Michael Brown was 148 feet from Wilson as he was shot to death

How can you fight when you have both sides of the story.....oh wait...nope we only have Wilsons side. Yeah lets just go with that because thats fair
How can you fight when you have both sides of the story.....oh wait...nope we only have Wilsons side. Yeah lets just go with that because thats fair

Yeah, so they had to rely on the testimony of this credible *snicker* gentleman who was with Brown that day. Too bad he turned out to be a liar.

...facts that say Wilson's story can't be what happened.

BULLSHIT! IF that had been the case, he would have been indicted.

What you are trying to do is piece together a case where there is none, based on your own false interpretation of the forensic evidence. But the problem is, you are far too stupid to do that, even IF the forensics were in your favor.
Ann Coulter: Left 'planned this riot. They stoked the fire, lied about the evidence'
Published: 6 days ago

Read more at Liberals fight to the last drop of black blood

"The community doesn’t want black thugs robbing stores and sauntering down the middle of its streets. The community doesn’t want to be assaulted by Big Mike. The community didn’t want its stores burned down.

That community testified in support of Officer Darren Wilson. About a half-dozen black witnesses supported Officer Wilson’s version of what happened.

One was a black woman, who saw the shooting from the Canfield Green apartments. Crying on the stand, she said, “I have a child and that could have been my son.”

And yet, she confirmed all crucial parts of Wilson’s account.

She said “the child” (292-pound Big Mike) never had his hands up and the cop only fired when “the baby” was coming at him. “Why won’t that boy stop?” she asked her husband.

I always want to know more about the heroic black witnesses. They are put in a position no white person will ever be in and do the right thing by telling the truth – then go into hiding from “the community” being championed by goo-goo liberals.

White people don’t feel any obligation to defend some thug just because he’s white. Only blacks are expected to lie on behalf of criminals of their own race."

Read more at Liberals fight to the last drop of black blood
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How can you fight when you have both sides of the story.....oh wait...nope we only have Wilsons side. Yeah lets just go with that because thats fair

Yeah, so they had to rely on the testimony of this credible *snicker* gentleman who was with Brown that day. Too bad he turned out to be a liar.

Yeah but you seem to think that only witnesses on one side testimony was wrong. Nope the cops testimony doesnt match. The Police Chief saying that Wilson didnt know about the Robbery didnt match and Wilson changed his story.

BUT....That guy in the video does talk funneh and has long hair sooooo
It doesn't matter if he was 20 miles away. Why are you doing this? Do you think that you can find out some evidence that the Grand Jury didn't? They hear the actual testimony from the experts and the witnesses, you did not and will not. YOU will accept anything gleaned off the internet unvetted in any way, as long as it promotes your narrative.

Yes it matters. You can't claim an imminent threat to your life if that threat is nowhere near you. So if you see a person walking on a sidewalk 200 feet away from you minding their own business that you believe is an imminent threat to your life, you can just start shooting them? What if that person walking was YOU?

I would not have assaulted an officer and disregarded a legal order. I also could not tell, from 200 feet if someone was armed or not.

Do you have a hard question,

Yeah I have one, are black people worthy of equal rights? I know the answer but the difficult part is going to be if you will truly admit to yourself what you really think.

Why does this become an equal rights issue? the same rules apply for everyone. If an Officer tells you to stop you stop, Brown didnt. Everyone is not suppossed to assault an officer, Brown did. If Wilson viewed Brown as at threat after that, Its not an equal rights issue. There may be real equal rights issues in America that are very clearly that. This case is not one. Of course if you want to mention African americans in Furguson who lost their right
to have a place of business because a rights activist burned it down.
How can you fight when you have both sides of the story.....oh wait...nope we only have Wilsons side. Yeah lets just go with that because thats fair

This is incorrect as well. We have Wilson's testimony, the numerous eye-witnesses testimony and the forensic evidence. All of it tells the story, and the Grand Jury reviewed all of it. Now, in OUR system of justice, that's how this is done and we live with their findings. That's what WE as a CIVIL SOCIETY have determined is "fair" and how we do things.
How can you fight when you have both sides of the story.....oh wait...nope we only have Wilsons side. Yeah lets just go with that because thats fair

Yeah, so they had to rely on the testimony of this credible *snicker* gentleman who was with Brown that day. Too bad he turned out to be a liar.

Yeah but you seem to think that only witnesses on one side testimony was wrong. Nope the cops testimony doesnt match. The Police Chief saying that Wilson didnt know about the Robbery didnt match and Wilson changed his story.

BUT....That guy in the video does talk funneh and has long hair sooooo

I was unaware that the Police Chief was on trial. Wilson was, however, on the radio responding to the incident. Nevertheless, If the forensics don't support the testimony you need to dive into magic bullet theory, and this credible *snicker* gentleman was obviously a liar. That's not only what I say, but that's what the evidence says as well.
Hey look, 35 feet or 135 feet doesnt matter. No matter the length Brown could've closed the distance instantly because he was strong as Hulk Hogan and faster than Usain Bolt oh...and had the look of a black demon. Any shot is a good shot...just say you were scared from 100 feet away.

Just curious. Have you ever fired a hand gun? I'm a damned good shot and 100' would be a stretch.

40' is more along the lines of an acceptable distance to try to hit anything with a handgun.
How can you fight when you have both sides of the story.....oh wait...nope we only have Wilsons side. Yeah lets just go with that because thats fair

Yeah, so they had to rely on the testimony of this credible *snicker* gentleman who was with Brown that day. Too bad he turned out to be a liar.

Yeah but you seem to think that only witnesses on one side testimony was wrong. Nope the cops testimony doesnt match. The Police Chief saying that Wilson didnt know about the Robbery didnt match and Wilson changed his story.

BUT....That guy in the video does talk funneh and has long hair sooooo

I was unaware that the Police Chief was on trial. Wilson was, however, on the radio responding to the incident. Nevertheless, If the forensics don't support the testimony you need to dive into magic bullet theory, and this credible *snicker* gentleman was obviously a liar. That's not only what I say, but that's what the evidence says as well.

Oh so when the cops and the chief give conflicting testimonies they arent on trial. But this witness is?

That makes sense...hey how are cops supposed to give consistent testimonies anyway? Obviously the case is about Browns friend being on trial :rolleyes:
Hey look, 35 feet or 135 feet doesnt matter. No matter the length Brown could've closed the distance instantly because he was strong as Hulk Hogan and faster than Usain Bolt oh...and had the look of a black demon. Any shot is a good shot...just say you were scared from 100 feet away.

Just curious. Have you ever fired a hand gun? I'm a damned good shot and 100' would be a stretch.

40' is more along the lines of an acceptable distance to try to hit anything with a handgun.

I'm sorry but the body was where it was...are you saying Browns body was moved further away or something?
Statis, you do realize that the effective range of Officer Wilson's sidearm (Sig Sauer P239 in .40 cal) is far less than the 50 yards you believe Mike Brown to have been shot at, right? It would have been quite a feat to have hit him more than once or twice at that distance; especially if either one of them was moving. Therefore I see zero believability in your supposition.


I see nothing that says that a 239 cannot shoot 50 yards. In fact, most pistols can. Easily.

In fact, it would be a shitty pistol, or in this case, semi-automatic handgun, if you cannot fire a decent shot for at least 100 meters:

wikiHow to Become a Marksman Snipe With a Pistol

Or, it can also mean that Williams lied about his position when he fired the shots.

Now it is 50 meters. Make up your mind.
How can you fight when you have both sides of the story.....oh wait...nope we only have Wilsons side. Yeah lets just go with that because thats fair
Maybe when the autopsy came out we stopped believing that he was shot in the back with his hands up..

I think when Brown was running Wilson shot but didnt hit him. 12 shots and how many landed?

Autopsy evidence MUST suggest Big Mike was running BACKWARDS because all the shots entered from the front.
How can you fight when you have both sides of the story.....oh wait...nope we only have Wilsons side. Yeah lets just go with that because thats fair

Yeah, so they had to rely on the testimony of this credible *snicker* gentleman who was with Brown that day. Too bad he turned out to be a liar.

Yeah but you seem to think that only witnesses on one side testimony was wrong. Nope the cops testimony doesnt match. The Police Chief saying that Wilson didnt know about the Robbery didnt match and Wilson changed his story.

BUT....That guy in the video does talk funneh and has long hair sooooo

I was unaware that the Police Chief was on trial. Wilson was, however, on the radio responding to the incident. Nevertheless, If the forensics don't support the testimony you need to dive into magic bullet theory, and this credible *snicker* gentleman was obviously a liar. That's not only what I say, but that's what the evidence says as well.

Oh so when the cops and the chief give conflicting testimonies they arent on trial. But this witness is?

That makes sense...hey how are cops supposed to give consistent testimonies anyway? Obviously the case is about Browns friend being on trial :rolleyes:

Wow, you obviously don't know how to stick to the merits. I wish you were a lawyer. You would get your ass eaten alive if you brought the Police Chief in to testify that Wilson did not know of the robbery when the RECORDED radio traffic demonstrates otherwise. That, my ignorant friend, is PROBABLE CAUSE in the form of description of the suspect.

The evidence (recorded radio traffic) shows Wilson knew of the robbery. That's the end of that.

Darren Wilson s radio calls show fatal encounter was brief stltoday.com
How can you fight when you have both sides of the story.....oh wait...nope we only have Wilsons side. Yeah lets just go with that because thats fair
Maybe when the autopsy came out we stopped believing that he was shot in the back with his hands up..

I think when Brown was running Wilson shot but didnt hit him. 12 shots and how many landed?

Autopsy evidence MUST suggest Big Mike was running BACKWARDS because all the shots entered from the front.
How do you prove a grazing shot entered?

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