Michael Brown was 148 feet from Wilson as he was shot to death

You realize that officers often wash the blood from themselves because of blood borne disease, Right? This is NOT unusual, and most often done at the scene, Right ?

Did he launder his uniform?

Usually, though, the document it before washing. But not in this case. Luddy did a good job detailing how really haphazard the "Forensics" were in this case, so I won't rehash them, but clearly, this was not a professional police force. These were a bunch of squirrel cops defending one of their own.

Did he launder his uniform or wipe down the vehicle?

If washing the blood off his skin was done to get rid of evidence, then he, and the force did a piss poor job, didn't they?
I would not want anyone's blood on me, especially a thug's. Things like hepatitis, AIDS and tuberculosis are prevalent in the black community. Eww!

And that icky ole evidence.
3 bullet casings found close to browns body

evidence the distance between the two which was much MUCH less then 148 feet
I just assumed Wilson was pursing the fleeing teen firing away at him.. missing the shots when he was far away, causing the boy to turn.. and then as they came together he started hitting him ... and finally was close enough to shoot him in the head for the coup de grace.


Grand Jury Clause
A grand jury is a group of citizens who are summoned to criminal court by the sheriff to consider accusations and complaints leveled against persons who are suspected of engaging in criminal conduct. Grand juries do not determine guilt or innocence. Instead, they determine whether Probable Cause exists to believe that the accused has committed a crime, and they return an indictment (i.e., a formal charge against the accused) if they do find probable cause. In common law, a grand jury consisted of not fewer than 12, and not more than 23, men. Today, grand juries impaneled before a federal district court must consist of not fewer than 16, and not more than 23, men and women.
Potential jurors are usually drawn from lists of qualified residents. Persons who are below the age of majority, who have been convicted of certain crimes, who or are biased toward the accused are ineligible to serve as grand jurors.
The grand jury originated in England during the reign of henry ii (1154–89). In 1166, a statute called the Assize of Clarendon was enacted. The assize provided that no person could be prosecuted unless four men from each township and 12 men from each hundred appeared before the county court to accuse the individual of a specific crime. This compulsory process, called a presenting jury, foreshadowed the grand jury as an accusatory body that identified individuals for prosecution but made no finding as to guilt or innocence.
As the grand jury system developed in England and colonial America, it protected innocent persons who faced unfounded charges initiated by political, religious, and personal adversaries. The impartiality of grand juries is essential. This is a significant reason why the proceedings are convened in secrecy; otherwise, public scrutiny and similar prejudicial influences could affect their decision-making process. Although grand juries must be impartial, accused persons have no constitutional right to present evidence on their behalf or to cross-examine witnesses, and Hearsay evidence may be introduced against them.

3 bullet casings found close to browns body

evidence the distance between the two which was much MUCH less then 148 feet
I just assumed Wilson was pursing the fleeing teen firing away at him.. missing the shots when he was far away, causing the boy to turn.. and then as they came together he started hitting him ... and finally was close enough to shoot him in the head for the coup de grace.


Well it's an assumption based on the evidence. Without a video and with the large variance of testimony it's hard to tell what the distance was for each of the shots.
You realize that officers often wash the blood from themselves because of blood borne disease, Right? This is NOT unusual, and most often done at the scene, Right ?

Did he launder his uniform?

Usually, though, the document it before washing. But not in this case. Luddy did a good job detailing how really haphazard the "Forensics" were in this case, so I won't rehash them, but clearly, this was not a professional police force. These were a bunch of squirrel cops defending one of their own.

Did he launder his uniform or wipe down the vehicle?

If washing the blood off his skin was done to get rid of evidence, then he, and the force did a piss poor job, didn't they?
I would not want anyone's blood on me, especially a thug's. Things like hepatitis, AIDS and tuberculosis are prevalent in the black community. Eww!

And that icky ole evidence.
Oh, the evidence was in the car too. Don't worry about that.
He was 148 feet away and Wilson managed to get two head shots on the boy with a police issue Glock? Wow, that's amazing. Oh wait...

You've been fooled by a photo/meme, and a bad one at that. Officer Wilson was carrying a .40 caliber Sig-Sauer P239 handgun at the time of the shooting. I've also seen several photos and other images depicting a Glock, but from what I've read that is not the firearm he was carrying.

Glock, Sauger, whatever. Doesn't matter. He simply did not shoot the man twice in the head rapid fire from 148 feet with a handgun. Didn't happen.
The distance between the passenger side door of the vehicle where Wilson claims to have fired the shot and the spot where Brown fell down, dead, is around 148 feet, not 17 feet.[/QUOTE]

According to who?
If Stat is correct, Eric Holder and the Feds will be all over this.

Since there has been plenty of time for the Feds to already be all over this, I have my doubts. We need to remember that the investigation of this incident is not being done in a vacuum; the local law enforcement and DA are under heavy scrutiny of Eric Holder and the Feds.
Hey stats. Tell us what the 7 eyewitnesses told the grand jury and then combine that with your bullshit.
Are you suggesting the cop was not punched in the face?

Lets see. A decorated cop with nothing on his record and a fat thug who just bullied a 4 foot 9 immigrant and who has a lengthy juvenile record. Of course for some reason we cannot see it.

His arms were not up. He was not shot in the back. The eyewitnesses contradict your fucking claims. He received instant karma.

Stats, you are a fucking loser.

Nothing on his juvenile record were a felony which the juvenile court officer said is open to be reported.

But hey, let's not let facts get in the way right? Isn't that what you say about liberals?
It's really simple to measure the distance, and quite accurately:

Those who measured started at the fire-hydrant that was near the police car from which officer Wilson fired the deadly shots:


Distance from the driver's side door (when officer Wilson claims he fired the shots) to the fire hydrant: 17 feet.

Distance from the fire hydrant to the spot where Michael Brown was standing when he was shot: 131 feet.

131 +17 = 148.

Now, there is an angle involved between the cop car and the hydrant, which means that actual distance of 17 feet, calculated as a straight line, will be somewhat less, maybe one third less. So, the true distance may be 140 to 141 feet. The angle represented by the yellow line looks to be about 35 degrees to the plain, if you consider the straight path of the sidewalk next to the hydrant to be the plain.

The police report says 35 feet. And a police officer said TWICE in a press conference that the distance was 35 feet:

(1:13 and 6:01)

35 feet and 148 are nowhere close to each other in terms of distance. 148 feet = 49 yards, or just about one-half of a football field.

The film clearly documents the start and end points, and they can be confirmed by police photos and photos shot by witnesses on that day.

35 feet could be an argument for immediate danger for a police officer. But 148 feet? No way.

Why did the Ferguson police lie about this detail?

And if the Ferguson police have lied about this, then we must ask what else they have lied about?

You know, sometimes it's all about simple math. The Ferguson police can lie for a while, but they cannot change geography and they cannot undo so many photos and videos.


Does a suspected perpetrator who is 148 feet away from an officer represent a danger to that officer's life?

Two head shots rapid fire at 50 yds with a .40
I call bull shit on this theory
Thats about 40 yards. Which for one is a very hard shot under stress with a pistol.

40 yards can be covered by NFL linemen who weigh 350 lbs in about 5.0 seconds.

5 seconds with your life on the line.

Let him get closer to be SURE hes really coming back for the gun?

Run and hope you can out run him? Cops dont do that and shouldnt.

Whatever. One less thug.
It doesn't matter if he was 20 miles away. Why are you doing this? Do you think that you can find out some evidence that the Grand Jury didn't? They hear the actual testimony from the experts and the witnesses, you did not and will not. YOU will accept anything gleaned off the internet unvetted in any way, as long as it promotes your narrative.

Yes it matters. You can't claim an imminent threat to your life if that threat is nowhere near you. So if you see a person walking on a sidewalk 200 feet away from you minding their own business that you believe is an imminent threat to your life, you can just start shooting them? What if that person walking was YOU?

I would not have assaulted an officer and disregarded a legal order. I also could not tell, from 200 feet if someone was armed or not.

Do you have a hard question,
It doesn't matter if he was 20 miles away. Why are you doing this? Do you think that you can find out some evidence that the Grand Jury didn't? They hear the actual testimony from the experts and the witnesses, you did not and will not. YOU will accept anything gleaned off the internet unvetted in any way, as long as it promotes your narrative.

Yes it matters. You can't claim an imminent threat to your life if that threat is nowhere near you. So if you see a person walking on a sidewalk 200 feet away from you minding their own business that you believe is an imminent threat to your life, you can just start shooting them? What if that person walking was YOU?

I would not have assaulted an officer and disregarded a legal order. I also could not tell, from 200 feet if someone was armed or not.

Do you have a hard question,

Yeah I have one, are black people worthy of equal rights? I know the answer but the difficult part is going to be if you will truly admit to yourself what you really think.
It doesn't matter if he was 20 miles awa
y. Why are you doing this?
Do you think that you can find out some evidence that the Grand Jury didn't? They hear the actual testimony from the experts and the witnesses, you did not and will not. YOU will accept anything gleaned off the internet unvetted in any way, as long as it promotes your narrative.

Yes it matters. You can't claim an imminent threat to your life if that threat is nowhere near you. So if you see a person walking on a sidewalk 200 feet away from you minding their own business that you believe is an imminent threat to your life, you can just start shooting them? What if that person walking was YOU?

I would not have assaulted an officer and disregarded a legal order. I also could not tell, from 200 feet if someone was armed or not.

Do you have a hard question,

Then again you would not have strong armed a 4 foot 9 inch immigrant. Speaking of which, if the fat black thug was white, all the press would be talking about is the abused brown immigrant.

I wonder, has anyone heard from that poor guy, whose store was then destroyed by a bunch of ignorant apes whose intelligence is based entirely on their emotion. In other words animals.
It doesn't matter if he was 20 miles away. Why are you doing this? Do you think that you can find out some evidence that the Grand Jury didn't? They hear the actual testimony from the experts and the witnesses, you did not and will not. YOU will accept anything gleaned off the internet unvetted in any way, as long as it promotes your narrative.

Yes it matters. You can't claim an imminent threat to your life if that threat is nowhere near you. So if you see a person walking on a sidewalk 200 feet away from you minding their own business that you believe is an imminent threat to your life, you can just start shooting them? What if that person walking was YOU?

I would not have assaulted an officer and disregarded a legal order. I also could not tell, from 200 feet if someone was armed or not.

Do you have a hard question,

Yeah I have one, are black people worthy of equal rights? I know the answer but the difficult part is going to be if you will truly admit to yourself what you really think.

Tell us what rights they are deprived of? Oh fuck you. On ignore you waste of shit.
It doesn't matter if he was 20 miles away. Why are you doing this? Do you think that you can find out some evidence that the Grand Jury didn't? They hear the actual testimony from the experts and the witnesses, you did not and will not. YOU will accept anything gleaned off the internet unvetted in any way, as long as it promotes your narrative.

Yes it matters. You can't claim an imminent threat to your life if that threat is nowhere near you. So if you see a person walking on a sidewalk 200 feet away from you minding their own business that you believe is an imminent threat to your life, you can just start shooting them? What if that person walking was YOU?

I would not have assaulted an officer and disregarded a legal order. I also could not tell, from 200 feet if someone was armed or not.

Do you have a hard question,

Yeah I have one, are black people worthy of equal rights? I know the answer but the difficult part is going to be if you will truly admit to yourself what you really think.

Of course they are. And from the evidence this case does not indicate a difference.
It's really simple to measure the distance, and quite accurately:

Those who measured started at the fire-hydrant that was near the police car from which officer Wilson fired the deadly shots:


Distance from the driver's side door (when officer Wilson claims he fired the shots) to the fire hydrant: 17 feet.

Distance from the fire hydrant to the spot where Michael Brown was standing when he was shot: 131 feet.

131 +17 = 148.

Now, there is an angle involved between the cop car and the hydrant, which means that actual distance of 17 feet, calculated as a straight line, will be somewhat less, maybe one third less. So, the true distance may be 140 to 141 feet. The angle represented by the yellow line looks to be about 35 degrees to the plain, if you consider the straight path of the sidewalk next to the hydrant to be the plain.

The police report says 35 feet. And a police officer said TWICE in a press conference that the distance was 35 feet:

(1:13 and 6:01)

35 feet and 148 are nowhere close to each other in terms of distance. 148 feet = 49 yards, or just about one-half of a football field.

The film clearly documents the start and end points, and they can be confirmed by police photos and photos shot by witnesses on that day.

35 feet could be an argument for immediate danger for a police officer. But 148 feet? No way.

Why did the Ferguson police lie about this detail?

And if the Ferguson police have lied about this, then we must ask what else they have lied about?

You know, sometimes it's all about simple math. The Ferguson police can lie for a while, but they cannot change geography and they cannot undo so many photos and videos.


Does a suspected perpetrator who is 148 feet away from an officer represent a danger to that officer's life?

Two head shots rapid fire at 50 yds with a .40
I call bull shit on this theory

Not a theory. A measurement that likely means that the FPD and officer Wilson lied, probably more than once. It's simple math. Either way, it checkmates this part of the info that the FPD released.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Thats about 40 yards. Which for one is a very hard shot under stress with a pistol.

40 yards can be covered by NFL linemen who weigh 350 lbs in about 5.0 seconds.

5 seconds with your life on the line.

Let him get closer to be SURE hes really coming back for the gun?

Run and hope you can out run him? Cops dont do that and shouldnt.

Whatever. One less thug.
Your last sentence outed you.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
It doesn't matter if he was 20 miles awa
y. Why are you doing this?
Do you think that you can find out some evidence that the Grand Jury didn't? They hear the actual testimony from the experts and the witnesses, you did not and will not. YOU will accept anything gleaned off the internet unvetted in any way, as long as it promotes your narrative.

Yes it matters. You can't claim an imminent threat to your life if that threat is nowhere near you. So if you see a person walking on a sidewalk 200 feet away from you minding their own business that you believe is an imminent threat to your life, you can just start shooting them? What if that person walking was YOU?

I would not have assaulted an officer and disregarded a legal order. I also could not tell, from 200 feet if someone was armed or not.

Do you have a hard question,

Then again you would not have strong armed a 4 foot 9 inch immigrant. Speaking of which, if the fat black thug was white, all the press would be talking about is the abused brown immigrant.

I wonder, has anyone heard from that poor guy, whose store was then destroyed by a bunch of ignorant apes whose intelligence is based entirely on their emotion. In other words animals.
"Apes". Tells us everything we need to know about your worldview.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

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