Michael Brown was 148 feet from Wilson as he was shot to death

Not a theory. A measurement that likely means that the FPD and officer Wilson lied, probably more than once. It's simple math. Either way, it checkmates this part of the info that the FPD released.

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You're right, it's not a theory, it's just an outright lie. But it's not Wilson who lied, it is you. Here's how we KNOW...

In any shooting death like this, where an officer downs a citizen, there is the testimony of the witnesses and the officer and there is the forensic evidence. The Grand Jury is charged with looking at all of that and making a determination. If what you were saying was the truth, the forensic evidence would not have matched the testimony from Wilson, nor the other eye-witness accounts.

The forensics include considerably more than a measurement. They can tell how close or how far a person was when shot within a foot or two at least, sometimes even more accurately. Believe it or not, they can also tell if a person had their hands in the air when shot. The officer, the witnesses, the FPD... can't fake forensic evidence. If Wilson lied and the forensics did not match, he would have been indicted.
The casings were strewn down the street. Wilson says he was backing up as the boy charged. But we also know Wilson pursued. So either the casings are strewn down the street as they approached each other or Wilson was shooting while backpedaling. Either way Wilson is not standing in one spot.

I have a Glock 17, Wilson had a Glock 19 - there is a minor difference in the weapons, but very minor.

At 25 FEET I can hit what I'm aiming at. At 50 feet, I can hit most of the time. At 100 feet, I occasionally hit the target. Statist claims that Wilson was in motion at 150 feet and making precision, deadly hits..

Wilson was charged by a bull, and was firing wildly in desperate attempt to survive the encounter.

Obama has utter and complete contempt for the rule of law, so I have little doubt that his goons in the criminal DOJ will trump up charges to "get Wilson." The Party will have it's lynching, one way or the other.

Liberals lack of knowledge of firearms bites em in the ass on a regular basis when they make their wild claims .
Just look at Rep. Diana DeGette from Colorado who claimed ...“I will tell you these are ammunition, they’re bullets, so the people who have those know they’re going to shoot them, so if you ban them in the future, the number of these high capacity magazines is going to decrease dramatically over time because the bullets will have been shot and there won’t be any more available.”

And here we have some clown claiming officer Wilson is making hits at 150 ft at a moving target with the adrenaline flowing?
Shits.. :cuckoo:
No, it is fishy.

As is the fact that Wilson's captain said Wilson didn't know about the robbery and then Wilson testified that he did.

Yes, more and more details are going to come out that will not line up with the facts, because the FPD lied at the onset. Really, physical distance from point A to point B is not hard to measure. It's one of the first things that criminal labs do in the case of shootings, to determine trajectory and a number of other factors. The only plausible reason the FPD would have had to lie and say only 17 feet (which would be only twice the distance from that police car to the fire-hydrant marked in the photo) would be to claim immediate danger to the life of officer Wilson. Also, at 148 feet, there is no way that an officer can claim that a perpetrator (and Michael Brown WAS a perpetrator, make no mistake about it, he was no angel) turned around to rush an officer.

The trial is over moron. You won't find anything that the PROFESSIONALS didn't.

There was no trial.

Something tells me that even if there WAS a trial, and the officer was found not guilty, the same people would be saying the same things, and demanding something more. Basically, some people will accept nothing less than the officer being imprisoned. I don't know what they're complaining about, his life is destroyed as it is.
148 feet is about 50 yards. The suspect was hit with multiple bullets. How accurate is a handgun at 50 yards when the shooter is full of adrenaline because he has just been assaulted?

Not JUST a handgun, a Glock.

I have a Smith & Wesson .22 revolver that I can shoot the ass off of a gnat at 50 yards with. But a Glock has fixed sights that are set at 25 to 50 feet. It's made for very close encounters. Wilson wasn't shooting a Thompson Center Olympic target pistol, but his service weapon.
Wilson wasn't shooting a Thompson Center Olympic target pistol, but his service weapon.

Doesn't matter what he was shooting, forensics don't lie. The evidence would have indicated Brown had been shot at approximately 150 feet if that were the truth. We know for a fact that it wasn't the truth and forensics indicated no such thing. So why is anyone giving this ass clown the time of day?
It's really simple to measure the distance, and quite accurately:

Those who measured started at the fire-hydrant that was near the police car from which officer Wilson fired the deadly shots:


Distance from the driver's side door (when officer Wilson claims he fired the shots) to the fire hydrant: 17 feet.

Distance from the fire hydrant to the spot where Michael Brown was standing when he was shot: 131 feet.

131 +17 = 148.

Now, there is an angle involved between the cop car and the hydrant, which means that actual distance of 17 feet, calculated as a straight line, will be somewhat less, maybe one third less. So, the true distance may be 140 to 141 feet. The angle represented by the yellow line looks to be about 35 degrees to the plain, if you consider the straight path of the sidewalk next to the hydrant to be the plain.

The police report says 35 feet. And a police officer said TWICE in a press conference that the distance was 35 feet:

(1:13 and 6:01)

35 feet and 148 are nowhere close to each other in terms of distance. 148 feet = 49 yards, or just about one-half of a football field.

The film clearly documents the start and end points, and they can be confirmed by police photos and photos shot by witnesses on that day.

35 feet could be an argument for immediate danger for a police officer. But 148 feet? No way.

Why did the Ferguson police lie about this detail?

And if the Ferguson police have lied about this, then we must ask what else they have lied about?

You know, sometimes it's all about simple math. The Ferguson police can lie for a while, but they cannot change geography and they cannot undo so many photos and videos.


Does a suspected perpetrator who is 148 feet away from an officer represent a danger to that officer's life

Can he? Yes

The average man can cover 100 meters in 34 seconds. If we accept your distance Brown was 49.3 meters from WIlson when he was shot. The average man could cover that in roughly 15 seconds. Add to that that Brown was high on drugs and adrenaline, yes 148 feet and charging is a danger to Wilson.

Wilson wasn't shooting a Thompson Center Olympic target pistol, but his service weapon.

Doesn't matter what he was shooting, forensics don't lie. The evidence would have indicated Brown had been shot at approximately 150 feet if that were the truth. We know for a fact that it wasn't the truth and forensics indicated no such thing. So why is anyone giving this ass clown the time of day?

Because we enjoy ridiculing lefty about their total lack of firearms knowledge?
It's really simple to measure the distance, and quite accurately:

Those who measured started at the fire-hydrant that was near the police car from which officer Wilson fired the deadly shots:


Distance from the driver's side door (when officer Wilson claims he fired the shots) to the fire hydrant: 17 feet.

Distance from the fire hydrant to the spot where Michael Brown was standing when he was shot: 131 feet.

131 +17 = 148.

Now, there is an angle involved between the cop car and the hydrant, which means that actual distance of 17 feet, calculated as a straight line, will be somewhat less, maybe one third less. So, the true distance may be 140 to 141 feet. The angle represented by the yellow line looks to be about 35 degrees to the plain, if you consider the straight path of the sidewalk next to the hydrant to be the plain.

The police report says 35 feet. And a police officer said TWICE in a press conference that the distance was 35 feet:

(1:13 and 6:01)

35 feet and 148 are nowhere close to each other in terms of distance. 148 feet = 49 yards, or just about one-half of a football field.

The film clearly documents the start and end points, and they can be confirmed by police photos and photos shot by witnesses on that day.

35 feet could be an argument for immediate danger for a police officer. But 148 feet? No way.

Why did the Ferguson police lie about this detail?

And if the Ferguson police have lied about this, then we must ask what else they have lied about?

You know, sometimes it's all about simple math. The Ferguson police can lie for a while, but they cannot change geography and they cannot undo so many photos and videos.


Does a suspected perpetrator who is 148 feet away from an officer represent a danger to that officer's life?

There is a difference between the distance between Brown and Wilsons SUV and the distance between Wilson and Brown themselves. Remember, Brown gave chase (No surprise there, he's a law enforcement officer; that's his job). Also remember, the blood trail collaborates Wilsons testimony demonstrating definitively that Brown turned around and charged. Wow, so many ignorant people here.

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Michael Brown was 148 feet from Wilson as he was shot to death
No he wasn't.

148 feet is about 50 yards. The suspect was hit with multiple bullets. How accurate is a handgun at 50 yards when the shooter is full of adrenaline because he has just been assaulted?

Ive hita stationary small object at more than 50 yards with a 38 and im a pretty decent shot, but that required steadying my arm on something. somebody running at you is really tough with your target moving as well, and yes even a trained police officer probably is going to be a little shaky after being hit. Seems to me as well, if forensics didnt match the witness testimony Wilson would have been charged. I know they used forenxics to throw out some of the witness testimonys that were lies or mistakes.
He was a criminal. Not that I believe your distances at all but he could have been 148 MILES away and he would still have deserved to die.

Maybe he deserved to be arrested and should have gotten a fair trial and a judgement. That's what the law says.

Do you not believe in the rule of law.
And he would have if he had surrendered as Wilson ordered him to. Instead he chose to try and attack Wilson as he had already in the vehicle.
Sorry, Stat - this was a pretty clear case of self defense.

I feel for the families of the guy shot, but just like in the Martin case, you can't attack someone who's packing.

I believe the 35' distance as a more reliable figure.
The casings were strewn down the street. Wilson says he was backing up as the boy charged. But we also know Wilson pursued. So either the casings are strewn down the street as they approached each other or Wilson was shooting while backpedaling. Either way Wilson is not standing in one spot.

I have a Glock 17, Wilson had a Glock 19 - there is a minor difference in the weapons, but very minor.

At 25 FEET I can hit what I'm aiming at. At 50 feet, I can hit most of the time. At 100 feet, I occasionally hit the target. Statist claims that Wilson was in motion at 150 feet and making precision, deadly hits..

Wilson was charged by a bull, and was firing wildly in desperate attempt to survive the encounter.

Obama has utter and complete contempt for the rule of law, so I have little doubt that his goons in the criminal DOJ will trump up charges to "get Wilson." The Party will have it's lynching, one way or the other.

Awesome analogy. very informative and from by own experience with similar weapons, I would have to agree.
It doesn't matter if he was 20 miles away. Why are you doing this? Do you think that you can find out some evidence that the Grand Jury didn't? They hear the actual testimony from the experts and the witnesses, you did not and will not. YOU will accept anything gleaned off the internet unvetted in any way, as long as it promotes your narrative.

I disregard the grand jury proceeding because it was tainted by race, by McCollough's biases, and by police incompetence and misconduct.

Your irrational and emotional feelings are duly noted.
Hey look, 35 feet or 135 feet doesnt matter. No matter the length Brown could've closed the distance instantly because he was strong as Hulk Hogan and faster than Usain Bolt oh...and had the look of a black demon. Any shot is a good shot...just say you were scared from 100 feet away.
We have some hard physical evidence, the audio file and the autopsy. The audio file records Wilson firing 6 shots in 2 seconds, then a 3 second pause, then a seventh shot, a one second pause, and 3 more shots.

(And if you're going to deny the hard physical evidence ... go away, cultist.)

Wilson said he began firing at a range of 15 feet, when Brown was already charging full steam at him. And that when Brown kept charging after the first volley, he opened fire again.

Even an overweight couch potato can easily manage 10 mph in a short sprint. Brown clearly could, since he ran at least 150 feet away from the car in around 10 seconds.

10mph is 15 feet a second. 75 feet in 5 seconds, which the time elapsed when Wilson said Brown was still charging full speed directly at him, demonic expression on his face. Yet Brown somehow couldn't even make it those 15 feet to Wilson in 5 seconds at a full charge.

Wilson was not backing up any significant distance. Forensic evidence showed all shots fired from the same spot.

So, Brown would have had to have been casually strolling, not charging, for things to have played out as Wilson claimed. The forensic evidence says Wilson's story is impossible.

Given the physical evidence and the majority of eyewitness statements, this seems to be the actual scenario:

1. Wilson chased Brown down the street, firing the 6 shots, winging Brown in the forearm. Autopsy confirms a back-to-front wound in Brown's forearm.
2. After getting hit, Brown turned around, put his hands up and started walking back towards Wilson
3. Wilson fired again, hitting Brown again.
4. Brown bent over and staggered forward
5. Wilson fired 3 more shots. Autopsy shows wounds with a downward trajectory, meaning Brown had to have been bent over.

That says nothing about Wilson's motivation at the time, it's just description of the facts, facts that say Wilson's story can't be what happened.
Bottom line, when an armed police officer tells you to do something, the smart thing is to do it. If he tells you to do the chicken dance, start squawking. Let a lawyer engineer a big payday for you.
We have some hard physical evidence, the audio file and the autopsy. The audio file records Wilson firing 6 shots in 2 seconds, then a 3 second pause, then a seventh shot, a one second pause, and 3 more shots.

(And if you're going to deny the hard physical evidence ... go away, cultist.)

Wilson said he began firing at a range of 15 feet, when Brown was already charging full steam at him. And that when Brown kept charging after the first volley, he opened fire again.

Even an overweight couch potato can easily manage 10 mph in a short sprint. Brown clearly could, since he ran at least 150 feet away from the car in around 10 seconds.

10mph is 15 feet a second. 75 feet in 5 seconds, which the time elapsed when Wilson said Brown was still charging full speed directly at him, demonic expression on his face. Yet Brown somehow couldn't even make it those 15 feet to Wilson in 5 seconds at a full charge.

Wilson was not backing up any significant distance. Forensic evidence showed all shots fired from the same spot.

So, Brown would have had to have been casually strolling, not charging, for things to have played out as Wilson claimed. The forensic evidence says Wilson's story is impossible.

Given the physical evidence and the majority of eyewitness statements, this seems to be the actual scenario:

1. Wilson chased Brown down the street, firing the 6 shots, winging Brown in the forearm. Autopsy confirms a back-to-front wound in Brown's forearm.
2. After getting hit, Brown turned around, put his hands up and started walking back towards Wilson
3. Wilson fired again, hitting Brown again.
4. Brown bent over and staggered forward
5. Wilson fired 3 more shots. Autopsy shows wounds with a downward trajectory, meaning Brown had to have been bent over.

That says nothing about Wilson's motivation at the time, it's just description of the facts, facts that say Wilson's story can't be what happened.

Please provide the autopsy evidence where any expert said Brown was shot from the rear. But, of course, you cannot. Why? Because all three experts testified otherwise.

You said: "And if you're going to deny the hard physical evidence ... go away, cultist." Nice, now provide the evidence.
A Rush Limbaugh caller just suggested the slogan to counter the fictional account suggested by, "Hands Up! Don't Shoot!" should be, "PANTS UP! DON'T LOOT!"

Very clever, caller Kenny.

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