking of me, the answer is "No."
You’re right you don’t have to do anything, you’ve made that quite clear. And since you’re not interested in having an actual debate and addressing the actual points ive made then I guess we are done talking. Thanks for the waste of time

It's you that is missing the point, not him.

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