Miami issuing citations for not wearing a mask

It can be, over 80% of human communication is nonverbal.
And many of them are on drugs, speak English poorly, or are hearing other voices in their heads.

I could just body slam and choke them all out but I don't think that's the best way to help them.

You're saying that less than 20% is verbal communication, the part that is being hindered. Seems like a small amount. That just makes the pro/con thing even more lopsided, in my opinion.

We're talking about a small portion of your ability to communicate with people. And we're talking about people on drugs and hearing voices in their heads. I would think that they would have difficulty understanding you regardless of you wearing a mask.

I've had no issues speaking with a mask on. You just have to speak a little louder.
If everyone wore a mask, we would have less infections.

Agree or disagree?

If everyone wore a tinfoil hat and agreed to never question what they are told all our problems would go away and we would all be happy...

Agree or disagree?

See how that works... there simply isn't evidence that obeying the mask nazis does anything except keeping the fear of the evil virus alive..

If everyone wore a mask, we would have less infections.

Agree or disagree?

If everyone wore a tinfoil hat and agreed to never question what they are told all our problems would go away and we would all be happy...

Agree or disagree?

See how that works... there simply isn't evidence that obeying the mask nazis does anything except keeping the fear of the evil virus alive..


Ah, you're just trolling.

Have fun.
It can be, over 80% of human communication is nonverbal.
And many of them are on drugs, speak English poorly, or are hearing other voices in their heads.

I could just body slam and choke them all out but I don't think that's the best way to help them.

You're saying that less than 20% is verbal communication, the part that is being hindered. Seems like a small amount. That just makes the pro/con thing even more lopsided, in my opinion.

We're talking about a small portion of your ability to communicate with people. And we're talking about people on drugs and hearing voices in their heads. I would think that they would have difficulty understanding you regardless of you wearing a mask.

I've had no issues speaking with a mask on. You just have to speak a little louder.
Facial expressions matter quite a bit. And raising my voice seldom helps these situations.
The world disagrees with you.

The 'world' doesn't get a say comrade, the covid 1984 scheme comes directly from our philanthropist $billionaire overlords (you can google 'event 201 Davos' if you like) and their willing puppets
Hospitals have been over run in many areas. Olympics cancelled, events done, travel bans everywhere... this isn’t a Bill Gates and Trump haters thing.

Actually it is, if the deep state MSM had just put out a few articles about a new flu virus that is especially dangerous to the elderly with underlying diseases nobody would have given a $hit and life would have gone on as always.
There is a problem that the whole world is taking seeiously except for a small few

Actually the problem is that the fearmongering isn't working that well anymore and the promised vaccin that will save us all isn't ready yet.... how are you going to convince people to get vaccinated if they don't believe they're going to die?

Some people care about more than just themselves
It can be, over 80% of human communication is nonverbal.
And many of them are on drugs, speak English poorly, or are hearing other voices in their heads.

I could just body slam and choke them all out but I don't think that's the best way to help them.

You're saying that less than 20% is verbal communication, the part that is being hindered. Seems like a small amount. That just makes the pro/con thing even more lopsided, in my opinion.

We're talking about a small portion of your ability to communicate with people. And we're talking about people on drugs and hearing voices in their heads. I would think that they would have difficulty understanding you regardless of you wearing a mask.

I've had no issues speaking with a mask on. You just have to speak a little louder.
Facial expressions matter quite a bit. And raising my voice seldom helps these situations.

I'm able to communicate perfectly fine with a mask. Seems to me that you're trying to make it seem like a bigger inconvenience than it actually is.

Sorry, but the trade-off just doesn't make sense to me.
The world disagrees with you.

The 'world' doesn't get a say comrade, the covid 1984 scheme comes directly from our philanthropist $billionaire overlords (you can google 'event 201 Davos' if you like) and their willing puppets
Hospitals have been over run in many areas. Olympics cancelled, events done, travel bans everywhere... this isn’t a Bill Gates and Trump haters thing.

Actually it is, if the deep state MSM had just put out a few articles about a new flu virus that is especially dangerous to the elderly with underlying diseases nobody would have given a $hit and life would have gone on as always.
There is a problem that the whole world is taking seeiously except for a small few

Actually the problem is that the fearmongering isn't working that well anymore and the promised vaccin that will save us all isn't ready yet.... how are you going to convince people to get vaccinated if they don't believe they're going to die?

Some people care about more than just themselves
True but I don't believe you're one of them.
It can be, over 80% of human communication is nonverbal.
And many of them are on drugs, speak English poorly, or are hearing other voices in their heads.

I could just body slam and choke them all out but I don't think that's the best way to help them.

You're saying that less than 20% is verbal communication, the part that is being hindered. Seems like a small amount. That just makes the pro/con thing even more lopsided, in my opinion.

We're talking about a small portion of your ability to communicate with people. And we're talking about people on drugs and hearing voices in their heads. I would think that they would have difficulty understanding you regardless of you wearing a mask.

I've had no issues speaking with a mask on. You just have to speak a little louder.
Facial expressions matter quite a bit. And raising my voice seldom helps these situations.

I'm able to communicate perfectly fine with a mask. Seems to me that you're trying to make it seem like a bigger inconvenience than it actually is.

Sorry, but the trade-off just doesn't make sense to me.
I'm not making a big deal about it, you asked and I answered.
Washing your hands is the best thing.

I'm not arguing what the best precaution is.
No, you only seem to care about the most visible precaution.

That's just the one that has gotten political.

I haven't seen anyone argue against washing hands, at least not yet.
I do wonder if these people were washing their hands before all this.
Lot of nasty fuckers out there.
It can be, over 80% of human communication is nonverbal.
And many of them are on drugs, speak English poorly, or are hearing other voices in their heads.

I could just body slam and choke them all out but I don't think that's the best way to help them.

You're saying that less than 20% is verbal communication, the part that is being hindered. Seems like a small amount. That just makes the pro/con thing even more lopsided, in my opinion.

We're talking about a small portion of your ability to communicate with people. And we're talking about people on drugs and hearing voices in their heads. I would think that they would have difficulty understanding you regardless of you wearing a mask.

I've had no issues speaking with a mask on. You just have to speak a little louder.
Facial expressions matter quite a bit. And raising my voice seldom helps these situations.

I'm able to communicate perfectly fine with a mask. Seems to me that you're trying to make it seem like a bigger inconvenience than it actually is.

Sorry, but the trade-off just doesn't make sense to me.
I'm not making a big deal about it, you asked and I answered.

I know. It just doesn't seem like the trade-off is worth it to me.

You're explaining that you would rather work without a mask around covid patients than with a mask. The basis for this is what I would consider an incredibly minor inconvenience, at worst. I'm able to communicate perfectly fine with a mask.
It can be, over 80% of human communication is nonverbal.
And many of them are on drugs, speak English poorly, or are hearing other voices in their heads.

I could just body slam and choke them all out but I don't think that's the best way to help them.

You're saying that less than 20% is verbal communication, the part that is being hindered. Seems like a small amount. That just makes the pro/con thing even more lopsided, in my opinion.

We're talking about a small portion of your ability to communicate with people. And we're talking about people on drugs and hearing voices in their heads. I would think that they would have difficulty understanding you regardless of you wearing a mask.

I've had no issues speaking with a mask on. You just have to speak a little louder.
Facial expressions matter quite a bit. And raising my voice seldom helps these situations.

I'm able to communicate perfectly fine with a mask. Seems to me that you're trying to make it seem like a bigger inconvenience than it actually is.

Sorry, but the trade-off just doesn't make sense to me.
I'm not making a big deal about it, you asked and I answered.

I know. It just doesn't seem like the trade-off is worth it to me.

You're explaining that you would rather work without a mask around covid patients than with a mask. The basis for this is what I would consider an incredibly minor inconvenience, at worst. I'm able to communicate perfectly fine with a mask.
Yeah but if your encounter goes poorly, how likely are you to end up in a fight?

I am always striving for every little advantage to keep things from getting physical.
Because that's when people get hurt.
I got bit a few months back, for instance.
Yeah but if your encounter goes poorly, how likely are you to end up in a fight?

I am always striving for every little advantage to keep things from getting physical.
Because that's when people get hurt.
I got bit a few months back, for instance.

Well it seems like a negligible advantage to me.

I'm able to converse perfectly well with a mask. I do it all the time when I'm out shopping. It hasn't been an issue for me.

If someone is drugged out of their minds and bites you, I don't see how advantageous it can possibly be not to wear a mask around someone like that. I don't think the mask is going to change the outcome of him biting you.
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What is with douchebags who refuse to wear a mask? Is it garden variety selfishness, blind devotion to the idiot in the White House, or yet another perverted issue with having "freedom" from regulations?

Freedom is wearing a mask, it allows businesses to reopen and people to leave their homes safely and get on with their lives. The spread of this virus and the infection rate can be reduced by 40% by just wearing a mask. It's so simple even a Trump supporter can understand it.

Anti-maskers are likely 100% Trump supporters.
I wear a dust mask when I am working the fields. I wear a surgeon style mask whenever I port cylinder heads/intake manifolds. I wear a painter style respirator(screw in filtration cartridges(2) with chem stacks & pre-filters) whenever I am sandblasting/spray painting. Now a days I also wear the surgeon style mask when I find myself in a populated area(respect for other folks fears of virus). Just because I wear a variety of different filtration masks(for different purposes) does NOT mean I support mandatory legislation designed to enforce folks to wear them, as that opens an entire plethora of problems in other areas of our lives. I DO support non government PRIVATE business' requiring usage of anti virus masks on their patrons as it's their property(private) that patrons are allowed to shop in.
Where do you live?
I usually lean on the side of less government regulation but in this case the message is so convoluted and for some idiotic reason, named Trump, wearing a mask has become political.
So now we have millions of people not taking public safety seriously and we are seeing a serious resurge of COVID cases. Businesses are now being shut down AGAIN and millions of children are at risk of not being able to attend school.

So given the fact that our country seems to be full of irresponsible retards who are Not acting safe and respectable like yourself... perhaps a mandate is what’s needed to get enough people to take this thing seriously.
Slade3200, Good to hear from you! I reside in the eastern side of Washington state. I DO appreciate your concern for public safety as your concern is based on the right side of personal responsibility in my opinion. My fear of legislation requiring the proper use of a virus containment mask is NOT grounded in public safety, rather my fear of such legislation is based on the possibility of yet another stepping stone for the encroachment of ever more g'ment regulation(power & control). It is no secret that the top three fields of employment that people afflicted with narcissistic abberation try to aquire are 1) Political & legal professions(one in the same), 2) Clergy, 3) Teaching. The field of sociology(Historical) was quite an eye opener for me. My studies in this field ran into government @ every turn, so much so that I actually confronted one of my socioloy professers & asked him if this was a sociology class or government class? Add in the element of psychology & unbelievable as it sounds even Philosophy & I ended up taking a 2 semester detour(my mistake) from my major. I can tell you this, Psychologists in general believe that big government is the only way for mankind to go, Philosophy seems to look @ government as an evil necessity, & Sociologists in general believe government will be the end of humanity on planet earth. I am somewhere in the midlle of "Evil Necessity" & "The End Of Humanity On Earth" mindset regarding government. I certainly hope that this reply of mine helps you understand my position in my first post. Take care Slade3200, till next time!
Very thoughtful response and I always appreciate a good conversation especially one of contrasting opinions that stays above board so I commend you on engaging in such a way.

I’d like to explore why you think the mask mandate is more a power play than a safety measure. You do agree that mask wearing and social distancing will reduce spread, correct? And I’m assuming you’d agree that a mandate is going to result in more people wearing masks than a hyper politicized “ask” for personal responsibility, is that right?

I do understand the objections to an overbearing government but if we can put that aside for a second... would you agree with my presumptions that Masks reduce spread and Mandates increase compliance?
I really appreciate your compliment Slade3200! Folks learn to work out differences & solve problems much faster when civil discourse is used to effect. 1) I don't view the mask mandate as a power play @ current. What I fear is the "after effect". An example of my fear of after effect is the temporary income tax to fund the American civil war(severe shortage of civil discourse!). This tax lingered on until 1913(same year the central bank/fed reserve was officially enacted into law) when it was officially enacted into law by congress & signed into law by the Wilson administration. Once government gets power it needs to increase that power, just like taxation, for the mindset of so many professional politicians is to advance THEIR PERSONAL agenda... often fueled by one or more levels of narcissism. This is WHY I prefer individual choice whenever possible in ANY situation. YES, no doubt about it Slade3200 a respiratory grade medical mask would cut down on a lot more viruses than just C-19. A double canister(particle)painter respirator outfitted with additional chem(chemical) stacks & additional pre-filters will even stop the most potent poison gas known to mankind. But, that's my point where will government draw the line or will they draw a line @ all??? Yes again, for there are MANY more followers than leaders so more people would be wearing @ least some type of respiratory cover over their "intake/exhaust" system for sure. YES again Slade3200, a respiratory grade mask on up will definitely reduce spread. Mandates will ALWAYS increase compliance, as we learned from Nazi Germany! That's the problem with growing government. We can grow government for a little temporary safety but what is the PRICE a little further down the road??? Totalitarianism GENERALLY moves in small increments until it is in a position it can do what it wants to do with impunity. I learned a LOT from my sociology classes/studies about the "human condition". Likewise I took to heart subjects from my psychology studies ESPECIALLY narcissism. Even my limited studies into philosophy led me into understanding how & why government, law & even morals came into play. I am a historical sociologist @ heart & always will be. It's impossible to study humanity to the depth I have studied it to(32 yrs) & not arrive @ some SERIOUS reservations about the "human condition". So hopefully you may now understand my caution towards government. I have included a youtube video title "Egomania - Full Documentary". The original video was titled "The Nine Symptoms Of Narcissism" but it was removed from YouTube. It's not overly in depth(98 level) but after viewing it you will find out something about yourself, & that something will happen when you meet a new person... you will find out you are evaluating them for the first three symptoms of narcissistic behavior AUTOMATICALLY! It's just one small part of the "human condition". I appreciate your sincerity in seeking out the truth in a situation for it shows me that you are interested in seeking out quality solutions that afflict the "human condition", & that takes dedication & compassion both being admirable attributes in a person. Take care Slade3200, till next time!

Yeah but if your encounter goes poorly, how likely are you to end up in a fight?

I am always striving for every little advantage to keep things from getting physical.
Because that's when people get hurt.
I got bit a few months back, for instance.

Well it seems like a negligible advantage to me.

I'm able to converse perfectly well with a mask. I do it all the time when I'm out shopping. It hasn't been an issue for me.

If someone is drugged out of their minds and bites you, I don't see how advantageous it can possibly be not to wear a mask around someone like that. I don't think the mask is going to change the outcome of him biting you.
The gloves didn't help either, he bit right through it.
At least one thing that is good coming out of this mandate mask wearing. It is that Hollywood will be unable to sexualize the children. And it will reduce teenage pregnancies and Planned Parenthood from profiting from these pregnancies. And if any teenagers or adult that isn't living together, comes up pregnant. That it is letting us to know that they are in violation, and that they can be arrested if they showed up at any of these abortion clinics.

gone with the mask.gif
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What is with douchebags who refuse to wear a mask? Is it garden variety selfishness, blind devotion to the idiot in the White House, or yet another perverted issue with having "freedom" from regulations?

Freedom is wearing a mask, it allows businesses to reopen and people to leave their homes safely and get on with their lives. The spread of this virus and the infection rate can be reduced by 40% by just wearing a mask. It's so simple even a Trump supporter can understand it.

Anti-maskers are likely 100% Trump supporters.
Perhaps we don't like being told what to do by fascist scum. By the way, does anyone still think the police wont violate their oath?
At least one thing that is good coming out of this mandate mask wearing. It is that Hollywood will be unable to sexualize the children. And it will reduce teenage pregnancies and Planned Parenthood from profiting from these pregnancies. And if any teenagers or adult that isn't living together, comes up pregnant. That it is letting us to know that they are in violation, and that they can be arrested if they show up at any of these abortion clinics.

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