Michael Brown had robbed a Quick Trip just before the fatal shooting

At least according to Dorian Johnson, the accomplice, the shots were fired from 35 feet away.

Same for the young lady that doesnt even know Michael Brown. She also describes the cop as shooting the kid in cold blood.

That's what happens when a witness adopts the statement of someone else claiming to be a witness. We know Dorian Johnson is a liar because he also claimed that the stop was because of jay walking. At least one other witness corroborated the stop as being for jay walking. We now know it had nothing to do with jay walking.

Why do people claim to be witnesses when they weren't? They want to be part of the action. They have a gripe against the police. Who knows. What they say is only what some other witness said.

Thats all speculation. She was a witness. Thats not up for debate. Her story matches the other witnesses. How did she describe the same thing and she doesnt even know the two?
If true it'll be irrelevant to the officer's use of lethal force unless the officer knew about it and was detaining he and his aquaintance for questioning about it. Report I heard, the officer detained them both for j-walking. In the process of that, Mr. Brown physically assaulted the officer pushing on his car door whereupon a physical struggle ensued resulting in the officer using lethal force as was his right legally as per Missouri statute 563.046

No it's not:
(1) The officer was looking for someone who fit Brown's description and that is why he stopped him.
(2) That was motivation for Brown to resist arrest, because his crime could have been upgraded from shoplifting.
(3) It also proves he is an aggressive youth, while goes along with the officer's story.
(4) It proves he was just another thug that black community and leftist support!
This isnt a fight. This is a protest saying you don't have a right to shoot unarmed people.
You really are a 'pant-load' pal.
T-Boner was "unarmed". That didn't stop him from trying to kill GZ with his bare hands. He thought he was some sort of 'cage-fighter'. Turned out he was just another ****** pussy coward.........just like 'Big Mike' turned out to be.
This local 6'4" 250 pound fucking world class local bully 'Big Mike' didn't need no gun to beat the shit out of a cop with his bare hands. 'Big Mike' had just committed felony strong-arm robbery on a little dude half his size.

Oh yeah. I love how one of you LIB fuck-wits is now blaming "the Asian' for attempting to stop 'Big Mike' from bullying him.
'Big Mike' was "armed" make no mistake.

You forget GZ started the fight against recommendation from the dispatcher to let the cops handle it.
You forgot that a jury after reviewing all the facts in the case ruled GZ innocent of all charges making your opinion not worth shit.
Have a nice day sucker.
You really are a 'pant-load' pal.
T-Boner was "unarmed". That didn't stop him from trying to kill GZ with his bare hands. He thought he was some sort of 'cage-fighter'. Turned out he was just another ****** pussy coward.........just like 'Big Mike' turned out to be.
This local 6'4" 250 pound fucking world class local bully 'Big Mike' didn't need no gun to beat the shit out of a cop with his bare hands. 'Big Mike' had just committed felony strong-arm robbery on a little dude half his size.

Oh yeah. I love how one of you LIB fuck-wits is now blaming "the Asian' for attempting to stop 'Big Mike' from bullying him.
'Big Mike' was "armed" make no mistake.

You forget GZ started the fight against recommendation from the dispatcher to let the cops handle it.
You forgot that a jury after reviewing all the facts in the case ruled GZ innocent of all charges making your opinion not worth shit.
Have a nice day sucker.

Dont get angry. At least one of jurors also said they felt GZ got away with murder
It just seems the local police is clueless in dealing with the community

They see the community outraged at what they saw as a senseless unprovoked killing. Rather than release information as to why Brown was stopped and what happened at the scene they clammed up and sent SWAT teams to take on the protesters

You don't know what they were doing at first, but I'd bet they were trying to gather evidence, analyze the facts and make a case. There is no necessity during a preliminary investigation, to release hearsay and unsubstantiated "facts"

There was, however, compelling necessity to quell the violence that erupted when some, with fewer fact than the authorities had, began to riot and burn.

What we do know is that the Ferguson Police allowed a volatile situation get out of hand

Refusing to provide information only made the situation worse. The strong armed response to protesters and the press only escallated the situation
Yes they let the situation get out of hand by not reacting quickly enough and arresting violent protestors, but they did not incite a riot. They did not burn and loot.

The left can not accept responsibility for anything, can they?
It appears you have a rap sheet too.

Do you think that police have a right to put a bullet in you?

Or do you appreciate the day in court?

I never gave a cop a reason to pull a gun on me. I never attacked a cop & I never commited strong armed robbery.

It all boils down to the circumstances & facts. Sadly the left wants to ignore those because they don't fit the narrative of an innocent boy being unjustly shot.

You committed a crime.

That's reason enough.

When you lower the threshold for this sort of action it becomes a real slippery slope.

Don't know why you don't get that.

That's not the threshold.

When a criminal assaults a store manager during the commission of a theft, THEN assaults a police officer when he is apprehended, THEN tries to seize the officers firearm, he becomes a danger to officers and the public.

Tennessee v Garner - When can officers use deadly force to subdue a fleeing unarmed subject?

Law enforcement officers pursuing an unarmed suspect may use deadly force to prevent escape only if the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a significant threat of death or serious physical injury to the officer or others.

Tennessee v. Garner - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dorian Johnson even admitted they had cigars. I hope to god that they didnt rob that store.

Rush just said he watched a portion of the convenience store surveillance video and the individual taking the box of Swisher Sweets is UNDOUBTEDLY Michael "Big Mike" Brown.

I think I'm going to start referring to him as Horizontal Mike,or maybe Dirt Nap Mike.
Friggen hilarious!!! First it was Oooooh Nozzzz he shot an innocent black youth!!
Now it's,well maybe he wasnt so innocent,but you didnt have to shoot em!

I wonder if when the facts are all out if the president is going to look the fool about the "tragedy" and getting "justice!" Think he might need a beer summit with the poor injured police officer.


That "injured" police officer is probably going to need a lawyer.
You don't know what they were doing at first, but I'd bet they were trying to gather evidence, analyze the facts and make a case. There is no necessity during a preliminary investigation, to release hearsay and unsubstantiated "facts"

There was, however, compelling necessity to quell the violence that erupted when some, with fewer fact than the authorities had, began to riot and burn.

What we do know is that the Ferguson Police allowed a volatile situation get out of hand

Refusing to provide information only made the situation worse. The strong armed response to protesters and the press only escallated the situation
Yes they let the situation get out of hand by not reacting quickly enough and arresting violent protestors, but they did not incite a riot. They did not burn and loot.

The left can not accept responsibility for anything, can they?
:eusa_hand: IF THE CHARGE OF ROBBERY IS TRUE, the cops should have arrested the other guy AT THE TIME of the shooting and let it be known that they were both suspects in a violent robbery. Then there would have been no four days of rioting.

Surely you can see that Ernie.
What we do know is that the Ferguson Police allowed a volatile situation get out of hand

Refusing to provide information only made the situation worse. The strong armed response to protesters and the press only escallated the situation
Yes they let the situation get out of hand by not reacting quickly enough and arresting violent protestors, but they did not incite a riot. They did not burn and loot.

The left can not accept responsibility for anything, can they?
:eusa_hand: IF THE CHARGE OF ROBBERY IS TRUE, the cops should have arrested the other guy AT THE TIME of the shooting and let it be known that they were both suspects in a violent robbery. Then there would have been no four days of rioting.

Surely you can see that Ernie.

When you want Black people dead there is not much you can see but red.
What we do know is that the Ferguson Police allowed a volatile situation get out of hand

Refusing to provide information only made the situation worse. The strong armed response to protesters and the press only escallated the situation
Yes they let the situation get out of hand by not reacting quickly enough and arresting violent protestors, but they did not incite a riot. They did not burn and loot.

The left can not accept responsibility for anything, can they?
:eusa_hand: IF THE CHARGE OF ROBBERY IS TRUE, the cops should have arrested the other guy AT THE TIME of the shooting and let it be known that they were both suspects in a violent robbery. Then there would have been no four days of rioting.

Surely you can see that Ernie.

Did his buddy take off running? If so it might have been a bad idea to go into the hood and try and arrest him with all the looting and rioting.
I dont have to. Your approval isnt worth anything.

Fair enough, but for the witness to be taken seriously, a jury will have to find him/her credible.

Is your witness credible?

Taken seriously is subjective. She is credible to me.

You have an agenda to support and riots to justify. Forgive me if I don't find you credible.

I am interested in facts here, not justification for grabbing free shit.

Will a jury find your witness credible?
Fair enough, but for the witness to be taken seriously, a jury will have to find him/her credible.

Is your witness credible?

Taken seriously is subjective. She is credible to me.

You have an agenda to support and riots to justify. Forgive me if I don't find you credible.

I am interested in facts here, not justification for grabbing free shit.

Will a jury find your witness credible?

I was unaware I had an agenda to support and riots to justify. Youre forgiven for not finding me credible.

I am interested in facts as well.

Yes a jury will find the witness credible.
Has it been confirmed that the person in the video was Michael Brown?

What a coincidence that Michael was 6'4" and so was the robbery suspect and he and Johnson had cigars at the time they were j-walking. Amazing I tell you.
Gramps has said that he's an ex-con. One would think he'd know better.

Oh wait - its Gramps. Known for jumping the gun and having no information or proof.

like you are not guilty of doing the same thing......

Yeah...........but no. There is a CLEAR difference between right and left here when it comes to posting without waiting for facts. USMB nutters do this as a matter of daily routine. Our liberals are much more likely to reserve judgement until some time has passed and some details have been confirmed.

LL....am i talking about left and right or Luddy?...Luddy has jumped into 2 threads i was in and called me a liar.........he was not in the thread in question that was the topic of the argument,so how would he know?....but yet he felt he could comment....he has done what he said Gramps did .... thats all i was pointing out.....
Dorian Johnson even admitted they had cigars. I hope to god that they didnt rob that store.

Rush just said he watched a portion of the convenience store surveillance video and the individual taking the box of Swisher Sweets is UNDOUBTEDLY Michael "Big Mike" Brown.


In the United States persons are innocent of alleged crimes until proved guilty in a court of law.

Consequently, any alleged robbery is not justification for killing the suspect absent an imminent threat to law enforcement or public safety.

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