Michael Brown had robbed a Quick Trip just before the fatal shooting

She is a beautiful thief - a blast from the past. I doubt any man would mind her reaching for his gun.
I agree, with the point that IF Mike did steal the cigars, it would have given him a reason to high tail it out of there when the cop confronted him for jaywalking. However, I do not agree with the thought line that we should kill black people for running away from a cop.

Would you feel the same about the killing if Mike Brown was named Michelle Brown and was a 5'2 brunette girl with blue eyes?

How about if it was this shoplifter:
LMAO.."What if"..."maybe"...You start ANOTHER sentence with "How about"....Why not go with the known facts and have a mature discussion, instead of inventing fantasy scenarios?

now you're really desperate using pictures of people unrelated to the event and trying to reframe the discussion...but ok I'll play;

If this fantasy person you invented committed battery on a cop and tried to take his weapon the fantasy person you invented out of thin air would have been shot, too, and would have deserved it.

Here's the facts;
He wasn't killed for jaywalking or stealing cigars.
He wasn't killed because he was "black"
He was killed for attacking a cop and trying to take his weapon..and, according to missouri statutes, the cop had the right to shoot him.
Good shoot.

A prime example below of what you are saying..

Yeah apparently every dead citizen is a good shoot to the cops. Piss em off and out come the guns. bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang ... reload... bang bang bang bang bang.. oh I guess the boy was unarmed.... oh look I shoot him in the head a couple times hope he learned his lesson.

What seems to be your problem or are you just an agitator of the worse kind ?
It seems like only two businesses escaped getting destroyed. What is their secret?


Why 2 Businesses Survived Ferguson Looting A Lesson for All

No or not enough insurance to cover damages, so they had to defend their investment themselves?

These are the same ones I posted in another thread, hey you racist bastard can you find the "negro" in the picture??

But not everyone was cowering in fear. At two businesses the owners (and some employees and friends) were standing firm, right outside, ready to take on all comers. Why? Because they were armed to the teeth.

At Riverfront Tattoo, owners Mike Gutierrez ( below left) and Adam Weinstein (third from left) brought AR-15s, body armor and lots of high-capacity magazines (the type Obama wants banned) to guard their store against mayhem:

And rioters passed them right by.
It seems like only two businesses escaped getting destroyed. What is their secret?


Why 2 Businesses Survived Ferguson Looting A Lesson for All

No or not enough insurance to cover damages, so they had to defend their investment themselves?

These are the same ones I posted in another thread, hey you racist bastard can you find the "negro" in the picture??

But not everyone was cowering in fear. At two businesses the owners (and some employees and friends) were standing firm, right outside, ready to take on all comers. Why? Because they were armed to the teeth.

At Riverfront Tattoo, owners Mike Gutierrez ( below left) and Adam Weinstein (third from left) brought AR-15s, body armor and lots of high-capacity magazines (the type Obama wants banned) to guard their store against mayhem:

And rioters passed them right by.

Praise God, this is the greatest assist to the keeping of OUR GUNS as there ever has been!!
What I'm seeing about this police force is that it is mostly white and considers its mostly black civilian charges like an occupying army more than a community it is part of. When you have a cop from this town screaming at protesters, "Come and get it, you animals!", this is not a police force that is part of the community at all.
About an hour before I first heard a CNN report of the Brown shooting I had watched two videos of young Black males perpetrating knockout game assaults on White people, one of whom was a 72 year-old man. Had I not watched those two videos I might have been more critical toward the Missouri cop who reportedly had "shot an unarmed Black teen-ager for jay-walking."

Later, with images of those "knockout game" assaults still bouncing around in my brain, CNN ran the video of the "teen-age boy" shot by the Missouri cop strong-arming a store clerk half his size while brazenly stealing cigars. So I don't think it's hard to understand how the effect of watching the "knockout game" videos and the one of the 6'4" 300lb bullying thief might influence my feelings toward the shooting of Michael Brown. Especially after learning that Brown had assaulted the cop and tried to snatch his gun before the cop fought him off and opened fire on him.

Maybe that last part is true and maybe it isn't. But based on the things I saw I'm more inclined to believe it than not. And I do not hesitate to say what I saw in those videos has thoroughly prejudiced my thoughts about this entire Ferguson issue.
Ferguson Police Busted | Drudge Retort

When the Ferguson police department released the name of Darren Wilson, they also chose to release video footage which they claimed was of Michael Brown robbing a convenience store for some cigars.

The problem is, the video shows Michael Brown at the register, paying for the cigars.
Then why was a 911 robbery report issued?
I don't see any money change hands.. I don't see any money period...but you need it to be true, so you see what you want to see.
Perfectly understandable now that all the other "witnesses" stories have fallen apart. You need SOMETHING to cling to.
I see him standing there, the girl goes behind the counter, he leans in to place his order, his hands are out of sight, can't tell if he paid or not as the VIDEO DOES NOT SHOW THE COUNTER, then he walks out and a different clerk confronts him. Maybe to give him change.
And the shot of him grabbing the clerk by the throat and shoving him away was his way of saying thanks.

Advice: If you're ever tried for a crime let your lawyer do all the talking. Don't say anything.
Assaulting a cop will get you shot. Any idiot knows that

there is no evidence of "assault" at this time. ... only the cops poisoning the jury pool.

i'm afraid that justifying the murder of an unarmed person isn't as easily dismissed.
There is evidence in the form of the cop's swollen jaw and his testimony -- which is supported by witness testimony of Brown having pushed the cop back into his car and reaching in through the window.

I don't know about Missouri state law but in New York assaulting a cop is a Class-A felony which calls for the use of defensive deadly force.

While it is not permitted for a cop to shoot a fleeing felon in New York I believe it is permitted in Missouri and many other states.

And having already been assaulted by Brown, and probably disoriented by it, to have a 6'4" 300lb assaultive goon charging him I'd say the cop had just cause to shoot him as many times as it took to stop him.

That's why cops carry guns.
He stole over fifty dollars worth of cigars,not a couple bucks.
The dead boy is "accused" of stealing. I guess it's all relative, fifty dollars is just not a whole lot of money to me. Not enough to kill over.
Fifty dollars is a lot of money to a convenience store's daily bottom line. And Brown wasn't killed over money. He was killed because of his bullying ghetto orientation.

Michael Brown was not a nice, sensible, young Black man. He was an assaultive ******. If he hadn't been killed at age 18 someone surely would have killed him at some point in his life because he wasn't going to change his arrogant bullying ways. Killing him now saved a lot of people from being harmed by this punk.
He stole over fifty dollars worth of cigars,not a couple bucks.
The dead boy is "accused" of stealing. I guess it's all relative, fifty dollars is just not a whole lot of money to me. Not enough to kill over.
Fifty dollars is a lot of money to a convenience store's daily bottom line. And Brown wasn't killed over money. He was killed because of his bullying ghetto orientation.

Michael Brown was not a nice, sensible, young Black man. He was an assaultive ******. If he hadn't been killed at age 18 someone surely would have killed him at some point in his life because he wasn't going to change his arrogant bullying ways. Killing him now saved a lot of people from being harmed by this punk.

What is sad is the Pride that has got to going now, where as even in light of all the evidence so far, people still defend their original actions on this matter. Remember people that PRIDE comes just before the fall every time. Humble thy selves before the Lord and he shall lift you up. Seek justice only, as it is the only way, and refrain from arrogance and pride because it seeks to destroys us all in the end.
You know this issue that has been raised about the police having military equipment is interesting. Why is that an issue, when it is locked away until a mob starts taking the streets looting, burning and using violence to make a statement ? Is it that the mob felt intimidated by the police, because if it would have turned into an all out battle, then the mob wouldn't have been able to get the upper hand in the battle, but if it would have been officers who were barely equipped to deal with a situation, and the mob would have known this weakness in them just as things heated up & out of control, then what do we all think would have been the result of that situation I wonder ? I watched Rev. Al on his show tonight, and he had a few guest speakers on who were biased in my opinion against the police response, and one of them said that if the thing was the other way around, and it would have been white people protesting, then the response wouldn't have been the same they don't think. Oh how they forget or rather they don't do their homework, because if they were to remember Kent State, then they would know their theory is flawed. Hec, all they have to do is look at the civil war to know their rhetoric is flawed, because in that war whites killed whites by the hundred thousands.
The police did not use their forces to protect people, property & businesses from looters. They used their forces to crush protesters exercising their constitutional rights. That caused the looting.
The police did not use their forces to protect people, property & businesses from looters. They used their forces to crush protesters exercising their constitutional rights. That caused the looting.

I like how you are trying to separate the protestors in this way, and especially after the fact. Do we actually know who started out peaceful, but then turned into rioters, looters and violent people as things evolved ? What I mean by evolved, is when the dis-satisfaction of the case did not go as the protestors wanted it to go, so it evolved into the very things that the police had to deal with., They wanted a hanging trial by the mob before the facts in the case were known, and when that doesn't happen then it's well hey lets riot, loot, and commit violence in order to hopefully intimidate the outcome in the way that one figures it should go..
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Assaulting a cop will get you shot. Any idiot knows that

there is no evidence of "assault" at this time. ... only the cops poisoning the jury pool.

i'm afraid that justifying the murder of an unarmed person isn't as easily dismissed.
There is evidence in the form of the cop's swollen jaw and his testimony -- which is supported by witness testimony of Brown having pushed the cop back into his car and reaching in through the window.

I don't know about Missouri state law but in New York assaulting a cop is a Class-A felony which calls for the use of defensive deadly force.

While it is not permitted for a cop to shoot a fleeing felon in New York I believe it is permitted in Missouri and many other states.

And having already been assaulted by Brown, and probably disoriented by it, to have a 6'4" 300lb assaultive goon charging him I'd say the cop had just cause to shoot him as many times as it took to stop him.

That's why cops carry guns.

There is evidence in the form of the cop's swollen jaw and his testimony -- which is supported by witness testimony of Brown having pushed the cop back into his car and reaching in through the window.

what is odd in photos by the media of the crime scene

the partner in crime Dorin Johnson his gold bracelet

can be seen laying in the ground right under the cops driver door

it also be odd that one of his flip flops is laying bout two to three feet

from that same door
There is evidence in the form of the cop's swollen jaw and his testimony -- which is supported by witness testimony of Brown having pushed the cop back into his car and reaching in through the window.

what is odd in photos by the media of the crime scene

the partner in crime Dorin Johnson his gold bracelet

can be seen laying in the ground right under the cops driver door

it also be odd that one of his flip flops is laying bout two to three feet

from that same door
Dorian Johnson did not have, or lose a gold bracelet. He had the same yellow rubber bracelet on in the store as he wore in the on camera interview after the shooting. You have to vet "The Conservative Treehouse" comments & opinion just like other media's spin.

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