Miami's Smallest Police Forces Got M16s, Armored Cars, and Grenade Launchers From Military

Who would be better to know what equipment is needed besides those that actually do the work?

It would be like me telling you what you did or didn't need to effectively perform your job.

In any potential firefight you want a superior weapon.

Yes that is how it works, it doesn't work by peons like yourself telling them what they do or do not need. It's obvious in this case the city council approved of the equipment.

The department request certain equipment and explains why they believe they need it. The city council discusses it and votes one way or the other. That is how it's done in most cities.

Worry about what's going on in YOUR town and let others worry about theirs.

typical arrogant cop attitude. Why not give them mortars and artillery, too...just in case, you know.

Every time a society collapses the first ones the people go after are the one's who have abused them the most.
Stick close to your friends. The math isn't in your favor.

Intelligence isn't in your favor.

We'll see, won't we...great rebuttal, though.. abandon the topic and make snide comments.

BTW I'm not nor have I ever been a cop.
..and you've obviously never had to deal with them in their natural state..angry, arrogant, armed and scared...

Do you think there should be any limit on cops weapons?
how about RPG's?
whatever they SAY they need is ok with you? no questions asked?

LMAO..rationalize the "need" for a mine resistant vehicle?
How many cops have been killed by mines in america?

You have no idea what my experience is with law enforcement.

No there should not be any limits on what weapons a cop needs.

RPG's? I don't think it would be a bad idea to have one in the arsenal for special cases in which one would be useful.

Bazooka? Well I'm assuming you're referring to a type of rocket or grenade launcher which is useful in dispersing tear gas. If that's the case then yes they should have access to those.

Define "minigun". Are you referring to the M134, XM196, GAU-2.A, GAU-17/A?

It would depend on what they say they need and if they can make a strong case for needing it.

I see nothing wrong with them using repurposed MRAP's or MTV's.

What about flamethrowers?..You'd support that, too, right?

cluster bombs? Why not?

Napalm? sure!

better get a bunker buster or never know..

should probably get some tomahawk missles. Might need them..

you're a tool. many cops have been killed by landmines in america?..Seriously...

but they need MRAP's....just in case, right?

I see you're not willing to be reasonable. I should have expected as much from a nutcase like yourself.

MRAP are ambush protected the AP in MRAP so they are not just for resisting mines the MR in MRAP.

But yes an armored protected vehicle they get for FREE can be useful in many situations.

But hey, I don't expect an imbecile like you to understand.

You're the one that said they should decide what they need with no input from the public or anyone you dodge and call me names.

Like I said..I hear those MRAP's make nice ovens.

I said they should submit a request to the city council. Please brush up on your reading comprehension.

I haven't dodged anything.

I'd like to see your math.
My pleasure.

the total number of full and part time police and federal agents is 600,000 and that includes: dispatchers, forensics specialists, desk jockeys and totally useless management personal, bringing their number of armed and ready much lower and they would all have to deploy at once abandoning their posts.

Then the total number of all members the armed forces both active and reserve is 2,100,000 which includes: logistics, JAG, research/development and an equally useless management structure. Again the numbers of armed and ready troops would be much lower than the total. That brings the total number of ZOG personal that could possibly launch a takeover to 2,700,000 and likely less than 2,000,000 would actually be combat proficient and deployed.

This would require the immediate discontinuation of every zionist war and abandoning every single military base in other nations and moving the entire navy on land and leaving the ships and submarines unattended.

It would also cause a total standstill of all investigation and solving of any and all case in addition to abandoning all intelligence and reporting activities as all agents would be out on the streets. Not to mention that a large bulk of law enforcement are deputy sheriffs and marshals maintaining our 2,000,000 prison and jail populations, so they would have to abandon all prisons and jails to join in the battle. Then consider how many of these people would be unwilling to participate in this takeover anyway.

In comparison to the 117,000,000 gun owners in this nation and 300,000,000 citizens the ZOG army would be outnumbered 150 to 1 and outgunned 57 to 1.

Then factor out all the troops that would need to remain on foreign bases and ships as well as fighting ziowars and all the feds and police that would need to investigating/intelligence gathering as well as maintaining our incarcerated population as well a compensating for those who would have no part in it anyway and their numbers likely fall under 1,000,000. I think the old saying applies here:

"People can only be policed to the extent they are willing to be policed". At the end of the day they don't have the numbers or the capabilities to fight a war where they are outnumbered and outgunned well over 100 to 1.

Even by disarming some of the population and banning guns there will still be a ton of guns and the same shipments of drugs and guns coming in over the border. They banned drugs a long time ago, look how well that worked out.

So your math is based on hypotheticals and assumptions.

Got it


The numbers are may disagree with the premise...but historically when a society breaks down the people go after the ones who have been abusing them the most.

Ok..try this..look up how many hunting licenses were issued last year.
some cops are hunters, so deduct a few thousand.

Look up how many cops there are..

It's a good thing you're a prepper.
It's a good thing you're a prepper.

Have been for over 40 years.

I live where hurricanes routinely make landfall. We have to know how to survive without gvt assistance...or electricity...or water...or food...
We get to practice every few years. We (people in this area) are good at it.
Can't speak for Florida but this is what my local PD says about wanting armored vehicles:

In January, police said the MRAPs would have helped with high-pressure standoffs, in which officers only had one armored vehicle.

"We've put some officers on the front of the house with that armored car for protection but the guys in the back of the house don't have anything besides police cars to hunker down behind, so having one of these in that type of instance would give us the option to have one of these in the back of the house also to protect the officers,” APD SWAT Sgt. Shaun Henry told Channel 2 News in January.

APD Turns Down Offer of Free Military Armored Vehicles Local News - Anchorage

(APD decided they didn't want them because the upkeep cost wasn't worth it for our area.)
It's a good thing you're a prepper.

Have been for over 40 years.

I live where hurricanes routinely make landfall. We have to know how to survive without gvt assistance...or electricity...or water...or food...
We get to practice every few years. We (people in this area) are good at it.

And how's that working out for you?

Forty years of waiting on the world to end and you'll still be waiting until they lay you in the grave.

I live on the coast myself, lived on the land all my life. Never relied on govt. assistance. Never had to worry about prepping for the end of the world.

Some people are just paranoid that way I suppose.
Let's take a logical look at this, the article is talking about small towns, however these small town are located in withing a major county in Florida, why in the world do these towns need major weapons. If they did come across something big they could call in the County Sheriff with the swat teams and heavy equipment and they would be there in less than 5 minutes.
I believe it is more of who has the bigger toys than a real need.

What if the equipment needed is in use or loaned out to another municipality?

We are talking about equipment that is given to the police at no cost to the city.

I live in a small town an hour away from a big city. That five minute number was just pulled out of your ass. Which I suspect is where most of your thoughts originate.

You have no concept of the layout of the city of Miami and it's municipalities, not everyone lives in the backwoods.
I thought I was dealing with an adult but now I see that you cannot carry on a civil conversation without insults. So be it, live and learn.
Let's take a logical look at this, the article is talking about small towns, however these small town are located in withing a major county in Florida, why in the world do these towns need major weapons. If they did come across something big they could call in the County Sheriff with the swat teams and heavy equipment and they would be there in less than 5 minutes.
I believe it is more of who has the bigger toys than a real need.

..and cops are scared, insecure bullies..and you know bullies like to strut and puff and show off how "tough" they are.
Today's cops view everyone as a potential terrorist and they arm themselves accordingly although, statistically, they're the bad guys now, and the citizens are not. When they started shaving their piglet heads it should have been a wake up call but you can't stop some people from licking their jackboots.
Let's take a logical look at this, the article is talking about small towns, however these small town are located in withing a major county in Florida, why in the world do these towns need major weapons. If they did come across something big they could call in the County Sheriff with the swat teams and heavy equipment and they would be there in less than 5 minutes.
I believe it is more of who has the bigger toys than a real need.

What if the equipment needed is in use or loaned out to another municipality?

We are talking about equipment that is given to the police at no cost to the city.

I live in a small town an hour away from a big city. That five minute number was just pulled out of your ass. Which I suspect is where most of your thoughts originate.

You have no concept of the layout of the city of Miami and it's municipalities, not everyone lives in the backwoods.
I thought I was dealing with an adult but now I see that you cannot carry on a civil conversation without insults. So be it, live and learn.

You're right I don't know the lay out of Miami. But why just focus on one small part of the country. This scenario could play out in any small town USA.

I'm sure not every small town around Miami is less than five minutes away so yes you did pull that number out of your ass. And if that offends you...oh well. Grow a pair!
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Let's take a logical look at this, the article is talking about small towns, however these small town are located in withing a major county in Florida, why in the world do these towns need major weapons. If they did come across something big they could call in the County Sheriff with the swat teams and heavy equipment and they would be there in less than 5 minutes.
I believe it is more of who has the bigger toys than a real need.

What if the equipment needed is in use or loaned out to another municipality?

We are talking about equipment that is given to the police at no cost to the city.

I live in a small town an hour away from a big city. That five minute number was just pulled out of your ass. Which I suspect is where most of your thoughts originate.

You have no concept of the layout of the city of Miami and it's municipalities, not everyone lives in the backwoods.
I thought I was dealing with an adult but now I see that you cannot carry on a civil conversation without insults. So be it, live and learn.

You're right I don't know the lay out of Miami. But why just focus on one small part of the country. This scenario could play out in any small town USA.

I'm sure not every small town around Miami is less than five minutes away so yes you did pull that number out of your ass. And if that offends you...oh well. Grow a pair!

"Why focus on one small part of the country?"
Let me remind you of the title of the article "
Miami's Smallest Police Forces Got M16s, Armored Cars, and Grenade Launchers From Military
Maybe that might give you a clue.
As for the response time , I was not that far off.
  • Fire Response Time = 8.05
  • Police Response Time = 8.92*
Progress Report
Let's take a logical look at this, the article is talking about small towns, however these small town are located in withing a major county in Florida, why in the world do these towns need major weapons. If they did come across something big they could call in the County Sheriff with the swat teams and heavy equipment and they would be there in less than 5 minutes.
I believe it is more of who has the bigger toys than a real need.

What if the equipment needed is in use or loaned out to another municipality?

We are talking about equipment that is given to the police at no cost to the city.

I live in a small town an hour away from a big city. That five minute number was just pulled out of your ass. Which I suspect is where most of your thoughts originate.

You have no concept of the layout of the city of Miami and it's municipalities, not everyone lives in the backwoods.
I thought I was dealing with an adult but now I see that you cannot carry on a civil conversation without insults. So be it, live and learn.

You're right I don't know the lay out of Miami. But why just focus on one small part of the country. This scenario could play out in any small town USA.

I'm sure not every small town around Miami is less than five minutes away so yes you did pull that number out of your ass. And if that offends you...oh well. Grow a pair!

"Why focus on one small part of the country?"
Let me remind you of the title of the article "
Miami's Smallest Police Forces Got M16s, Armored Cars, and Grenade Launchers From Military
Maybe that might give you a clue.
As for the response time , I was not that far off.
  • Fire Response Time = 8.05
  • Police Response Time = 8.92*
Progress Report

Yes you were that far off less than five minutes is not the same as over 8 almost 9 minutes.

Let me remind you that we have been talking about small town police forces and what they did or didn't need and wasn't explicitly talking about Coral Gables which is a city within a city and excluding all others.
Let's take a logical look at this, the article is talking about small towns, however these small town are located in withing a major county in Florida, why in the world do these towns need major weapons. If they did come across something big they could call in the County Sheriff with the swat teams and heavy equipment and they would be there in less than 5 minutes.
I believe it is more of who has the bigger toys than a real need.

What if the equipment needed is in use or loaned out to another municipality?

We are talking about equipment that is given to the police at no cost to the city.

I live in a small town an hour away from a big city. That five minute number was just pulled out of your ass. Which I suspect is where most of your thoughts originate.

You have no concept of the layout of the city of Miami and it's municipalities, not everyone lives in the backwoods.
I thought I was dealing with an adult but now I see that you cannot carry on a civil conversation without insults. So be it, live and learn.

You're right I don't know the lay out of Miami. But why just focus on one small part of the country. This scenario could play out in any small town USA.

I'm sure not every small town around Miami is less than five minutes away so yes you did pull that number out of your ass. And if that offends you...oh well. Grow a pair!

"Why focus on one small part of the country?"
Let me remind you of the title of the article "
Miami's Smallest Police Forces Got M16s, Armored Cars, and Grenade Launchers From Military
Maybe that might give you a clue.
As for the response time , I was not that far off.
  • Fire Response Time = 8.05
  • Police Response Time = 8.92*
Progress Report

Yes you were that far off less than five minutes is not the same as over 8 almost 9 minutes.

Let me remind you that we have been talking about small town police forces and what they did or didn't need and wasn't explicitly talking about Coral Gables which is a city within a city and excluding all others.

No, I have been talking about the cities mentioned in the article, God only knows what you have been talking about. I believe I even made a point of wondering why the Florida International University Campus Police force needed 50 M16s, yes and those cities mentioned are basically cities within a city.
Let's take a logical look at this, the article is talking about small towns, however these small town are located in withing a major county in Florida, why in the world do these towns need major weapons. If they did come across something big they could call in the County Sheriff with the swat teams and heavy equipment and they would be there in less than 5 minutes.
I believe it is more of who has the bigger toys than a real need.

What if the equipment needed is in use or loaned out to another municipality?

We are talking about equipment that is given to the police at no cost to the city.

I live in a small town an hour away from a big city. That five minute number was just pulled out of your ass. Which I suspect is where most of your thoughts originate.

You have no concept of the layout of the city of Miami and it's municipalities, not everyone lives in the backwoods.
I thought I was dealing with an adult but now I see that you cannot carry on a civil conversation without insults. So be it, live and learn.

You're right I don't know the lay out of Miami. But why just focus on one small part of the country. This scenario could play out in any small town USA.

I'm sure not every small town around Miami is less than five minutes away so yes you did pull that number out of your ass. And if that offends you...oh well. Grow a pair!

"Why focus on one small part of the country?"
Let me remind you of the title of the article "
Miami's Smallest Police Forces Got M16s, Armored Cars, and Grenade Launchers From Military
Maybe that might give you a clue.
As for the response time , I was not that far off.
  • Fire Response Time = 8.05
  • Police Response Time = 8.92*
Progress Report

Yes you were that far off less than five minutes is not the same as over 8 almost 9 minutes.

Let me remind you that we have been talking about small town police forces and what they did or didn't need and wasn't explicitly talking about Coral Gables which is a city within a city and excluding all others.

No, I have been talking about the cities mentioned in the article, God only knows what you have been talking about. I believe I even made a point of wondering why the Florida International University Campus Police force needed 50 M16s, yes and those cities mentioned are basically cities within a city.

Seeing you were getting pwned I don't blame you for taking that stance now.

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